La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 06, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Inspector Condemns Entire Lot and
Orders lemoial of Bad Boxes.
Three hundred . boxes . of apples
stored in the basement of a local groc
ery store were confiscated and con
demned last evening by County Fruit
Inspector Stil well. . The lot was in
tad order through the presence of
diseased goods and the entire con
signment will have to be repacked
and sorted. Not all .were bad, but the
300 boxes were condemned until the
diseased ones were removed. "7
ST1TP nivvm - I
One of our local fruit dealers and
shippers of La Grande, C O. Ram
sey, was arrested yesterday by Lor
enzo Stilwell, county Fruit Inspector
for violating the Oregon laws, by sell
ing fruit without the growers name
stamped on the boxes.
A fine of $15.00 and costs of trial
ivas passed on him. ,
i Election of Officers Held Last Evening
During Smoker at Camp.
The Modern Woodmen of America
last evening elected officers for the
ensuing year, during -a smoker at
tended .by a large number of Wood
men. The locaj camp Is the
front of the race for a head camp ban
ner to be glvea to the town In Ore
gon showing the greatest Increase In
1910, and the camp Is making a whirl
wind campaign for new members. Late
figures Indicates she Is in line for the
honors. .. ". , ... - " ' ,.
The officers elected last evening
are. Head Consul, E. E. Daniels, Wor
thy Advisor,; Ed Heath; Clerk. Ole
( Stageberg; Banker, Charles Harding;
Escort, George Ball; Physicians, A.
L, 'Richardson, G. L. Bigger and C.
II. Upton; Watchman Zurbriekf,
Guard, I M, Hoyt; Manager, M. Mc-Murray.
Chicago, Dec. ft Packers who In
dividually were indicted for conspir
acy la violation of the anti-trust law
today filed a motion in the ; United
"States court asking their cases be
postponed nntll a settlement of a sim
ilar suit pending before United States
Judge Landls for dissolution be decid
ed." v v.'-.;. : v.. ...
Strange Ships Seen. ;
Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 6--Mys
terlous warships have eon seen hov
ering along the northwestern coast of
Australia and is causing much ex
citement here and the defense depart
ment has begun Inquiries today to
ascertain to what nation the vessels,
belong. Ships much resembling them
' were seen earlier In the. year on the
west coast. They seem to be maneu
vering. ' ; ',
tn the future, until war crimes, but
when 'war , does come the ; methods
therein directed are In accordance
with the best military Judgement as to
what they ought to be, and the act
would , prevent the necessity for the
discussion of new legislation and the
delays incident, to its consideration
and adoption.; I earnestly urge the
passage of this volunteer bill.
I further recommend that congress
establish a commission to determine,
early as practicable, a comprehensive
policy for, the organization, mobiliza
tion and administration of the regu
lar army, the organized militia and
the volunteer forces In the event of
war. ',:',''.; " .
I have directed that the estimates
for appropriation for the Improvement
of coast defenses In the United States
should be reduced "to a minimum,
while those for the completion of the
needed fortifications at Corregldor in
the Philippines and at Pearl Harbor
In the Hawaiian Islands, should be ex
pedited as much as possible. The
Pacific naval base has been trans
ferred to Pearl Harbor In the Hawai
ian Islands. t .
This necessitates the heavy forti
fications of the harbor and the estab
lishment of an important military sta
tion near Honolulu, I urge that fill the
estimates made by the war department
for these purposes be approved by
congressional appropriation.
: The president refers to the prosperi
ty and growing trade of the Philip
pines and Porto Rico, especially rec
ommended the speedy enactment of
pending measures for the government
of the latter island.-
Panama CanaL
At the instance of Colonel Goethals,
the army engineer, officer In charge of
work on the Panamat Canal, I -have
just made a visit to the isthmus to In
spect the work done and to consult
with him on the question of certain
(problems which ire likely to arise In
the near future. The progress of tho
work Is most satisfactory. If no un
expected obstacle presents Itself the
canal will be completed well , within
the time fixed by congress, to-wit, Jan
uary 1, 1915, and within the estimated
cost of $375,000,000. '
Among questions arising for present
solution Is the decision whether the
canal shall be fortified. . I have al
i enuy Biutea io me congress mat x
strongly favor fortification and I now
reiterate this opinion and ask your
consideration of the subject in the
light of the reoprt already before you,
made by a competent board.
If, in your discretion, we belleva
modern fortifications to be necessary
to the adequate protection and polic
ing of the canal, then It is our duty to
construct them. We have built the
canal. It is our property. It Is also
well known that one of the thief ob
jects in the construction of the canal
has been to increase the military ef
fectiveness of our navy. Failure to
fortify the canal would leave us In the
possession of rights we would be
powerless to enforce.
