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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
LA UltA&jJfc, liMU.N p X . i' 6,(hUN. . SATw'KDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910 ' PW i'JVM : I -TCKIEHT'S - M More Than Kla Duty Edison. Max Haa Trouble - With His ' Eyes rathe. A New Style Ink Well. ' Fortunate Misfortune Es'' ny. ' , . ' : Y SongI'd Trust ' My Husband Anywhere, but I 'Like to be Around. , .,: " Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matine. See d:8- ' play In lobby. ' : - 10c- t LOCALS We do all kinds or furniture and "4 ..caj3. work, , unholsterlng . and . vac i " 'nnirf house cleaning. Call L. L, Bell- ,iair, ptoses Eed-lCJ and Red-m. coia weatners coming, want an accurate thermometer so you can watch the mercury drop? We've a big stock of the accurate kind.' You can quote their figures and know you're right. 25c to $2.50. Newlin Drug Co. , If your doctor does not recom- ment your bringing his prescription to us it's because he doesn't want to appear partial. He knows, however, that better prescription service than ours is unobtainable. He will be glad If you do come here. Newlin Drug Co. ' V: 'V. -.v. If you wish any of the patent medi cines advertised in this paper phone ko the Wright Drug Co.. they have them. . , . "... -'s.v . "; " , y our dollar is worth a dollar when finer. A great big load of dry wood iat a price everybody can pay. Phone Main 757 or Independent 1502. Read in December Sunset Magazine San Francisco-rThe Exposition City. Superbly illustrated In four colors. .: " ' Mt Swell Dress ul for is like outs. i 41 11 1 J thfenkf VES. M. SWELL VHESSE71 IS THA. JfKFUL FOH A STOTtE LIKE -OVRS. FIHST. UECA. USE W& SELL CLOTHIfG MA. HE OffLV FHOM COOH CLOTH. JVO COTTOJf CHEA T If OVR STOKE. SECOfTD. -BECAUSE WE SELL CLOTHES THAT FIT. THE COLLAHSOF OUH SUITS DOFT TlfB THE "BACK 'OF WOUH JVECK. THE COLL. A Its OF I OVETKCOA TS HOfT you BACK. BECAUSE OU-R STALES ATKE ffOT LATE, THBy A TUB Off TIME. XECAUSE: WE BOJTT OVEHCHA-RGE OU7K CUSTOMERS. lATiE yOU ftOT THAJtKFUL THAT THEUE IS SUCH A STOHE If yoUTtZTOWf AS ; Now on sale All News Stands 15 cents. -'"''. Satisfaction or money back Newlin Drug Co, Fresh Oysters, Shell Fish and Clam Chowder every day at Farquharson's ; Dress making parlors over Silver thorn's drug store. Rooms 4 and 5. This is to notify all material men and contractors and mechanics, that I will not be responsible for any ma terial or labor performed on my build ing at the request of Mrs. G. E. Moore. " v MAGGIE D. MAHAFFEY. Good things to eat: Dill pickles, saeur kraut. P. S. currants, raisins, Ketsup, Chill Sauce and Pine Apples. Get them at Geddes Bros. v I will meet you at Wrights Drug store, . '. ' .. ' ; . " . A special sale of goldfish is now on at the Silverthorne Family Drug store. The Fish range irf price from 25c to to 50c. . , - : pOXT. EXPERIMENT WITH TOUR It your eyes trouble you, consult Dr. Mendelsohn, whose skllli know ledge and practical experience are highly- appreciated by most men ; of truth and Integrity. THE MOST COSYIJiCIJfp TRUTH is to ask your neighbor, your physi cian, or any business man in the city. You do not pay for HOT AIR. The service' and material that you get are far superior to any in Union county. Wherever . you see the name of Dr. Mendelsohn, you can depend, upon it that it, Js strictly reliable. His word is as good as his bond and nearly 2200 people in Union and Wallowa coun ties will testify to these facts. DO SOT BE MISLED. XO EXTRA CHARGE FOR ' EX. AMIXATIOX, ALL BROKEN GLASSES REPLAC ED WHILE IOU WAIT. - , 1. P. DOCTOR OF OPTICS . AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. . - FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING. ' Office hours, 9:00 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 p. m. to 5 P- m. Evenings hy appoint ment.' .' ', ' ii;..iwvf Ok store HIT yOUIJf Th SMALL L50HN O PERSONALS. . ( George, Sutherland, the contractor has returned to. Walla Walla.- ' W. P. Crone of Hot Lake was over to La Grande last night, a guest at the Sommer. t Mrs. W. D.. Long is , In Pendleton to spend a few days visiting with frlenda there. V " - Mrs. J. . C. Weatherby of Joseph stopped at the Sommer- last night while transacting business here. F. N. Hoffedltz. cashier of the Sum merville lumber company,- is at the Foley today transacting business mat ters.' -; . ; , Grover Floyd of Pendleton was'-' a guest at the Sommer this morning while looking after business matters here.' r.,.'.