La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 29, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Directory of the Fraternal Orders
-of La Grande, Oregon
A. P. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No.
41, A. P. ft A. M. keldfl regular meet
, - ings firat aid third Saturday at
7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all
Masons.' JOHN 8. HODGIN, W. M.
A. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary.
B. P. 0. EL La Grande Lodge No. 433
meets eaeh Thursday evening at 8
'clock in Elk's club, corner of De
pot itreet and Washington avenue.
Visiting brothers are cartllaHy In
vited to attend. ,
' - DR. G. L. BIGGERS. Ex Ral.
. HUC-H McCALL, Rec Beg
Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W.
meets every secead and fourth Tues
day In the month. All visiting mem
;', bers welcome. -;..-,' ,
- J. H. KEENEST. Clerk. '
M. W. A La Grande qamp'No. 7703
meets every llonday in the month at
the I. 0. 0. P. hall. AH visiting
neighbors are cordially Invited to
' attend. ' -.
. .: . D. E. COX, Clerk.
It's Good ForVhat Ails You
t ; When In need of anything In watches, clocks. Jewelry,
cnt glass, hand painted China, or any ether article carried '
by a tint class Jewel ry
Duying ana you win s ave
first quality goods.
If your eyes trouble
OcDestte the 17. R. Land
K A m.
REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. . &
meets every evening ia the I. 0. C
F. hall. AM visiting memaers ar
Invited to attend.
; Lodge No. 27 meets every Moniaj
night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.,
A Pythian welcome to all vlslttnf
JESS PAUL. & a .
R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. ft 8.
0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E
C. holds stated communications th
second and fourth Wednesdays oi
each month. Visiting members cor
dlally invited." ,
;.... MARY A WiBMJ .
Ronde Circle No. 47 meets ev;
first and third Thursday evtnina
In the month at the I. O. O. P. hi
All visiting members are welcome.
They All Say
store. Investigate our prices before
money, and be sure f of securing
you. havd them fitted by an opn
Office Adams Avt
, A. A A A A,. A. r A. .-,S-A.-..
0 1310, by American rrn ABocmnuiv
things it ia probable that almost every
pass will go direct from center to the
Look For Many Fumbl.
The chances for fumbling are In
finite It will tak-tim for a vast
majority of the centers to get their
pa sues, many of which will be made
at all sorts of angles, under control.
Misunderstood signals, too, will be
a source of danger. Where the quar
terback took the ball It was possible
to remedy a slip-up of this charac
ter. Some one at least received the
ball. He at least got the leather if
there was no. one to whom he could
relay it Crossed signals now are al
most certain to result In a loose ball
Formation Must Walt
That is the main reason why most
of the big eastern teams started prac
tice this fall weeks earlier than they
have in previous years.. The new
rules do require a heap of studying,
but It was for the extra work in the
elementary stages of the game that all
the extra work was ordered. '
Until the players do get so they can
handle the ball cleanly and accurately
fumbling and luck are bound to have a
greater prominence than they "have in
h" rrt" Tic " Yum quit-Kent mas
ter the rudiments, therefore, w ill have a
big advantage over their glower rhals.
The sooner they get so tlu-y -uu h:iu
die iljiii.- ! "ie sooner the coach
es vt.l Lm ; '!. to work put the intri
cate foruialiouj that are expected to
play so big a part In the game this
season. v" ;
8adowki Reds' New Shortstopskit.
Griffith ' may try out on amateur
shortstop named Sadowskl, who Is said
by the natives of Long Island to be
a whale. He may be all O. K but
If Mr. Sadowskl should ever chuck
ski a gnmoskl into tbe-canskl by a
mnffskl GrilT wonltl kick his pantski.
Paull Will Quit Running.
Wilton Fnull. the college champion
mile runner, who negotiated the dis
tance in 4:17 4-5 for Pennsylvania In
1909, will retire from the track. He
will practice dentistry In Buffalo.
Be true to yourself and you do not
need to worry about what the neigh
bors think."
Notice of the Recorder of the City
of La Grande,' Oregon, of assessment
for the improvement of Adams avenue
from the west line of Fourth street
to the east curb line of Third street.
