TUESDAY, DECEMBER G, 1910. ing at the request of Mrs. G. E. Moore. MAGGIE D. MAHAFFEY. firm Is sole agents for Union and Wal lowa counties on this line. HE Good things to eat: Dill pickles, saeur kraut, P. S. currants, raisins, Ketsup. Chill Sauce and Pine Apples. Get them at Geddes Bros. O PERSONALS. -ten's PB0EEM.1 "M ' O o . - . ; ' o 3 c7,o it: I ill s II M l1 "C J 4 T . Essany. : . Hnk .nd Link-Take a Rest A Bouqnie1.. , , . ' . lJn Spieewald, Prussia. Urban The Signet Ring. . ' . ! , The Nine -of Diamonds Vita-, graph. . . ..' ., . So"g Cannibal Isle. . Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons ot the matinee. See dis play In lobby. mm iic- A special sale of goldfish s now ou at the Silverthorne Family Drug store. The Fish range in price from 25c to to 50c. ' - . l LOCALS O 0 We do all kinds of furniture and ' carpet work, unholsterlng and vac uum bouse cleaning. Call I L, Bell- later, phonei Red-682 and Red-141. The regular meeting' of the Ladles Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. Rals ton, corner 9th and Washington ave nue, There is work on hand and after a brief business session there will he work for all. Sale ot Fancy work and Cooked Food. The ladies of St. Peters' Guild will hold a Bale of fancy work suitable for Christmas presents, and also cooked food on Saturday, December 10, in the sample room of the Sommer House adjoining Polack's : grocery. Every lady belonging to the parish whether a member of the guild or not, is re quested,, to donate a dollar's worth of articles for the sale. v ,; : ' Per order of the President of the Guild... t ' Cold weather's coming. Want -an accurate thermometer so you can watch the mercury drop? We've a big stock of the accurate kind. You. can quote their figures and. know you're right 25c to $2.50. Newlln Drug Co. If your doctor does - not recom menf your bringing his prescription to ns it's because he doesn't want to appear partial. He knows, however, that better prescription service than ours is unobtainable. He will be glad if you do come here. Newlln Drug Co. ', 'X- Your dollar is worth a dollar when you buy wood from McLeod and Pal mer. A great big load of dry wood at a price everybody can pay. Phone Main 757 or Independent 1502. ,-. Read in December Sunset Magazine San Francisco The Exposition City. Superbly Illustrated In four colors Now on ' sale All News Stands 15 cents.- '. ; V ' '. ' ' ; Satisfaction or money hack Drug Co. ..' 1 -Newlln Tjils is to notify all material men and contractors and mechanics, that I will not be responsible ftir any ma terial or labor performed on my build Bolton & Bodmer Co.' are today "un loading a car of Henney buggies. This Do Not Be Misled No Extra Charge for Examination 29 years of (practical experience " IN FITTING GLASSES , ; is at your service and the prices are lower than elsewhere for the material and service you get of Dr. Mendelsohn. Dr. Mendelsohn is endorsed by all the leading occullsts of the Pacific coast and by all the physicians of La Grande; ' '" SKILL, REPUTATION ' '. ..".': -AND HONESTY should be taken into consideration to have your 'eyes rightly fitted. ; The satisfaction of thoSe we have served is your guarantee that we will serve you satisfactorily. - , , All broken glasses repaired while yon wait : ' : Office hours, 9:00 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by appoint ment.' .' A "' a ' DILf -P MENDELSOHN DOCTOR OF OPTICS . AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. 1 FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING. ; E, B. Morelock ot Portland is reg istered at the Savoy. . S, R. Stone of Palmer Junction Is. registered at the Savoy. ' Joe Clemens, the game 'warden is over from Wallowa today. , J. W. Oliver, the Insurance man was In Imbler today on business mat ters. ... ; '.,'! t ' ...... .Turner Oliver, the attorney, went to Joseph this morning on legal busi ness. v. . ' : - Fireman Kinzie is on a lay-off and went to Joseph, this morning, riding in the coach instead of the cab. Mrs. J. W. Scott'is down from Hil gard today, the guest of Mrs. Oscar Jackson and other friends. W. R. Klvette went to Enterprise today to attend to matters pertain ing to his lumber business. ', L. B. Stearns, the court bailiff ar rived yesterday from Cove and went on duty this , morning. ' Ralph Reynolds left last evening for .'Portland and CorvaUIs. -He . in tends to "be gone about one month. . ' Alice J. Knight,, a deaconess In the Episcopal church for the Eastern Ore gon diocese is in La Grande today on church matters. , ;.' Mike Nelson of Elgin, was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. Wilson and Julius Fisher, will leave soon for the Seven Nations mine In the Carson district. . "' ''.' ''". -.v Carl Dittebrandt arrived home this morning where he spent several days buying new automobhe for the Ditte brandt garage. ' : ' ; ':;tl. R. Wilson, manager of the Wal lowa electric plant, is here spending the day .'