-- John Langford of Union is in the city today, stopping at the Foley. Mr. Langford has been ' in., Yakima io ome time. '' ' '; 'Ji ,, ;','. - " ; ; ; '-. '? John G. McAllister, with headquar ters at Baker City, Is stopping at the Foley. Mr. McAllister represents a wholesale fruit and grocery line W. R. Klvette has moved from 1620 Spring Btreet to the Hubbard buildr lng on Fourth' street, having leased half of the building owned by Dr. Hubbard. " " 1 Former Chief of Police L. Rayburn is in the city again. He intends to remain here until about the-first of the year. . He has been in the sound country most of the time since leav ing La Grande a year ago. : Members of La Grande Lodge No. 433. B. P, 0. E. are reauested to meet at their hall at 2 o'clock Sunday af ternoon. Memorial services begins at 2:30. ' - ... When you have a cold get a bottle of ntanlui.l.:.. f 1- T l . , . ... vnniuui vuugu xvemedT. 11 will soon fix you up all right and will waul ofl any tendency , toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given a confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by all dealers. ' r S i Coivir.tipns. '"ll'! ... . V '.lis .isli t'ji- u-i.:' ' 'uiiirtii:n in the raiililt. stlrml -tiatlnu r'n. t!n)U,,:s. Hjonesey" ret urn id P.Ji)iiu. pmtlntf his Mtomncb toudIy "1 a'uiiimtlTpmbly opposed to all yir poration tuxos."-Harper's Weekly. ; :, Off Again. I met yonr husband tn town. He was very much elated" . "The villain: ne told me he would never take another drop." Houston Post x He who woold do a great thing well must first have done the simplest thing perfectly.-Cady. ' ... , , . ; ''';. ; ' Insects. The world of the lower animals la teeming. . In 1905 the naturalist Sharp er listed A quarter of a million Insects and expressed the belief that a quar ter of a million was only a tenth part of the number of Insects on earth. Magnatio Action of the Earth. - According to Gauss, the magnetic ac tion of the earth is the same as that which would be exerted if In each cu bic yard there were eight bar magnets, each weighing one pound. . Palm Win. In addition to being a . beverage, palm wine may- be used as a yeast an insecticide and a disinfectant and it also will remove rust from metals. . . Sunttts. - Some modern artists claim, contrary to general belief, that the prettiest sunset colorings are to be seen in the cities,, owing to the dust in the air. The open country, however, affords the greatest sweep of the sky. , Italy's Tax on 8alt Italy's tax on salt is a gTieTous bur den upon the poor. The profit from the salt monopoly goes to the hnge expense of .irmaments. The arma ments are required by the triple alli ance, and the triple alliance is required by the position of Italy as a first class power. The quicker a cold i Rottr'n rid of the tes the danger from popumonia and other prions diseases.' Mr. 15. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., sav: "I firmly Ilifve Cham berlain's Coiif li Remedy to I- lolutelT the bea prcpsmuoti on tin- iiih ' -t f ir colds. I lmve rocommi'niifd it t. my friends fnd t&ey ali agree with me" i-jr tale by all dealert. . ; 1 mmmr t23mma imsm, w 9 0 which are very A number f articles carry prices until tlirlNtmas, such as bons, Fancy Belts, Neckwear, Waists, Silk Jilmonas, Etc, A farewell reception 'was given Tuesday afternoon from 2 to '5 o'clock at the house pf : Mir. ! and Mrs. Her bert Pattison,. 1304 Pennsylvania Av enue, for Mrs. D. E. Cox, who leaves Sunday night for California to make "her future home. The Pattison home was tastefully decorated with house ferns and the invited guests spent a deliKhtful social afternoon. '. Elabor- t ate refreshments consisting of potted shrimp sandwiches, saltine wafers, midget pickles, cake and coffee was erved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Grant Lincoln., Those present were-1 Mrs. d E. Cox, Mrs. B. W. Grandy, Mrs. A. E. Jones, Mrs. J. K. Wright Mrs. ; T. Ormond, Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. J. A. Fraker, Mrs.: Earl Jackson, Mrs. J. P. Hally; Mrs.. D. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Stageberg, Mrs. J. A. Whitby,," Mrs. King, 'Mrs. ,G. L. Lin coln, Mrs. Frank Harris, Mrs. J. Wade, Mrs. Staley, Mrs. D. G. Frittz, Mrs. S. R. Haworth, ,Mrs., J. A. . Arbuckle, Mrs. Ch,as. Smith, Miss Ada Fowler, Mrs. W. D. i Long, , Mrs. J A. Cates. Regrets were received from: Mrs. Geo. Grant, Mrs. Thome, Mrs. Hard ing, Mrs. A. W. Nelson, Mrs. A. L. Richardson, Mrs. H. C. Stuart, Mrs. F. H. Green, Mrs. Anthony, Miss Al exandria, Mrs. W. N. Monroe, Mrs. J. D. McKennon and Mrs. Dell Jackson. , .;: , , The Lyle Tuesday Musicale will meet Tuesday at 2.30 p. m., December 6th at their club parlors on Sixth street for the study of American com posers which will be continued. A very Interesting program under the direc tion of Mrs. O'Connell ' and Mrs. Moore has been arranged Including the study of Gilchrist, Mason and Chadwick. Several compositions of these men will be played or sung. Mrs. A. L. Richardson win report from the meet of the general federation of state clubs which met recently