Notice is hereby given that the as
sessment roll for the improvement
of Adams avenue, from the west line
of Fourth street to the east curb line
of Third street, being in improvement
district No. 1. in the City of , La
Grande, Oregou, under the provisions
of Ordinance No. 492, Series 1910, en
titled "An Ordinance declaring the
cost of Improving Adams avenue from
the west line of Fourth street to the
east curb line of Third street, assess
ing the property benefitted thereby,
declaring such assessment and direct
ing the entry of the same on the
Docket of City Liens, authorizing the
issuance of improvement bonds to pay
for said improvement and declaring
an emergency,"" the same being in im
provement district No. 1, in said City,
is now in my iands for collection and
that any. assessment therein may be
paid to me at any time within sixty
days from November 21st. 1910, which
is the first date of the- publication of
this notice, without penalty, Interest
or cost; and each property owner Is
notified that an application to the un
dersigned within ten days from the
21st day of Nov mber, 1910. whlc'a is
the date of the first publication of
this notice he will be allowed to pay
such assessment In ten annual Install
ments, the first installment thereof
being due and payable on or before
the 21st day of January, 1911. If ap
plication Is not made as strove provid
ed the whole amount will be due and
payable at the expiration of said sixty
days. All property owners Interest
ed are hereby Lotifled to appear at
my office in the City hall and pay the
By order of the Council, November
16th, 1910.
' . D. E. COX,
Recorder or the City of La Grand".
Following it the assessment roll
No. 7. :
Block 2. 1-2 Lot 7, Grandy's Addi
tion, A. W. Rynearson. Est, $231.95.
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 6, Grandy's Addi
tion, A. W. Rynearson, Est., $121.64.
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 6. Grandy's Addi
tion. C. H. Finn, $121.64. .
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 7. Grandy's Addi
tion, C. II. Finn, $231.95.' ,
Block. 2, Lot 5, Grandy's Addition,
Mrs; R. W. Laughlln, $121.52.
Block 2, Lot 4, Grandy's Addition,
Martha J. Long, $40.72.' ,
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 8, Grandy's Addi
tion. Sarah A. Smith, $256.07.
Block 2. 1-9 Tt o n.-onv. aaai
tlon. Sarah A. Smith, $131.83. '
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 8, Grandy's Addi
tion. A. W. Rynearson, Est., $256.06.
Block 2. 1-2 Lot 9. Grandy's Addi
tion. A. W. Rynearson, Est, $131.83.
m).0ck 10' GrW Addition,
William Johnson, $131.52.
Block 2, Lot 11. Grandy's Addition,
Ernest Lewis, $44.15.
Block 3. Lot 1, Grandy's Addltlea,
SUOVJ DRIFT FLOUR ls thebest on the market. v:e knoyj nm
Sold By DafeSfanclfec Produce Co. '
B. W. Grandy. $202.75.
Block S, Lot 3, Grandy's Addition,
B. W. Grandy. $81.23.
Block 3, Lot 4, Graady's Addition,
B W. Grandy, $40 72. ,
Block 3, east 75 feet of Lot 14,
Grandma Addition, B. W. Graady.
Block 3, east 75 feet of Lot 13,
Grandy'a Addltloa, B. W. Grandy,
$121.73.. . . .
Block 3, west 60 feet Lot 14, Gran
dy's Addition, Sallle A. T. Palmer,
Block 3, west 60 feet Lot 13, Gran
dy's Addition. Sallle A T. Palmer,
Block S. 60x15, S. W. cor. Lot 1?,
Grandy's Addition, Sallle A. T. Palmer,
$14.70. :
Block 3, balance Lot 12, Grandy's
Addition, B. W. Grandy, $73.30.
Block 3. Lot 11, Grandy'a Addition.
B w r - ----- . ,7:,. v. -
vv... .. f y-B.V.
