ton id 7i o M ' . ' -JS?-'f V nnnir nnnnrrnf ihidi!) ! HE ffi ll!!E DEEOI'.IlG ... -. . - ... - . . , - .u JFE ST02T' TO BE TOLD BY SEW I0BK MAUAZISIS tDITOU IN NEAR FUTURE. ofiGTo mmm ... ., , ..... vni iAtb Ills Storr to Geo:n antral j Society as He Docs Sot Know if He J Beached, tne flortu roie Kay Have Been Cmed by Starratibn Doctor in jiOiHtvH jb i toe xime since Disappearance. ; ,- ' T ..' New York, Not, 30 Dr. Fredeilck Jook admits .that 4 he doesn't know ,ccordlng to Benjamin Hampton, edl- pr of Hampton's Magazine who will loon publish Cook's own story. Ac lording to Hampton Cook wants to :et the story before the public and al low the geographical societies to de- Ide whether he really accomplished he feat he said he did. . In the first chapter Cook says he might have been half crazed by liontha of isolation and hunger, and finally came to believe , he honestly eached the pole. Cook writes he does pot want to be called a' fakir. Most If the time he was away, Cook says te lived in London. He said It was asy to drop from sight without hav ng to change his name or donning" a liSgUlSe. r ; v.' .., Health Was Deplorable. . Cook said most of the time his phy ilcal health was deplorable and part )f the time couldn't sleep over thjree murs nightly. "I've, been called ? the treatest liar In the world." he writes, 'the most ' monumental imposter In llstory and I believe that in, a, very indesirable way I stand the unique )bject of vituperation, as, assafled for a few men." ; .- : . ..Ue Story U Told.. , . , It Is unknown whether Cook receiv ed the records from the north he said Jie dll In the story Cook tells Ma vlfe StoiT. Hft orlaroa h'f "rli'ni i ad convinced himself he had reached he pole, he was half mad, having 'pentjwo and a half years in the Arc Ic which he calls the region of In lanity;. "where one cannot belie th ividence gathered by one's own eyes." Coming-, to imprir. ; With his wile he will ' return 'to iercan December 22 (n snend ristmas with relatives here. ! . Pearv NoncnmmltAL ' ; Washington. Nov. SoPenrv. 'hn first declared Cook failed to rearh th Pole today read ' Cook's confession Nth Interest. He displayed keen in vest but at the end 'said. "I have D8olutely no comment to make." ' ir0BTLAND SlFOtY aviit! ;:TItlT'li EXHIBITS FROM LA GRANDE. !ro Carloads oV Stock H Es- 'W'"V aliened ror Show, , Geo- Chandler of Elgin has accept- K aj,p0SltIn with McKennon & handler, and win fee 5Premlum J. f ic"m lit. Gzez .'-wa stock show. ntW WW' BpeaMng ' of .. the CL'F? TV Wck .or ffiefr, feederi ri elected tV no pains Otild Vat: vttt ' t . " . zrrr L-" xukaDE, UNION COUNTY. - OREOOV r : -ZZl. they are sold, being an expert feeder and Judge of cattle xrk-onn" ..v.u.iUU UIU Chandler expect to Uke all blue rib bons and premium money.. In viewing the stock market condi tion in this and other parts of East ern Oregon, Mr. McKennon says that cattle and hogs are slightly off. due to the scarcity of money and banks not loaning, although his finn Is look ing for any good stock that is offered. He received returns on five cars of cattle this morning: from ih ltnn Stock Yards at Portland that wer sausractory under existing conditions. EXGLAJD'S, ELECTION EOCGn. EaBIes Brokea Tp, Candidates Egged . and Speakers JUsnsed. London. Not. 30 Widespread vio lence at the election rallies continue throughout England 'and Ireland to day. Scores of i meetings last night Were hmkm .j--k-wi.j viu dldates egged and in some places at tacked and beaten. Winston Churchill was attacked several ttaes when he poke at Sheffield. Two hn Hce protected him. Followers of Red mond and O'Brien in Ireland clashed. The central issue of the election is virtual abolition Lords.. . . ., -i. flGEfJTS GATHER SOS COMMITTAL BUT BOOSTERS ABE ELATED. . : Spend Two Days Looking; OTer Prof. Vjered Sites at Union for Asylum. Union, Nov. 30 ( Special) J. W. Cochrane of Condon, 0. O. McCarthy of Portland last evening completed the task of Inspection, offlcially, the preferred site lor the proposed East ern' Oregon'"'aiylumr'Thee two "men have already been to Baker Cii!y look ing over the territory and after hav