.'while transacting business matters. Ve plans to return tomorrow, j John Shoemaker, R. C. Mays, H.; D. Spencer and Fred E. Smth. all of El gin, arrived this afternoon on busi ness matters and are at the. Sommer. F. D. McCully, the Joseph mer chant is stopping at the Sommer this afternoon,: having arrived from his town on the afternoon train. ' !: E. Thorsen, proprietor of the Blue Front, and a former resident of this city, who has been living in Seattle of late, is in the city visiting friends and looking after property interests. Register F. C. Bramwell leaves to morrow for Portland where he will appear as a witness in a minor case before the federal grand Jury. T5e case Is a very minor one, involving 11V u a HAS BEGUN and the Golden Rule is crovded vith Earrcr Purchasers o lpll-iti ;-;' ;i'te' i The answer is an easy one. Take one Joolt at our elegant goods, the remark able creations for Holiday Of ferings, the splendid lines of higK d ais Wing Dishes,;Etc, and then note the reason able price attached. That why the Golden Rule it doing the business. Come at once - v and get your complete list of presents from under our roof. THE GOLDEN RULE G OlflPA "THE GIRL CHILD" Strickiand W. CHUIan, BroUier of Doctor J. D. Gillllan of La Grande, i : ruhllshes Xew Classic. 1 . The most spontaneous irrepressible effervescent humorist in America to day is probabl that tall author of "Said Finnlgin to Flannlgan;" Strick land W. Gillllan is more than a mere Jokesmith who pounds out stuff for the press. He is actually a real sympa thetic temperamental genius ."who would be a great musician1 if he could only learn" to play for he Is full of mu- some wood cut on what is alleged to lf tm h,gher reaim of splrit wher5 an artist's touch turns the common folks into patron saints and paves heaven with the flowers, from ; the country wayside. :'' . ' B&ck of Gillllan's fun Is the real 'Our store-is In Holiday' At tire, and anybody that . Is look -ing for a Christmas remem brance for a "Him" can find any number of (choice things here that will' be appropriate-: and "just" the things." j ; We make the wants of Men and Boys our. study, so far as their Outfitting is concerned, . and so we ask ;. - WHERE WOULD IOC BE KOBE APT TO FIJiD A GIFT 'appeopbjate fob map THAN EIGHT HEBE! Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, House Coats, Bath Robes, Pa Jamas, Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Umbrel las, Mufflers, Night Robes, Un derwear, Handkerchiefs, Shirt Protectors, etc., etc. : ; .Just come to see how many things we can show you . that will be Just right for "His" Christmas. be government land. : Bury Mrs. Eddy In Cemetery. .; ; Bostofa.'Dec' 6 After a consulta-j tion with Glover It was definitely da-; elded, tat the body ot Mrs. Eddy will lie In Mount Auburn cemetery at Cam bridge, Mass., and not In the crypt built in the foundation of the mother church in this city. Funeral arrange ments were completed today.; They will be a short prayer, a reading from the ; scrlDtures. a reading from her own writings and then the body will be bourne from the , the home to the ecmetery. Only a few friends and relatives win attend the services Thursday.'.-' . ' ; .'""' ' The announcement in jk cemetery caused a mild surprise among some of the members of the church, knowing the love Mrs. Eddy bore for the Mother Church, and it was rumored she would find a resting place In its v TTHl 3fot Contest IVIU. Chicago, Dec. 6. Georee Glover, son of Mrs. Eddy, accompanied by his son and daughter, arrived hire today from South Dakota, enroute to Bos ton to attend his mother's funeral. He said he would not contest his moth er's provate estate but refused to talk concerning her religious views or his own i . . ... Clothiers and Furnishers Ton Vast Bead This if yon Want " Benefit - ' - v ' .