i PAGETTTO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910. . ' i, . ; t M I V i -i i i5 l3) ' ' Tj - If you Iaio7 what stock we have had in previous years and then know that this one is larger than ever, youwill realize that there is pleasure in store for yoa when you come to inspect it PLEASE DO THIS xrvmv w. as rwn as yon caa aiiu iuujs. carciituy wjuuu uo cuwo wis wi goods. You will ceo scores of articles that will suggest gifts for those you have to choose for. These suggestions will prove a vast help to you by mak ing final choice easy. There Li no other stock like ours in this part of the state and'it is worth while to see it as soon as you can. Holiday buying begins a little earlier each season and before the buying you should scan the goods so as to have the best possible choice. Come in this week by all means and take time to see all the goods. A Few Suggestions We can only give general details of the stock here and will provide further information later. What we wish to do now is to awaken enough' inter est to induce you to make an early start on the inspection of holiday gifts. It always pays. You will get ideas, you will have widest choice, you will have a chance to secure novelties that may not be here later. r ' 'tj.- "A Brass Goods . ' Pocket Books and Purses ToOet Sets ; Military Brushes : Traveling Sets . Hand and Stand Mirrors Holiday Stationery Fountain and Gold Pens Oxford Bibles Books of all Kinds ; Ebony Goods 7 '" Music Carriers . Fahy Calendars ; Burnt Leather Goods. Fancy Thermometers, : Ink Wells, Etc. Big Line of Dolls v Games, Toys, Etc. Celluloid Goods , " Candlesticks Soap Boxes Cut Glass ' Watches ' . -,..' ; ' Jewelry . ; ' Shaving Sets Puff Boxes " if; Manicure Sets " Pictures ' h; '; Fancy Lamps Burnt Wood Novelties Statuary Vases Steins Photo Holders Work Boxes. Xmas Tree. Decorations, v Christmas Cards . Package Decorations Christmas Cigars, Etc. Phonographs, Pianos and all kinds of Musical instru ments, - V r'ELKS'- TRIBUTE TO 0 OR DVJ IXroCTAXT SEETICES IX LODGE. BOX SODAY ArTEItNOO. NEWLIN BOOK &; STAI TIONERY : COMPANY ! Entire Prcfrmm, Officials and Cora, biuret a Memorial Affairs. O ; . O ' DEPAKTED ELKS , O. E. Beruist EL ChrlatlaDpen 0 W'm. 0. Hunter . O 0 Cbas. E. Jennings ' 0 A. F. Lewis ''Vr: P. liugMln v ' v -; ' John II. Laughlin " 0 Q ; Fred Moore , . . ' O 0 f T. N. Murphy Harry Neil : ' Q Q ': Frank A.' Paddock W'm. H. Patten: ' O '0 Peter O'SuIllvan L. D. Reavis J. 0. Thomas ' O - John P. Donnelly " ' Joseph McCrary : - O Chas. Mellaulst : . A ' ' 'John ' mil f -;"?. : : '; : O John C. Joyce A- O. C. Schluer O Ben Brown F: Olyett - O A. Fred B. Swaney V Gea Krelger O Tomorrow Elks and friends of Elks will pay tribute to departed Elks, The program has been announced before but as the matter la so generally Im portant that the entire program Is published again. The -nubile Is invited to attend the services, which hinge about the im pressive lodge cereaaonies and the memorial address by Hon. Mr. Moody of Portland. The program, officials of the lodge, ushers for the day, and other items in this connection, follow:,- '" ' Programme. . Prelude Op. 28 . No. 15. (Chopin) Processional March De Funerle, (Beethoven) ....Mrs. Ella Carlock Opening Ceremonies Exalted Rul er ........ .... .. ..G. L. Biggers Ode Air, "Auld Lang Syne" ', . , Lodge and Audience Great Ruler of the Universe, All-seeing and benign; " Look down upon and bless our work And be all glory Thine; Oh! hear our prayers-for. the hon- ' red dead . . ; While bearing in our minds ( , The memories graven on each heart For Auld Lang Syne." - Invocation (Chaplin) .F. B. Conners Solo "Good By", (By Fosti) Mrs. Van Buren Eulogy . . . . , . . ." . . ... ; .C. ' Ev Cochran Quintette "lUrk, Hark.' My Soul." (By Shelley) Mesdames Richard son," ; Scroggln and Silverthorn, Messrs Ferrin and Cochran., . Soprano Solo "Promise of Life" (Cowen) . . Mrs. T, J. Scroggin Memorial Address . ..... . .Hon. R. E. Moody, Portland Lodge No. 14 2 Solo "Rest Thee Sad Heart", (Del- rego) ....... . . .Mrs. RichardsoU Quintette "Lead Kindly Light", (Ey Prothorse) ....... MeBdames Richardson, Scroggln and Silver- thorn; Messrs. Ferrin and Cochran Closing Ceremonies . ...... ...La Grande Lodge No. 433 Doxology Lodge and Audience Pr.aise God, from whom all blessings flOW . ... , Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye Heavenly, host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Benediction Rev. Upton H. GIbbs Pastor Episcopal Church Recessional ...Mrs. Erla Carlock. Accompanist Ofticers 1910.11. Q.L. Biggers, Exalted Ruler. A. B. Rogers. Esteemed Leadlr ; Knight. . II. J. Ritter, Esteemed Loy; " Knlgtt . T. J. Scroggln, Esteemed Lecturing Knight. J. Dordan, Secretary. A. T. HI1L Tra-ji-rtr. J. H. Peaie, Esquire. W, S. Francis, Izu; Uaard. F. B. Conners, Chaplain. F. Bay, Tyler. Trustees W. B. Sargent, M. B. Dtjnohue, Fred Bock. "v Memorial Committee J. II. Peare T. J. Scroggln, A. B. Rogers. ; Standing Committees. Relief Committee G. L. Biggers, T. J. Scroggln, IL L. Ritter. A. B. Rog ers, A. T. Hill' J. Dordan. Finance Committee EL E. Coolidge,' T. J. Scroggin. A. B. Rogers. Past Exalted Rulers: EL W. Eart lett, N. Molitor. T. X. Murphy. J. IL Peare, C D. Goodnough, J. C. Gulling. F. 8. Ivanhoe, E. W. Davis, Wm. B. Sargent, C. S. Dunn, II. E. Coolidge. Ushers: Arthur Curtlss, orest lvanhoe, R. L. Duigan, Doctor J. C Prices ' ". XeUce. . Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the improvement of Adams ave nue from the west line of Cherry street, to the west line of Spruct street ,. ...,.v m Mck, (nu utM uie as sessment roll for the Improvement of Adams avenue from the west line cl Cherry street to the west line of Sprue? street being 'in Improvement District No. 1, la the City of - La Grande, Oregon, under the provis ions of Ordinance No. 497, series 1910 entitled "An ordinance declaring the cost of Improving Adams avenue from the west line of Cherry street to the west line of Spruce street, as sessing the property benefited there by, declaring such assessment and directing the entry of the same on the focket of City liens, authorizing the Issuance and sale of bonds, to pay for said improvement and declaring an emergency" the same being In im provement district No. I of said City. Is now In my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid tod me at any time within sixty days ;from November 29th, 1910. which Is the date"of the first 'publi cation of th's notice, without penalty Interest or cost;" and each property owner Is hereby notified that on ap plication to the undersigned, within ten days from the 29th day of Nov ember, which Is the flist dae of publi cation of this notice, he will be al lowed to pay such, assessment la ten annual Installments, the first' Instal ment thereof being due and payable on or before the 29th day of January 1911. If application is not made as above provided the whole amount will be due and. payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property own ers Interested are hereby notified to appear at my office In the City Hall and pay the same.- - By orders of the Council, Novem ber 23rd. 1910. Following Is the assessment roll No. 9: 4 : v.. ' Assessment Boll 3. 