r I ..... ' A , A. A l v ; i hi, V 0L.X1T. nriri iujIj SLY; ONE CANDIDATE RtNXIBiG WITHOUT STIFF COaPETI. .;:TIO THIS YEAR, v 7'; ' ILL VOTE 15 EXPECTED lib Time for Filing domination. re coils Rapidly Drawing to Close, Final Lineup on Official Slate is Ob. Uinable Socialists Will Not Enter the Field as a Part Is BeliefMany Places Keen. . : . . ,...'' -i ; s. ,. V i i "-m-.v - """"r Mayor 4 v .Tv VT.'-T? T7; A. L. EICHABDSON, J. H.WATSON, , ;''. ' W.N.MOXROE, ' v JAMES MAHADYi ";", i ' V V- r Recorder, .'' '-'- Vv :v'V ' f. M. HUMPHREYS -J. A. GATES , . : , : ' . .V . jilcf of Police . ;: ' V.',:'. jonN walden . ;M. ELLEBGE ; , ..." ,,'V,' i w. porter, . : . . . ir Treasurer ! ;IUY W. IOC AX ' iuncllmen . First Ward E. C. DAVIS, ROBERT : J DEAL. '. :v. i I .Second Ward-C. L. MACKET, J. A. I WOODELL. ;.; , , x ' . Third Ward-W. J. CHURCH. W. D. GRAXDT. ';;..!.,; V Fonrth Ward G. E. : FOWLER, J. K. SHEAR, ROBERT FIXLEY, WESLEY HARRISOX. Tonight at 5 o'clock sees, the close ! the ante-city election jockeying jr placeB when the nominations must ll be In. While some may yet creep between press time, and 5 o'clock, It not presumed such will be the case. h the event that the ticket-will read stated ahnvn. T. MroTirla will n trough one of the moat spirited elec- ons In years, for there are inaica !on8 of extremely close races for a umber of offices. Only In one ln ance la there no competition and iat for treasurer. The mayoralty race armed up last evening when J. H. Watson's friend pushed him to the ont, and his nomination was Sled day... ; .'"-..v v .;';:;;; Socialists. Keep Oit It Is generally conceded about the olltical centers of the city that the Iallsts are not going to enter the eld as a party, and it is doubtful , if ny socialist will appear on the. ticket f party men, though there are candl- ates who are Socialistic in their arty affiliations. . ; ;: ,. ",! "' . :. The election will be held Eecember it Following weeks of dumpish, un 'rtain and depressed apple markets, fislness has looked ; up 'perceptibly nd already ttis week eight fine car- 'adB of fruit have been shinned out f La Grande. Not only is the demand 'creasing but the prices: have picked i- This week will rlosn with eooa ubstantial sales recorded. This, in iew of the recent denresslon of the avket when ;the demand -as little D(l prices uncertain, has lent a feel- nS of confidence among the apple fowera again.N Fruit Tnsnector Stil- f'ell stated today he' believed the "ces would continue to keen a stiff pper lip and even advance In time. curing the shlument of eirht !oads thle week Mr. Stllwell has been a close touch with the napkin and e says they are exceptionally fine. A USES I itiiii : ELECTION i IORATOIONCOUNTY; OIZEGOX, THURSDAY, DEcV.MlTJu 1, 1910. 12, and with two important side Is sues on the ballot, the heaviest muni cipal election vote in many years should be cast. The charter amend ment, placing the- election of chief of police in the hands of tha mayor and council, and the matter of. floating a 110,000 bond Issue. form the side fea tures of the" election. . - , i SEATTLEITES IX AXGER, Council Wlfl Hire Public Kail and Al ' low the People to State Objections, Seattle, Dec; 1 Yielding to the' de mands of angry residents, the coun cil committee on ' , corporations ' "has rented one of the largest.halla. In this city for tomorrow night t6 hear reas ons why the franchise of the Seattle, Renton and Southern line (electric) should not be taken from the Owners and the line operated by this city, Kec centjy the lipes were "ordered to charge 5 cents a -fare.. They continued tod , overcharge! and Monday rioting resulted on account -of the attempts of the company to throw off persons w vr u. overcnarge and a mass meeting will be the result SECOXD : DISORDERLY SCEXE SIXCE STRIKE COMMEXCED. Xone Hurt in ristol Play at San Fran. Strike This Morning. San' Francisco, Dec. J The strik ing taxlcab' drivers and non unionists engaged in a , revolver battle