La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 26, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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TZx imzimQ OZZZLVHl. 8 ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1910.
o o so o o oo o o o
o o
Wash., la stopping at tbe Saroy.
Ben Rich and wife of Wallowa are
guesU at tbe Foley today..
11 est
(Continued from page 2)
V 1 .'I, .
:. Eit '.J
of the ''I'
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low 3 j
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appeal :
that b !
ours li -X
if you
Co. U':
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tbe ;
. i.j
: 3!aH
& A. Brown of Wallowa la a nest
at tbe Savoy.
C. 0. Russel of Elgin la registered
'at tbe Savoy today.
Mri. Lee C. Henderson of Pasco,
OR. M. rP.
You are taking great chances by
having yoor eyes examined by men for gputhern Wisconsin
J that knew no mr. ? tiislT,8,t a few weeks with
you. v
You do not take any chances when
Dr. Mendelsohn fits your glasses. He
la strictly reliable. ; I- .
Aa far as equipment, experience
and guarantees can protect you, you
are protected. We have the exper
ience, skill, equipment, facilities, re
sources, and high moral, business and
professional purpose. Our 29 years'
practice, tbe completeness of our e-
qulpment, and Immense stock we car -
ry, the satisfaction we have given to
others, la our guarantee to you that
we have all these qualifications.
Dr. Mendelsohn located : In La
Grande on the special request of all
the physicians of this city and has
successfully treated over 2200 people
in Union and Wallowa counties, in
cluding about 200 children. In em-
ploying professional service you get
the best service and material for less
than you would pay others for Infer -
lor material and no professional aer-
vice. He guarantees satisfaction In
every respect.
All broken glasses replaced while
-yon walk .
Office hours, 9:00 a. m. to 12 m.; 1
'p. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by appoint
ment. f r i-y , wAictf .i mmmmmmn.muM.
Chinese vs. White Men
' ' "
"The white ' man Is regulated by
society aiid is heavily taxed to sup-
port the city, ita achoola and other
InaMfntlnna ' TIa U rrV
and only allow his employes to work
Buiixu uuiuusr ui uuuis uuuy, wuicu
la quite right and proper.
to no regulations. Old buildlnga are
occupied. Here they sleep, amuse
themselves , and work under condi-1
uona wwch - are extremely unsanl-
lary. iney wont twice as long as a
white man could, nnrhana work fori
a penny or two cheaper, only because
thMr mnrjo f iiHn. M.M..l(k.
rfn n V.varv AnVav lh la
out of your country to China." You
and your city lose. ,
A plant such as Cherry's New Laun
dry represents an Investment or time,
talent and thousands of dollars. A
visit to tola plant will show you that
here Is the "Spirit
of the Times"
Congenial emnlovmant t ivn"
i number of skilled assistants who
live and spend their waes In La
Orande. . '
Can you compare the organization
and nlan of thla mod nitn) ith
v the lll-kent Chinese Uudrlt t .
preclte the difference, watch them,'
- then watch ua. 1
Steam laundry methoda are perfect-'
1 !r eanlUrr. Our method. H-.n.n
do not polish over and above the'?0!1" the flne8t lriiaraMon 'or
(Jiff '
We want you to think this over,Drug Co" t0 8top ha,p ,rom fallln8:
then gin us a chance to show vou t0 "adicate . dandruff and atop itch-
how nicelr we launder your linen at
verr reasonable chargea.
Perfectlon is not claimed, but It Is
oar aim to get aa near to It aa pos-
' -
. : J " '
Cherrv $ New Laundrv
; V" "m
S. L. Cohoon baa left for New York
on & business trip.
C. A, Manakam of Ft "Worth, Tel.
la registered at tbe Sommer today.
John Tbum of Portland, represent
ing a line of oils is at tbe Foley to
day. .'.' :
C. C. Laselle of Denver, represent
log a line of clothing, Is registered at
the Foley today: : ;
Fred B. Currey, J. H. Peare and J.
J. Carr leave tonight for Portland on
business matters.
Mrs. W. Weatherspoon of Pleasant
valley Is a guest In the city today
stopping at the Sommer while here.
County Judge J. C. Henry leaves
tomorrow for Walla Walla where he
will attend the good roads conven
tlon. . -' : ' .-.
