LA GEAITDE EVENING OBSEHVEIt TOURSDAY, DECLMBEIl.l, 1910. v J f ' TliV SOXE.'DOUCUXITS 1 Z i ' J The j will be the best7oti etrr J made. EtoU Is noliiag more cr A less man uic jmre vuuer u iu- Cocoanut. , ' TJse Kaola hi smalltr qnaatUlcs thaa butler or lard. '-,: Small Palls i!65cts Xrge 1'aIW ei en Pattison : Bros. " Use either "phone V : t. - i-aaies ana : uents . ,. . Shoe Shine Parlors ' ;:..rbii, "int -bootblack" HAS MOVED to 1 1 1 8 Adams Ave., ; where he will serve all custom ers, new and old Franldin Would Have Been . if his vision could have extend-'" . ed far enough into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of. iacandesant electric ' lighting the GENERAL ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP-. ' The sage old phlosopher flew his kite during a thunder storm, .and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, ' but evolution decreed .. that modern Inventive genius should discover an incandescant lamp that is revolutionizing, artificial light.. THE , GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA ; LAMP, " gives nearly . three times the light of the or dinary .carbon Incandescant and costs no more to operate, in addition to this tt gives light of a vaaUy , superior - quality a clear white, light like the sun's fay. : , ,;iii -' Everywhere people are having their houses wired for electric t light, since the invention of the, GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA f LAMP. It kas made electricity ' as cheap as it Is convenient -, Come In for a moment today and , let us prove to your entire sat isfaction that there Is no longer a possible excuse tor you to be without the greatest of all household conveniences elec tric light .. (MGON ; Light arid Pover 1 NewTransfer M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Drayingofalllrind Company 4 ilale Yoices a Feature. Leaving the beaten paths of comic operas, "The Time, the Place end The GiiT'i company, last evening intro duced to L& Grande the novel feature of presenting a chorus which Is Just the reverse of the usual. Instead of bird-like girls who sing with all the skill of, the opera star, this company carries a crowd of men who are the mainstays In the singing business. The Steward was packed"- last . night to hear the company. In the singing the of girl principals and supporters, the audience was disappointed, hu$ found especial satisfaction la Johnnie Hicks 4 the comedian, and the general "work1 and acting of all the girls in the parts.. The men voices were far superior to the average comic opera 'delegations, but the girls, be It said, fell flat. Hicks Is a consistent comedian., always working, to please. Among the tea-, tures of the attraction was the clever dancing of a sort seldom seen here. On the whole - the show ' ib' good, are prone to criticise and find fault and these will not agree with the dec laration that aide from the weakness of the girl voices, the show was up to a high standard. ; The Orpheum Tonight ,The new act tonight at the Orph eum is Flynn & Howard, direct from the Pantages circuit They play four nights in La Grande. They are sing ers and dancers "with a little Irish comedy. With the exception of the Mate Sister team who leave today, the other numbers on the program at the opening of the week, will remain un til Sunday, They do however, make slight changes in their individual acts. These acts are the Kellum & Wilson .A." J.i' Cs Weinberger at Peter Stuyvcsant In . Election Sotlce. , December 12th, 1910. ' s Notice Is hereby given that on the 12th day of December, 1910, a gen eral election will be held In the City of La Grande, In the County of Union, State of Oregon, for the purpose, of electing the following officers: . Mayor . ; t 'V.'' " ;: "' ' Recorder ' "( . . T, Chief of Police , . ; Treasurer'' One Councilman from each ward. That at said election there will be submitted to the voters of the City the following "question: "Shall the Council of the City be authorized to Issue and negotiate bonds of the City Jn the mm of $10,000 