this morning but none were injured. One taxi was wrecked. This Is the second strenuous disturbance - since the strike began three days ago. PULLMAN RATES TO CO DOWN. Upper Berths to be Reduced Substan. tially by the Company Itself. Chicago, , Dec. 1Threatened with arbitrary reduction: of sleeping car rates, the Pullman company this af ternoon submitted an offer to the In 1 terttate Commerce Commission' pro posing to cut rates on upper berths 20 per cent where the charge was over $1.50. Councal for the company virtual ly admitted the old rates were exces sive. :." . ' Countess Tolstoi Dying. St Petersburg, ' Dec. 1 Grieving over Count Tolstoi's death, Countess Tolstoi is reported dying with fever at Yasnaya Pollana, according to mes sages today. She has suffered much since his demlBe. few, boxes of diseased fruits among the entire lot were taken in tow by the Inspector, and a few boxes hot properly marked and addressed were ordered Collected before the shipment waa allowed to pass muster." VI'..,': v: The clos? Inspections ' over and above what the packers give the fruit spells returns for local growers for It tends to raise the standard of fruit shipped out.' V' x :". v ' '"'-", '.' -;-' ... V' .:' ".",,.' -"-'-''' 31 ANY AMERICAN POACHERS. . British Columbia Waters Alive With American Poaching Boats. ., " Victoria, December 1. Many Bmall United States fishing vessels are en gaged in "poaching In British Colum bia waters In the vicinity of the Scott group, according to arrivals from the west coast tuday. V ; V 1 STIIDG II PISTOLS fm m niiiipiniif iiULU LilUl UILL S lUiMU E0TEH m .11 II f on uomiii Tinsiii YERDICT OF JTAXSLAUGIITEIi BliOUGHT ' AGAIXST 17EX. ' , ATCIIEE WC3AX. TRESFASe!::G TO :;BO Daughter ef Aged Woman. Confided . Earlier In the Wek of Harder la the First Degre While Kother, While MotVAged C$, is Charged With Hanslauy Lter Taker Her v Sentence Without Show at JRmatum .Wenatchee, Wn., Dec. 1 Without outward show of emotion Mrs. Ilannah Deba,'aged 69, ifled for complicity In the murder of James Sv.tton, a ranch er,, who trespassed on her ranch, lis tened to a verdict . of manslaughter brought In by the Jury which was out eight hours.. " ' ': ". ' Mrs. Totteri, r daughter of the wo man, charged wilh kTlltng Sutton, was convicted of murder In .the first de gree last week -y. 'i'.- :. ': Both women were arretted last July. They had a dispute with Sutton which ended when ' Mrs.' Totten Bhot him dead. ' : '' Western. Senators .Angry. Louisville, Ky., . Dec. . 1 Governor Marshall presided today ver the con ference of governors. Spring Lake, New Jersey, was selected for the con ference next year, Little business was done today. Tne 'western governors complain that too much time has been spent in social duties and not enough chance given to the westerners to Un burden i themselves on conservation an other questions. J . , TflFI'S i.IESSAGE TO CfflESS SI TO OE FliilSIIED TH Washington, Dec 1 A hurried call for t cabinet meeting today indicated that President Taft has completed his annual message to congress. It is be lieved copies of the documents will be sent to the printers tonight. Estrangement Slay be Gossip. ; . iWashington, Dec, ,1 Whether Col. Roosevelt and Glfford Plnchot are really at outs oi', whether their seem ing estrangement Is merely fiction of gossip Is a much discussed question In political circles today. Rumors says held before, the caucus for the stlec that the two stalwart friends of con- ttoa of a Republican nomlnea for servatlon and usually bosom friends j shaker, Vhe, conference is ;' deemed disagreed over Roosevelt's attitude to-j significant by. congressmen at 'ekdy ward framing the New York political here, i i; .