PAGE SIX LA GRANDE EVENING' OBSERVER. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910. t s I. LA I t 3 WHAT WILL 1311 BE SEVERAL . RADICAL CIIASGES MCST BE LEGISLATED. A Shaded Llnp, Limited Interfer ence find rnllmitcd Fassesg Likely. Football Is over and from this date on until pome time In Septetnbir of next year, newspapers" will be . era ai med with prospective outcome o! the rule's committee sessions to be held next spring.1 The committed will meet tbie time with suggestions &t their disposal from every c nieg coach !u the United States, at least those o! first and secondary srades. What n 111 be the outcome? Followers of the game differ :is to whit Is reeded, for the mortality list was practically as big this year as be fore the big upheavals in the pi in- thei committee strlved valien'iy to dodge, l'afc happened despite the'r ef foila to ovoid It. It will contimi U happen as long as flying tackled 'are forbidden and heavy Interference Is permitted. ' : ' I , 'The commute no doubt thought It had accomplished something by abol ishing the flying tackle, but an anal ysis of the standing tackle speedily shadows any real virtue ; The Bmall player for whom , the : new game was principally designed, has no more license, If he resards his back at all, to tackle a heavy player I from a' standing position when the j opponent Is under full head of steam. The tackle must be made from the side In order to save necks and seines, and thereby Is endangered the surety of the tackle. .So it la a safe bet that the flying tackle will be reinstated iu the little blue book next year. As to interference, something will j, have to be done and until the game t Is made a man to man affair, Injuries ( will be more or less frequent and fa- - tal too. It appears certain that" next J year there will be some modification . to the Interference running, other (Continue' oa page Eight.) LOTTES PICKED mL LEAD 1911 SQUAD HAS , HAD PLENTY OF EXPEBIEXCE , HIES . . j, """" . . m ' D Gedde (Man.) and Llndsey (Cap HT Reynolds Is Manager of he Team tafh) forwards. Metcalf. ' Ainsworth For Scxt Soanon In Football , - jerry guards, and A. Bean cen- ,, - Friti Lottes, football shark, - bas ket ball iplayer of considerable skill, gymnast of more than usual -ability, wrestler, boxer, and inclined, to the cinders, was last evening elected1 to the position,'' of captain of the' La Grande high school track' team.- His . 1 At I II A. - M t eiecuou is ia outcome ot long perience, though he Is young In years, and his all round work this year In the back field. y r f - v Loe 1 Re j nolds, Ma no ger. s Lee Reynolds, a link In the skein of football adepts, and captain and quarter back of this year's second team, pulled down the job of manager for next year's team during the elec tion of officers last evening by the student body. Both of the managing officials are youngsters who are both popular with the students and able to tarry out the Important tasks alloted to them. Gomplet8 equicment for rubber buggy tires. ' LA GRANDE G)tn piece Machine - POR FASTER GflRfiE OFBASKETBALLTiiADE POSSIBLE BY . Chicago, Dec. 3.(Spedal)- Bas ketball Is to be a more Interesting game for the spectator this winter as a result of changes made by the West ern Intercollegiate association at a meeting In the Auditorium hotel last Saturday -night. The' members ap pointed Dr. L. J. Cooke of Minnesota a committee of one to decide on a plan for numbering the contestants In games similar to that used in track etblelics. Two- planB were , proposed at the meeting. According to one the ho:ao team will be given even numbers and the '.siting team odd numbers. . cording to the other, each player Jn the association will retain the same number throughout the season. The members of the association ap provid a rule which riv th n, ials !n games the i 'power to penalize the home team whenever he thinks the onlookers too obstreperous.1 The pen alty $11 be a free throw for the vUit lnb team, the home earn being con eiderett to have delayed the game. . IVnr Fouls Disqualify. Von r personal fouls will disqualify a playe this year Instead of flv as last jear. More than this, no playr ba w, rned that he Is approach r.t; Ute limit fouls. ' : Kute H, fct-ction I, was amended 4.o El SHOOT WILL BE I Tod Conrad will give a two days' turkey shoot In this city Dec. 22 and 23. This shoot will be a rlflo and Bhoot gun affair. Mr, Conrad has 50 fine turkeys and with the hslp of the local boys this will be made tho best gun event ever held In La Grande. Another shoot of prominence is tha MEET IMBLER itomght: Unions Something1 Occurs to Spoil :j Flans ST. I. A. Make Trip Tonight Though there is a possibility of the trip being called oft on account of the muddy conditions of the roads be tween here and Imbler, the M. I. A. quintet Is nevertheless planning on going to Imbler tonight to meet the speedy five from that town. The men who will go, If