--' J. W. Greer, Greenwood, Li., suffer ed with a severe' case of lumbago "At times the pains were so Intense, I was forced to hypodermic Infections for relief," he says.. "These attacks Btarted with a slight pain In the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyzing In effect. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wondorful medicine I am no longer bothered In any way by my old enemy, lumbago." : : Hills Drug store. ' ' ' th' ewe-lamb of the told. . , Dassent ever pop th' question, even V though she's lost in love; Has t' Bet an' wait till some man , labels 'er 'is turtle-dove. Yit is wa'pt a boy, by gracious! when it cfcme' th' other day, But we've got o' notion that we .keep It, any way. - "I had been troubled with constipation , for two yeius and tried all of the beet physi j cians in Bristol, Tenn., and tlipy could do i nnthine for me,", writes Thos, E. Williams, Miildleboro, Ky. "Two packoces of Chara uerlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers." ' " Kla 0 ' ssiMd ri Advertising 'Course ; 'twas dreadful dlsapp'lntin' .; '.". that it couldn't bin a boy. An' th' tears we shed or swallered Va'n't no sparklln' tears o' Joy; But she's jest so small an' cunnin', an' , she snuggles up so sweet, ' y .' ; Withi'er fists like velvet rosebuds J'.f- ' WANTED-roaIUon ty a man aa cook and wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. tf FOR SALE Household ; furniture. Mrs."Jno. Sampson, 1318 Jackson ave. Call, on Wednesday. 1 FOR RENT Furnished roorh ; for light housekeeping. Inquire Clinton Van Fleet, Golden Rule.', ,-, " ; tf FOR RENT One front room on 1911-2nd street. Phone Black 1582. FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room. Inquire 1612f Sixth street or phone Black-3812. .'. Bishop C. C McCabe and Strickland W. Gillllan. This Is the Latest Picture .of Both of These Nationally Known Men. Mr. Gillllan Is the Author of a New Compilation Entitled "Including Flnnlgan.".. ' ' sentiment of heart and mind that grips an' 'er little wrinkled foet us and reveals our own feelings, lat- Clingln' close, Jest' like th' tendrils of ent but not expressable. Perbes andj ' , , th' morninV glory vine Company, 325 Dearborn St., Chicago, have gotten but a v,ery clevef volume entitled, "Including Finnlgan" that ought to find a ready sale among the lyceum and chautauqua people any where. This little book is f 1.00 and contains, as the author ' admits, some verses that are hilarious, others that' are serious, nearly all are philosophi cal. Perhaps his surest touches are given to the Glrl-Chlld, which he gives with such effect during his humorous lecture and for that reason we wish to reproduce that beautiful simple heart poem The Girl Child. . 'Course we'd flggered on a boy-child, Bame as people always does Baby-girls is Just th' useleiBsest they ' ;'', Is er ever was. . Helrjlesa when they're kids an' helD- lesB when they're mlddle-ageS or old All.th' fambly turns pertector for . As It clusters up th' porch-post on , -" a piece o' cotton twine. Never" knowln' she hain't welcome as 11 i ' ' th' flowers is In May; : '," .'. So we've somehow got a notion that well keep 'er.'any way. , Then, ag'In. I thought b' mother she was onct a baby-girl. - . Ain't no tellln' Jest which eyester is y th' one that hides the pearl. Who'd V knowed when she was little , that she'd ever be bo great, An' would make my dear old daddy slch a stiddy runnln'-mate? Then th' one that lays an snuggles ; with this bran'-nei baby hyer Would my life be worth th' llvin lf . it hadn't bin fer her? She was' Jest as pink an' helpless as this new one In one day; So It's purty easy guessin that well 1 keep her, any way. The Up-Building I of This Bank v i is due to the fact that we have ample capital and thajt we iave adhered to a policy wna ha been opnsextatlve, yet alo-rf progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe fooxn for storing and safe-guarding of their money, notes, Insurance policies and other valuable pap era and such liberality of treat ment as Is consistent with pru dent banking. . TOUR account Is cordially soli cited. , '.;'', ' ''."'". '.' : The United- States National Bank, X LA SRAM t, OREGON