fiA OTaKTYF. VWyrnTt mcr'TT7T-r WEDNESDAY, DECLMDKll V, 1910:- PAGE TIIi;Ei, Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon Li VX iJm Jul K...J l am i u ; j II A I ill . . .1 - TO OE SHOOT F. & A, M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. JOHN 8. HODGIN, W. M. 'fC- WILLIAMS, Secretar. ;. p. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington, avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially In tited to attend. : DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex Rul. HUGH McCALL, Rec Sec VOODMEN OF THE, .WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 163 W- 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. N2HI ACKLE3, C. C. J. It KEENEY. Clerk. f. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the L O. 0. F. hall. "All visiting i . f .11. ' - REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. 6C meets every evening in the I. 0. C. F. hall. . AM visiting members are Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. O. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Sec 1 : ; . KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cros. Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday night In Castle hall, (old Elk's halL, A Pythian welcome to all vlsltta Knights. ; V 'V . -- -. , jess paul;' a c. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. & 8. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E ' C. holds stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. . f ' MARY A. WARWICK. Sec PAULINE EDERIZ2B, W. M. attend. I. R. SNOOK. C. S. E. COS, Clerk. WOMEN. OF -WOODCRAFT -CranoV Ronde Circle No. 47 meets every first , and third Thursday evealajs 'm ike inouut t tne 1. O. O. F. tall All vlsltlag members are welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, Q. M. ; LIZZIE ELLSWORTH; - Clerk, SEXTI.VEXT IX FAYOR MORE AC TIOX AXD LESS ORATORY. . . ' ' Xctking But Appropriations to Claim Attention of the Solons. That's yhai They All Say It's Good ForWhat AOs You company Part of the, plan to limit the ses sion of the, legislature to not more than 20 days, Instead of 140, is to in sist that all bills carrying an appro priation and designed to go Into the appropriation measure must be pre pared and ready for introduction within the. first few days of the ses-' slon, says the Telegram. . , ' In addition to this there will be a resolution designating tjie last day on which new bills can be introduced. To make the legislature smooth sailing and business-like, all measures of importance, of .which there "are but three or four, will be carefully pre- Appointment of committees. f by; the president and speaker can be accom plished in a day, and once these are announced and bills distributed, the lawmakers can get down to bus iness wilthout delay, i . ' 1 In a 40-day session, at least half the time is wasted on; the Introduc tion and consideration of measures which never J become laws. These measures clutter, the committees and kill valuable time. For Instance, in the session of 1909 there were 698 bills introduced la the session of 1907 there were .700 bills introduced. In the 1909 session a large percentage of the measures were Balary gTab bills and several days were consumed in the Normal school appropriation act. For the coming session the amount of real legislation called for is In sufficient., There are not half a dozen measures In contemplation Which are of state-wide interest, and these .are now being drafted so as to be ready for , Introduction without delay. With so many busness men and profession al men occupying seats In the coming legislature, the wish to curtail the length of the usual Bession and con fine the work to the barest needed leg ed legislation In general. Men with business affairs are heavy losers -by attending a long "session and' thwo who have no particular private busi ness cannot well afford the ' expense entailed by 40 days, when fhe pay is $3 and expenses $5. ') .The quicker the work of the legis lature can be. disposed of and the members return to their homes and private affairs, the more satisfied the majority ; will be. Letters are being exchanged between the various rep resentatives and senators sounding the sentiment for a short session, and eo far as known, there is not a mem ber who does not heartily Indorse tlo plan to be "short and quick with ,the eessloa of 1911. So far as legislation goes, , there is less for the coming session to undertake than any pre vious session for several years.' o I -3 CVn v"3 M Kinds of Cfy, Farm Fruit md Stock Propositions. Several Busine&Op?. ppjfii n f es'iiaf . ivi f f lear Invesfigaf Ion i,mwi3 ttt i'il. OfHco 100 Elm St;, La;Granc!ovOn 1 '' CPF t 1 WWpime ' LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER ' ' When tn. need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, :V cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewelry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing Vv ''first quatlty fwilt , : ;; If your eye tro uble yoa, have them fitted by aa opl Oddos the U. 8. Land Office. Adams In. ''" Special School . Meeting. . ... , ; , Notice I is hereby, gken to the, le gal voters of School District No. One of Union County, State of Oregon, that a Special School Meeting- of said District will be held t at Old High School building in said District on the 10th day of December, 1910, at 2 o'clock . in the afternoon for the fol lowing objects To vote on the prop osition of levying a tax for the main tenance; and for the other necessary expenses of the District; and for the payment 'of interest on the bonded debt of the district and for the pay ment of ibonds of the district and for payment of debt of the district. . ; Dated this 28tK day of November, i9io.;,' i i - ' -, . -.''. : ! HENRY HENSON, : Chairman Board of Directors: . Attest: ARTHUR C, WILLIAMS, :. . District Clerk. Get the Genuine Always. A substitute is a dangerous make shift especially in medjeine. The gen uine Foley's , Honey and Tar cures roughs and colds quickly and Is in a yellow package, contains no opiates end is safe and certain in results. HillB Drug Store. . " V' I do strictly a coirmtgslon business; no padded .. Add., for $1,000, with easy terms. Prices; Your property will be sold at exactly the. lo4730 Price you nlace on it when listing it with me. f ' 33. 3, Block B8. Chaplin', Add.l Price you want to buy, sell, rent or exchange come in and fG00, 350 down and balance can run for three years. talk it over with me. I keep in touch with the best , bargains on the market and will at all times be glad to show you. We Invite you to read carefully the following listings and then come In and tell ub what . you want. - ' City Property No. 39 Six room house with pantry, first class condition, stone foundation with cellar, woodshed, chicken house with yard fenced, city water and well, fruit trees. Lot 140 on Adams by 200 feet on Cherry. Price, $2,500. Terms. ,s..,; No. 41 Good two story house situated south eiid of 4th St., nine rooms papered, ;palnted and Btone foun dation, wired, barn room for eight head of stock, 16 - tons of hay, chicken house and Woodshed, 200 fruit trees, all fenced. Price $3,100. ; Terms. , - , 7 ; No. 35. On U Avenue. I have a 1 acre tract; good five room house with stone foundation, city : water and water right, barn room for three head of , stock, chicken house, fruit trees and berry patch, good soil." Price $2,850. .Small payments. ' , No. 31. South La Grande, Cor. 2nd and D St Sev en room two story house, bath and city waer; also water for Irrigating, barn and chicken house. Price $2,300. Terms $250 down. , , No. 65 On east Adams Ave.; lot 60x114, good four ',, room house, woodshed, city water, nice lawn. Price . $1,500. $1,000 down. ' No. 65 1-2 New house and two good lots, five , rooms, bath and ..toilet, very nicely arranged, and strictly modern. Price $2,000. (r , ,- ,. - No. 13. Four room house on North Spruce, two . . lota, woodshed ; and. cellar, city water In yard and 'sewer runs in front of place, near school. , Price , t $1,100. Termi. " Net 43. House East Adams Ave. Eight room plas- . tered house facing north, stone foundation and base-" ment, lot 60xll0.y Pric $2,100. ),.;,, ; 4 No. 40. Fraction of lot 1 and all of 3-4-5 in block , 3, Arnolds Add.. D. St. Seven room house with ctoae ,., foundation and cellar," barn for four head of stock, , : two good chicken houses and about 20 fruit trees, ' city water and well. Prke $188. .. Terms: 1 ' p No, 43 Madison and Fir; lot 45x110, five room' chouse, stone foundation and cellar, city water and ..barn, Prce$l,400. Terms , y,, V' : ll No. 47-Fine large two story house with basement , : Cull size of house, three large bed rooms up-stairs, " well built and double papered, shingled and painted -' two years ago, hot and cold water, bath and toilet , can be heated with furnace. Henry Henson's home. 1 , Price $4,250. ; Terms. v. ',. No. 37 In Sunnyslde Add., and in reach of steady ' employment, eight room new 'house, cellar, wood 'ehod and outbuildings. Lot 40x120. Price $1)00. Terms very easy. ' . . . !: Na 67. On east Adams Ave. 1 lot 60x114 and good four , room house, very good location for $1,400. -.Terms. , . - . ' No. 53. No. 2110 First street there la a good five room house and one lot 60x110 which can be bought for $1,750. , ';, ' , ;; . . " '.. .' 1 No. 21 1-2. One fourth block and four room hous'i on Fourth street which can be purchased for $1,00'. , $100 down. . .' ' . No. 55. One fourth block and a good four room h.mse J on Fourth street which can be purchased for $830. $300 down. ... . . , No. 7. Four room house, Monroe Ave., nice barn and well built poultry house, cellar and city water; ' three lots and everything In igood condition. Price .