La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 05, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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f.Jrs. IVMiam' ground
V . .
10 :
i V '1
i j i ' ''if
.If you 1erow vhat- ctocLs vc have had in previous
you will realize that there is pleasure in store for yoa
Coa$ in is sppii as. you taa jad: 16 ilc'5cmMy. throiiaii.ih a mrA f '
goods. You Trill eeo scores of articles that - trill' suggest gifts for tliosa you
have to choosViorJ ese!ircjsestioxis.trillproTd.aT help to yon by ,iaak-:. ;
There is no other ito'ck;likfr oara l&'thte'pstt of the gt&ts" is vorth "
whSlt9 $n it ts eoca ti idu , v . ; p. j
Holiday '6njingAeiM 'a littiii'srlier Stack isason and bef6re the buying'
you would ccan ine gooos ca ts to hxy dkji possioxo cuqics, wwv ux uua
mtk by all beans iad take toe tojsea tfl the c ; !
7e can only give generar details of ' the ' stock here and will 'provide
further information later. What we wish to do now is to awaken enough inter
est to induce you to make an early start on the inspection of holiday gifts. It
always pays. You will get ideas, you will have widest choice, you will have a
chance to secure novelties that may not be here later,
Brass Goods ;
Pocket Books and Purses
Toilet Sets t
Military Brushes
Traveling Sets
Hand and Stand Ilirrors
Holiday Stationery
Fountain and Gold Pens
Oxford. Bibles,
Books of all Kinds ,
Ebony Goods
Music Carriers
Fany Calendars
Burnt Leather Goods.
Fancy Thermometers '
Ink Wells Etc.
Big Line of Dolls
Games, Toys, Etc.
Celluloid. Goods
Soap Boxes
Cut Glass
Jewelry ;
Shaving Sets ; ' '
Puff 'Boxes
Marie ure Sets
Fancy Lamps t ( .
Burnt Wood Novelties ' ! ;
Vase3 , ,'. .
Steins ,
Photo Holders :
Work Boxes
Xmas Tree iDecorations.'
Christmas t Cards1 '
Package Decorations
. Christmas Cigars,' Etc.
Phonoaphs, Pianos and all
kinds of Musical instruments.
imtregslTe gerrices Oeenplel leskr-
' Iaj Atternooa at Eftl And!teriu
Witii ' tery aer? and feellai la .
accorfl, witn Terr neaa oowea x-im,4
log No 433 of La Grand yeaUrday
afternoon held Its annual memorial
ervlcei. ' The general ; public was In
Tlted and the ',hall' was filled- Hot
house flowers, Intermingled With the
start and stripes were the decorations
ot the hall's interior. When-Exalted
uler 0. L. Blggers headed the long
line of ElkB as they marched into
the auditorium, and took their seats
on , either side of the hall it was a
moat impressive sight The' program
was especially arranged for the oc
casion and included soma of La
Grande's best talent'
' Following the opening ceremonies
Mrs. Jay Van Buren impressively
rendered the vocal selection,' 'j3ood
bye." Charles Ti " Cochran had been
chosen to deliver the " eulogy on th
uaoul vuw, iuiu tu general -opinion
is that It was one of the best if not
the. best eJort of the kind ever heard
in the city. Mr. Cochran's long mem
bership in the, order aided him
gfreatly and increased that- reeling
in the heart which is believed to be
essential to inspire such an, address
as he delivered. Mrs. T. J. Scroggins
sang 'Promise, of, Life" in a -way
jthat was( whpliy In accord with the
occasion, Bhe won for herself the
Increased admiration of her audience
at the same time touching the heart
strings with her vocal selection, in a
way which added depth to the occa
sion ,'v-.
The memorial address was deliver
ed fcytMr.W C. Heliet, of PorUaiid.
Hla,,jemarka , were -well closes and
well delivered.
, With sacred music by the orchestrtt
and- closing, exercises of the lodge,
the : Elks marched out , to lace the
world, carrying with them the . im
pressive words, music and memory
of tha day. , 4
legislation establishing! the .present
Meyer re-organization scheme. His
recommendations la thla respect how
ever OCCftuWwiM mnrnr Ttl C"
cles owbg to their being less than was
expected. It is believed that Meyer
would request that the naval aides,
who are line officers and replace the
old civilian bureau chiefs, be given
further executive 'powaM r 1
loa Hist eai This If ' yea' TTaat
BeaeSt ' - - ,
f J. W.'GrOf. Greenwood, La.; suffer
ed twlth a' severe 'case of Uumb&go.