XoUce. '
Notice of the Recorder of the City
of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments
for the improvement of Fir street,
from the north curb line of Washing
ton Avenue to the south curb line of
Monroe Avenue. '
Notice is hereby given that the as
sessment roll for the improvement
of Fir street from the north curb line
of Washington Avenue to the south
curb line of Monroe Avenue, being in
Improvement District No. 14, in the
City of La Grande, Oregon, under the
provisions of Ordinance No. 493, Ser
ies 1910, entitled "An Ordinance de
claring the-cost of improving -Fir
street from the north curb line of
Washington Avenue to the .south curb
line of Monroe Avenue, assessing the
property benefitted thereby, declaring
such assessment and directing the
entry of the same on the Docket of
City Liens, authorizing the issuance
of improvement bonds to pay for said
Improvement and declaring an emerg
ency," the same being in improve
ment District No. 14, in saif. City,
is now in my hands for collection
and that any assessment therein may
be paid to me at any time within
sixty days from the 21st day of N
vember, 1910, which is the first date
of the publication of this notice, with
out penalty, interest or cost; and each
property owner ls hereby notified that
on application to the undersigned,
within ten days from the 21st day of
November, 1910, which is the first
date of the publication of this notice
he will be allowed to pay such asse s
ment in ten annual Installments, the
first installment thereof being due
and payable on or before the 21st day
of January, 1911. If application is
not made as above Drovlded the whole
-amount will be due and payable at
the expiration of said sixty days. All
property owners interested are her -by
notified to appear at my office in
tho City Hall and pay the same.
By order of the Council November
16th, 1910. , , - j
, D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Following Is the assessment roll No.
i. 4 . . r'
Block 107, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition,
S. H. Dalton, $447.03.
Block 107, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi
tion. J. H. Chllds, $492.77.
Block 107, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. H. Chllds, $269.34.
Block 107, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. JI. Childa, $269.34.
Block 107,' Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Wm. Miller, $179.50.
Block 107 Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Wm. Miller, $71.63.
: Block 107, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi
tion, E. O. L, ft Power Co., $17.83,
Block 107, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Mrs. S. R. Haworth, $243.01. .
Block 107, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addi
tion, O. F. Coolidge, $161.91.
Block 107, Lot 6' Chaplin's Addi
tion A. C. Huntington $64.61.
Block 107. Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi
tion. A. C. Huntington. $16.10.
-Block 108, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $265.07.
Block 108, Lot 2 Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, $161.91.
Block 108, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, $121.53.
Block 108, Lot 4. Chaplin's Addition,
A. A. Fisher, Est, $80.73.
Block 108, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition,
May White, $64.61. -
Block 108, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition,
Yakima Val. Imp. Co., $56.68.
Block 108. Lot 7, Chaplin'n Addition,
Yakima Val. Imp. Co.. $40.46.
Block 108, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
Yakima Val. Imp Co., $32.40. '
Block 108, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
David Bay, $7.96.
Block 108. Lot 2G. ChnnUn'B A
.Mary Noble, $8.17. -
Blpck 108. Lot 27. Chaplin's Addl
r on, Mary Noble, $33.33..
Clock 108. Lot 28, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Mav Whitfl. til fii
, Block 108, Lot 29. Chaplin's Addi
tion C. L. Mackey $58.31.
B12,108 30 Chaplin's Addition
May White, $66.46.
. Block 108. Lot 31. Chaplin's Addition,
S. R. Haworth. $83 03. - -
Block 108, Lot 31, Chaplin's Addi
tion, s. R. Haworth, $125.00.
Block 108 Let. 33. Chaplin's Addition.
S. R. Haworth, $166.57.
J?..Xot 1. ChnnHn's Addition,
Block '112. Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition
J. H. Slater Est. $495.S2.
Block 112, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
J. H. Slater Est, $.155.51.
Block 112, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addition,
J. H. Slater, Est. $236.98.
Block 112, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition.
J. II. Slater, Est, $94.47.
'Block 112, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition,
Alice Ladd, $23.46.
i Block. 112., Lot 10.'-xt"
uuu, j.- c Henry," $343.91.
Block 112, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. C. Ht-nry $245.44.
Block 112. Lot. 12. Chanlln'a 'Addi
tion. Wm. Erlckson, $163.53.
, Block 112, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Lyaia Erickson, $65.26.
Block 112, Lot 14, Chaplin's AddU
uon, u. u.uunte, $16.24.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1, Chap
lin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $108.89.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap
lin's Addition, Julius Roesth, $71.75.
