1'AGi: EIGHT LA GRAXDB EVENING OBSERVE!?, THURSDAY, DECE3LBER 1, 1910. rrr t vvs rr "rj'r""iitcti r, section 2 t at CUHL.M LL all !UuJ ATT0H5EI CEJEBAL RULES T3AT THE HTI CA5 0 TOTE 5t Tf ttilaa4ia? tkat fesnty U Dry, Considerable interest la attached, to tie ruliag of Attorney O-cera.1 Craw ,fird ct the Joseph incident wfcere the town vo.ed wet bet the coanty as a. whole went dry. Tie city can rot wet if It so d 'aires, ruL tie attor ney, in the following written to tb cfty attorney of Joseph. A. iL Rua nells: - Toun of the ZZih lajtant, relating to the local optica vote la yonr conn- J ty. received, and la reply, u I gatV er the facta from your letter. Wallowa ifZrif Drains aay FtiLiiVs te c-ca jli . cz tie eotaaiiuan waa amenied at the tut election. vot era" playlet page It-. And tie vote. 1 expect will be caasaased and dsclar- ei In a few day, w Lea taey will be la tall force and ffect .TLn. undr tie asthority of that amendment to te conization, the city of Joseph tan prepare aa ordi nance regulating tie sale of Intoxi cating Rjoora within its ooun-iarW. and provide, for holding aa election noon- tie question aci taking a rate aa to whether local option shall pre vail la the 'cfty. and if the city then votes wet. It take tt oat ef tie oper ation of the County Judge's order. bat the city wilt hare to provide for and take a tote epos the Question-" 50 DO TELE TRACKS SOW. county voted dry, while the precinct la which U located the city of Jow epa voted wet If this Is cof rect, then the Connty Conrt win bene It order, declares the whole county dry, wkkh will Include the City cf Jceph, and. which order will become effective Jaa nary 1 next . ' Tow ask. also, will it b necessary for thla city to appear before the County Court and ask that the pre cinct be excepted. proTided aald conrt undertakes to proclaim the county dry. Replying thereto, beg to say that the city has no standing to object, as the rote extends over the whole Latest Tnuriltf EeporW. - That rumors of doable- tracking the 0-R.tX from Pendleton to Arling ton were ""grapevine" I snored by General Manager J. P.' OTJrfea fa re sponse to an Inquiry seat front the Pendleton East Oregoniaa to the O. If. bead: '. ,' ' ., " Portland, Ore. Nov. 23 1 Aldrich, Editor East Oregonlan. Pendleton. Ore, . Yonr wire 23 th. Nothing to story of doable tracking between Umatilla and Arlington, Coyote-StanSetd cutoff has not been abandoned bat no work will me t w oone on n tor ttse present county, then the whole county was J. P O'BRIEN. TO (HQ III O TUEISHEUJIO WIST LEGILA TIQ5 05 SEFERAL TCHCS. not be grown as w:i here aa any I where, and with irrigation. wrtJi te tie ht prJ'JCsi anywhere. Tkat grown here this sammer waj a trife too bride, but with more moisture it wodi be as good aa any." Eeetlay ef Thmleraea Here te Oat Use Proposed Laws fer 5x Ler ' ... Islatare. STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE IVIOI t. iqay,juiec. PIXLEY & LUDERS' Musical Masterpiece THE IS IT POSSIBLE WHY THE IDEA GUS.C.WE1NBURG - The Original Peter Stuyretant And the same Big Company pany of Favorites Including that Bewitching Chorus of Kangaroo Girls Laws which will be placed before the next session of the legislature In regards to the threahencen's Indus try, will be outlined at the meeting to be held in this city. December 9th and 10th- This convention, the second anneal erect In the Threshermen's as sociation history. Is therefore the most important etent in the eyes of the threshermen of the state, that baa occurred In many years. . Among the laws to be dlscn&sed are the bridge planking measures, the In spection of boilers, licensing engin eers and a half dozen other Import ant pieces of needed legislation. TTrt program as arranged by Phillip A. Bates, secretary and - Arthur B. Flint, president, calls the following addresses during the co&Tention: Tkmheraes Ceirentioa Frvgran. Bookkeeping ' for Threshermen . . '. , . . Y,'m. H. Fletcher, McMlnnrtlle. John Minnick, Union. Arthur B. Flint Bearerton. How to Get Good Help anl Keep It W. -T. Campbell, Lexington. VTm. Gelantley, CorTallla. How I Make My Collections ........ G. A- Hartbv Wrentham. . D. Kanff man, Hubbard. Lee Stnait Baker City. v y' How I Arrange My Seasons Ran .7., C S. Herman, Molalla. , Martin Tellefson. Madras. ' John Harrison, Condon. How I Care for My Machinery ...... E. E. Ecbmeltzer, Hillsboro. . G. H- Stonebrink, Wallowa. We Pyree, Macleay. la Threshing Insurance a Good In- ,' vestment? Ira Hill, Rufus. ' ' . "Isaac Christopher, Adams. . John Hli. Klnksley., How to Utilize a Ttreshermaa to Best Adrantage. . Mrs. Arthur B. Flint, BeaTerton. ; Mft. John T. True, Monument Mrs. E. B. Echomp, Mayrille 7 The Thresherwoman, God Bless Her. E. I Berry, Herrpner. And Old . Timers Experience In the Wllllamette Valley ; . . . . .... Uncle Ike Stephens. Gervals. Does the Cook House Pay In the Will amette Valley? '. . .-, ....... S. I Smith, Gerrals. : J. D. romer, Sprlngwater. Chris Gtebler, Stayton. Cost of Threshing to Threshermen. in th Valley. .. i, F. B. Simpson, Jefferson. , C. Lorence, Independence. . Eastern Oregon .... . . ... Ed. I Ledbetter, North Powder Raymond Coorert, Boyd. What are Good Labor Sarin De vices for the Threshermen?.. H. A. Kayler. Molalla. 7 J. P. Rudolph, Mayvllle. Hon Lionel Webster, chairman State Good Roads Association will n-Jdrets the convention on Saturday, Dccem- er 10th. He will outline desired good load legislation. !" . , ' - Millionaire Thief In Prison. Louisville, Ky., Not. SO Angnst Ropke, known as the million doll-ir thief today began serving bis prison sentence for the theft of $1.4i0.Wt fiora the Fidelity Trust compory c wMf h he was secretary. Four hundred thousand of the- defalcation ws re ft vi red. Ropke said he lost tho rest. Ii. will remain in prison from 10" to jS years. RK00M C0K5 fiROWS WELL. m P PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1 SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 3 ' AT VAN BUREN'S .50 ESTIEE FASILT PCI05ED. Caneed Ga& at Thaaks!iln? DiaBer Pretes Diiaitro3 North- Takixa. Dec. I As the re sult of eating canned asparagus on Thanksgiving, Mrs. Frank Kuan, and Mrs. Carrie Fulkeraon are d-ad and several others are seriously 111. Itwas a family gathering. Mrs. Kuhn had canned the asparagus herself. ' WDCET CIEL DEAD.' Smallest Girl sf Her ige la the World Passes Away This Xoralsg. Merritt B. C Dee. 1 It was learn ed today that Minnie Pickett aged 15, weighing fourteen pounds, died here last night She lived with her parents, both of normal size. She was deli cate and believed ' to be the smallest person of her age In the world. uisrrcR in sessid:i GKA5D JUBT F0EERU5S SESSI05 OF CrR(TIT COURT. tenaeoa Conrt 5ext Week. Forewarning of the longest and most sensational court session in the year, the grand Jury met this morning to grind out. Iblls before circuit court meets next week.. The Inquisitors are: W. R. Jasper, foreman, Alicel; E. Grout, La Grande. L. L. Cross,, Elgin.' J. H. Nice, North Powder, T. B.'Mar Hn, Medical Springs; C, E. Dudley, Elgin and Nels Schoonover, Union. . DlTorce Case Today; Circuit Judge Knowles today heard a divorce suit, the principals being Union peonle, Mrs. . Delilah Nodlne seeks severance of her martial cows to John Nodlne. ' v " ' LidLOiLL.bolhobllJub; i ' WILL EE rSED TO HOUSE His SAH2LE-ivor.i:s plant. Grewfn? Iada'try Eeqalre Hort 1 Room sad Owners Uee. E C. Etvis, the proprietor of the La Grande Marble Works company, is having a building constructed in North La Grande to hou his estab lishment hereafter. He has been lo cated on Fir street for the past ser-' eral years but his business has out-' grown bis facilities and space accom modations there and- the move was found necessary. The building will be constructed at once, aa' the founda tion Is already under way and lum ber will be hauled to the place this week. The building will be large and commodious and' will give sufficient room for his enterprise. Wines, the harness maker, Is to oc cupy the present location of the works on Fir street Logical Remedy for Eczema. Many different remedies hare been tried for Eczema and other akin dis eases. But It Is now known that the only possible cure Is a mild, soothing liquid made np of 09 of Wontergreen, Thymol. Glycerine and other Ingred- each nigredlent has Its proper ef fect 7.77 This compound Is now made up in the D. D. D, Prescription. Ten years of success and thousands of cures show the merit of this wonderful compound, but the most convincing proof la e trial of the remedy by any eczema sufferer. '7 , ;.: , D. D. D. will prove to you that you can be cured. The very first drops will giTe you ' Instant relief.: Get a trial bottle today. Newlin Drug Co. ..Nov. 29 Dec. 1. 