-VV' V' i:;;:::: Salem, Ore.', Dec 1 Governor-Elect Oswald West today tendered his resig nation as .railroad commissioner , to take effect tomorrow. He Is arranging to go to California In a , few days. Tom Kay, state treasurer-elect, 'accom panies hinu Jt . is believed the men, Dallas, Texas, Dec. 1 Flve-hundretJ are homeless and $100,000 worth of property destroyed as the result of a fire that swept over a large section of the city today. Fifty buildings were burned including many residences. It started shortly before midnight and EST RES DALLAS TEXAS SUFFERS BY FIRES tm iinn iu urn 1 10 XELSOX AXD H02AX AXD OTHERS 2IXED WITH RECEX'T. SCRAP TO BE CIYEN TRIAL. CE-IO'L PUDUG OPPOSED Eii rcsslng Their . Desire to End Koxlag, Churek FederaUon Tlans a System of Prosecution Against Prin cljmls la Recent Fight. Fens Dub . Ions, Although D?strict Attorney ; San Francisco, , Dec. ; 1 Declaring that his purpose tiiot so much pun ishment of the p rlncroala in the Nol-son-Mori "-as tf prevent repe titlon otV. hUng in California, AttorheyAvhite of .the church' feder ation today" acce;: " invitation of District Attop vlt.-.-5-'vrt..to co-operate with the author U.'S in prosecut ing those who were deemed vlolaters of the anti-prize fighting laws'.' Fick ert, while stating in his opinion that no law was violated, appointed his assistant, Harry Lane, to undertake the (prosecutions.' Popular feeling Is against prohibition fights. . , . ' Fight fans are dubious about the outcome of the matter. Both Nelson and ' Moran are deemed to be clean exponents of the fighting game' and followers of the fistic game are loth to see either of them punished for vio lating the law. In addition to the feel ing of regret felt for the men them selves, they hate to see the small fry thrown out xt San Francisco and Cali fornia. V . I . platform.: v,';, ;: .'''' W-- v?- -V'; y , Mana to Be Spekker. - Washington, Nov. 30 Whether t'n cie 'Joe Cannon will appear, as the speaker when congress convene? ne:U week Is agitating the political sharks litre. It is reported that James Mann of Illinois, may be speaker, following a conference between Cannon, Taft and Mann. None of the principal! of the conference would talk. The .con ferwnce lasted" two hours. As it was -who are warm personal friends, will fix up, appointments for the .different state officials, ' Politicians ' are ; satisfied now that Benson, secretary of state elect, will not resign despite rumors to this ef fect '' ''.. .:'; " ':'. ;' T f. was uncontrolled on account of high wind. One woman and two firemen were struck by a hose wagon and fat ally. Injured. V , V V r ' ' Ineffectual water pressure, the re sult of a long drought rendered fire fighting apparatus practically useless. The fire died out on Its own account. FEXX STATE HAS CKOWX. .Six New Consres- ..a Y,:il le Ari.f.r. tiorud t PennsjharJii Hereafter... - Washington, Dec. 1 -The Topula tion of ' Pennsylvania is 7.C45.111 an increase of 21.6 tier cent entitling the: state under the present apportionment to six new congressmen., The states of West Virginia. la .1J!U19, an in crease of 27.4 per cent, one adJStkma.1 cocgressman':- , I ' . YOUXG OFFICERS PROMOTED. Great CphcaTsl in Japanese . Army r "of rv3?ra Times Ordered Today- Tokio, Dec. 1 The promotion of 2, 000 young araiy oKcera to important posltious on the Iln and retirement of , elderly officers and other import ant changes In the roster of the nav al officers werr xday by min isters of the? aj feaTy. . Tbe shakcup is th- , since JaD&n op1 fighting force. r - d the history ASSERTS SHE WTLL BE KILLED IF SHE IS RETURNED. Greek Girl of Rare Beauty Held at New York Pending Investigation. New York, Dec. 1 Declaring she escaped , from a , harem at Damacu3 and that she would be' killed if she returned to Mercies, her former cap tors, Marie Hoplla, a Greek woman of, great beauty, today pleaded with the 'immigration officials not to de port; her; Her pleas wer temporarily successful and she, with Antonio Ja hara, who rescued herVare being held pending a thorough Investigation of her assertions. It is probable she will be allowed to enter this , country be cause her cousin, Mrs, Hafifl Hebella promised to care for her. The woman was held a-iprlsoner nine years after being kidnapped. She Is 22 years of agi'..v;.: i,, :;';.;; . , ,-.