; , In determlning'whatlheolis should
be, we certainly ought not to Insist
Our enthusiasm 'concerning
The FREE Sewing Machine is so
great that we are absolutely certain
that if you once have it in your
own home you will never think of
owning any other that if you
once find out the convenience of
its scores of 20th Century .im
provements then the time for you
to think of possessing any sewing
machine but )
O O Vn ifAitn
fOUl HnmA
will have gone forever. For that reason we pro
pott that you try Thi Fret far 30 days. We wint
jrou td keep it in your home to tew on it to test
it in any way you chooe to compare it with arty tewing machine you know of
and then make your deciiion. Unlets you are fully satisfied tnort than satisfied
end it back to us it will not cost you a cent we will refund " wu have paid
on it. ' '
We know that such an actual test for 30 days will show you thav ail other
tewing machines are thirty years behind the times, ugly and full of out of date
imperfections. Side by tide with its beautiful French Leg design, the old style
machine will look like a Relic of the Revolutionary War.
To make it still easier for you to find all this out, we will tell you The FREE
on your own terms and on payments at low as
S3. 00
A Week
The price of the machine we do not dare to Dubluh because it 5s to low that
you would think we exaggerated when we tell you in the tame breath that it it the
-The Most Perfect Stitching Machine
in the Worlds t .
The Most durable Sewing Machine
in the World.
Lightest Running Sewing Machine
in me woriu,
ThrYaitett Sewing Machine in the
The Most Beautiful Sewing Machine
in the World,
That it hat all the good points ever known to tewing machines, that it has
eliminated all the bad points and that it hat a score of tpecial improvements
besides. . ' .' . . '"
In order to learn of the remarkably low price, we want you to come to the
store and first allow us to show you its many points of superiority.
Come Tomorrow and See TSq FREE
; and take it home for a trial
F. D. HAISTEN La Grande, Or.
that for a good many years to come,
they should amount to enough to pay
the Interest on the Investment, of
$400,000,000 which the United States
has made In the construction of the
canal. The benefit to be derived by
the United States from this expendi
ture Is not to be measured solely by a
return upon the investment.
In addition to the benefit to our na
val strength, the canal greatly In
creases the trade facilities of the
United States. It will undoubtedly
cheapen the rates of transportation
in all freight between the western and
eastern seaboard and it will greatly
increase that trade by reason of the
reduction In Its costs.
In all these cases the question whe
ther the Panama canal Is to be used
and its tonnage increased will be de
termined mainly by the charge for its
iiba ' Mv Avm ImnfuaflUin In that tha
tolls ought not to exceed $1 per" net I
ton. 'On the whole, I
mend that within certain limits, the
president be authorized to fix the tolls
of the canal and to adjust them' to
what he believes to be a commercial
necessity. . ; ,
The president recommends that, ow
ing to the importance of the'canal to
the United States navy, the govern
ment should take over the furnishing
not only to the navy but to the public,
of drydock and repair shop facilities
and the Bale of ' coal, oil and other
ships supplies.
He adds: I cannot close this refer
ence to the canal without suggesting
as a wise amendment to the Interstate
commerce law a provision prohibiting
Interstate commerce railroads from
owning or controlling ships engaged
In the trade through the Panama ca
nal. I believe such a provision may
be needed to Bave the people of the
United States the benefits of the com
petition In trade between the eastern
and western sea boards.
Department of Justice.
The duties of the department of Jus
tlce have been greatly Increased by
legislation of congress, I am glad to
say that under the appropriations
made for that department, the attor
ney general has so Improved its, or
ganlzatlon that a vast amount of liti
gation of a civil and criminal charac
ter, has been disposed of during the
! current year. , ,
In a special message last year I
brought to the attention of congress
the propriety and wisdom of enacting
a general law providing for the ln-
i corporation of Industrial and other
j companies engaged In interstate com
merce, arid I renew my recommenda-
tion In that behalf.
The president then discusses the
need of cheapening the cost of liti
gation by simplifying Judicial pro
cedure and expediting final judgment
recommending the bills framed by the
department. , "
He also renews the recommendation
made In his last annual message of a
law regulating the issuing of Injunc
tions in equity without notice In ac
cordance with the best practice now
in vogue. .
Pofitoftice Department
Discussing postal savings banks the
president says: v ,' '. ;
Arrangements have been perfected
so that savings banks will be opened
In some cities and towns on the first
of January, and there will he a grad
ual extension of the benefits of the
rplan to the rest of the country. V
The" postmaster general ' has been
able to make his estimate of expenses
for the present year so low as to keep
within the amount the postal service
Is expected to earn. ;
Upon the recommendation of the
postmaster general I have Included In
the classified service all assistant
postmasters. I think it would be wise
to put In the classified service the first,
second and third class postmasters!
