PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY,' NOVEMBER 26, 1910. tTmTTvTT4fmTTTTTTtT FOOT BALL fast Games Sthtiultdi SPOTTING Football Team ends its Season BASKET BALL Improving Smith Garage t fflDW F0B1LL HOT TlCT0rJ0l BCT TOB ALL T1UT A BmntUET fa&itcat Traintn Ut ui tt rtrw i la 1m Wig Ta Oin It succeM la football 1t measured oly and primarily by th number of (ttwci won. theu th iMton Just closed htvi not l9 a not worthy on to th roetuber of th Ia Grande High School football squad, but now Vw VMa vM away for anothe r twelve month, th fed prevail that whll tb team hat not ba on lh winning ld of tt game a ti It tt onittiffitt It fortune tt ha tmertheless been greatly ben efited by tb season. , Night after night, rata and wind, snnshln and cold, th squad ht been put through t regular dally drill and wbll football m t whole tt more or l fraught with accident ittU tbt grest ihyelral benefit derived from being t ttsmb of football team mean wore than tb risk taken. Th great virtu of football I that It combines o?k wtUk pleasure bringing tb high est muJU ly, Tb j4 here, ending a icason with practically no - - - i - i "7 : t:- ; V THE HUNTING SEASON. ' ;V - WAGE I'JILL CE IPIIIII SLATER BULDIXO TO BE GREAT LT IMTEOTED AT OXCE. runs Under TTiy for Extensile E- pln nnd ImpmTrmfnta at Onee. Oowfiing In Kiami City (tar. A ij.- ,-"" f V- 7X-' I: I l J d S flteba tw Wkt t Ms jtirH wtVp Bkmrl tnO. vtctorl, bt bn bfnlltd Jut m njufb pbyiclly u though tb con. ttttt bt nil bn won nnd on th otbr bond bnt bn forced to muter tbt Uon f tk!ng dtt conslst ntly. Concb CnrrutU nnd tminir mn bt wwrbd dlUnUy with tb mn; they hv fcwn Uujbt U con trol; rhytlcnl lproTinnt ba bn thelrt; a r thing l;h a phytic! bump. bt ba meted out-th(w$b fdrtunttely ivnn tbet bte ever been ner terkvut and all In all tt mnt b admitted tbut football U ben efif a to a crowd of roans men, win or Ion. S relterttlnf tb Introdnc- tvry entenoA tb r-laym themselves bar rroCied fully at much from foot ball at tboxiih a bait eor of tuoary teat? d victory danfled at tielr belt. Cradaate Kai IT arrest To tereral. tb rwn lat Tbnra- day w-aa tb last tn high school tc. va of the are undoubtedly off for V . k A . . J 1 field, but wb'.l tbey ar off to add to ;r.eir laare. ia irc raium, io tvwi Qad will ext yt hy tb rr aenc of tbla yeAr'a captain, Id Irwin, Roy Rlc, Frtti ltte and Oeirre Camy. To til their place. aecoad tea material come r to re roTt ao that ext year ad will mot kat aaffered &tal IsardAlpt throt;h tb be7hin routes A lean at tleiea ien. Tra. vtrt of tb flayer bar ben Kvr iiiaianUy before tb V.xoelUbt Osaa otber tbbj yw, Vat tt la a tact 3it tb tbat tb Had bA fceta j at tear HJtf aa 5ecea-ttea asjr-1 ration a any la year. There bar b o real atara. tb jOrer n orV It ta rrfect ttoa al wkesn, oo caakwaTly a riayer U1i4 over" irttb a atar play, tt w-a added to V credit all r4&t. Vat fcerer Ja aay c faak baa tirere Veen a tf&u Yeasn. ta tbit retfed, aaba, tb atand 1a abare4 ck2y ta tb jytteal tnss 4 JxvOvaa tra'ialt. ISLAND (TIT VICTORIOUS Plans and specification spelling another well equipped garage tn this city are being drawn this week and tt ia likely tbat by the first of the year, at tha tery latest, th Slater building, housing th Smith Garage company, will see commencement of Ttna1v Improvements. The plans, a being prepared, call for cement floors aver tbe entire floor space, plastered ceilings, fireproof protec tion and other improvement which will enhance th appearance of the building on the interior. A monster leTtor which will be .nil the bile w:il be put m o;mvu - - Smith. hospiUl will be placed on the second iloor wbar all shop and This leaves a big floor space for storage and demonstration purposes on the ground floor. . j wnrVin k Contractor Slater iw uw - on the plans and Mr. Smith is con; fident of having a freauy place of business by the opening of spring business. . PESDLETOS HIGH WISS. Has Been " Sot Strong Enough to PriBt Declhe Defeat innrsanj. Pendleton. Nov. 26 (Special) -The Pendleton