ing spent two days in Union, left last evening for PendletonVhere thejy . W.dertak a taUlidW.v'.Th work of. these two men Is to gather data as to site and other matters, and they will report to the committee at Salem which has the matter in charge. '. What v these mftn ' urfil A'necessarily'lafinaf '"but if .will likely go, a long ways toward In fluencing the (Committee. r ; . LThe men were Hon-committal while at Union but the committee which took them in charge and Introduced them" to 'h'atural " conditions which make Union's chance all the more consistent than any, other town's are confident that the came away, from Untcn's highly impressed with condi tions.; ' . , : . : jem mace'di;ad. Greatest Boxer of the Old School Eng. land Ever Produced, Is Dead. , London, Nov.; 30 Jem Mace, the greatest, exponent of boxing that England produced, at one time heavy weight champion and the last link between the old and new schools of boxing, died, here today. He was pov erty stricken and lived cm a small pension granted by the government after he had spent a fortune made in thering. He was born April, 4, 1831.' DEFENDANTS FILE DEMURRER Defendants Tnrner Oliver and Cnrrey Deny, Allegations are Sufficient f jrtwCttrjrey. the reiOi estate .dealer,' who Wt GTeoEIctWet are , de- fwowa n uoei it brought by E.,f.aWfj;;rr'to ( -9 -"-V dt.ialm;tne. ii WQ 4laassf2lntand tlat ti 13 nriJslw la tWt swSclent tHs- "teas ti" tjajj4?at t tear-' DATA EROI CIIKIil IS FflRTI FIOJ TOR FIGHT SUDDEN COLLAPSS OF" TEI.E- GIUPII WIILE3 3IAY' .INDICATE, ..!." EIGHT HAS STAUTED. At the Time Details, of Prospective At tact to CbJanahua Were Belnf Eshcd Over GoTernmcut t Wires. t-'Swfiew "r rt.- Crippled Tcdcrai Troops Tnder Yarioos Generals Knrrylny to Eeinforce the Town.1' El Paso, oNv. 30 The city of Chi huahua Is beins fortified today in an ticipation of an attack bv a small band of Insurrectionists, lead it Is said, by Madero personally. The city Is garrisoned brtroops under General Navarro and General Terrazera. Gen eral Villar, commanding the Mexican army of the north Is reported hurry ing with reinforcements to Chihua hua. - : 4 .. Interior Continually Harassed. i-nivr nuvicep , ioaay Bay that a traveler decle ... that the fall of Pu ehla will bi :innouri(!ied soon. They as sort that federal troops from Culdad and Porflrio Diaz alone the Northern boundary and south; through the state or jninuuua, Coahulla into Durango are being hrase'By revolutionists . It is reported a concerted attack on Matamoras and the city of Chihuahua nas begun. ,; .' , y-.-:: - ' EIgLlIng Is Under TTavl : ' Laredo, Texas., Nov. 30 Whije the government messages Indicate that General Villar, commandlnsr - rein forcements for Chihuahua was being sent from Matamoras today, , wires were severed and It is believed the In surgent forces are . either, , attacking Matamoras or possibly have oaptured the city. Mexican authorities at.Nuer vo and Laredo are endeavoring to re gain tommunlcatidn. In the meantime alarm "Is prevalent- ' - -::U.r, SLAPS EASTERN POLICY lop TRY. ING TO RUN THE WEST. Same People Who Made the Great West Possible Can Control It. Frankfort, Ky., ' Nov. 30 Speaking before the - conference of governors on ; uniform laws and other matters today,' Governor Norris of Montana, outlined his idsas on conservation. He said, "It seems to us in the west that our brethern of the east have been rereading the story of the pro digal son, having consumed their own substance in rloteous use and abuse, they want the paternal ' government to make another division and assign them a part of our patrimony. Peo ple of the northwest enthusiastically advocate the strictest conservation of natural resources. They don't dif fer from the, most ardent nationalist in the principle but . they do'difrer radically ( In Ahe method that . should be adopted' hoee ' w"b"made; de.vJ- ureuhwni ai yest. possible be Tbtf H the tun and rststanea of to called "HjtJa.- rrtz "Wit LWISOUTllS STATE RIGHTS TO 11I1EI1S ucwBtuvet capanie or protect of clher aectlona eaa da it tor thm! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER PQi'JERS. nrso TCiriEY IT IN APJtTS AT PEO ;POSED PAIiTITIO:IXG OF I PERSIAN, TEKOTOSY. Brit! !i Troops are Now, Located at U ndlnj Places and Tnrilsh Troops ,v - - 'Hmm MMiaes Cculd be Fonght at Any Time Tur. ' ley Admits She TTKI not Permit Pro ssed Cut In Persia. ' , ' Constantinople, ' NoV; SOThe Tur kish diplomats , believe Russia and England are attempting to secuite. by underhand means, what they feared to take by foYce, namely, the partition ing of Persia. Many privately exptess the . conviction that fighUng over Persia cannot be averted. Backed by the triple alliance Tur key does not propose to see Persia divided. Turkish' troops are ajrady mobollzed on the frontier and some of them are in Persia, near the po sitions occupied by small landing par ties of Britishers. ' This decision on the Dart of Turkev following the announcement yester day that a quadruple alliance had been recently formed throws a more serious light on the complicated state or affajfa over PersiaV.Whlle the more rational ones believe that the matter will be settled without -warfare, still the admissions are made that Turkish and British soldiers may clash on the rrontier at any time the Britishers at 4aimi1 it. i a . . wivt. u unng in tne way of a move looking toward speedy parti tioning of the bono of contention, Persia. - - - v . Cndahy Burled. " .Chicago, Not, 30 Michael Cudahy, the, millionaire packer, was bnrled to day at' Cavalry cemetery. SPECIAL FROM BUTTE SAYS ROB- BERY OCCURED AT NOON. Robbers Made Good' their Escape say meagre Messages Late Today. Portland, Ore, Nov. 80-A special from Kntte says three men held op the National Mining bank of Salt Lake CUy at noon. It Is reported ' they escaped with $100,000.' MINNESOTA GAVNS lOI.T. Population of Gopher State Shows Ad. dKIonnI Congressman Now. Washington, Nov. 30 Tennessee's population is 2.184,789. Minnesota has 2,075,908. Tennessee shows a gain of 8.1 per cent but not enough for an other "congressman. Minnesota gets another congressman with a gain of 18.5 per . cent. .. ' - 1 W. YIRGINIA SENATOR STRICKEN. Doctors Say His Colfapj Igot Kec i sry"FataI YeV' ; ; . :Wa9bingt6h'y N6r.-'3tffielator N" B. Scott of Wist Virginia," "collapsed toddV: r.A th TnH l . . 41 - fa1' uui tisipjiCAUOSS ma eeza Utar. It was to&raei tltat ti mm inPEHSIil SAplflKtDAI JODOED OF S1000 SO, 1910. Interest In Chicago Land Show. Chicago, Nov. "so (Special) Chica go is looking forward with anxious expectancy for a word from James J. Hill, the Western Empire Builder, who promises to be the one big at tractions of the day to share honors with the country that hi Indomitable energy has made "a realty. Mr. Hill la scheduled to be In, Chi cago today and to teU the effete East erners something about the' resources of "Washington and' also Oregon. The Washington and Oregon delegations to the big land show have carried out vigorous program leading up to the climax, which is Washington and Ore gon day. Four booths represent these two states. Their displays covered1 everything from Spokane to' Medford. Oregon, and the manner In which they have prosecuted their Dnxrram nromi bring, as results m . tax. payers to the western states that even now are new to the east, merely because of the pitiable Ignor ance of easterners of the wonderful possibilities of the western country. In no other display is greater taste or -greater volume shown than In those that exploit Washington and Oregon. The standard of . these states was raised on high in forecast and maintained there by action of the de termined forces of the two states '. y - DELEGATES SOME TWO HUNDRED WILL HEBE NEXT MONTH. .- BE Tlans Not Definitely OaUIned but In. ciude Something Worth While. Plans ,for an elaborate: banquet to be ; tendered, the 200 threshermen . of the state who are, coming, to La Grande December 8, 9. and 10' to at tend the annual state 'convention, are now .under formulation by President UMlier and Secretary Church of the t,ommercial club here.