Mrs. Wilbur McCully has returned to
her home In Joseph after visiting
with her mother, Mrs. Cohoon of this
Mrs. II. S. Massee leaves tomorrow
where she will
her aged par
F. MY Hoftedetz of Imbler Is regis
tered at the Foley.. He Is cashier and
bookkeeper of the Summe'rvllle Lum
ber company at Imbler. :
Mrs. Charles Foster and daughter,
Edna, have gone to Wallowa to visit
friends. From Wallowa county they
go to Idaho to visit other friends. ,
! m
J The Misses Ruth and Helen Hart of
Hllgard, arrived on this afternoon's
train from Wallowa where they have
been visiting friends for the past
few days.
Mrs. M. B. Mendelsohn and daugh
ter and niece, Miss Lillian Neuman.
leave tomorrow for San Francisco
where Miss Neuman lives and where
Mrs. Mendelsohn will attend the gol
j den wedding of her parents,
Will Wrl't of Salem is in , La
Grande, staying at the 3ommer ho
tel. Mr. Wright Is Btate bank examiner.
ernment were filed today in super
Mrs. Colon R. Eberhard and daugb
ter arrived today from a week's visit
with relatlvea in Joseph.
Marriage License Issued.
County Clerk Ed. Wright .today Is
"J!ed a TlT1 V J?T.? '
Rice and Emma V. Willis, both of this
The Quicker a cold is gotten rid of the
I" the danger from pneumonia and other
MrlOUi diseases.
Mr. By W. L. Hall, of
Wvar1 V. . ' "I firmlv lie I leva Cham.
berlaln's Cougli ftemedy to be absolutely the
uetii prepiiroiion on me intuitu tor corns, i
'iaTe reoommentltfd ii to m friends -ond
vMj to Stop It and Make It Lustrous
tnd Beautiful.
1 If your halr ,s fa,llng out: ,r you
have unattractive hair, or if
1 yOU Deed
a dally hair dressing, read
what Mrs. Hettle Hedgeman of Nel
aonvllle, Erie county, Ohio, writes
June 3, 191Q, about Parisian Sage
"I used Parisian Sage for falling
hair and find It the finest thing I- ev
er heard of. My hair waa falling out
"HUU' lu,, "".. wuiu run my
by combs full, and I could run my
' nnser rougn " ana tney would
! ha?g Ml 01 10086 halr- 1 wa8hed my
na,r Bna D0Ule or Parisian
SaRe and U8e(1 tw applications, and
1 cou,d Bee a great My halr
I was lustrous and nice and had almost
I BtPPe out, and by the use of
on more bott,e U .topped altogeth
Fop women' ,or men or for cn,1(V
.,n,' ranalan sage is witnout any
I uai"loeu DJ U9 iNewnn
!ng lp ,n two week8' or money
; RCfc !t ,s a moBt da,ntlly perfum-
!d 4nd refre8nln ha,r dressing, free
roi gr.ease or 8UCI"nei8. and ought
I every home where every
j member of tbe family could use it
( dally. Large bottle 50 cents at the
Newl,n Drus Co- nd aruggiata eTerr
where. The girl with the Auburn halr
la on every package. ' Nor. 26-Dec. ?
Miss .Douglass, of South La Grande, f
waa noexess eany .in me weex at aiiienancuon .or Portland who U a
pleasant party j at e which aeyeral
young people wei-e present A musl-
Val program waa carried out and tbe
evening was brought to a close with
serving of , delicious refreshments,
ybe guests were: Horace Ludlker,
Earl Ludlker, Grorer Els worth, Tom
Williamson, Armond Faulk, E.- Long,
Misses Bernice Lloyd, Naomi KIrtley,
Elva Green, , Helena Love', ' ; Jessie
Greene, Calista Love, Mae Noyes and
Louise Donglass. '
A prominent South La Grande so
cial event this week occurred when
Miss Gertrude Halley entertained a
number of youpg friends at an in
fonaal dinner . at the home of her
grandparents ,Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Croi6. '.. ' : ' -: : '
Mrs. L. F, Massee Wednesday after
uoon entertained in honor of .Mrs H
S. Massee who leaves tomorrow for
Wisconsin, where she will spend a few
weeks visiting here parents. The af
ternoon was given over to Informal
entertainment and a two-course
luncheon . The guests were: Mrs
O. T. Cochran, Mrs. B. G.:Frltts, Mrs,
u. Long, Mrs. F. H. Green, Mrs.