All Stars are not shining tnrfiT :Ther failed to "come naca and the high school boys took the ThanksjtlTlng'game by the decisive score of 7 to 0. At that it was the most Interesting game played on the local field In many moons. Two goals from field and a touch down, made possible by a successful forward pass, made the scores for the visitors. The first field goal came in the second quarter while the second one and the touchdown came In the third quarter. The first and last quar ters were, scoreless though the ad vantage was spparently with the high school. season yesterday and ween the whis tle blew at the end of the play, hon ors were" even, neither side having scored. The alumni team "came back" all right and contrary to expectation were In. a good condition's their opponents, less time being taken out for them on account of injuries than for the school boys. . The ball see-sawed back and forth all .through , the game although the alumni were close to a score on sev eral occasions, costly fumbles on ac count of the wet ball prevented them crossing the line. The high school team tried for a goal from placement on two occasions, but the ball went wide of the mark on both attempts. mm' subjects BASER GAXE A TIE. AlamnJ and High School Fight It Ont to the End Without a Tally. Baker City, Nov. 25 On a field of snow and slush the rlumni and the hikh school teams fought out one of able to hotst the heaviest automo- the prettiest football battles of the lyic liarly enough; tt a single alumni or "all tar" team In Eastern Oregon was able to defeat the pres ent high . school team last Thurs day. The new rules are . evidently UiUQnuai 'u mo but oui speedy team. ' A material cut In the price of tires is on tne way, ana wuue me speci fic amount of the cut has not been made known, it is announced to be between 15 and 40 per cent , ; - " ; '- - The L. D. S. basketball team goes (Continue) on page Eight) Xt Itscrag4 the TTallawa Team A rain rieots cn Island City. Wallowa, Not, 26 Not discouraged by losing aajtber game and encour aged by th fact that they succeeded la corlng against u a , well-practiced team th high school team has ar ranged for another game with the victor of last Saturday meet and will attempt to retrieve their lost honors. The gam last Saturday waa a victory for tb Island City boy by s cor of 11 to C Early in tb gam Hunter of Island City picked up a rumble and carried tb ball across lb line for a touchdown. Tbt was speedily converted Into a goat In the next Quarter the home boys rallied and after a aerie of sensational gain tlohnsom carried th ball over the ally converted it into a goal v tb score. Th third Quarter aaw no scoring bat lai la the last quarter, with only three minutes left to play, th Islaad City team again woked their way to a .close prox imity to th goal line by several well -executed forward f&sse and Pnt. Then'thre abort playa carried ti ball to the Kb where after -can- alderabl dlcwsska tt waa declared to ban crossed and tb visitor scor ed a s?eond touchdown. Ia the evening a qne. waa glv- m Y vet An A Pr(J Tucker who aocoapanled them. Tb nigh! LcbooJ papR were tie lwt aad a amber of Invited gnest were pre- t ; A most Jnyb3 t!a was kad and wbl tb visitor prove tieaseJve grartwa vectors, tb been y how- ej tiat tbey were gracefal Ver aad excellest eatertalaer, 1 the Hudson SB Howard E. Coffin's Masterpiece. Tb new Mil anoderoTd ar gs- ttjr to b a trtt larger over alt Tb tire not eihaag. cj that tt refwbei. . I FORD Kve Passenger TOURR.G CAR $700.F. 0. B.Detroit Gtmra For life "SMITH'S GARA1 GE, LA GRANQE O RE G O N Th one different automobile for 1911 can now be seen. U 1 the HUDSON-33." You remember, it la Howard E. Coffin's masterpiece. This is tlie car for which orders for more than 10.000 a years output were received before a single model waa shown. The dealers the shrewdest automobile buyers of America deposited hundreds of thousands of dollars and cast their bus iness future with this car. Just because of their confidence in Howard