-islooklne, aI. tej , the banquet which will ( be at wnnea Dy tne guests from out of town, Union county threahrmn ni seve.fa Yrom;thls;cItyt pve.i! "200 IU no dubt be seated. ;.The exact date of the banquet has not been made known urlt.'WI b Probably Friday even ing.the ninth. The program to be carried out haa not been announced definitely but enough has been said to confirm h statement that the leading- thresher- men ana good roads men of the state will be here..1"" r . ' MONEY MEN FLAYED.' Bishop , Williams ; Attack g Dual Trac. tices of Morgan and Rockefeller. Chicago, Nov. 30 Men of' the stAmn of John D. Rockefeller and J. Pier pont Morgan are models of .Deraonfll and religious side of life while virtu ally thieves and brigands and tvranta on the secular and social sides, was tne, charge of Bishop Charles Will iams of the Eplacooal AlnreL nf Michigan today before the Methodist federation on social service. . . ; He branded them as men rf "Dnai conscience"- who sit In front pews of cnurcnes in unctuous piety and skin their fellow men "out of mllllfma th next day. He said,' "When it comes to making money they feel that com bining their business and God's busi ness is out ' of the question." . . CONTRACT CASE POSTPONED. Absence of Attorney In Case Necessi. , .tatcs Delay in Hearing The alleged breach oV contract case slated to H' heard in justice "of the . , .7,7. " v. ' , vvBipouea oe causa Tiirnr mivaS . torneyg in the case, was called from ten-S?Xr4?& cji:,aecsun,t sf jth erlous innM of Wa brother In WMngtv. Charles Tall la ui&g a PtlllfET TO I'lSllG OOii O-jJ APPIlOriLIATICN BILLS AF.01T ALL THAT WILL IJU PAS; ZD ll.1V..,! scfflirjEiio? NUMBER W IIMf EHEO AllllIOES It!' pnppn Cannon, Hale and Others Tell Hlai . -er-OT- lTS.?af Sfoh ""'"' a SEIy SiilaUy Bill as? A Ol!.er Pet Measures of the'Rye'siicora'Sow ApproprlaUon Ellis WK1 Vms and -That is About AH Is Belief. Washington, t Nov. 30 Piresident Taft Is meeting difficulties In endeav- oring to complete his '"annual mes aage to congress. The president; it Is said, desires to pass a ni)mhr of Important measures before the Demo crats took control of the house but Cannon and Senator Hale and others told him there was no chance of suc cess and probably only appropria tion bills could be passed.. During the recent visit to Panama' Taft prepared his program which in cluded such measures as a ship sub sidy bill, Tederal licensing of corpor ations and pensioning of superannu-. ated goVernment employes. Now it is believed the President won't try to . force through these lengthy bills. The president spent the !av working oh his mesea-a and the caWaetmeet-' ing was again postponed today to al low him 'further time. . Trlsro TaxPs Strike, ' Sari? Francisco, Nov. 30 Although there are not over 100 men involved in the taxlcab drivers' strike which began, Monday, night, already a halt dozen , arrests have been made and, one shot fired.' President Carl Dreger of the chauffeur's union and five oth er union men were today admitted, to ball following their arrest for alleged stoning of a non-union rah: , -,le.. ' Investigating the shooting affray early today at the same place whero Richard Kemn. a driver, emptied a revolver into a crowd of union sympathizers GAYNORfS ASSAltANT AiilUIGNED PJeads, Not Guilty to AssauIUn? Street iommissioner Edwards. Jersey City. Nov: 30 Jam, y - , - Mai- lagher. who shot and wounded Mayor wnor or . New , York, . City, today " pleaded not guilty to . inrtin,- charging him with assaulting William Edwards,, street commlssionAr on w,Ith carrying concealed weapons. STRANGERS APPLY AT LANn ftp' FICE FOR HOMESTEADS. More Application of General ;Typo Now Than Earlier in the Fall. Ilouieseekers, 'primarily anxious to pick up government land, have been making their at the land ofllce wlth greater fre quency during the past few drtVa than any. time during the fall excursion umciais othe land office Bay luat'irom Qte to ten appear at the counter every day. seeking Informa tion as?to how they can locate on a hotnestAd. Not all are WUi.TO' autfnd. butii Bajf?hty0af.f Th " 1 f ha . . ' 9 - vUtiou period Blmilar condi tion did not exist to a markeJ da- sT63r'?M ' - fLt - AppllcftttoBf 't& tsxzt:,iti.Z taj . Uaber a&4 ttos etc'a-.i b,v- SCORES SEEKING LOCATIONS ' a Ik. - - 1 V,-