TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1910. PAGE FOUR 14 GRANDE HiVjhiaLM UbaEKVtt, THE OBSERVER 1 Bruge Dennis, EdiUr and Owner. with the Catered at the postofllce at La Gr"nde ; ia second-class matter. Published Dafly Except Sunday. SUBSCRIPTION RATEp. Dally, single copy... Dally, per week.. Dally, per month.. 6c 15o 66c This paper will not publish au ar cle appearing over a nom de pi line. Blgned articles will be revised nub- ect to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save UsappoiatmenL ANOTHER STURDY SOUL GONE. Treklng with hundreds of others through the wilds of the west In '47, which by the way la a long time ago measured by the hour glass of a man's life L. A. .Ross came to La Grande to help make a town. What Grande needs no elucidation the city stands as a lasting monument of wnat tnose pioneers of the ' forties could and did do. So with the passing of Mr. Ross and not alone he but others of his type, the man and wo man of today should realize that more than an ordinary mortal has .laid down to sleep that sleep of death. . UVIB M w u . w . w ' " penned about the stamp o character which must have been exemplified by those who dared to brave what they did in heeding the call of the west, but no one knows just why these men came west. In the east granar ies were copiously filled at harvest and. reaping time, there was free thought and free speech where they balled from in Just as liberal quanti ties as they might hope to find In the trail of the sun, but no, they must come west hey tell us of some of the hardships they endured, but never explained exactly why they turned their faces to the westward. It Is blamed oftentimes to the spirit of the tlmeB, the westwardho from the otU ent to the Occident which finally mov ed across the Atlantic and was fully as sharply defined in America as it was In the orient But that Is not the question, they came, they saw and they conquered, and thereby , made possible the great and wealthy west So to reiterate, the public owes more than passing thought and comment to the memory 01 b a. hobs ana nis Eina. TWO IMrOHTANT MEETINGS. December carries with It two Im portant conventions In this city. One, and of course the more Important, Is 41ia ' ThvaDhavmAn'. Aaarwlattnn pnn. ventlon which will bring threshermen v hence good roads boosters from every section of the state. The other Is the noultrv show. The flrBt is of such value as to sur- nnaa trm rlARHlflpfttlnn that mleht be r . - - given It at a cursory glance. Not only will matters be legislated which bear on the threshermen's business and therefore the farmers' business, but good roads will come up for consid eration. Good roads men of the North west will be In La Grande to make inv taieuunr 01 speecnes an urn uture Important and La Grande can feel Justly elated at tne coming here or this Important organization. When any organization helps others besides themselves, that organization per forma a dual purpose: so Threshermen's association. The Poultry show bas a different aspect; one that is more local in Its contour. But let the roadmakers and the threshermen legislate; they are working for a common goal with oth er associations; also let the poultry men show. In Millar Purvis, the Judge, is a man of national reputa tion, and he scores the exhibits in the show be will Impart goodly portions of his knowledge to each and all of the exhibitors. This of course, can mean but ope thing, that the particu lar poultrymen who hears the scor ing will familiarize himself with poul tryism which heretofore has not been his. In this feature alone the con vention will be an Important one but there are others, far too numerous to mention. The good natured rivalry that will eilst between exhibitors from year to year will produce better fowl, and the scoring of Mr. Purvis will Inform the poultryman how to make these same improvements . in their poultry. So, by employing a master mind as Judge, the poultry as sociation kills two birds with one stone. Long live the poultry show In Union county. , "THE THIRD DEGREE." "The method, known as "the third degree," of extorting alleged 'confes sions' from men who have committed crime,' was condemned. by Judge L. R. Webster In a Thanksgiving address delivered In the Church of Good Tid ings last Thursday as 'inhuman and unjust and calculated to defeat the ends of Justice. " Thus quotes the Oregonlan editorial ly and truly It la Just condemnation. It indicates Judge WebBter knows some thing besides good roads. Barbaric In its Inception, of course, the system bas been perfected in eastern police circles with the same minuteness and attention to details as the manner of apprehending suspects. ; Crime must be ipunlshed, no one disputes that, but heathenish "third degrees" of New York, Chicago, and other police head quarters, as depicted by some of those who have gone through them, casts a reflection on the very word "civiliza tion." Christmas, since time Immemorial has stood for at least some sem blance of religious reverence, aside from what It has In the past 100 years