to bear Interest not to exceed 6 per cent per annum, to run for a period of twenty (20) years from date, redeemable and pay Trio and Her&ann & Lace. The new pictures will be seen tonight. The new number on the program cornea' high ly ' recommended. The Orpheum Is and will continue to use Pantages acts', from the big circuit The players make Portland, Seattle, San,Francl8co and Boise. . . '. IIs Pictures Popular. The Isls continues to draw' full houses at both performances In the evening. The pictures are good and well worth seeing sc. 1 the music' is up to the usual standard. To eight is the last time to see these pictures as they change tomorrow. , ; Burgomaster Jxt X6n2ay. Our local managers are now quite busy arranging their 'menu" for the season of 1910-11, Of all the first class attractions scheduled to appear, at the Steward, Monday,. Dec. 5, none will be more welcomed than "The Bur gomaster" w!th that eterling favorite n ... WatnHn. WJll-'i - --- in his original .part of Peter Stuy vesant themayor of New Amsterdam. Pixley and Luder have written many musical successes, namely? "Prince of Pilsen"; "King Dodo, "Woodland" and "Grand Mogul," but it was in the greatest of all these, "The Bur gomaster," that they scored their greatt and everlasting triumph. The present seasons offering is the new edition of this musical masterpiece, and Manager Wm. P. Cullen has given It a 'sumotuous mounting. This de lightful musical comedy will be seen at the Steward next Monday. . " , Probably the largest and most com plete musical organization to visit this season will, be "The Burgomas ter" with clever Gus..C. Weinburg and over half a .hundred others. the Burgomaster, Monday, Bee i. able at any time after ten (10) years from date at the option of the City, which bonds are tq be lssned and told for the purpose of completing the sewer system la the City of La Grand." ' .. '. :' That at laid election there will also be submitted to the voters of the City the question: TShall sections 4 and 7 of the Charter of the City be amended so as" to provide for tue ap pointment of Chief of Police by the Mayor, instead of being elected by the voters of the City." The polling places designated for said election, and the judges and clerks appointed to conduct said elec tion are as follows: First ward Pol ling place, Court House. Judges: M. P. Sheasley, Jacob Baker, M. McMur ray; Clerks: Elmer Curtis and E. W. Kammerery Second ward Follies l-i-ice, Coun cil' chambers. Judge-' 1L V,r. Etoner, Merritt Tcernolds, George Ball; Clerks: J. E. Reynolds and Perry Ol iver. ' ' Third ward Polling place, tent at corner of 4lh street and Adams ave nue. Judges: J. M. Hilts, M. A. Har rison, W. D.'G randy; Clerks; Adna Rogers and Lee Lcavltt Fourth ward Polling place, Ged des' store. Judges: G. V. Allen, E. S. Erasel, J. T. Williamson; Clerks: J. M. Kochensparger. and John Ladd. Said election will be held and con ducted and the returns thereof filed as provided by law in the case cf gen eral city elections of said city. The polls of said election will be opened at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. and closed at the hour cf 1 o'clock p. m. on said day. ' . -, . . . , All qualiflod Toters of the City will be permitted to vote at said election. By order of the Council of said City of La Grande, Oregon. - Dated November 20th. 1910. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. ... Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder. Nov. 30-Dec 12. Tetltlon for Liquor License. County, OTegon. , ' , . ; ' . . We the undersigned legal voters and actual residents of the precinct of Hllgard, Union County, Oregon; and having actually resided In said pre cinct at least thirty days Immediately preceeding the date of signing and filing at least thirty days Immediate ly (preceding the date of signing and filing of this pedtion, hereby respect fully petition your honorable Court to grant to James D. Porter a license to sell spirituous, malt or vinous liq uors 6r, fermented 'cider commonlv known as hard