r PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1910. ::: flfifl ; w -r. J j: Wit ; '. Drem I ; ' s'ot ',' ; the 1 ; T and' P tie Fi : w ca 1 ft H , ICS, ry id SU j ' if cnt :i- . US I J '; ipear ; . iat b , jrs ll sT you ; o. ; ; .-'. ''..If a My f 3ft W espot i ; i r I it ri 1 1 I'm 3!Mi fx 1 i; lT. e-- "- If OM . .' 5 2V n I bare no land of my own to offer. I sell strictly on percentage. Both owner end buyer receive the same fair treatment. I uean that your property is offered at exactly the price yon place oa IL We'ln tlte your consideration of the following listings. Gity Property Four room house, two lots, good cellar, 1414 Z avenue. This place has been listed for some time at 11100. A special price. If sold during the next ten days, at $350. 1500 cash, time on balance. Two story bouse, with barn, lot 55x90. one door north of M. E. church, South; $1400,' $800 cash, bal ance on easy terms. ' . -. '.'. 4 '. Seven room house, e!ated west end of Pennsylvania avenue, plastered stone foundation, city water In house; price $1,000. Why pay rent? Terms $100 down, balance $15 per month. ' Fine large home In North La Grande, two blocks, splendid house, , barn and out buildings. Fine or ard; an Ideal home with ample room for garden, poultry, cow' and horse, This Is an exceptional fine offer. Trice $4,000. - '. ' ' . . : Nice new borne, two lots In West La Grande; price $2,000. A well built house on Main Avenue, facing North; close In; price, $2,500. Oe-halt cash, balance on time. 'V ', .':';' :-:-v v .: t , i-v-:" ' ' -'V. v Four room house on Monroe Avenue;' nice barn and extra well built poultry house.' Three lots, four room house with cellar, city water.' ' All in good condition.' $1100, easy terms. ; .., n. , '-. . j . ;;Z. "rrrl I. Uiuuu, r iivv. linree :ots in same Mock at 1900. Thia " Is desirable property. vi '? I ,j. kV ; '''"'': '' :'- a new seven-room house on EaBt Adams avenue, roomy basement plastered, well finished throughout, $2,500. vfi - .,':';,r;:;;!;.';;' , 12 room house, barn, 8 acres of land, 100 fruit trees, barn, spring, well and city water. Sightly view; nice home In South La Grande. i '-,' l . ' '..'; :" Large 10-room house with entire block of ground1. Here Is chance for Investment; five houses can be built on this property. All close to the high school building. ; Good barn on piace, price $3500. ' : Five room house, modern plumbing, lot COxllO, near court house, beautiful location, $1800; $800 cash, balance two years. f -.-"-'"' '",'',.-" v ,.';.: Seven room house on Adams avenuef well built plastered, basement,' desirable location, $2500. $500 ;cash.' balance on easy terms. "" ' : ' t , ;, ' ''- VV :':', "-1 ''y--. Four room house, near big bt'ck school house, north bf track, $1100. : , . "V ; ' Plastered house In North La Grande, entire block, $4,000 on asy terns. , V, , . Nice home In North La Grande, fruit, barn, accessible to new R. 1 shops $1700. , . flood eiclalaed THE ISIS mOGRAM, TODAY. list Performances of Present Popu- , lar Program at the Isls. ; l' Tonight the present program at the jsls will be changed and those who have not seen the list of pictures are missing something. The complete schedule of pictures and song Is told in the house ad today. Everyth'ns you want, from sadness to humor, Is to be found In the different reels at the popular moving picture house. SEATS OX SALE TODAY. The Time, The Place ant The Girl" Seat Jfow On Sale. Seats went on sale for "The Time, The Place and the Girl" This' Morn ing. The shoW appears at the Stew ard Wednesday evening, and judging from the way people are buying seats, the house will be filled to ca pacity when the comic opera lifts the Initial curtain.' '. fi KEW PBOG1UM AT OEPHEUa. Fine Wardrobes In Stellar Act at Or. pheum Expensive and Eelcgant , Town Lots I have some splendid buys In town lots in all portions of the city. Very good lots for $100. 8ome extra choice locations at $300 to $750.' ; ''' x . " : 'v'"' .''