P. A., Charlton and Mrs. McCoy. ,
Mrs. Lloyd Scrlber entertained BIN
lildna Wednesday afternoon at an in
formal needle and thimble party. ,
, .
C. Bull waa hostess this
week to the club formerly known as
Newlyweds. This club meets alter
nate weeks.
The band dances which are coming
to be so popularheld sway again
Wednesday evening. The usual good-
sized crowd attended and listened to
the music or danced as fancy struck
them.. ; .
. OA account of the fact that the
teachers' convention was on the
boards and usurped almost the entire
attention in the city this week, , the
Tuesday musical program was ,not
carried but last Tuesday. . The club
meets again in one week from, Tuea
day when the program will be jUHder
the direction of Mrs. O'Connel , and
Mrs. E. C. Moore. ; ",
i ; i
Domestic science that subject which
of late years has come to be an ajl
important one not only in club study
but in practtcal teaching In the high
schools and grades of the cities, will
be thoroughly discussed nxt Tues
day by members of the neighborhood
club. The topic will be handled by
Mrs. M. B. Donohue, Mrs. George Pal
mer and Mrs. W. A. Worstell.. "Ven
tllatlon In the Home," "Sanitary Care
of the Home." and "Utilizing Sim
shine in the Home" are the subjects
assigned to .the speakers. ' '
A hard time social, was held last
evening at the W. H. Bohnenkamp
home under the auspices of the Pres
byterian, Aid Society. Guests -were
fined heavily by Kangaroo courts
when too guadlly attired. Mr. Perkins
won the prize for the most unique and
fitting male custom while Miss Rich
ardson won the ladles' prize. , " 1 ;
The closing week's feature sociaty
was of course the reception last Mon
day evening when the visiting teachers
were tendered a reception at the
Elks auditorium unde the arrange
ment of Mrs. E. PolacH, Mrs. C. H,
Upton, Mrs. W. H. Bohnenkamp and
Mrs. F. L. Lilly. The receiving line
Included: Mr. and Mrs. E. Bragg. Mr.
and Mrs.. J. D. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. F.
L. Meyers', Mrs. Turner Oliver, Mrs.
Fred G. Schllke, Mrs. ML K. Hall, Mrs.
BuJIard and Mrs. Bldwell. The hall
was tastily decorated under the man
agement of Miss Zoe Bragg. An Inter
esting program was carried out, but
dancing and refreshments supplement
ed. The refreshments, consisting of
sherbet and wafers were served by
Mrs. O. E. Silverthorn and. Miss An
aon at one table and Mrs. Richardson
and Mrs. . A. Curplllat at tbe sec
ond table. These ladlea were assists
in the serving by Miss Ethel. Wright,
Miss Olive, Massee. Miss, Zoe Bragg
and MIsa Jeanette Slilth and Messrs.
George Kerr,! George Currey, Lee
Reynolds and Russell Ralston.
Dr. and Mra. M. K. Hall and Mr.
and Mra. C. A Vurplllat entertained
the Evening Kaffee Klatch last even
ing at the Hall home. 180S Second
street. Honors -were won by Mrs.
guest with Mrs. Hall and Mrs. E. W.
Bartlett ' ;
Y ,., . :..
Thanksgiving was responsible for
cancellation of the scheduled Five
Hundred card club meeting this week.
' "
A week from next Wedaesday the
gentlement of the grange will cook
and serve an elaborate dinner with the
ladles , of the grange taking a well
earned .vacation and. they will be tbe
guests of honor at the bachelor-like
feast ...
