LX UKAiNjJE, UMU.N lA'UJSTx, UKLUU.N. ' JIONDAY, BECrMBER 5, 1010. '..0 SIS TOIItll'S PRCCRiES- Easany. , .-. Hnk ;.nd Link Take a, Re6t A'Bouque'.' ', . . . , la Spieewald, Prussia. Urban The Signet Ring. ,. , ' The Nine of Diamonds Vita ' graph. '. s . . . So'g Ca -nlbal Isle. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dla .'. play In lobby. , asm c- In? at the request of Mrs. G. R. Moore. MAGGIE D. MAHAFFEY. Good things to eat: Dill prckles. naeur kraut, P. S. currants, raisins, Ketsup, Chill Sauce and Tine Apples. Get them at Ceddes Bros. A special sale of goldfish is now on at tne Silrerthorne Family Drug storo. The Fish range In price from 25c to to GOc. . . . 0 s LOCALS We do all kinds or furniture and carpet work, unholsterlcg and vac uum house cleaning. Call L. L. Bell tajsr, phones Rd-6C3 and Red-141." Sale of Fancy workand Cooked rood. The ladles of St. Peters' Guild will hold a sale of fancy! work suitable for Christmas presents, aid' also cooked food on Saturday, ' December 10, In the sample room of the Sommer House adjoining Polack's . grocery. Every lady belonging to tho parish whether a member of the guild or not, Is re quested to donate a dollar's worth of articles for the sale. . Y ' . Y ,' Per order of the President of the Guild. . ' , The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs C. Rals ton, corner 9th and Washington ave nue. There is work on hand and after a brief business session there will be work for all. Y' business xlr.VoT in the citv fviay! C. W. Bunting, with the Holt man ufacturing company at Walla V.'alla. is here and will return to be present when the Btata threshermen's asso ciation meets here. ' M. W. Greer of Tacoma la register ed at th3 Foley. Mr. Greer will be in the city for several days. As a booster for his city he can not be beat and anyone wishing to know of the possi bilities of the Sound City should see Mr. Greer. . Turner Oliver returned home last evening from ToppenlBh, Wn where he was called by the serious Illness of his brother, Marshall , Oliver. The ailing man has evidently passed the crisis though he was very 111, Buffer ing . with typhoid and 'pneumonia. Cold weather's coming.. Want an accurate thermometer so you can watch the mercury drop? We're a big stock of the accurate kind. Tou can Quote their figures and know you're right. 25c to $2.60. Newlin Drug Co. ! If your doctor does not recom tnent your bringing bis prescription to us it's because he doesn't want to appear partial; He knows, however, that better prescription service than ours Is unobtainable. He will be glad If you do come here. Newlin Drug Co. ' -.'.I,!.".' YY.- : : " ; Tour dollar Is worth a dollar when you buy wood from McLeod and Pal mer. A great blg loadof dry wood at a price everybody can pay. Phqne Main 757 or Independent 1502. Bead In December Sunset Magazine San Francisco The Exposition City. Superbly illustrated . In four ' colors. Now on sale-AAll News ' Stands-1 cents. ; ..''.' : ,v : . Satisfaction or money back Newlin Drug Co. YYY'vY 'Y, Y' This is to notify all material men and contractors and mechanics, that I will not be responsible. Jtor any ma terial or labor performed oh my bulld- 0 PERSONALS. O - '''v.- ' Y Q II. F. Van Riper of Seattle la stop ping at the Foley today. R. L. Collins, a commercial man of Chicago is at the Foley today. . Y George Howland of Wallowa spent Sunday at the Foley, ' 4 . ,: J, Woods and W. T. Sherwood of McDonnel of Palmer Junction, are at the Savoy. - ' .'