come to mean as home' gatherings at similar side Issues, but a new and commendable "side Issue" is being at tached to Christmas In more recent years. It Is Red Cross stamps. Pro ceeds from these neat little package stickers go to help fight tuberculosis. Truly a good cause and La Grande, as UBual, will contribute its Just quota to it . President Taft may have a turbul ent sea before him bolting regulars, Democratic solons and all that but he can console himself with the thought, that King George is having a rumpus with his Lords and Com mons of Parliament, and that. Em peror William Is right now in the midst of a tussle with bis Reichstag. "Heavy hangs the bead that wears a crown, etc." ' Every family has need of a good, reliable liniment For sprains brulaetsoreneaj of the muscles and rheiimatio pains there la none better than hnmlwrlnin's. SU bj For Quick Messenger Service Call Main 24, orlnd. 4321 GEORGE PALMER, PRes. F. J. HOLMES, Ylce Trcs. TV. L. BREMIOLTS, AssH. Cash. EARL ZUSDEL, 2d Asst Cns.lt. ' F. L. MEYERS .Cashier. La Grande National Bank of La Grande, Oregon ".:r'V."Unitcd States Depository' Czpltel, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS. GEORGE PALMER, W. L.. BREMIOLTS W. J. CHURCH F. 1 MEYERS F. J. HOLMES W. M. PIERCE C C, PENIXGTON W. D. CLEAYER M. BY HIT N A MAN IN A MILLION By M. QUAD Copyright 1910. by Associated IJt . . erary Prett. . . . 1m Joseph Skater was In the Ifclitiiiu;; rod business. Be r-ould talk llliinln for half an hour with only four inter vals for breath. r , When Mr. Slater got the Job of rod ding a building he proceeded to rbeat and lie. He would cheat a to the amount of the material used, and he Would lie about the protection that mighty be expected. He started lu a poor man. and he got rich by lying and cheating. Never for a moment did his conscience trouble him. lie sang as he drove his wagon around the country, and be whistled as be worked away on the roof of house or barn. -' On one of bis happy Jaunts around the country Mr. Skater discovered a widow. He discovered forty of them, for that matter, but this was a partic ular widow. She wasn't so very old. bnt she was so homely as to be star tling. He bad seen tens of thousands of women, but never one to compete : with the Widow Allbright. She knew Louie!, mm hop owned up to It and thdt was also something Mr. Skater bad never beard of before. She had a daughter eight years old. and the girl was even homelier than the mother. "How did your husband . come to marry your asked the lightning man In a voice tinctured with sympathy. , j "He was a little bit daft from birth." waa the reply. ; "You have a very tidy little farm here?" . "Yes. , Widowers and old bachelors come and look the farm over, but when they come to see me and Anna they hurry away." "Mrs. Allbrlght I shall take your case under advisement You are not j to blame for your looks. The homely people ought to have a fair deal. I hall try to get you one." It was curious that such a selfish man as Mr. Skater should think of the Interests of any one else, but as he went his way the matter bothered him. He kept Ahlnklng and thinking, and it was two weeks before he came that way again and said: "Widow, you have a creek on your farm. It rises from a spring In a marsh. You know what petroleum Is. of course. Petroleum Is going to be found in the marsh and creek." "But I have never seen any there." he replied. Because the psychological moment had not arrived. It will arrive In three or four days. Three or four days later than that men will arrive various sorts of men. Would you care for riches r "N-o-o." "Just so. You want some one to love you and call yon pet names, eh? Just want to stay right here and take com fort? A wise decision." "I didn't say 1 wanted to get mar ried again," protested the widow. No. no, but none of us can afford to miss a good thing In this world. Love Is greater than riches. Mrs. All brlght you may be offered $5,000 for this farm, which Is worth about S2,- 000." Then I'll take It" "Then don't you do anything of the kind. There will be an offer of mar riage. What you want to do is to ac cept that You want to be petted. That girl wants a father. A husband and father Is worth more than $5,000. No sale, remember. A husband or nothing." "But bow is the petroleum going to get Into the spring?" was asked. Widow, there are many mysterious things connected with the lightning rod business. This Is one of them.. The petroleum will appear in good time. So will the men. So shall I. One day nature sends us a thunder storm: the next day it is a hurricane; the next she causes the earth to quake and pour out petroleum. , It is for us poor mortals to take advantage of such things when possible." The petroleum appeared on the creek. It was sniffed and sighted by a traveler where, It crossed the high way. In two days thirty men were sniffing and following the creek to its source. They called at the bouse. All the widow could say was that the petroleum had suddenly appeared. Those thirty men looked at the wklow and ber child and turned away. Then