V .. ft
Forty young people were guests last
evening at a .very enjoyable party at
the home pf Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Jones j
when Miss Charlotte Jones, Miss Nel-
He Hill . and Miss Frankie Crawford
were hostesses at an Informal evening
party, TSuch unique methods of en
tertainments as a mock marriage and
parlor games that always please,
coupled Jwlth a two-course luncheon
constituted the evening's entertain
ment Purple and green was the col
or scheme attractively adhered to
throughout the decorations. At the
mock. marrlae-A M H?rrcr
groom and Miss Nora Arbuckle the
blushing bride. Milton Stoddard offi
ciated as the divine who tied the mock
knot. John Ruby and ! Milton Stod
dard were tbe prize winners of the ev
ening. The event was, from the stand
point of numbers and elaborateness,
one of the leading social functions of
the week. '
Your" dollar la worth a dollar when
you buy wood from McLeod and Pal
mer. A great big load of dry wood
at a price everybody can pay. Phone
Main 757 or Independent 1502.
JuBtla Warner, LaFayette, Tnrl.' was
completely cured after two years of
suffering. "My kidneys and bladder
bothered me severely for two years.
making me suffer Intensely. My ild
neys were weak and sluggish while In
my bladder there was constant mis
ery. I was run down, tired very easily
and appetite poor. Four bottles ot Fo
ley-Kidney Pills cured me completely.
My appetltie la restored, I Bleep 'est-
ruiiy and reel stronger and health
ler than ever before. I gladly rcom
men Foley Kdney Pills." HiU s Drug
ii tt ii
mm' mm
Crockery, Qassware, Fancy China and Cut Glass
in order to make room for Notions; Ladies' arid Meii'sl
Buy Xmas fiifts Now; while Opportunity Knocks
i w vaiue, wtnie tney last
nftaLlr With Neatest line
of TOYS and XMAS GIFTS ever brought to this city
Watch our Show Windows and the Newspapers for Bargains!!
to Imbler next Saturday night when
the first game of the year will be
played against the huskies from that
town. Manager, Geddes pa hooked on
about the hardest team in the county
for the first game as the entire Imb-
w team nf last vear is back in the
game and have been practicing con
sistently for the past several weeks.
Pendleton High Is coming here Jan
uary 28 to meet tbe L. D. S. team.
Thla should be a Yh!ghly , exciting
game and "should give the fans a vis
Ion of fast basket ball.
Both the boys and girls' basketball
rules for;1910-U have reached here
and the high : school students are
cramming on the rules. On the whole
there have been but few changes, es-
peclally In the girls' rules which are
Identical with last year in the , major
respects. The boys' rules change
somewhat but not m such a way
as to make. It particularly different
from a spectator's viewpoint
The B. M. A. has organized again
for the winter and In all probabilities
will have a class embryo gymnasium
within a few days if negotiations for
a "home now on are ciosea. Bas
ketball and handball will be special
ized In this winter very likely though
regular gym. ' classes will be con
ducted. -
Some of the amateur teams of the
city are finding difficulty In secur
ing places in which to practice, and
the Delta club Is one of them. The
skating rink is not to be thrown op
en to all teams this winter for prac
tice work, though the manager . Is
perfectly willing to have games play
ed there. The city may need street Im
provements and more business
houses but it also needs a public
gymnasium fully as badly.
Carl DJttebrandt, of the Dittebrandt
Garage company, is in Portland this
week buying two demonstration cars,
one Chalmers and one Hudson. The
cars Bhould be here by the middle of
next month.
For Quick
Messenger Service
Call Main 2, or lnd.H32t
g OmI E
4-quart Granite Pudding Pan, 20c
value, while they last Y. . -
Great Bargains in
Underwear and
. -
f f "T1 TS Cl
for 10 cents
Monday Is Wash Day and one
Tablespoonfnl of 6 Ml.MTE
do a washing In 6 minutes.
Ask for the Washing Powder' T
. with a spoon in the package.
10c for 10 WASHINGS.
I Pattison Bros;- i
Use either phone
Whei yen have a prescription fill
ed yea are nat able to tell either by
taste, appearance or odor whether or
at It has been cerrectly eempenndd,
yen nut trnit entirely la year drag
gist. With the effective ayateaa whleh
we use to safeguard the preacrlp
tleaa af all ur easterners, mistakes
er errars af any kind are praetleally ,
laipeislble. Every prescrlptJea tear
Ing ear store is checked by twe 11
sensed pharmacists. v
' ;;v ;- - 'V -' ' y::.-y'v.;
satire Si
Adams Ave; and Fir St
i i
f - - - "