., ; ; Adam Mueller, a prominent capital ist of, Portland is at the Hot Lake sanatorium today for treatment ; , Peter O'Sulllvan, the pioneer pres ident of this and Wallowa, county is over from Mb present home at Rltter, Oregon, today and Is at the Foley. The s many frlendB of Mrs.; M. P. Mendelsohn will be pleased to learn that she arrived in San Francisco saftly to attend the golden wedding annirersary of her parents. , ' ( S. McAff of Union is at the Foley. Mrs. D. E. Cox left last evening for California, though she will visit at various places before reaching her future home, Mr.' Cox will'. Join her about the first of the year. Y ''H. R. Baxter,, with.,' the advertising department of the Lincoln-Jefferson university; extension courses' In , law, business,, commerce and finance, Is a ; PERT PARAGRAPHS. fpOERE Is lots of satisfaction In hav , . lag something laid by for a rainy day, but sometimes the cashier gets both the cash and the satisfaction. Why do we always remember ,the disagreeable Job we have to do and forget the one we really don't mind doing t ' 1 It is capy enough to pick Daws in the other, fellow" work, but could you do better yourself! . 1. Some persons r vl twwn are too lazy to be bad. i nf ' feM N MILWAUKEE fl ; WHIIIlBSMWIi 1 i i iiriitoii-inli'iliiini i'ii iniii J ' - ( ..- , , . :. . ' ,' A gentlewoman may do pleases If she has the price. as sb Every mother knows one boy that wouldn't smoke cigarettes. . 1 Figures don't lie, but they furnish a basis. ' : : ' ':,Ji Nothing disgusts a man so much as to tell the latest smart thing that baby, said to a bachelor friend and have the same man come back with a story about bis cute little . niece. Bachelors should be fair game. , If you don't expect too much In this world you will save yourself a heap of disappointments. , 'S. To Maka a Showing. Thls automobile seems to be a swell machine, all right," said the man who was booking It over and taking a sam ple ride. "Could you let me take It a week on trial?" . . 'That is against the rules," said the salesman. - " "But I ought to have a few days to see if I, really like it" "But why a week?' asked the salesman.-' - . ;' "Well," replied the man In a burst of confidence, "we are going to bave company for just that long," . . Pair Exchange. - Coir store is in Holiday At tire, and anybody that is look lng ior a Christmas remem brance for a "Him" can find any number ,. of choice things here that will be appropriate ' ' and "just" the things." : ' 'y- We make the wants of Men and Boys our study, so far as their fiutfltting : is concerned, and so we ask . . ; : . ' . " ' " ' ' '" '.' i - WHERE W0C1D TOU , BE MORE APT TO FIND A GIFT APPROPRIATE FOR "HIM" THAN RIGHT HERE I Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, House Coats, Bath Robes, Pa jamas, Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, , Umbrel Jae, Mufflers, Night Robes, Un derwear, Handkerchiefs, : Shirt Protectors, etc.; etc. j i Just come to' see how, many things we can show you' that will be just right for ."His" . Christmas. ' .. ' ' ' ,.' "There comes the very man I want to see Jenks, the scribbler. V Hello, Jenks; you .are. mighty handy, with your, pen! I want you to gets me up some bright verses for the lodge meet ing next week." . , , . "With pleasure, old man. , And, say, you are mighty bandy with the wheel barrow. Come around tomorrow and clean the ashes out of my basement" FALLING HAIR. Easy to Stop it and Make It Lustrous . and" Beautiful. If your hair is falling out; If you have dull, unattractive hair, or if you need a dally hair dressing, read what Mrs, HetUe Hedgeman of Nel sonvllle, Erie county, Ohio, writes June 3, 1910, about Parisian Saget "I used Parisian Sage for falling hair and find it the finest thing I ev r beard of. My hair was falling out by combs full, and I could run my fingers through it and they .would hang full of loose hair. I washed y hair and got a bottle of .Parisian Sage and used two applications, and I could see a great difference. My hair was lustrous and nice and had almost stopped ailing out, and by the use of one more bottle it stopped altogeth er" ' ;V' For women, for men or for child ren, , Parisian Sage Is without ". any " doubt the finest preparation for the rlrvfUiAviff Wrrlihalr. It is guaranteed by the Newlin Viuuuwiu iAAva. Furnishers J Drug Co., to stop hair from falling; to eradicate dandruff and stop itch Jng scalp In two weeks, or money back. It Is a most daintily perfum ed and refreshing hair dressing, free f ZZ7Z ' . ! . pa- . fl i m (Dill . VI I ( . 