cider, in less quanti ties than one gallon, in the town nf Hilgard, Union County, Oregon, in the building known as "Home Hotel on lotfc7 Block One in the town of Hil gard, Union County, Oregon, com mencing on or about the 5th day of January, 1911. Dated this November 30, 1910. ' ' J. D. CASEY, PHILIP GRAY, J. H. YOUNG, RUpOLPH IIARTEL, GEO. McGARRY. NIELS HANSON, JACK BARKER, - W. W. McDOUGALD, -: ' , " GEO. HENEKE, - TO; CANTRELL. H. C. RICHARDS, J. R. TOWNER, W. J. SALING, ' CLYDE STULTS. ' ' ' CHARLES WILLIAMS, J. MV SHEETS, FRANK VANAWAY, ' W. M. McICAY, m. o. coombs, ' -' matt white, ' t. Mccarty, F. DEMINQ, S.C.BULLIS, MARION IIAGEY, - - CLAUDE MILLER, ' , CHRIS CARR. SCOTT BURNETT, " ' ED. BEAN, J. E. STANFIELD, C. -WEBB, -w F- HANSON. . ' ELJ AS ADKINS, - C. A. ALLEN, 11. L. WILSON, ED. BARTMESS, ' A. LUNDMANN, J. W. SCOTT, 1 ' BEN COTNER, . . J. T. GRAY, f J. Ci GRAY, , , RAY HAWE3. R. H. YOUNG, Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 4th day of January, 1911, ap ply to the County Court of . Union County, Oregon, at the Court house In La Grande, Oregon, for a license to sell spirituous, malt or. vinous llq .uors, or fermented cider, commonly known as hard cider, in quantities lees than one gallon in the building known as "Home Hotel" located on lot 7, Block One, in the town of Hil gard, Uilon County, Oregon,, com mencing on or about the Cth day of January, 1911. . . : ' J. D. PORTER. SUOVJDRIFT FLOUR we best on the market, m knoiv ittry V- - . - ; , lh AND YOU WILL KN0YJ IT! 1700 , HAY, HED, POULTRY SUPPLIES 1 - t : ) - it Jim ; ? I S. A. GARD1MIER, Prop, and Mar. ,. EELLC2 AXD ' TTlLSOJi TFJO LJectA-IcsU Musical Scvclty. FLTSIf ' A'lIOWAESIJrect from rastaei Circell,' Singers and tasters. . -v; ... nirUIf'AIO) JAriS The Tlol!a!st snl tie Einser. . -. Evcyn'-'Pncbi 15 "and Kc7,Pcop!o Mondays & Tlmrzvd l!alinec$Veds5idayt-Satt2r?ay-Sanda3rs,' 2 o'c!cc!; ,' ' ' '': acd ' " Ail Ifo-cbysJ i.IatineaT'nccs, 10 tsd Its. .i...T.."--.-.- ' ! I ' ' , - -IT LI h m. ' A AMBULANCE -. -E. LBVSsm A Safeguard to Children. "Our two children of six and eight years have been, since Infancy subject to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to -use Foley's Honey and Tar, and It has never failed to prevent and cure these troubles. It Is the only medicine I can get the child ren without a row." The above from W C. Ornstein, Green Bay, Wis.,-duplicates the experience of thousands of other users of Foley's Honey anU Tar. It cures coughs, colds and coup, and prevents bronchitis and Dnvimo nia." . V' Kotlce to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Union' County Administrator of the estate of John Morgan, deceased, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same to me. properly verified as by law required, at the Union Na tional Bank, Union, Oregon, within bIx months TrOm'the date hereof. CLARENCE 0 MORGAN, " " Administrator, S. O. CORRELL. . ,' Baker City Oregon, ; ; ' Afirnar fa? Administrator. : Date,? first publication 3rd day of November, 1910. Nov. 31 to Dec.l. -: v , Dfty pay Rent ?"l"e lozn you money to build, 'and you pay us as you would rest. A- ?. OLIVER. Gcnei al Contractor of Cement Work Plain ajvl THE SIDEWALKS DARLEY Stanchfield I 1 i 25c Uptown omc3; Main 720 j " - r - A KotaWe Cure. Justls Warner, LaFayette, Tnd., was completely cured "after two years of suffering. "My kidneys and bladder bothered me severely for two years, making me suffer Intensely, My kid-' neys were weak and Bluggteh while in my bladder there was constint mis ery. I was run down, (ired very easily and appetite poor. Four bottles of Fo ley Kidney Pills cured meWompletely. My appetitie is restored, I sleep rest-' fully and feel stronger and health ier than ever before. I gfadly rcom men Foley Kdney Pills." Hi'l's Drua store. ' European Plan Only " Rooms 50c to $1.50 (: First class Throughout Ml! Mil A D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEPO t V 13 Cnnde, Oiegon Re-enforccu ' a Mir f . ' .oncretd WAKES SW&wi VEAR Produce Co. hi. 121 H25 htktson Avziiuz I n