-v '" '.v'' Farm Lands Fine Stock Ranch 2600 faunded acres near La Grande, 300 acres of meadow land." from which 400 to 600 tons of hay can be cut annually. Well watered; reasonable terms, r ; ,; ,,,, , ' v ' ' Near La..Grande: l-KP Fine foothill farm four rail ea from La Grande, 800 acres, well Improved, $16,000, tert , ' 160 acres well Improved. All good land, 70 acres of summer fallow, seeded, one han mils to nine months' school, less than one mtlo to depot This Is a snap. $92 per acre. Terms. - , y : 1 1 760 acres near goot, school and depot adjoining place. Good roads . all the way to La Grande, - miles. ; ':; ;;;''.;;--;: '-;:';V- 20 acres commercial orchard In Frultdale, trees 8 years old, well cared for and In splendid condition. Ten-acre Fruit Farm Situated near school house In Frultdale, trees 12 years old, crop estimated between 2,000 and 3,000 : sexes; : $6,500,. good terms or will exchange for city property. i ; . ' 80 acre one quarter mile from the city, modern house, fine cellar with spring; five acres of tine or chard, crop goes wl'H place if taken at once. Fine dairy, fruit and poultry farm, $5,60Cv , v V Here is a 220 acre farm, 800 acres summer fallow and seeded to grain, water right six miles east of La Grande, $52 per acre. .Investigate this. ' f r .;..!'.. --. m a iit per acre. Look This Up' st of La Grande, well lmpro Mt. Gknn Parm ; t - 6U0 acres of land eight miles east of La Grande, well Improved, fine stock, alfalfa and grain, ranch. , SO acres, all good land. 5 acres In orchard, large barn, several springs near school, rural delivery. arm produced 40 bushels of wheat to the acre last year. $8,000. very reasonable term. ' : :' 'u i ' ; n ' SO-acre..- Fniit Farm '; ry: . - -. Situated near Summervllle, will trade for city property or will sell on Tery easy terms. T60 acres tight miles from La Grande. Last year this land produced 129 bushels of cats to the " acre. Veil Improved, $65 per acre. Terms, .'" " ;':' " ;' " ' ,-: ' '' '. :'. In Lower Gove i 320 acres, 60 cultlvatable, 400 fine fruit trees, tine spring, $4,0Q0, easy terms. , ". Grazing Land I a- 240 acres, well watered la lower Cove, $7 per acre. Splendid fruit land, large meadow, several acres In alfalfa, three miles south of La Grande, ;s,000. Timber Land . 80 acres south of La Grande, $300, one-half cash. ' ' ' VI' . mmw: real lMrii . ; ; ESTATE H3 Cu With the new program which goes onto the stage at the Orpheum, will tA k ntAnt AlArratif xxra vA liQ ever worn - by vaudeville artists in this city. The Male Sisters team which is one of the feature acts, brings, out wardrobes in several different acts which are rich and elegant The en tire; program changes today and the new list of features gq-on tonight. ways TaXeJ asH lie rnleuded to marry Eunice, but he didn't come down t details. He didn't ask her to name the day and arrange the bridal tour. Eunice liked Abner and bore with bira. but she was getting rather tired of It when her Aunt Hannah came oo a visit Aunt Hannah saw Abner two or three times, understood his nature and then said to her niece; "Look here, you've got a poke of n man hanging around after you. and It may be ten years more before he'll say anything about marriage. Are you going to put up with It' or do somethlngT' "Why. auntie, what can I dor "Get mad at him and make him uuna ne s going to ios you. "He only laughs when I get mad," "Then set in and criticise his feet his nose, his eyebrows. Tell blm that he's the homeliest man you ever saw." "I don't think he'd mind It at all." " "Didn't you ever see him show any temper?" v i!Not a bit He was run over by a drove of hogs oneff'and got np laugh ing. No. you can't make Abner mad. He's a poke, but an awfully good. masL" : " "And are you going to keep right on for the next fifty years, are" you?" . One afternoon thre or four days mm iiuuoi miiici witu ou uenu i out was left house by the grocer to be ussT (A RE Anrrel.' The house stood ouVH? Ul"1 tnere was ft sharp slop'e',CS i"?yilIage street About the hour Abnerjally appear ed Eunice was sent on an errand to the other side' of the village, and when the "poke", arrived Aunt Hannah, was the one to greet him. , She took him to the corner of the house where the barrel stood and promptly began:? "See here. Mr. Jackson, you've been dawdling around here for years. What are you after?" v "Why why" he. srramered 4 "IH never come asalar Abner ia a changed voice. , "That's good. That's what I want ed to bear you say. Go and scrnat 5 ! somewhere else. Go and find the home liest girl la the country to match you. The first time I saw you I knew yon rwas a poke of a man and you hadn't grit enough to push a toad off Its nest" "Woman, be careful! If you aggra vate me too much ' "Aggravate an old poke! Why, man, it would take you three years to get mad, even li you started in tonight" j ' Ibe next thing she knew she wu beng lifted off her feet in Abners strong arms and deposited In tfc Landy barrel. 