the trip Is taken will lor. STARS WILL RETCRX. Bon Grout and Chnckw Taylor May ' Re-EnUr University Sext Tear., University of Oregon, Eugene. Dec. 1 3 (Special) Chuck Taylor and Ben ex-,0p0M. nrnhhi ni. .n ----- f " w j JJIUJ VLA VttUU 9 1911 .football team. Knowlncr tint both men are seniors, students have looked forward to a team serloiipi weakened by their loss. Each cf them, however; la planning to return 'for graduate work and there la p chance of seeing them back ou , the gridiron. It may be thought strange that Tay lor should have another year of foot ball,, but during on) college yer was unable to play because of a brok en collar bone, and hence still has his fourth year to plays Bill Hayward says that Grout will certainly have tho resetting V and repairing IRON WORKS Shors and Foundry TING NEVJ RULES rail that a' ylayer may take i st'.y backward in making a pass, as well as In throwing for a basket. This change is subject to the approval of the east ern association, which meets next week. . - ' ' ., Rule 19, Section 1. was amended to read that time taken out at the re quest of the captain may not be grant ed more that three times during the game without penalty of a foul, ex-( cept that a man may be substituted. Last year's rules allowed a captain to ask for time three times In a half. -Rule 21 now states that a player out of bounds must put the ball- In play within three feet of a spot Indi cated by the referee, or the ball goes to the opposing side.' , ;.' Rule 23 provides that no coaching frTr t. .t... -i.4 - mltted by any one connected officially with either team, as It did last -year, j but the proviso is added that the home i team will be responsible for the con 1 duct of the crowd. The referee may penalize the home team, for delaying tne game it tne spectators act in a rowdy manner. V Teams Mast Stay- Floor. . In response to a demand on the part of some of the officials present, a rule forbidding a team to leave the floor during a half was passed. association blue rock event wh!ch win be pulled oil at Union shortly after tho first of the year. All medals of the association will be hung up and there will be $100 added money. Another feature In this connection is that Un ion will Introduce her Leggett trap at that time. ' . right to play, should he come back, Inasmuch as this has been his second year on the "Varsity. With the addition of these two men, next years' tc will be materially strengthened. J UNION" TEAMS ORGANIZE. Boys and Girls Alike Have Plenty of Teams In Union nigh SchooL ' : : '' (Union Scout) The girls have organized four bas ket ball teams. They haven't handed in the names of their captains. - Monday a meeting of the High School ani the eighth grade boys wero called to organize basket ball teams. Tha following teams were or ganized: 12th grade, Edgar Lewln, captain; llth grade, Gussle Lswln, capita!::; Sophomores, Adrian Gpod brod, captain; Freshmen, Irwin Hess, captain; 8th grade, Henry- Barker, captain. The teams have rented the Correy hall and class games will be played there during the winter. 4 A HERE AND THERE. " A A A A Swimming is the most. poular form of athletics at Yale, accord'ng to the r&port or Professor William C. And erson, director of the university gym nasium, s-'' It is not believed Catcher Fred Ab bott or Third Baseman Bill Elwert will be on the Toledo payroll In 1911 A change will probably be a Rood thing all round. ' ' ' ' Ixok out, you Northwestern league umpires, for big Ed. Erickson, the liRht-halred twlrler of the Vancouver team, Is training to enter the ring and ? Mhr unto himself a few honors and sl.etfctu at that game. . "Handsome Jack" Klllilar. star : NEWS 8 BASKET BALL FOR THIS SEASON ITT UNDER WAY rrof. Neubaner, of the Faculty, elect ed Manager of the Squad. Basketball in the high school re- celved the necessary impetus last evening when a captain and manager: were chosen by .the . student body to head the destinies of that branch of athletics In the present season. Hal (Bill) BohniJnkamp, who fig ured .conspicuously la the great In door game with the B. M. A., Is cap tain. He will assume the reins at once and proceed to arrange the prac tice schedules, which is itself a dif ficult proposition on account of lack of facilities in the way of a hall, and this winter. Material is coming in for he high school five" from several dif ferent sources and the team Bhould be a winner. The B. M. A.', the Lam pda Phi Alpha and the regulars' and subs back from last year's high team, should certainly 'give Captain Bill enough material to pick from. . . Faculty Manager Elected. ' Prof. Neubauer Is manager of the squad. He Is one of the faculty and Incidentally one of the Wst popular Instructors of the school so that ne will find willing bands behind him In the management of the team's bus iness affairs and arrangement of a schedule. . . v SHERWOOD MAGEE LEADS WITH -VT2E STICK. Klin? Sixth in Line as