La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 06, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    riGE sir
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1911 - ANNOUNCEMENT -1911
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S J .... -V I.
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1 1 i
i.iatb m 30, 35,40 and 50 H.P. Model
; V TV. '
! tie declared mfnsiir wna nm rnIUo.l
I " I 1 xi ....
1 uui s mailer aivision retained or ia-
I serted, by way of undue discrimination
I j iu favor of certain industries and mea
sures. Little, if any, of the criticism
or the tariff has been directed against
tie protective principle above s.ated;
but the main body of the criticism baa
been based on the charge that tho at
tempt to coinform the measure of pro
tection was not honestly-and sincere-f
iy aoaered to.
, Tariif Board.
' The time in which the tariff wa3 pre
pared undoubtedly was as short as to
make it impossible for the congress
and Us experts to acquire the informa
tion necessary to strictlr conform tn
the declared measure. In order to
avoid criticism of this kind in the fu
ture, and for the purpose of more near
ly conforming to the promise, congress
at ii last sessions made, provision at
my request for the continuance of a
board created under the authority of
uie maximum and minimum clause of
the tariff bilL -and authorize m
board to exaend the money annrnnrtnt-
ed under my direction for the ascer
tainment of the cost of production at,
home and abroad of the variour arti
cles included in the schedules of the
tariff. The tariff board thus appointed
another authorized has been diligent
in preparing; ltsIf for the. nfvpniarv
Investigations. The hope of those who
is to be continued and the degree of
protection to be accorded to our home
industries, are questions which the
penile mast decide their chosen rep
resentatives; but whatever nolirv is
adopted, it is clear that the netessarj
leg-.siautm .should be based cn an im
partial, thorough and continaaus j
tudy of the facts.
Banilnsr and Currency Reform
mrhrvt if tmnn.ln1 w
study by experts as a preliminary to
.legislation,, which I hope to Bee ulti
mately adopted as our fixed national
policy with respect to the tariff, rivers
and harobr3. waterways ami nnhUn
buildings, is also being pursued by the
non-partisan monetary commission of
congress. An exhaustive
vaiuabfe study of the banking and cur
rency systems or foreign countries
nas been completed.
A comparison of the- business meth
ods and institutions of our powerful
and successful rivals with our own
methods, is sure to be of immense
value. -
I urge the importance of a non-partisan
and disinterested study and con
sideration of our banking and cur
rency system. It is idle to dream nf
commercial expansion and of the de
velopment of our national tufa .
scale- that measures op to our match
less opportunities unless w can lay
a solid foundation: in a sound and en-
m I
Z T7
3 for 50c
This will be tha flr3t season the SMrf..n,-. ..''. . . -
.- , , ; , . . . T. '"'.'1'"'"'"'"'"1r ;v" ' -r- i-r.-
Prices $1275 for the 5 passenger Stoddard -jr, Thirty H. P Touring Car
to IMOO. for the large 50 H. P. 1 Passenger 4-Door Touring Car.
Greatest yalue for the Money
od"d.Er,in2:er "gon Reprenfetive:
8. Tenth St. PQ!
Evsrf family hiw ne of k (iod,ilia,
liniment. For r.;n, hrninw, mrnmi of
the muscles srtd. rliiitrnit;o r:ii, thra is
none better than thsmUrlsm.- SoIJ by
ail (tatafe ,
Soo-Spokane Route
TO v '
Minneapolis, St.Pau!
akd all vomn El ST '
j;qilPif..Ti Elcric-lighted
Observat.o tars and Standard
Sleepers, the most up-to-date
Tourist Cars and through din
rs. .
Through tickets to all pools
east are on sale by your local
fgwMt current farf,'
I)ts r Buihi? Ll(r(nri ,
O. M. Jackson, Geo. A. Walton,
Trir. Tasi. Agt , l. fjrn. Art. -;
. 11 ITal! J.okll
In our public buildings we still suf
fer from the method of appropriation
which has been so much eritici2rf tn
connection with our, rivers and har
i bora, gome method should be dmUi
for controlling the supply of publle
uuuungs so that they will harmonize
witn ths actual needs of th
ttont Not only bulld'nis a n-nrm -!.-
ed for by congress which are not need
ed and buildings left unappropriated
ior Dy congress which are neiil
i when It comes to th actual constroc
tion there has been In the past too
little study of the building plans and
Ites with a view to the actual neds
of the government. The last public
building bill carried authorization for
the estimated --ucadi'turo it 933.011,
r00 and ( approved It because of the
many good features It contained. Just
I approved the river and harbor
j bill, but It was drawn npon an Idea
thfit ought to be abandoned. It seems
to me that the wiser method of prepar
ing a public building tUI would be tho
preparation of a report by a commis
sion of government experts whose du
ty It should be to report to congress
the government's needs nl the way 0f
the construction of public bulldlnfs
with the addwl function of Including
In thPlr recommendation the relative
i Itnwrtance of th various projects,
j Kevenoes.
J Th's sppms the proper place to c on
i n,)(r the opratlon of the existing tar
; iff bill.- which becomes a law August
8.1903,. As an income
. r. jrr iuca
sjra t-e. listing tariff b:li has never
."V11 "'fo-a ary, customs bill in
ni uaory pi tn& country.