they turned back ' to make offers to lease the farm, to buy it outright to drill for oil on royalty. No enthusiasm on the part of the widow. She didn't care for money. ,Tbe "find" was announced In the papers, and the thirty men became fifty. There were gushers gushing 1,000 barrels of oil per day not fifty miles away. The widow was offered as high as $10,000 cash for the farm, but she shook her head. Men were going and coming when Mr. Skater drove up with one seated beside him. TtwMf Want nn tA tfia nrlnir k.iir1 it,. UCfiOBS Worth While M WESTS Our Entire Stock of Lrdies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and 1 " " '' i i i i .. ii i i ii i ii i i 4 ....... . Jackets at Clearance Sale Prices that are selling them in a hurry. Don't miss this opportunity to save on High Quality Garments : j Wooltex, Seigel, and Niatzen Suits, Coats and Jackets, Reduced 25 Per Cent $ Misses' Wooltex Coats reduced 25 Per Cent Entire Millinery Line reduced 25 Per Cent I Hnlirfaw fiifc afe now on display. An elegant - UVIIUCty M",9.vshowinu of USEFUL GIFTS for i the enlire family. Come and see this beautiful line of gifts No EL WE&fjHt QUALITY SJ ORE r t "n i a r Hint i r r i i j i r isjijr irii rsj y. v An offer of $15,000 bad just been made for the farm. Mr. 'Skater left the couple alone for an hour. Then be was asked to gallop his horses for a preacher, and there were a marriage ceremony and a scattering of disap pointed speculators. No, the petroleum didn't last over two weeks, but then the widow was a good as she was homely, and yon can't get a divorce in any state In the Union Just because yon got married in a hurry to become the owner of a petroleum ranch. Humor and Philosophy r VACAA M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. ANY a man starves himself to death trying to save enough mon ey to keep out of the poorbouse. The man who doesn't know bis own mind needs a woman to introduce him to It. It is a wise father whose favorite daughter can't twist him around her finger. The woman who coaxes and cajole her husband for money would perhaps rather hit him over the bead with a club and search his pockets. The husband of the wise woman Is . the one who knows that he is boss in his own house. " j The only time that we can go sleigh ' riding is when it is more comfortable to sit by the fire. It Is one of the compensations of life that we can feel so very superior to the talent that entertains us. Like many another climber, salt pork bas risen above its old time friend and consumers. Another Throne In Pawn. By cum. . ' That was gome Revolution, little Portugal! You sur ri up strong- And told the king "go long!" ' In a gilt frilled manner Ordered his banner i , Moved to ome other lot Not i In that latitude or longitude. Maybe It wai rude And smacked too much of the son. Not according to Hoyle ' Or Chesterfield: but. ay, It waa O. K. . ' And a yard wide! It made a hit this side The blooming strand And Rounded out the task. If any one should ask. Kings are out of date A few more wait For their papers And cut up capers As though they were here to stay. But nay: Their finish Is writ. The place to quit Will soon be pointed out They are getting too stout For the delicate Job. The hand of fate Is on the knob. And they . :. Must soon away. - ' One by one the roses fade, . Thus with thone whose traJe tn be king. 1 The common people are In the ring And ready to say: "Good day! We hate to make a fuss, ' V nut n republic is pood enough for us W'e may they tremhle as Manuel reads the text And wondr who's npxt. Class fff i Advertising 't WANTED Position by a man as cook and 'wife as helper. Camp pre ferred. Call at Observer office. tf WANTED Position as housekeeper by middle-aged lady. Phone Red-1561. "Still More than the Best" M. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis., says Foley's Honey and Tar la still more than the beat He writes ua: "I have so many calls for Foley's Honey and Tar that I will have to write you for some more. All those that bought It think it is the best for cough and colds they ever had and I think it is still more than the best Our baby had a bad cold and it cured him In one day. Please accept thanks. "Hill's Drug store. If goodness were as contagious as the grip the millennium would be im minent It is hard to make a man with the toothache believe that the world is growing better. The defeated candidate has a poor opinion of the Intelligence of the av erage voter. ,,7 Among the pests that ought to be exterminated is the man who tells us that "we ought to be thankful." F.ver mlddl ssrwanknowa that THE ORPHEUM S. A. OARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. VAUDEVILLE PICTURES WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER 28 KELLOT AD "WILSON TRI O Electrical Musical Novelty. 0EL AND McPHAEL Male Sister Team. Singers and Dancers. 4 Making Six Complete Changes In One Act Elaborate Wardrobe. II ARM AN AND JAMES The Yiollnlst and the Singer. Evening Prices 15 and 25c Boxes 50c New People Mondays & Thursdays Matinees Wednesdaysaturdays-Sundays, 2 o'clock