1 .del i ! V AH former efforts hsTe been ontdone. AH preceding holiday exhibits have been eclipsed, and nowhere in this whole eastern Oregon country has sock a magnificent purtbaie 'of Holiday Goods been made by any firm as that of the Golden Rule Cenipaay, , ' i ' Anticipating the demands of every one choice things have been added un. til at the present the Holiday Shopper lms but te enter the store and spend a few minutes la selecting what the taste rails for. From the endless variety of toys and children's dainties to 'the 'staple,' articles for pretty women and sturdy men; from the rattle for baby to the fancy china for the good mother. Everything to choose from and at prices which are very low, indeed. " Y, ' ' The early buyer Is always In luck for the Unei i are complete, Be that s. early buyer this year and you will not regret It Remember, opening of the holiday season Is the big event ot the year at this store. Small amounts of money spent with as for -, holiday '. goods makes many people happy, Y torn for a delightful TuletUfl, nT TMf(ML A number of articles carry special prices until Christmas, such as Rib- ' bons, Fancy Belts, Neckwear, Silk ' Waists, Silk Klmonas, Etc V ""V V 1 i If? "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi sians In Bristol, Tenn., and they could d nothing for we," writes Thos. E. Williama, Middleboro. Kv. "Two raekaees of Cham 1 irlain'd Stomach and Liver tablets cured 1 Vrr 1a hv all dna1rs. me.1 1 jim m tu 9 t Advertising WANTED Position ty a manai cook and wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. tC - WANTED-Posltlon as housekeeper by middle-aged lady.. Phone Red-156L FOR SALE Household , furniture. Mrs. Jno. Sampson, 1318 Jackson ave. Call, on Wednesday. FOR RENT Furnished , room for light housekeeping. Inquire . Cllnto Van Fleet, Golden Rule. , tf FOR RENT )ne front room 6 19U-2nd street. Phone Black 1582. , t Gas Weinberg, the Orl glnal Burgomaster. from grease or stickiness, and ought to be in every home where every member of the family could use it dally. Large bottle 60 cents at the Newlin Drug Co, and druggists every where. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. Nov. 26-Deo. 7 CATAARH WILL GO. Belief Comes In Two Minutes Com. plete Cure In Few Weeks, Don't go on hawking yourself sick every morning; Jt's cruel, It's harm ful, and it's unnecessary.' ' If after breathing HYOMEI, , the wonder-worker, you are not rid of vile catarrh, you can have your money back:;' .' ' - -,Y: No stomach dosing just take the little hard rubber pocket inhaler that ccmes with each outfit, and pour Into it a few drops of HYOMEI. Breathe It according to directions. In two mln-. utes it will relieve you of, that stuf fed up feeling. Use It a few minutes every day and In a few weeks you will be entirely free from catarrh. Breathing HYOMEI is a very pleas ant and certain way to cure catarrh.' Get an outfit today; it only costs ll.OOffl it's worth $1,000 to any ( ca tarrh sufferer. For sale by the New Un Drug Co. and druggists every where who guarantee It to cure ca tarrh croup, coughs, and colds, sore throat and broncihitis. After you once own a Hyomel hard rubber inhaler which comes with the outfit, you can buy an extra bottle of HYOMEI liq uid for only 60 cents; the Inhaler lasts a life time. " Nov. 25-Dec. 25. of This Bank I is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we have adhered to a volley wmcn has been ' cpnservatlve, yet alog progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room lot storing and safe-guarding of their money, notes, Insurance policies and other valuable pap- X ers and such liberality of treat ment as is consistent with pru dent banking. ' YOUR account Is cordially soli . Cited. - r ; V'Y : I TlieY' United 4)StetC3 : i National . Dadr, LA GRAVDE, OREGON e a ... FOR RENT A; nicely furnished i front room. Inquire 1612 Sixth street. I or phone Black-3812. ' : V The Up-Buildinp