9.' Block H, 110 ft, Coggin's 2nd Ad- f'itlon, Thomas Moore, $282.87. Block I. Coggin's 2nd Ad. James Hough, $227.41. Block J, Coggin's 2nd Addition, James Hough, $228.55. I Block K. Coggin's 2nd AddiUon, Ella Mason, $227.60. ; Block L, 49 ft Coggin's 2nd Addi tion, Ella Mason, $110.83. Block L 62 ft. Coggin's 2nd Addi tion, Ford A. Ellis. $117.62. , Block M, 28 ft, Coggin's 2nd Addi tion, Ford A. Ellis, $57.40. 1 ? i Block M, 85 ft, Coggin's 2nd Addi tion, Wm. AnBon. $171.16 Block N, Coggin's 2nd AddiUon, W. C. Coombs, $317.75. Block Y, 30 ft, Coggin's 2nd Addi tion, Mabel L. Scott, $67.86.' Block V. 89 1-2 ft Coggin's 2nd Ad dition, Harris French, $202.45. ' Block V, 72 1-2 ft, CogglnV2nd Ad dition, Robert Shafer $164.84. Block 6, Oggin's Addition Annie Moore, $117.64. Block W. Lot 1, Coggin's Second Ad dition, Ambrose Wright $143.41. Block W, Lot2, Coggin's Second Ad dition, John Blum'enstein, $143.40. Block V.'. Lot 3, Ccss'.a's Sec0-. T,' d:tion, John Blumenstela, $112;-" Block 6, Let 1, Cousin's Secol, dition, S. F. Newhaxd. $115 ' Block 6. Lot 2, Cojgia's send aj dition. S. F. Newhard. $115.85. Block 6. 30 ft Lot S. Coggias g.. ond Addition. D. C. Callahan, $27 cV"" Clock . 31 ft Lot 4, Coggta's V end Addition, D. C. Cailahaa. j75 V Elock 6, 21 ft Lot 3. Cogsln'i s. ond AddiUon. D. C. Sttveae, $47.53 Block 6,-20 ft Lot 4. Coggin's ond Addition, D. C Stevens. $4571 Block , Lot 5, Coggin's Second Ac dition. Annie Moore, $1155. , Block 6. Lot 6, Coggin's Second AJ. dition, Annie Moore, $117.64. Block 5. Lot 4, Coggin's Second Ai dition. Bertha Somers Eat, $229.00 Block 5. Lot 5, Coggin's Second Ad dition, Calla Richardson. $229.00. Block 5, Lot 8, Coggin's Second Ad dition,' E. Thorsen. $219.39. v , Block 5, Lot 7'; Coggin's Second Ad dition, E. Thorsen, $213.39. Block 7. Lot 1. Coggin's Second Ad dition, J. G. Johnson, $230.04. Block 7, Lot 2. Coggin's Second Ad dition, Annie il. OsUund, $229.06. Block 7, Lot 3. Coggin's Second Ad dition, James Begg, $223.00. Elock 7, Lot 4. Coggin's Second Ad dition. Mrs. L, M. Sullivan, J229.95, ' ; . D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. XUce U Conrraetors. NoUce hi hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, un til Wednesday, December 7th. 19io, for the construction of 14,054 sqare yards of macadam pavement and 5321 lineal feet concrete curbing, to be constructed according to the place and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. Said work to be constructed on North Second street from,the O. R. N. Ry. to the centefr of Lake street and on the south half of Lake street to the west curb line of North Cedar street all bids to be In by eight o'clock Dec. 7th and accompanied by a certi fied check of five per" cent of the amount of .the bid. Council re serves the right to reject any or sfl bids. : By order of the City Council Novem ber 23d, 1910. : :.V' D. E. COX. ; Recorder of the City of La Grande! Nov. 26th 10t' 3 pecial A Big ficdnetlon Sale for one daj only XoTember SO, 1910.' $100. Switches ....$1.98 $2.00 Switches,.,.....,,...;... ILM And a free Massage with every bottle ef Massage Cream. For one day onlj. IBllSiJITII 1 : MBS. PA1MIB ' ' 200 Fir Street . La Grande, Ore, ; ; European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.60 First class Throughout aw D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. mi BLOCK FROM DtPOl : La Grande, Oregon SNOWDRIFT FU )R .'s the best oh the market, we know it-try - 11, AND YOU WILL KN0YJ ITl WOO , HAY. tLED, PCJRY SUPPLIES M25 Jefietson Avenue 1