"At tlmfca the pains wera so intaase; I
was forted to hypodermic Injections
for relief," he says.f "These attacks
started with a slight pain in the small
of my back which 'gradually became
fairly paralyzing la affect My atten
tioa was attracted ta Foley'a Kldaey
flamed aad I am glad ' toay 'after
slag this wonderful mediclM I an ao
longer bothered la aay way by my
old enemy, lumbago." ' ' i
. Hills Drug star. ' .--v.
The Paris "Half Store will open up
a cpecial hair manufacturiag depart
ment and $11 wearing, turned out will
be fully guaraateed) to. clva absolata
satisfaction SUn - Maria Swano, iats
of Lot Angeles, Cal- la cow located
at this store. We do private work by
appointment , "'. ,
i f..:i
CSt j Fir e&eet i La Crai4, Cre.
(Continued from page one)
' ' . - ' " '" ' ' -- ";, ., .... ... ,. (
. t"?.'. ''TTrT'.''..77rr"" iiniiiii i i I jii in i II J . i.i . i. i n. up., inn i .11 i. ii i M, t
appears likely that this will be lim
ited to scouting. " A scout which is ; Record
not Btrong enough to .pierce the en-1
emy's line can be got as near as pos
sible and then send an aeroplane 30
or 40 miles, obtain valuable-informa
tion and then return to the scout
even If the aviator did not land on the
Bcout he could be brought on board
and deliver his information. The loss
of an aeroplane would be of no mo
ment; as the ship may easily carry
others. The distance value of service
of this kind is easily seen. '
"The department contemplated fur
ther experiments along theBe ; lines
with the helief that it'wll! be neces
sary in the" near future tq equip all
scouts with one or mote aeroplane to
increase the distance at whkh infor
mation can be secured. -
A saving of $4,300,000 in the esti
mates for the next fiscal year for the
Navy Department Is Indicated by the
Secretary the second year, of curtail
ment Notwithstanding this economy
in the past the Secretary ' declares
there has been an Increase In the sea-
keeping ability of the fleet of 15 per
cent; an Increase of 5 per cent in the
average speed, of 20 per, cent. In the
cruising speed and an Increase of 16
per cent in machinery horsepower.
Despite this latter item and the great
er mileage of cruising, the cost of fuel
used in the Navy has decreased $2,.
QO0.O0O. Singularly enough this decrease-
Is more apparent during the
latter half of last year than during the
former, notwithstanding it was iu the
second half that most of the cruising
occurred, the cost of maintenance
for each ship In commission has shown
n increase over the year before of : i . . . , 1 1 ,v :. '
t The Secretary asks ''CongresV for
. ; Advance oa TTeol Clip, r '
n F. A. Clarke and E. W. Rumble, re
presenting different wool housf". are
making an offer to growers for an ad
vance of CO cents now and 50 cents Jn
the spring, on next, year's wool clip.
No deals are yet closed so the details
cannot be given Enterprise News'
He "Will you accompany me to the
theatre Jhia evenlngT"
She "Yes, meet . me at Wright's
brug Store at 8 o'clock." tt . .-
i Eurasia Plaa Csfr. '
First c!asi Throviout
. . 1 i J 1 1 . Lk, . ij '
When your feet 'are wet and' cold, and
your body chilled through and througiifrom
exposareUke a big tkwe of ChamberUiu'e
Cough Remedy, baihe your feet' in hot
wBtcr before going to be4i,nnd'yod tre'm
imst certain to ward off a severe oold. For
nl';,!!d'iHs.( ... , . ..,,..
' 4KB BLOCK Dl?0l
feeneial Cohtriictor of Gemrat Worlc
' 'Go;mplete' uipin'ht; tor-"- resetting ' and repairing
rubber buggy ores. P.:
D. P. rZOERALt), Proprietor
Otfnolete -Machfota1 Shops. . and . FouncifV!' K
.Ill .III-, i LIU II .1 lllLlifai.l. l! , I..,!,-', W..,.. Mil M .1.1 fill! it V-
SNOWDRIFT FLOUR 's iHEb&T'oNTtit! market; 'mmrnTRY
- sold By ysafer-nf
W00 , ' HAY, ' KED; ' P0VLTRY SUPPUES - ; llMS'ifferjin' AreBiie