' Block 111, 27 1-2 feet t Lot 3. Chap
lin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $51.56.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4, Chap
lin's A5ddition, Julius Roesch, $34.40.
Block 111, 55 feet of Lot 1, Chaplin's
Addition, S. A. Gardlnler, $165.95.
Block 111, 55 feet of Lot 2, Chap
lin's Addition, S. A. Gardlnier, $95.59.
Block 111, 55 leet of Lot 3. Chaplin's
Addition, S. A. Gardlttier, $77.73.
Block 111, 55 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin's
Addition, S. A. Gardlnler, $50.66.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1, Chap
Uh's Addition, J. A. Russell, $98.72.
1 Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap
lin's Addition. J. A. Russell, $66.97.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3, CLap
Un's Addition, J. A. Russell, $46.48.
Block 111. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4, Chap
lin's Addition, J. A. Russell, $31.91.
Block 111, Lot 5. Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods, $93.50. :
Block 111, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Wood-. $82.53. -
Block 111, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods $58.67.
Block ill, Lot 7.-Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods, $46.88.
Block 111, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition,
John Wilson, $11.37.
Block 111, Lot 26, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Mary Noble, $7.91.
Block ill, Lot 27. Chaplin's, Addi
tion, Mary Noble, $32.73.
Block 111, Lot 28, Chaplin'B Addi
tion, J. L. Mars, $40.87.
Block 111 Lot 29, CEapiiu Addi
tion, J. L. Mars, $57.24.
Block 111. Lot 30, Chaplin's Addi
tion, C. E. Hackman, $65.27.
Block 111, Lot 31, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Elizabeth Burke, $20.39.
Block 111, Lot 32, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Elizabeth Burke,' $30.69.
Block 111, Lot 33. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Elizabeth Burke, $40.88.
Block 111, Lot 31. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Charles Binder, $20.38.
Block 111, Lot 82. Chaplln'a Addition
Charles Binder, $30.69.
; Block 111, Lot 33, Chaplin's Addi
tionCharles Binder, $40.89.
Block i 111, Lot. 31, Chaplin's
Addition, W. H. Ferguson, $40.76.
Block 111, Lot 32. Chaplin's Addi
tion, W. H. Ferguson. $61.36.
Block 111, Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition,
W. H. Ferguson, $81.76. v.- -.
Block ill, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 34.
Chaplin's Addition, ! Charles Binder,
$66.88.'--' : , "-'.(-.; ... .. . ,, . ,
; Lot 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 84. Chap
lin s Addition, Elizabeth Burke, $66.88
Block 111, 55 feet of Lot 34, Chap
lin's Addition,-W. H. Ferguson, $133.76
Block 116, 27 1-2 ft. of Lot 1, Chap
lin's Addition, J. M. Bull, $69.10
Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap
lin s Addition,' J. M. Bull. $44.12.
. Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3. Chap
lin's Addition, J. M. Bull, $31.79.
Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4. Chap
lin s Addition, J. M. Bull, $21.14. .
Block 116. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1. Jul
ius Roesch,- $99.60. - ..
; Block 116. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap
lin s Addition. Julius Roesch $60.96.
u ?,0f iil1,6' 27 1-2 feet of 3, Chap
lin s Addition, Julls Roesch, $47.04."6 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4, Chap
lin s Addition, Julius Roesch, $31.27.
a.m k Uh?S feet of Chaplin's
Addition, Ella White, $168.70.
a 5S?k "i',65,1 of 2- Chaplin's
Addition, Ella White, $105.05. ' ,
.. 1W, M I feet of Lot 3, Chaplin's
Addition, Ella White, $78.83
nS n,!1 6'Lot 6' Chain's Addition.
Baker City Groc. Co., $73.58.
mw016 1' Chaplin's Addition,
Baker City Gro. Co., $52.54.
ntru6 8-Chaplin's Addition.
Baker City Gro. Co.. $42 07.
pIL0,!164 9l Chaplin's Addition.
Baker City Gro. Co., $10 18.
.. "1. 55 feet of Ix)t 1. Chaplin's
Addition, G. T. Fleming $209.66
SSf k 12i' 6? feet of l Chaplin's
Addition. Fred Dutll. $250 32
Block 121. fir, feet nf T.nt ?, C.hnnn'
r... .. .....