7 IIELEX TAFT "C03ES OCT." Father Lays Aside Presidential Duties to Attend Society Function. Washington. Dec 1 Taft forsook his official duties this afternoon to at tend it cre'a! romifig out of the par ty of hia daughter, Helen. The presi dent with others took tea In the re ception room of the White House. ARRESTED 05 ASSAULT CHARGF Milk Wagon Driver Accused of A ssaltin; Mr. Lladsey. . ; I E. Llndsey. late , this afternoon wore to a complain fn Justice's court against J. E. Brown, charging assault Mr. Llndsey claims, he was assaulted by Mr. Brown, who a driver for the Grout Dairy farm. A Moon RecoH. ' There was no full moon tn the whole of February, 1866. 'According to as tronomers this will not occur again until the year 2409062. 3T3EEE Walla . Wails Farmer Hnln? 3Iuch Success With Ills Experiment Spokane, Wash., Dec. 1 (Special)- W. D, Chapman, a farmer in the Wal la Walla valley, sourhwest of Spo kane, had a small tract of broom corn, raised without a drop- of water from the time of planting " until he I lnirves'ed It, -which he sold for $U0 ja ton. Other farmrii have tried th? PAiieriment of growing Woom ; corn land find that it gives good returns, i Aw ordtngly, they are plannlnir on I larstr planting for tho coming season. several farmers will try it for 0" j cleaning crop for summer fallow, and j b lie e that It will make good returns. "Broom rorn will do well in thla sec tion." r.ld A. M. nutler. superlntend- fent of the College Place broom fae- j tory, located In the Walla Walla val-li-y. -There I3 no reason why it csn- TinUd Paper. The origin of blue tinted fcaper came about by a mere slip of the band. .The wife of William East, an English pa permaker. accidentally let blue pack fall Into one of the vats of pulp. A Terrible Infliction. 7 In Bulgaria a newly married woman Is expected to keep her mouth closed for speaking purposes for a whole month after ber marriage unless spe cially addressed by ber husband When the month has elapsed the bus band presents ber with a gift, after which she is at liberty to chatter as much as she likes. , Soap. , Investigator My that soap has more or less value as a disinfectant ' When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exponure, take a bi? Jose of Chamberlain's tough. Remedy, bat tie vonr feet in hot water before going to nut, and you are ut most certain to ward on a severe cold. F wie Kv all de-brs. ' ; I ' ll ' I ' ' ' i " - l A-j' ast t b., tJJ Any Egc!i You Wirh Supplied BOOKS MAKE PEHFECT HOLIDAY , CIFT3. THEY AMUSE. ' INSTRUCT. ARE TREASURED FOR. A LIFE TIME AND CONSTANTLY RE CALL PLEASA.N-f - MEMOR IES OF THE GIVER. GIFT BOOKS THEY ARE EASY TO BUT AND NOTHING IS MORE APT TO PLEASE y-. OUR LINE INCLUDE3 THE LATE AND, POPULAR ' NOV ELS. , STANDARD FICTION. ,TION. POETRY, ETC. " AU.IOST UNXIMITED CHOICE Drug Compn'y 11 li yfi3KfiriMri WANTED Position by a man aa . ccok and wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. if WANTEDPositlon as housekeeper by middle-aged lady. Phone Red-1561. Want ads pay. one eeat a word ' Onion Juice. 'The best way to extract the Juice from an onion, when needed. for fla ToriDg. is rocut n slice from the root end of the onion, remove the outer skin and press onion on a coarse grate, nalng a rotary motion. . ' ' ' - Strawbsrry temonade. The Juke left in a Jar of strawber ries after the fruit bas been sent to the table will make a delicious drink if a little lemon Juice and ice water are addinl to it , Old Olivo Tres. There are risrbt olive trees on the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem, which were known to have been flour ishing In 1009. WW M Mdsomeosirylbst 3 1 r4 . 4,00 - wiraf the Daily Evening Observer C A by Carrier, One Year in Advance Uw IF Daily Evening: Observer $1.00 Cah, 10 Months, per mnth OOC Daily, by Mail, 1 Year in Advance . . . Weeldy, by Mail, 1 Yr 1 C A in Advance v . A These j beautiful gifts can be seen at the Observer Office. If thejsolicitor misses you call us onthejphone ' " ' i.' ' '' "'" ' La Grande Evening Observer BELL PHONE, Main 13; IND. PHONE 1342 Remember, a Beautiful Berry Set FREE on the above terms (I a ft