Catcher- -Other Interesting Ball Tips. (By Harvey T. Woodruff In the Chi cago Tribune.) Otis Crandall of the New York Gl- ants secures the position at the top of the list In the official National league batting averages, which was released for publication Sunday. As Crandall took part in only forty-three games, however, and Wilbur Goode of the Boston Doves, the former Cleveland player, In only twenty-three, the real honor will be considered as belonging to Sherwood Maigee 'of Philadelphia, with his mark of .331',' as compared to the .342 of Crandell and the .337 of Goode." ' . Artie Hofman' Is the first to show among the Cubs, with a swatting per-" centage of "'.325. This total' Is sur passed only by the three piay ers nam ed and by Vincent Campbell of Pitts burg; once a Cub, who secured .326 In Beventy-four games, while Hofman took part in 135 contests,' Frank Schulte, playing 150 games, is only other Cub to gain a position in the cir cle of .300 hitters," ranking thirteenth among the fourteen Btlckers who went over the charmed figure. Cubs Second In Batting. 'In club batting the Cubs, with .268, are In second position to the New York Giants, with .275, and just a notch a head 'of Fred Clarke's Pirates, who attuned their bats to a .266 composi tion, , . - It is Interesting to note that 234 players took part in the pennant race, Cincinnati leading bya wide margin with forty-one drawing ' salaries ; at some time during the season. It also is noteworthy that the Cubs had the smallest number on the salary roll, twenty-seven. Indicating that changes n rivrrn I H H.I HI I I I Ills II I SarlalMW I Imt I B Biuf FRESH CANDIES Special Prices on Xmas Assorted Candies. NUTS OF ALL KINDS NEXT and improvements on the part of the chanuiens were not as necessary as with other clubs, The figures for the the other clubs follow: 'St Louis, 26;, 23; Philadelphia.. 83; Pittsburg, 33; Brooklyn. 31; New York. 2S. Of this number tsn played with two clubs. By the official figures it Is shown that Mitchell of Cincinnati and Waear of Brooklyn took part in every game of the championship .schedule, while Magee of Philadelphia scored the j most runs, 110. Bescher of Cincinnati led in stolen bases with seventy, and Knabe of Philadelphia In - sacrifice " i hits with thirty-seven. Many Homers for Schulte. Frank Schulte of the Cubs and Beck of the Boston Doves lead In home runs with ten each, while Helne Zimmerman was credited with-the in ' dividual batting beat of the year at J Cincinnati on Oct 3, when three hits . yielded a total of eleven bases. Mlt- ckell of : Clnclnatl secured eighteen three base bits during the season. In compiling the official averages for 1910, Secretary John Heydler tab ulated the players according to their position, showing the hardest hitter playing at each point of the defense According to this ' compilation, the Cubs do not secure a first place ex cept In' the substitutes, where Zim merman Is flrstwlth .284 and Johnny Kane fourth with .242, but Chance m n.uuu , io n.oueicny ot at Louis the first Backers with .298, Just out of the .300 list against .302 for Koney. I Tinker with .288 is second to Hans Wagner with .320 among the Bhort stops, while Evers is third among the second basemen with .263,- Doyle of New York leading him with .285. KHng Sixth In List McLean of Cincinnati leads the catchers with .298. Kllng Is sixth with .269, Archer tenth with .259, and Needham eighteenth with .188. Mc Intlre leads the local pitchers with .258 , being sixth in the list. Among the outfielders Hofman Is fourth with ,325, while Schulte is eighth with .301, Beaumont Is eighteenth with .297, and Shechard Is twenty-second with .25ft. Roy Miller who was traded to Boston, was eleventh with .267. Want ada pay. one, cent a word. The George Palmer "We solicit your orders" for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing j ; Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, . i - : promptly. ' Phone Main 8. V ; NOW IS THE TIME TO Look After That EveTugn j 4 ii; Rtiny weather w31 tet in toon; We ;: f. have ; plumbing . .i i Izszz and c BM 6 T Mahaffey Building : IVE CLEAN AHYJHIHG, HORSE BLANKET. Work Elfq! Dyng'l and , , x ; : : PHONE Orders. Fancv and v SWEET POTATOES ..6 lb 23c I CELERY 15c, 2 for 23c PARSNIPS .... .. .,2 l-2c lb. I BEETS ....... .. ...... 2c lb ? CABBAGE .. .. ......4c lb. K Squush 2c lb. PUMPKIN .......... ... 2c lb. I SQUASH .... .. .. .. .. 2c lb, I craSiberries isc ib SAokRAUT .......... 10c lb SPINACH .. .. .. 10c lb. 6 1 I o o Royal Grocery and RalrGvu I n .hy pay Rent ?l IVe lozn you money to build, zr.i you pay us asj yu would rent. Mrs.RobertPattison Y . ,-' agent for GOSSARD 'prices y $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or 6lack 1481 fixtures of all kinds. ZWEIFEL . m ; Depot street -1 FROM A NECKTIE W A called for and delivered Ckmnq Works MAIN ; ; : ; ; Sel M eir:S) DOOR TO POST OFFICE '4 (Continued cc Tage Elgitj