1 Before she could yelp twice1 the barrel was whirled on its side and given a kick to start It down the slope. It took an erratic course. It ran to the light a few feet and then shied to the left , It stopped for a moment at a gooseberry bush and then dodged and Jumped clear over a crabapple tree. There were yelling and screaming from the Inmate of the bar rel, but Abner stood and watched the ctrcus and shouted back "rm a poke, am I? I'm a squatter, am I? I've got bowlegs and bumped shoulders and, feet like en elephant! Gol dura your hide, roll onr, And the barrel rolled, and Aunt Han nab' rolled, and neither of them stop ped rolling till the barrel, crashed through the fence and brought; up against a shade tree la the street- No one was killed. No bones were broken. Aunt Hannah crept out and up to the IwtntUk unit xnm tnmt Wnl-Kiw last of ' the 'arnica : Vheri Miss 'Eunke' came rushing in with radiant face to Ixclalm: " v r "I was coming' back home and I met, Abner end he was sweartng-r and be grabbed me by the arm and he said be d break my neck if I didn't go right to the preacher's and be mar ried and and" ' "And you went?" ."Tea. ana we were married. 1 I had to be. Abner ain't a poke any more, but the awfulest, determlnedest man you ever beard of. Why, auntie,, he told me to tell you that you could go to thunder and be durned to you!" f n- 1 s . 'c-A'.s i.fc' ,.'f, it', ' a ' l ' 1 o . ' V.-- ; . v..-. l ....C'V...i.tri. -?v .?. j:--- . -..';: . U - 7T, .. 1 Kessrs. Noel 1 and McPhalVtne Kale Sister Team at the OrpheamTonlght WHEN A3NER . GOTMAD .'.,,"'. ' Bv M QUAD .Copyrleht, 1910. by Associated Lit erary Press, , Ml8 Eunice Glassor was a "sorter": old mnld. but it was not her fault Abner Jackson,-. who was a "sorter". old bachelor, had been courting her for five years without actually popping the question. She lived with her wid owed mother in the village, end he worked a little farm just outside.. Abner wasn't lazy. He was Just a good natured poke of a man. He was going to get. married some day, but there was no hurry about It. He al-, :'. :'.' ' ' . ');,. 'v-.iu telll I knew yr i:;:(1;: i ' Vv v i-isme. .here almost e ; ery n.lu In t!i wit-U for months ni yeurii nnd squatted ,vourIf down, titii. whnt ; for? Vour talk can't Inters anybody. ' Tbt lsh( of you" Isn't h splrliis. If I wa Eunice I'd Just as Boon ha ve a wooden man around. Ami yet you come and sguat and squat, 1 ask you. sir, what you mean by such conduct?" ': ' - : ' "l-l guess 111 go home," answered Abner, who was too astonished to see straight ; ':";V ;.Js "And I guess you won't". said Aunt Hannah, "at least not until you hare explained yourself., I've been looking at you. If I had a cow as homely as you are I'd knock her In the bead with the ax Hump shouldered, bowlegged and feet like ah elephant and yet you come here end squat around and take up a girl's time! Why, man. what can yoa think of yourself r - . : A Disaster. . - a Hostess Mr. iu!bs Is going to sing a comic aoug. .Guest I knew some thing would happen. I upset the'salU at the dinner table. Stray Stories. ' The Difference That It Makes. - I used to think the man a crank . Who talked swuy about his kid With language undergrowth M rank As any In a forest hid. , But with one of my own on hand ' His angle 1 can understand. , I own he wearied me a bit Relating saying smart and bright But now his ravings make a hit; - . . 1 listen with a strange delight And for ari opening 1 wait "' One on my baby to relate. : I spot hlra halt a block' away ' S -' And wait bis coming without fear. I, know about what he will sy, And it 1 what I want to hear. '''' And he will hare to listen then My kldlet talk to hear again. . It gives to life a cUfferent twist When you a wee one have to hold, . Tou gladly listen to the grist ' " Of childish stories, new and old. ' The while you wait a chance to set. A few ones In about your pet ' Tee, on the whole, you like to know The father of a baby bright -' Who pour on you the. ovarflowKW , Of baby doings day and night . . .. But he must fairly play the game Half time tor hint, for you the same. !',. ; Doing Them a Kindness. '; . "Do you belong to many of the col-, lege fraternities?" ; , ; ; "I am a member of the Society For , th Preventlnn tt f!m1plrv tn Pro, fessbrs." ' '' ' ,:'' " ', "That' sounds good. How 'do you work itr . - : JBy staying away from' classes,' so they: will not be humiliated by :my failures. 5 , ' 0 J :'t '- Mi. WIiiiiIhi Wv. "The women all like him.'""' . , "I wonder: why?" ' , "He always engages them In an a- tument" . ' i "Wbylathatr : :. ' ,-r i: "And lets them win." U ii, in i .in,, i , in , ,.n ,,m'lmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmimmm j V K - - Ut p iS . u i" ...... $ KeUnm and Wflson, Trio, Electric Mtafcal 5ovclty Act at the Otpheum T his ITeek.' A