PXGE TWO LA GRAITDE EVENING OBSERVER, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1910.- EMPLOYES DfilLL Q1 msmas imdv 3 223 COM K IR 0 A m i V ! I ! ! aJl i : on; , rot ; ; . . . t th v ; rof. ' ' ?1 -a. ',, t ,' I, 'Mi MWSTIO f-A T.-A-'PlD) masoil cent piec2",ot 'grbon1 ever placed on the market in any city of the Noirthest v . x Five Blocks from the Busi hess Center of the City The ground lies beautifully and every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with CEMENT Sidewalks, Curbing and Parking and All Streets Will Be Graded ' -"''y .:' ":,.:v v 'P: . i 1 V Positively the choicest bargains in' CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to buy a Homesite is N o ; and Let it Grow In Value !! Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. ? ; '."'-'"'"'.,' ' . - "" '' 11 . ' "' This is a purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of the city. , 0. k W. WILL PROBABLY BE SHORT CUT .'KIKE.' - After This Month, La Grande Will be on Another EaJLroad Line, La Grande railroad men are dili gently practicing that new symbol the 0. W. R. ft N., for the O. R. & N. win cease to be after. December: 24, and from that date on, the city of La Grande will not be located on the O. R. &' N. any longer then. It will be a division point on the Oregon-Wash' Ington Railroad & Navigation com pany's' line. However the employes will 'soon "catch on," and the public will likewise acquaint Itself with the new name; Speaking of the change in ifame and the legal transfers of the company, the Oregonlan says: : i . .. ...... ... . . - . '. All jdoubt aa to whether the recent ly organized Oregon-Washington Rail road & Navigation Company is to foe an operation as well as a holding concern was dispelled following a stockholders meeting yesterday after uuuu, when it was announced tnat af ter Saturday, December 24, all busi ness will be done under the name of the new company. :s On that date, the O. R. & N. Co. the North Coast road , and all associated lines will pass out of existence and the new company as an active factor in the railroad world, will officially come into being. . - . Attorneys and officers of the com pany now are at work preparing the papers necessary to the formal trans fer of the property, which task is dif ficult and , complicated and one of some magnitude. This will be com pleted in time to have the new con cern come into formal possession of the extensive property of the various tcomipanies that lit succeeds before or at the time of the actual transfer on December 24. Change Is Important , While the transfer of the property and the succession by the one com pany to all the affairs of the several old ones is, of most Importance is financial, commercial' and industrial circles, of much greater "interest and of more direct effect to the general public, arid particularly to the patrons of the affected lines, are the numer ous changes in the detailed manage ment and adjustment of the more ma terial affairs of the great railway and navigation system. , It will be a bit awkward, in the fu ture for a man who has done busi ness with the 0. R. & N. Co. all his life to step up to a ticket window aud ask , for transportation over the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Naviga tion Company's line or over the 0.- W. R. & N., as the new system may be come known. It is believed by "officials and em ployes of the company, however, that the use of the initials will prove somewhat unwieldy and burdensome to the public as well as to the rail way men, and there already is a dis position among the latter, to refer' to the new company and its lines as the "0. & W." or the "O.-W." "ew Folders Will Appear. The old 0. K. & N. and the pres ent Oregon & Washington folders In their respective distinctive forms will pass out of existence and In their place will . come the printed time tables and literature of the new con cern. ' . The present arrangements of the. company do , not contemplate a change of officials or heads of de partments. Some consoldiation of the work performed by separate offices In the same general departments may be made later.. It Special Prices tor llmES: trees. Largest; Assortment io choose from. Call and get our prices before you mdgmssMf&cery 111. I ' ' '.. . ' '' " ' hi ' FALLIXG HAUL Uasy to Stoplt and Hake It Lustrous . '( and BeantifnL ' ? If your hair is falling out; if. you have dull, unattractive hair, or if yb need a dally, hair dressing, read what Mm. Hettie Hedgeman of.Nel sonville, JErle county, Ohio,' writes June 3,-1010,. about Parisian Sage "I used Tarlsifln Sage for falling hair and fini It the finest thing I ev er beard of. My hair was falling out by combs full, and I could run my fingers through It and they would hang full of loose hair. I waslred ay hair and got a, bottle of Parisian Sage and used two applications, and I could see a great difference. My hair was lustrous and nice and had almost stopped falling out, and by the use of one more 'bottle it stopped altogeth er." ;.: : i , ; y For women, for men -or . for child ren, Parisian Sage is without any doubt the finest preparation for th hair. It Is guaranteed by the NewJ'n Drug. Co. to stop hair from falling; to eradieate dandruff and stop itch ing scalp 1b two weeks, or . money back. It Is a most daintily perfum ed and refreshing hair dressing, free from grease or stick!nes3, and ought ! to be in every, home where every member of the family could use it daily. Large, bottle 50 cents at the Newlin Drug Co. and druggists every where. The girl with the Auburn hair fs on every package. Nov. 26-Dec. 7 o p o p Q Candidate for City Eecorder Respectfully .'sclIclU your support, 0 : . v;:.;'. . : -' .. $4 44 1 European Plan Only Roojns 60c to $1.50 First class Throughout pro MOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX j : Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOl la Grzrtde, Oregon H APlf " ANH Uptown office Main 720 VfC Vt I vL Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE E.LBiteSEV f--BMMx. Geneval Contractor of Cement Work .: Plain and Re-enforced Concrete "-.xx v'-' THE SIDEWALKS PARLEY MAKES STAND THE WEAR The ouicker a cold in cnttpn rid nf tV less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. . Mr. B. L. Hall, of Waverlv. Va.. buvs: "1 firnilv believe Cham- berlain'a Conch RmclT to Im alwolutelv the best preparation on the innrkvt for colds. J have recoraiucnilwl it to my friend t -w. her all agree with me." Sor sule by t-V. dealera. ' v Gomplete equipments for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. - LA GRANDE IRON WORKS , ' D. PilZGERALD, Proprietor v Gnaplete' Machirie Shops sad Foundry , Poultry Supplies WE ARB PREPARED TO FURNI SH GRANULATED BONE, OTSTEB ' HELL GRIT. SCRATCH FOOD, PR OTEINA, FLAX SEED MEAL, AL-1 'ALFA 'MEAL, POWDERS AND TON ICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT; ; RICES. - ' '' '.: , . ,V; - v.f. wv Man II. Ind. T :r U25 Jefferson AveM s i i sold By Wate Stanchfield Produce Co.