TTTO TUESDAY, DECE!IBEIi 6,1310. - n II 1 :., ti N77 7 1 i 1 ! i ! ; '7- IMev Mdst ;Vma J? li i3 si U Kb jever placed on the market in any dty Off- oiwes Five Blocks from the Busi ness Center of the City The ground lies beautifully and every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with CEMENT Sidewalks, Curbing and Parking and All Streets Will Be Graded - ' . I - Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be of f ered in La Grande. The time to buy a omesite is N 6 w and Let it Grow In Value !! H Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. This is a purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the ifut ; ure High Class residential portion of the city. HIT'S EISS1CE. (CGE'JrTitd from page cost) lien of the rigta of American cft2;em la Korea im&er tie changed co&2- tltmK. L-iia America. ; rxSer Cili head the jrat refer to the centennial ftEXlwersary of Mex ican independence; the fourth pan AmericB.n eonference it Baeno At res atd tie work cf tie iteraSoii3 bu reau cf American republic. He con tinue. Durirg tie past year tie reprblie of Nicaragua has been tie soese of ia tercene struggle. General Zel&ya, was throughout bis career tie fiietarber'cf Central America and epposed every p!aa for tie promotion of peace and friendly relation between tie five republic. ITien tie people of Nic aragua -were finally drives Into rebel lion by LI lavleEi action be Tiolated tie la- of war fey en warranted exe cution of two AmerioaA citizen. Til and other offenses made it tie doty ol tie American government to take mea nre -with a Tiew of ultimate repara tion and for tie aafeguarding of ft Interest. American force were sent to both coast of Nicaragua to be fa readines should ocriw'oa wise to pro tect American and their Interest and remained tier until tie war wa over. These event, together with Zelaya iMHMftm,- WHUUgUt sua so clearly to the bar of puilie opinion on that be was forced to resign and to take refuse abroad. Since then, com plete overthrow of the Madrix Cient and tie occupation of tie capi tal by tie force of the revolution all tactions bare urited to maintain order and a a result of discussion with an agent of this government sent to Man agua at the request of the provisional government, coefprehensire plan are being made for tie future welfare of Nicaragua including the rehabilita tion of public credit It graitfie me exceedingly to an nounce that the Argentine republic deyartioEia cf State, as eicial ccca lLUisics.??, to Ottawa to confer with rt; of lie doniiiioa gov ernmert. The B?rDti:t:oiis were condacted on tonv ?es hi a spirit of cutual ac tomodttlin. , The coherences -were adjourned to be resumed In Washing ton in January, when it is hoped tiet the aspiration of both goTeTxmmt for a mutually advantageous measure of reciprocity win be reallred. All these tariiT segotiatkins so es sential to our commerce and industry rerolTe oa tie department of state. Tie Argentine battleship contract Hie tie subsequent fcaportant one far Argentine railway equipment , and those for Cuba government vessels were secared for our manufacturers largely through tie good offices of the department cf state. : The effort of thai department to secure for citizen of tie United States eqnal opportunity is the markets f the world and to expand American mere has been most eneceeafuL ; Congress Is rged to continue to support the state department in it endeavor to further trade relation. -1 cannot leave this subject without emphasizing the necessity of such leg islation a will make possible and con venlent the establishment of American banks and branches of American bank in foreign countries. Only by neb means can our Sorelr tnwt k favorably- financed. ' : ; " " Anothar imttrumentallty indispen sihle to tie unhampered and natural development of American commerce 1 merchant marine. . All maritime nd commercial nation recognize the importance of this factor. Tie great est comemrcla! nation, our competit or Jealously foster their merchant marine. Perhaps no where is the need for rapid and direct mail, passenger and freight communication quite so urgent a between the United States and Latin America. "We can secure in no other quarter of the world such immediate benefit in friendship and J commerce as would flow from the es tablishment of direct line of commun- Cry resBtls wlthcrct wLlch a t.. feet is armi without a bo2y. For nury reason I cannot too strong-jy 0j.j. npon congresi the passage of