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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
SATURDAY, DECEIIBER 3, 1010. .. AT THE ' LOCAL THEATRES .V OUT 0 i S. A. GARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. , VAU DZ1ILL5 -PiOTU I& GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER S(0),A 1? ASJ KOXDAI IS WASHDAY. Phone us jour order. We" carry the following i Golden Star, ' , Crystal White, v Sunny Monday, Lenox, ' Diamond C A. B. Xaptha ' Fels Naptha : Proctor & Cample Jfaptha. ' 20 Xule Team Borax. S And Washing Powders of all kinds. - . '; -' , i Patlison Bros. I Use either phone J ; Shoe Shine Parlors "TOM, THE JSOOTIACK" " HAS MOVED to 1 1 1$ Adams Ave., where , he will serve all custom- - r v ef 8, new and old Franklin Would j Have Been If his vision could have extend ed far enough Into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of incandesant electric 1 lighting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. The sage old phlosopher flew hia kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity! but evolution decreed that modern ., incentive genius "should discover anincandescant J amp that Is revolutionizing: artificial light. THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA 1 LAMP gives nearly three times the light of the or-. , dlnary carbon lncandescant . and costa no more to operate, In . addition to this It gives light of a vajtly . superior quality a clear white light like the sun's rayg. '.. , V: ' ' i Everywhere people are having their houses wired for electric light, since the Invention of Jhe , GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It has made electricity : as cheap as It is convenient , Come In for a moment today and let us prbv to your eur wt" ' isf action that there "la no longer a possible excuse' for you to b without the " greatest of :-' all ; household conveniences elec-, trie HgtL r... , OREQON Light and Power Company NewTransfer M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Draying of all kinds Kangaroo I -I.-'.. " , - . ' . ' It , , ... . 1' , ; . i mm- ' . ,. t . . - "f - : - ........ v I I i" 1 1 ' May Eenierul, contortionist, c FIXE BILL AT ISIS. Popular Picture House Continues to Present Pleasing Pictures. , '' '. '" ;, -JIanager Sherwood presented a popular set of pictures at his popular house, the Isls, by way of a change of program last evening,, and both per formances were ' well attended. The popular Illustrated song, I'd Trust My Husband Anywhere, but I Like ,to be Around, made a" hit with everybody. It is. of the catchy, whistly sort that has a swing to it and Is a new one to his town. A Fortunate Misfortune, by Essany Is a delightful little drama 'pic ture. The scene Is laid In New York Society circles and shows the modern American idea that money is king above everything else. A young brok er is engaged to a society girl and goes broke through a fall In stock. He is given the cold shoulder when he is. on his uppers but makes good on the Ice wagon and through a rise In stock comes back into his own and the picture-drama comes to a climax when he has the chance to get back at his for mer fiancee and her mother. A new Style Inkwell, Is a comedy of a school boy .prank that is. comical. Max Haa Trouble With his Eyes, is another comic pictures that is also good. Little Italy Is a picturesque scene 'in the Himllayan mountains, showing the street scenes and customs of that far off country.. Tonight will be the last chance to see this change as tomor row a new reel will be put on. ORPHEUS BIG CROWDS. Play House Growing Popular With Evpry Performance. The Orpheum Is becoming more popular with each performance as is attested by the crowded house every i ah thrM of the teams be- eVKUlUfc. fore the footlights last night drew re ' v " Girls in Tbe Ilurg'amasfer,, at the S omlng to Orplicum next week. peated encores from the audience. Har man and James, with a violin and singing act was even better than the night before. Flynn & Howard, the new team from the Pantages circuit also came in for their share of ap plause and the Kellum and Wilson Trio in their ever popular electrical musical novelty held , their (previous record of high class work that was pleasing; to all, ending with, a patriot ic song in which all nations were rep sented. There will be ft matinee Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock, which will be 'y the closing performance for the present actors for this week. Monday night a complete and new vaudeville will be presented, and Manager Gar dinler has booked some very popular numbers for the coming week. ELECTRICAL EFFECTS JLAJiY Weinbnrg Will Head the Big "Burg omasicr" Production Monday Night ' Gus C. Weinburg will head the big revival of. "The Burgomaster", which Wm." P. Cullen will (present at the Steward Monday night, : , This, clever comedian is the orlg-' lnal in the role of Peter Stuyvesant, the, governor . of New Amsterdam, who sleeps for 200 years and awakes to find himself In modern New York. The costumes are all new for this big revival, and are the handsomest, It Is said of any musical comedy now touring. , The scenery is all new, some of the scenes having been the first of the Pixley , and Luder's popular successes to gain favor. It is In a class with "Robin Hood" and the "Prince of,. Pllsen" for tuneful ness and many 6f the numbers hare come to be known as classics. "The Tale of the Kangaroo", "I Love You", the famous Indian chorus, "Cupid Never Marries", and other songs have a lilt that sends the audience from it m tcward Monday night. Premie lockhard as "WilHe" In The ; Burgomaster." the theatre whistling merrily; The chorus which is a very large one,' has been selected especially for Its 'sing ing and dancing ability. Mr. Cullen will be remembered as the producer of "The Alaskan" and "The Tender foot." ' ;V,'--:' Electrlpal effects will play a most important and form a particular fac tor in this season's presentation of "The Burgomaster" whicti is Pixley & Luder's best effort. In the second act of "The Burgomaster" which rep resents a scene ; at Coney ' Island, groups of pretty bathers are seen playfully dancing In the rolling Burf. So true to nature and correctly exact has the scheme been worked out that the water and spray appears to act ually leap over the heads of the bath ers. Another innovation. will be the introduction of a real rain storm. Gus. C. "Weinburg will be seen in his original part of Peter Stuyvesant, the mayor of New Amsterdam. '" y Jfotice to Trespassers. -Positively no hunting allowed on our premises. Do not ask for permis sion. -Blocklr.rd Bros. v ' V Want ads pay. one "rent a word. The berry set that the Observer is giving free is a nice piece of ware. I Same can be seen by calling at the office and taking the paper on terms offered.. You can save big interest and get the set free. V vEEi;EEGir;;ar;G novEr.::z:; 23 . "'-' , f .s KELLCII AND WIXSQJi TEI 0 Electrical Musical Novelty, '''- " ' FLliJCS & HOW Direct from rantages Circuit, Singers end . . Dancers. ., - UiimAN AND JAKES The TloUfibt aod tie Singer. Evcrinj Prices 15 end Matinees Vcdnssdaya-Saturdays-Sundays, 2 o'clock and All I iclidays ?,!atin2 Prices, 1 6 end, 15c HACK 'AND 'AMBULANCE i E.i. dussby STEWARD'S MoECiayjiii'ec. o PIXLEY Musical WHY THE IDEA ' GUS. C. TTrt TheOriginalPeter Stuyvesant. And the samfe Big'Company pany of Favorites Including 'that Bewitching Chorus of Kangaroo Girls PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 3 ' AT VAN DUREN'S 25c Uptown offica-Main 720 Residenco phone Main 25 OPERA H0US & LUDERS' Masterpiece THE WEINBURG IS IT POSSIBLE U n