at The Dalles, Mrs. Richardson was a soloist at an evening session during the convention. Mrs. Bridges will favor the Musicale with a reading. The roll call will be Expressions on Music, by some of our greatest people. A full attendance Is desired. Plans for an open musicale will be outlined at this meeting. ' r On Thursday evening the A, T. S. club, a society organized out of grad AU former efforts have been outdone. All preceding holiday exhibits have been eclipsed, and nowbere In this whole eastern Oregon country has such a magnificent purchase of iiolida y Goods been made by any firm as that of the Golden Rule Company. Anticipating the demands of eTery one choice things have been added un. tn at the present the Holiday Shoppe r has but to enter the store and spend a few mlputes In selecting what the taste calls for. t From the endless variety of toys and children's dainties to the staple articles for pretty women and sturdy men; from the rattle for baby to the fancy china for the good mother. Everything to choose from and at prices low, Indeed. . '., , The early buyer is always In lack for the lines are complete. Be that early buyer this year and you will not regret It ' ' Remember, opening of the holiday season Is the big event of the year at this store. Small amounts of money spent with us for holiday goods makes many people happy. 7 ( . Tonrs for a delightful luletide, ; THEvGO cpcc'ul IUb ' Silk :, uates of the La Grande high school, gave its Initial party at the home of 0 E. Silverthorne. The hostesses be ing Miss Margaret .Silverthorne and Miss Lillian Baker. A delightful ev ening was spent by the old "grads", Inplaying games wjilch consisted of an indoor track meet and a song guessing contest. In these events the team captained by Frank Earls was victorious and the prizes for the song guessing contest were carried off by Stanley Carpy and " Miss Pauline Newton. "A delicious three course luncheon was served., Those present were: -'r s' :r;'Xf ' , i Misses:' Irma Aikine, Myrtle Burke, Wilraa Rhlnehart, Anna Roesch, ' Phylis Moore, Pauline New ton, Nellie Pickens. Messrs: Stan ley Carpy Frank Earls, Harold Gra dy, Hal Bohnenkamp, Joe Ingle, Vir gil Bolton,; Mt. Brady, , Mr. Rosen baum, Mr. Donahue, Frank Ralston. To meet Miss Jessie Hale, daugh ter of Judge Hale of Grants Pass, and a prominent society girl of the South ern metropolis, Mrs. Herman Seigristj entertained informally Friday after-! noon at her homo 1906 Foutrh street Sewing occupied the attention of ; the quests. A dainty two course luncheon was served the guests who were: Miss Hale, Mrs. Oscar Jackson. Mrs. H. M. Bay, Mrs. Lloyd Scrlber, Mrs. Hugh MlcCflll. Mr. C. n Tlarlra r ... W( mv, iiuoo iuauut; Snodgrass, Miss Irene Murphey " and Miss Etta Foley. The Decum club was entertained last evening, by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scroggins. Mrs. J. J. Carr won the prizes. . , : . ; . , '. Mrs. Turner 6llver entertained the afternoon section of the Kaffee Klatch Friday afternoon. ; Mrs. A. W, Nelson entertained thn La Jaunesse club Thursday ' evening ai ner nome on Pennsylvania avenue. ;:' " : ;v .. ' 'v'-: ''' Mrs. J. C Gulling was hostess this week to the Five Hundred club. Mrs. H. C. Grady won the honors. Though only a few adults heard her and the audience was principally made up of high school students, Miss Dack Montgomery last evening prov- 7 Society & ';$x ; 1 h OLE; CO ed herself an expert both a sing er and "."reader." Her leading .reading was "A Man Without a Country," and in It she showed more than ordinary accomplishments. James W. Riley'a ."The Runaway Boy" and "The Im petuous Resolve," Fred ' Emefrson Brook's "The ' Whistling Boy," and "Sweet Miss Mary" were some of the most popular of her numbers. 5 H iCmssriiedl l ftrivpriicinn i. WANTEDPosltlonj by a man as cook and wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. tf WANTED Position as housekeeper by middle-aged lady. Phone Red-1561. FOR.., SALE Household furniture. Mrs. Jntf; Sampson.-131$ Jackson ave. Call. November 9th. . FOR RENT Furnished room for light housekeeping. Inquire Clinton Van Fleet, Golden Rule. " tf ( 1 1 1 11 1 M i l : : The Up-Buildiny Z ftf TKlQ Rnnlr v f ! , W1 LMtXIUi J Is due to the fact that we have ampla capital and that we Itava T aanerea to a policy whin has been cpnscrvatlve, yet alou progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities ; for the prompt and proper'tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for atorlng and tare-guarding of their moccy, notes. Insurance policies and other valuable pap ers and such liberality of treat ment as Is consistent with pru dent banking. . . - t. YOUR account Is cordially soli- ? i The United Stales . HHUUUl ISUkJLlkf ...... J LA GRWDE, OREGON l 5 & His-TrttriS . trtt!frfH