b aeajl nre ly mall siibtliy cr otier ubvea tJon adequate to gaarattee the ettv llEhment and rapid deTtlcj.ment.of aa American merthant marine, tie restor ation of the American Cag to it an cient place upon tie seas. I strongly recommend to the faTor alle action cf tie congress the enact ment of a law ajplyizg to clra ser Tice to Its diplomatic and consular eerrica, The excellent result which have at tended tia partial application cf dvfl erTice principle to tie diplomatic and consular aerrlce are an earnest object of tie benefit to be -wrought by a wider and more permanent exten aioa cf those . principle to both fCorttlaioT ca Tiy Thraa.1 . , TM Fart Hair Store will pea cp a special Lair manufacturicg depart ment and all wearing turned out will b ruliy giv. absolute aatisfactloa. 141a ilaria Swana, late of Los Angeles, CaL, 1 now located appointment. , , . ome months ago placed with Ameri can manufacturer a contract for the icatlonv with the countries of South : inn nm im oiunt y - '-"1 S Tit Street - La Craade, Ore, construction of two battleships and certain aditlonal naval equipment., Tariff Xegotlatfoiis The new tariff law In section 2, re specting the maxJmuja and minimum tariffs of the United States, which pro visions came Into effect on April 1, 1510. Imposed upon the president the responsibility of determining priofto that date whether or not any undue discrimination existed again$t the Un ited State and it products in any country In the world with which we ustalned commercial relations, ' In tie case of severs 1 mnntriM nt apparent undue discrfmlnation acalnst American commerce were found to exist These discrimination were re moved by negotiation. Prior to April 1. 1S10 when the maximum tariff was to come into operation with respect to Importations from all those conn trie In whose favor no proclamation applying the minimum tariff should be Issued by the preslden. one hun dred and thirty-four such proclamation was issued. This series of proclamations em braced tie entire commercial world and hence tie maximum tariff of the United States, could be given univer sal application, thus testifying to the satisfactory condition of our trade re lations with foreign countries. Marked advantages to the commerce of tie United State were obtained through these tariff settlement. In it general operation this section of tie tariff law has thus far proved a guarantee of continued commercial peace. The policy of broader' MTiA trine! trade relations with tie dominion nf Canada, which was Initiated in fh i- Justment of tie maximum and mini mum provision of the tariff art of August, 1S09. ha proved mutually ben- enciai. it justice further effort for the readjustment of the commercial relation of the two countrie. The reciprocation oa tie part of tie Do minion government of tie sentiment which was expressed by this govern ment was followed ra October by the suggestion that it would be glad to have negotiation resumed. In ac cordance with -this ugge.t'on the secretary of state, by my dir:- kn, de spatched two representath - rf the 3! America. I allude to thla most important sub ject in my last annual message; it has often been before you and I need not recapitulate the reasocs for reccomencauons. i niess prompt a tion be taken for the completion of the Panama. will find this the only great commercial nation unable to avail in i international Tnaltime business of this great contrbutlon to the means of the world' comemrtial intercourse. 1 I Quite aside from the commercial as- i pect, tmles's we create a merchant ma rine, where can we find the sa faring j population necessary as a natural na- i val reserve and where could e find in case of war the transports and subsi-! European Plan Only Rooms Cc to Si. SO First class Throughout Mil D. C'BRIGHOUX Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOl la, Otegon VI ACK ANn Uptown office Main 720 VwC w w ItL Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE e.lbussey CL J, Barley Genei al Contractor of Cement Work Plairrand Re-enforced Gincrete ' - - ' . . - - - . . THE SIDEWALKS DARLEY MAKES STAND THE WEAR Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. " LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ,D. FilZGERMA Propristor !' Complete Machine Shops " and. Foundry ' SII 0 VJ DRIFT FLO UR ls TliE mT 0N m market, we know it-tri :. - AND YOU WILL KNOY IT! Sold By m ter-Sianchtield Produce Co. K l'00 , HHY, Hi POULTRY SUPPLIES 15 icffefsoa flvenw