.. The corporation xise tax, propor
'""-a income, has workei wait ft,.
tax . n33 Deea eaaljy.; collected. Its
prompt payment Indicates that th In
cidence of the tax has not h- h.
rt offers, moreover, an opportunity for
"""'! "T ins government of the
general condition and hnin .it
. -...vWW va iai
corporations and that means by far the
ua.wrtant part of the business
. .
m country, in the original act
vruvwion was made for the publica
tion of returns ft.
' y l IBtUU Vtt
UU3quenuy air.f nded by congress and
... ...i.l0r ten 10 me regtuation of th
president. I have dMH s
me needed reilations.
The Paya Tariff AH.
The schedules of th nt
in me rayne tariff act har. .k
J-cted to a great d?al of crltfclsm, some
n just, more of It unfounded, snd to
uiucu misrenresenffltlon. Th
, - - -' v w a.m
adopted In nursuanc nf
by the party which Is responsible for
It that a customs bill shonld be a tar
iff for protection of home Industries,
unsure i in protection to be the
difference between the cost of prodac
on of the Imported article abroad and
he re of producing It it horns, to
Kelhfr with such addition to that dif
ference as might ti a
pront to the home producer,. The basis
for the criticism of th's tMf i
In reject to a number of the schedules
ma r-Asii'tfr winrmfHt a heart Ka
ar v Kia.
come mora of a business question and
less or a political auestion to h
talned by experts of long training and
accurate kno'wledge. The halt In bus-
iaess aue to the announcement that
a new tariff bill is to be nrenar-r? n,i
put In operation will be avoided by
treating the schedules one by one as
occasion shall arise for an Increase
m rates and only after it
It Is not likely that the board will be
able to make a report during the pres
ent session on the present schedules
because rproper examination Involves
an enormous amount of detailed a
great deaf of carer but P hope to be
ahle at the opening of the new con
sress, or at least during the session of
that congress, to bring to its attention
the facts In regard to these schedules
in the present tariff that may prove
to need amendment. To carrying; out
;of this plan, of course Involves the full
cooperation of congress In limiting the
consideration In tariff matters to on?
schedule at a time, because If a prc
posed amendment to a tariff bill is to
involve a complete consideration of all
the schedules and another revision,
then we shall only repeat the evil from
which the business of this country has
In times ipast suffered mosf eridvm,t,r
by stagnation and uncertainty, pending
a settlement of a law affecting all h
iness directly or Indirect!
t - 'J w iu
effect of which nov Is that a business
man would ignore in nw nrA. j
f ujcwLfl BUU
new Investments. I cannot too much
emphasize the Importance and
at the plan above riven for the trt.
ment of the Urlff. It facilitates th re
nonl of noteworthy defects la an Im
flortant law without a diatnrbanct of
business prosperity, -wMrh. Is even
more- important to the happiness and
comfort of ta people than the elimin
ation of inatancea of Injustice In the
tariff.'.- ' .... ..
The? Iniu.'riea which tha
of the- tariff board made during tha Jast
ummer intcf the methods pursued by
other governments with, reference to
th flxinj of tariffs and the determina
tion of their effect unon trad ilin.
that each government maintains an of
fice or bureao, th officers and employ
ee of which have made their life work
the study of tariff matters, the cost of
a t
-ruciea imported and the -flw a
tarin, upon trade so that aluHitnr .
change Is thought to be necessary In
V .ISt - Aai
of the most reliable. Information as to
me propriety or the change and Its ef
fect, l am strongly convinced tha
need In this government Just such an
office and that It can be secured by
mating, the tariff board read annnUf
ed a permanent tariff commission with
mU14, i powers and its emolu
ments as It may seem wi f ,
na, mn proposed to enlarge the board
wu vurr ro nre. The present num
ber Is convenient, but I do not know
an increase of two members
would be objectionable.
Whether or not the protective policy
. . ' awiM luumutwon in a sound amt en-
have advocated the use of this, board I during banklns and cumncr stem-,DUrP-Be8
18 ttat I THe problem! JLZTi
ecncnai -it la nanonaT.
The army now numbers about 80,
000 men, of which about 13,000 are en
gaged in the Coast artillery.
The general plan for an army of the
United States at near a ahnuM ha tin.
of a- skeleton organization with an
excess of trained officers and thus ca
pable of rapid enlargement hy enlist
ments, to be supplemented In emerg
ency by the national guard and vol-1
rfnteer force. !
There la now pendins fn rnnrn.. .
bill repealing the recent volnntao. i
and making provision for the organ-'
tiduon or volunteer forces in time of
far. which-Is admirablv adanterf J
meet the exigenciei which would be
then presented. The DaaS3fr f -'
bill wouW not entail a dollar's n0na
"Ponthe government at this time, or
t ,
u a n
Royal Grocery
Umory, .
mjbT j?2f textiles fan w
par us as! vmt hm y
(Continue' oa page EUhU
r '....-..... ........ .
The George Palmer
We solicit your orien
Deadening FtlUBsUdiiig Paper.
We are -prepartd t, fufniss. ddirer materia. ..
liiumpay;; KMn Miin" 8.
et in iooh. We 5
i r1 Pl"fWg falure, of an land. i
Mahaffey Building ' ' Depot street I
- '..-' T
ju - .. m
ElitcDYin$and Clewing Works
Special Price on Xma Orders! Fancv A
' f