E. Coffin' ability to add hla fifth great advancement in motor car designing. J ft ia not surprising tbat tbey did this. No man is better known for the successes he has produced. No des'gner ever built more famous car. Four, before the advent of this, his greatest carl Each marked an epoch In motordom. Each pushed standards up and brought cost down. He designed race cars that have made history In speed contests. He buHt car tbat successfully went through the most Bevere reliability runs without a penalty. He learned by these tests. He devised new and simnle. Inexpensive way for building better cars than were known before That experience has resulted tn the HUDSON "35" a car without anv "bues" or "kinks" that must be "ironedout" such as are common to most new mod els, as time develop an unexpected weakness or an overlooked detail. Such skill and such experience as Howard E Coffin possesses made possible the HTTASON -Si-It was the confidence of the trade that ha seen each of his cars take the lead of other la their time, that inspired them to buy "sight-un-seen" as tt were. It was just each knowledge of bs ability that sent other cars that for two and three years bad held popular positions without material change or Improvement into a lower rrlc class. First Cost Practically Last Cost But the greatest advancement is in the provision made for keeping down operation cost This Is a much talked of subject The funny papers have 3okd about it aad tb average motor car owner has felt its seriousness. Repairs, cestsunt adjustment all the annoying and expensive attention wraally required baa to a material degree been eliminated in the HUDSON ra.- - - Rrst has been accomplished by reducing the number of parts used ta the ehasis of the average car eellmg at ItOOO and under, by approximate ly Ko, The valves are concealed tn dust proof, oil tight chambers. There Is tto exposed mechaaisa. Simplicity, staunchness, tremendous power, won derf&l Quieues and beauty are also noticeable. Bit accessibility coatribate to the low op-keep cost Most motor own er have experienced enormous repair charges resulting from the necessity to dsmastl the car In order to cake what should have been a simple ad Jastmest f repair. Haven's ywa seea mechanics at fJOc and T5c an hour fumble for twen ty to thirty x&mutea, endeavoring to tighten up an inaccessible nut? Such expease Is never possible with h HUDSON SS." Every nut is accessible. Every part ia mad to withstand wear and to render attention to rare re-cairemert- But whea replacement Is Mcessary It can be made direct and" without dSsturbtng th tir car. The deail f ssaBefactarizg u handled with a much care as Mr. CoTSi has gSvea to eiga. It la scticeahle tn the finish in th gentle purr ' of the motor, fa the xto3seess 'gears, tn the Injurious softness of nphol rterirg. Why We Do Not Publish Details Thousands have asled why we do aw publish detailed specifications of the HTTSOX ST to cr aZvenisemexts. 1 rrarticaKy every aijertive ta the laxgaage has been mad to do ser vk to 4erfitr:g MtamobQes. OaJas and descriptions are about th same ft all cars, whether sellitg at T09 or ten times that price. Caxg th tar aid pri ant the advertisement to a auitabl for one ar aa aucOer. The HTTiSCN "B" raxaot fce described with Jostle to Itself in the space araOabJ and s we make xo attempt at It The ctr ta V to almost aty American city or town. Soon It will be irstfwaI5y everywhere that asttanohaes are sold. Ton will find no rty to soe&sg It at m iT-by vlealerY. B1Bh SSxrc cxprits&r4 karyera bare pvX cp imSred tf thousands of dollars. 5nst Verass tbey fcww that Kcwarfl E. Coda's car ar th last word In sneenrfiBm, dSca't jna ttk shntld ai least examine the HIT$N -keswre jro chow axy car? It vm p elay the drtiverv of the car von fin ay eitc4 a may save jro xmsch exprese and many regreta. HUDSON"33" Touring Car $1250 HUDSON"33" Pony Tonneau $1300 HUDSON"33" Torpedo -$1350 Hudson Road ster $1000 Wffl Be On Show December 15 at Cur Garage Bitteh vvauiu.max.AXD DEPOT ST, LA GRANDE. OR. j