$1,400. $300 down, $15 per month. . , , No. 11. On the corner of Oak and Adams is a nice eight room house; thoroughly modern In every re-f spect Price $3,500. Terms. No. 21. Nice location, nice lawn, and good five 'room house on Wash. Ave., has a cellar, barn and ' one large lot, city water. ' Price $1,400. Terms. No. 25. Oood five room house in North La Grande, large lot. pood barn, fruit trees and water right Price, $1,750. Terms. TOWS LOTS. , ' ' ' ' . - - , I have some splendid buys in town lots in all parts . cf the city. ' Very good lots, for $100, choice ones from $300 to $700. ; . No. 81. Block 13 and 14 in Arnolds and Drays Farm, Stock and Fruit Ranches No. 54. Here Is a 588 acre farm ten miles from La Grande; 110 acres in cultivation, 15 acres in tim ber, balance pasture, family orchard of 50 trees, four room house, barn 50xG0, chicken house and other outbuildings. Price SG,(H)0. 'iNo. 38. The Geo. Chllders Farm is now on the market at a reduced price, 440 acres of choice land, 350 in cultivation, CO in pasture, 20 in alfalfa, 20 in timothy, splendid large house, barn and other build ings. -Has been rented at $1100 cash for five years. Price $ per acre. No. C6. Nice 215 acre farm; 2 1-2 miles from. Is land City, all tillable land, 30 acres in meadow and balance in cultivation; two story seven room house, barn, two cellars, and other buildings; family or chard, well improved, buildings Insured for $3,500. One of the beBt farnv in the valley can be bought for $78 per acre. . . ' , . 1 No. 68. Just one niile from t6wn Is a 30 acre tract, 25 acres tillable, good six room house with , full basement, barn 16x24, 280 fruit trees; can be bought for $2,800. $1,000 down, balance secured by mortgage. No; 56. Farm of 200 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, fenced and cross fenced, 25 acres in alfalfa. 400 f rul); trees, plenty of water to Irrigate first two crops, water piped to house, barn, chicken .house and other buildings. Rural delivery and tele phone, close to school. Price $0,000. No. 42. Farm 250 acres, 80 acres In cultivation, can be irrigated from springs which run through place, balance timber and pasture, 60 acres timothy, two acres alfalfa, good new six room house And lum ;ber on ground for barn, 2,000 cords of wood or saw timber. Free from frosts and 2 1-8 miles from mala street of La Grande. Price $8,000. ' No. 40. 152 1-2 acres all ia cultivation except a small portion which is in pasture, part alfalfa, good house, barn and family orchard, depot oa place and . good road to La Grande, R, f. D., and telephone, 1-3 mile to school. Price $85 per acre. No, 48, 80 acres tillable land, five acres in 9 year old apples, young cherry orchard and other small fruit, good new eight room house, barn,; woodshed, windmill, etc., near school and five miles from La Grande at Mt Glenn. Price $0,000. , . No. 8. The Old Homestead, 160 acres no . Mill Creek Canyon. 4 acres cleared, 24 acres stump land which would make a good field If cleared more than' half the the land,ls level, all fenced with' two wires, log house 18x20 boxed on Inside, barn; good well, 5000 cords of wood and some saw timber, good mountain road. Price $2,000.' , , ; -VJ No. 20. Eighty acres of good land 'near Valeria school house, soil first class, on rural delivery and telephone. Entire tract fine alfalfa land. $73 per , acre. ( ?.-.'Vv; v- : v : -: FRriT FARMS AXD ACREAGE. No. 50. Tract of 35 acres la Cove, 7 acres in com mercial apple orchard of different varieties. 5 acres in pasturage. Price $7,000. " No. 4. Very profltable 5 acre tract in May Park, 11-2 miles from town, well improved with good house, barn, all fenced and under irrigation weter is pumped, by 5 H. P. electrical pumping plant; 475 apple trees, 50 cherry trees, 40 rear trees, 22 peach trees. Price $5,000. . . v , ..- No. 70. Eight acres one and one half miles from town, four room house-, six acres under Irrigation, all tillable, three acres good alfalfa. Prlce$2,700. No. 16. Commercial, apple farm in Cove, 7 1-2 acres of five year old trees. 17 feet to water, house ' of five rooms and two good wells, barn, cellar and chicken house, household goods and 100 chickens In cluded with the place. Price $4,500, 'No. 24. Five acre tract, 1 acre in cherries differ ent varieties, 1-2 acre family orchard,' eight room house, barn room forveight head of stock; water l&eo( wlth pIace' R- r' D - ani telephone. Price f ,). Terms, I have a few business propositions, one of which is a good blacksmh shop, well equipped with all the latest tools such as engine, trip hammer, band saw, drill power machine, emry wheel, three good forges etc., located in a good country and no competition. $,000 Cn b.uslness of 6,000 t0 l2.000. Price Also have a " GOOD FEED BUSINESS, grocery store, restaurant and confectionery which will nav tny inters ted party to investigate. . i.auw bui tiw. w vvuv m wvru.