In my last annual message I in
vited the attention of congress to the
Inadequacy of the postal rate Imposed
upon second class mail matter in so
far as that Includes magazines, and
showed Jbj' figures prepared by ex
perts of the postofnee department that
the government was rendering a ser
vice to the magazines, costing many
millions in excess of the compensation
paid. , An answer ' was attempted to
this by the representatives of the mag
a zlnes. I agree that the question is
one of fact; but I Insist that, if the
fact is as the experts of the postof
fice department show that we are fur
nishing 'to the owners of, magazines
a service worth millions more than
they pay for than Justice requires.
With respect to the parcels post, I
recommend its adoption, all rural de
livery routes and that 11 pounds the
International limit be made the Hm
it of carriage in such post.
. Saral Department.
Of the naval program, tne president
says: : ......
; Tdg estimates of the navy depart
ment are $5,000,0.00 less than the ap
propriations for the same purpose last
year, and Included In this, Is the
building program of the same amount
as that submitted for your consider
ation last yeari It is merely carrying
out the plan of building two battle
ships a year, with a few needed aux
iliaries I earnestly hope that this pro
gram will be adopted.
The president recommends that the
secretary of the navy be authorized
to make the necessary expenditure to
create at Guantunamo a naval station
of sufficient size to serye as an emerg
ency naval base.
The president calls attention to
Peary's discovery of the North Pole
and says: .
I recommend fitting recognition by
the construction of Alaskan railroads.
The passage of a law permitting the
leasing of government control of lands
in Alaska after public competition,. and
the appointment of a commission for
the government of the territory with
enabling powers to meet the ! local
needs will lead to an Improvement In
Alaska and the development of her
resources, the president says.
. Railroads and Anti-Trust Laws.
For the protection of our own peo
ple and the preservation of our credit
In foreign trade, I urge upon congress
tne immediate enactment of a, law
under which one In good advances
mone or credit oh a bill of lading is
sued by a common carrier' liable for
the value of the goods described In the
bill at the valuation specified In the
bill. . :. ;, , . r -.'
I further recommend that a punish
ment of fine and Imprisonment be im
posed upon railroad agents and ship
pers for fraud In misrepresentation
In connection with the Issue of bills
of lading Issued upon interstate and
foreign shipments.
Except as above, I do not recom
mend any- amendment to the inter
state commerce commission law, as it
stands.T do not now. recommend any
amendment to the anti-trust law. In
other words, It seems to me that the
existing legislation with reference to
the regulation of corporations and the
ieoiittiui, of uieir business, has reached
a point where we can stop for awhile
and witness the effectlvenessof the
vigorous execution of the laws on the
statute books In restraining the abuses
which certainly did exist and which
roused the public to demand reform.
i .,.!...)"..
GOODS. , '
Both Phones. v '
We make your old coat
new and Rain proof
Ladies Capes, Coats Silks
V Made Waterproof
1118 Adams Ave.,Tel. Main 735 BERT THOMAS
should recom-j , v
Kooerx uawin reary. .
V Conservation.
Discussing conservation the presi
dent Bees no need for radical reforms
in the methods of disposing of what
are really agricultural lands, adding:
In September last, a conservation
congress was held at St. Paul at which
I delivered an address on the subject
of conservation, so far as it was with
in the jurisdiction and possible action
of the federal government. ,
I recommended: That the limita
tion now imposed upon the executive
which forbids his reserving more for
esflands in Oregon, Washington, Ida
ho, Montana, Colorado and Wyoming,
repealed.'. .;
'That the coal deposits of the govern
ment be leased after advertisement tn
Inviting competitive bids, for- terms
not exceeding fifty years, with condi
tions as to maintenance which will
prevent combinations to monopolize
control of the coal In any one district
or market.
That water power sites be directly
leased by the federal government aft
er advertisement and bidding, for not
exceeding fifty years upon a proper
rental and with a condition fixing
rates charged to the public for units of
electric power, with suitable provls
Ions against assignment to prevent
I earnestly request congress to at if
t.t i IT
im session, general conservation leg
islation, of the character Indicated be
adopted. ,
With reference to Alaska the presi
dent still opposes self sovemnient on
the ground that the habitants are few
in number and mtgratory In character.
He Is opposed to government aid In
Handsome Berry Set
Daily Evening Observer CA
.. by Carrier, One Year in AdvanceO0 V
Daily Evening Observer fiC
$1.00 Cash, 10 Months, permnth UtlC
Daily, by Mail; 1 Year a M
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Weekly, by MaU, 1 Yr j ft
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These beautiful gifts can be
seen at the Observer Office;
If thejsolicitor misses you call us on the'phene
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La Grande Evening Observed
BELL PHONE, Main 13; IND. PHONE 1342
Remember, a Beautiful Berry
Set FREE on the above terms