U25 Jelkrson Avzrs
SL'r. offi" M.JJ. 720
Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 2, Chaplin's
Addition, Fred Dutli, $93.01.
Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 3, Chaplin's'
Addition, G. T. Fleming, $G9.84.
Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 3, Chaplin's
Addition, Fred Dutll $90.16.
Block 121. Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition.
Louis Wright, $106.36.
Block 121, Lot 5. Chaplin's Addition,
John Palmer, $S5.12..o, -
;. Z1W "I.'IO f eet of Lot 6, ChapT '
11ns Addition, John Palmer, $24.90
Block 121, 20 feet of Lot 6, Chaplin's
Aoaiuon, Chas. A. Dunn, $49.78.
Block 121, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition.
Chas.iA. Duun, $53.33.
Elock 121. Lot g. Chaplin's Addition.
O. F. Coolidge, $42.69.
P.Inrlf 191 ljt n ri n. . .....
. F. Coolidge, $10.33.
Block 121, Lot 34, Chaplin's Addi
tion, II. J. Young. $487.14.
' Block 124, Lot 33, Chaplin's Addi
tion, JI. J. Youn". $227.56.
Block 124. Lot 32( Chaplin's Addi
tlon, H. J. Young, $171.03.
Block 124, Lot . 31, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Ralph Warner, $113.93
4Em,ck 124' ,we8t 1-2 Ut S0- Chaplin's
Addition, Ralph Warner, $45.51.
a m k 124Eaut i-2 Lot 30, Chaplin's
Addition, S. V. Keltz, $45.51.
Block 124, Lot 29, Chaplin's Addi
tion, S. V. Keltz. J70 77 ,
Block 124, Lot 28, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Lizzie Gulling, $56.90.
UIOCK 124. IXlf 91 . Phanltn'. AJJI
tlon, Lizzie Gulling, $45.54.
Hnwl2.4 tW.e8 W Ix)t 26. Chap-
lU East 1"2 Lot 2G, CLaplin's
Addition, Wm. M. Day, $5.58.
Block 124. Lot 1. Chaplin's Addition,
Mrs. A. M. Anthony, $414.29
TBloc.k I?4, 2' Chaplin's Addition,
Mrs. A. M. Anthony. $178.93."-
uiock 124, Lot 3.. Chaplin's Addition.
S. C. Zuber, $134.59. .
Pr?n"4, ' CnaPn'8 Addition.
Frank Carpenter, $62.74.: ,
Block 121, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition
Frank Carpenter, $44.73.
Block 124, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
Frank Carponter, $35.83.
tt3 ' ChaPn's Addition.
Helen M. Geddes. $8.99. . . .
t'V2,8; ?1 10 Chaplla'f Adddlton
Laura V. McClure. $600.88. ,
nv. 11 u, Chaplin's Addition
Laura V. McClure, $342.03.
Block 125, Lot 12,: Chaplin's Addl
tlon, Laura V, McClure, $227.55.
Block 125, Lot 13, Chaplin's' Addi
tion. Laura V. McClure, $90.92.
in T UlUt u- Chaplin's Addi
tion, Mary Biggers Est., $22.76. '
12.5, V0 9' ChaPn' Addition,
Rose Harris, $503.02 ,
nL?f U.2, VL8' Chaplin's Addition.
Rose Harris, $269.14,
nn.i?? 1 , ' L7' Chaplin's Addition.
Rose Harris, $178.93. j
V Block 125, Lot 6. ChaplVs Addition.
S. A. Weagle, $71.62. .
? a Chaplin's Addition.
S. A. Weagle, $18.21. ,
. nrnla,ge Detweea Jefferson Avenua
and Madison Avenue and right of war
O R. & N. Co. $3,693.00, " f ay,
'Macadam on crossing, $217.80.
Oeanlng; and Tresslng.
Ladies and Gen's Clothing ri0.n.t
o vivuuwi
I-ressed and repaired with satisfac
tion Ladles' work a apeclalty. 1704
East Adams avenue, W. R. Baxter,
Vlhy pay Rent ?imt02ii you
uw money to 'build, and you
pay us aybu would rent.
New Transfer
M. L. Leader
RED 37G2