-'Vr. -..., To the immigration officers sh told the story of her Imprisonment mis treatment and slavery. It 1 believed her case will stir up a thorough In Testlgatlon. ' On Trial for Bribery. Chicago,' Dec. 1 Attorney Charles Erbsteln .will go on trial tomorrow for . bribery in connection with the trial' of Lea O'Nell "Browne, when Brown was being. tried for the legis lative bribery. (IT FOR llEfillTIIS IIEl-,! THE OfflCEllS 5STII FlliCi IIIIG A . public utility that La Grande has long needed and one which has been urged by local people a number of times In the past, now seems as sured. This utility In question Is a modern gas fllant for th purpose of furnishing, gaa for Illuminating and heating purposes to the business and and residence districts of. the-' city. 4 v J. . I Lambirth, cne of the bejst knowu electric and gas men in the Northwest, Is In the city for the pur pose, of asking the mayor : and com mon council for a franchise to install a gas plant here, and the provisons of that franchise according to Mr. Lam blrth, are such that La Grande will In a very few months be assured of a gas supply. '. ' ' ' ' .. That public sentiment favors a plant here there can be no doubt whatever, NUMBER ifluiv Illy oi mrUffiuj r OCTOP. . ' . 'CROSSED ATLANTIC TWICE WITH NO EISCCISS " KIT AN ASSCi'ID NX"". ' Sfan Rust Carried on Across Two Cca. - tlnecta Last Sammer Fc!!"-3 ti !.:. ' teal Locaiion of Explorer Who V. iis' all the Time Hid Aay Near New. Erfort ttt'TJght.IHs PoslAa WIi.li the World. New York, Dec. 1 While newspap ermen on two continents were seeking Dr. Cook he had crossed the Atlantic twice with no other disguise than an assumed name. For month3 he lived at Troy, New York, and there started tha story of his wanderings In the Arctic and wrote hia confession that lie did n6t discover the polo. . Benjamin Hampton, editor of that magazine today gave this information in explaining how he made arrange ments for articles announced yester day, "When Hamptons decided to seek Cook, we communicated with his brother William, and thus learned the name- of his London solicitor. In truth we got Cook's address there and then we sent a representative to make arrangements for the story and he brought Cook to America where the articles were written." ' Hampton say's. Cook Is extremely anxious to push his claim and that he was sincere in announcing the discov ery of the pole as he believed he did it. . ; . ;::;.'.; ; :, - ' Cook's Confession a Craft, v Philadelphia, Dec, 1 That Cook is a fakir and that the confession that he was suffering mentally when he claimed the discovery of the pole is written with a view of regaining the good graces of tha American people la the belief expre&sed today by Ad miral Melville, U. S. N. DIaa Inaugurated. : Mexico City, Dec. 1 Precaution ' against disorder in the palace marked ' th inauguration of President DIaa t the (presidency today. The Mexican president is now beginning his eighth term hampered by the most serious uprising slncet he seized the govern ment. .:.:' .' , Following hla induction into office -Diaz received diplomats and officials at the national palace. f 111 GB for the convenience of gas is known to practically every person these days, and It would equip La Granda with an essential utility, that, every municipality must have la order to' rightfully .take the' name of a metro politan city. ; .: V - , It Is looked upon as fortunate that' such a man as Mr. Lamblrth should be the, one to asl for the gaa fran chise for his capability of delivering the goods on all electrical and gas propositions Is well known to many ' cities of this aprt of the country. Ilia connection can be traced to the larg est concerns operating and in every Inotance he has made good. With plenty of capital behind him to Install the plant It means but a short tima after the franchise b granted until La Grande will have gaa. '