PAGE EIGHT LA G J(AS DL' EYiiMXG OBSERVER.; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25; 1910. . - . . , ' ' , - 1 - - -' -.- '..... . " ' .- "" , 1 11 ! v- : i .,,! fit: This, the Greatest Sale ever held in La Grande, will close Saturday Night at 1 0 o'clock People Gome !;: A:-;Not Another Such Opportunity in 1 91 0 !! to buy your Winter Clothing at such a Low Price. AH cut prices will positively be taken of f and goods sold at original figures Monday mornm Let Nothing Keep You Away! Come Rain or Shine! Come Hot or Cold! Come Ea , i . r!y!! r u G 11 ZAL iXX Come Late!! Fill I mil , AT l u ll ni 24 FOR THE MOC DDflBflUjn i iviiiu. UllfliVI VUQLL SUGGOIVIBS iEATH COMES AT 2.30 OTLOfK ( ; THIS MOBMXG. .' Funeral Services Will be Held Sua. LAST FATALITY OCCURS IX riiEP. 1 T 00 ' V SCnL AMf- , I Following many , weeks of, critical Fractured SkuU Leads to Death, of i 11Ines8 and Buffering and several days Twent.Four Tlctlms of the Year. of BtrugglIns wIth death- Mr8- F- C. , J Bramwell succumbed at 2:30 o'clock this morning at the family home 1304 "Wlnsted, Conn., Nov. 25 A . frac tured skull sustained during a the TIerney Cadets and Gilbert Pre paratory school, resulted today In the death of Harry Lee, aged seyeftjeen M. avenue. Heart troubles are re sponsible for her death. The remains of Mrs. Bramwell will be Interred Sunday afternoon. The funeral services will be held from the L. D. S. tabernacle at 1 o'clock in the This makes the twenty-fourth death ' afternoon and Interment . will follow this season. ' Immediately afterwards. She Is sur vived by her husband. Receiver F, C. Standi oi, ma local land office and a son and daughter, both of tender years. , ;' v For C;t:iv:r.:e. 5!ke., "Yon :iiv.'.f vrl;v I.'oliiann Crusoe lived ' :i it "!v ..! twr; ' ; "J;hi iihvtvii.. 'vr easiest for blni .to tnr . "Xo; lie lir.d Friday vvery day1 iu fji- . I;." - - .'. r.'o H:?e Fsr'Hcr..' "Is sh: a Tcf.r ; rt" ,"Vi. lii'f fritM-iN always tnlk of her wtw iiv'l her good heart when they mk of her." No Question About It. . "Never ask h woinuu how ohshe is." "No?" y .'-...:.' "No; Just assert how young she Is." Bringing It Horn. To lltpn to the morkltiff bird . ' ' Tou need not seek'tho sylvan wood; His plaintive pleadings heard Upan h p-.o'X'rapfi quite giod. hi$ is the To Get Vour Clothes, Because: OUR GOODS ARE RIGHT OUR PRICES AltE RIGHT OUR STYLES ARE RIGHT . . , ; i i , The clothes you buy means quite a considerable outlay the expendi ture of a good many dollars in, the course of a year. : . .. . ' i It is your desire to get, andWr de sire to give every possible cent's worth of real value for every , dollar you spend for clothes. That we do give you, at this store, . the most real value for the money, we svill prove to you conclusively if you will give us the opportunity. ' Isn't it' to your own best interests to grant the opportunity? , Then , come today and see. ' ' r MEN'S SUITS . . . . . . .$10 to $27.50 ,? BOYS' SUITS ... ... $2.00 to $6.50 MEN'S SHOES ..... ;$2.50 to $6.00 BOYS' SHOES .$1.50 to $3 ; 1 . f r. UADYBOUNDOVER TO CHID JURY CLAIMS IOORAME OF HAYISG COMMITTED AY CRIME. Bound Over to Grand Jury Under Bond of One Thousand Dollars. Thomas Cady, the man arrested two days ago on a charge of sodomy, was arraigned In Justice of th Peace William's court t this morning ; and waived examination. He was; bound over to the grand Jury In the sum of $1,000 which he has not paid and la consequently Btlll in jail. . Cady "pleads-Ignorance of having committed or attempted to commit any crime,. He remembers nothing of It, he said today,' and can remember only taking a drink in a near-beer saloon Just before being arrested. Good Advice. (A OKf AT RK ) in r of. i "I am about to embark on the sea of matrimony." ,You rash fellow!" . ' i "Ain't IT . "Tell you what to do." "Out with It." "So many divorce winds are blow ing tbnt you would better get Lloyds to underwrite your cargo." Inconsiderate. "Fire when you are ready," said tuft great commander." "I am ready now." replied the raw recruit "but the blamed enemy won't stand still long enough to allow me to take good aim." s - vrtnonne. -'-""? In the World of Fashion of 1ST a reference to thr new stjiff c crlnollup." Crinoline was partly tbr partly horsehair,. Its name belnfc c! pounded of the Fnuu-h "crln," h hair, and "Un." flax. Hats, skirts all sort of things that were wa to possess a oertaia hi illness were i of this material. ; . Electrotyping. - ElectrotyiiliiK' Brst success practiced la lS3i uud was cousid i a triumph of clieuik-al and meci cai skUl, requiring the utmost C for its execution. L . , f - ; Worthy of the Gift. An old European custom was to : a clock to any one who could tak oath that be bad strictly mludcu Bwn business and not meddled i his neighbors' affairs for a year ? a day. - . - . ':, . . ! An Indian Almanao. f The Indians in Canada .when t go to hunt for the long winter ta: flat wooden almanac, with a bok each day. Sundays are marked J holidays bo as to be distinguished, t fast days have a rude fiso. owner, moving his peg each day. I, up with the times. ; 'x '"' ' "; I KH1USS SSOl a CO. Glo sung Out .itee TOCI Crockery, Glassware, Fancy China and Cut Glas3 ! in order to make room hr Notions, Ladiesand Men's! Furnishings. 14 ' 1 Buy Xmas Gifts Now, while Oppoftiimty Knod 1 tira - Special. TZ 4-quart Granite Pudding Pan, 20c vaiue, wnue they last; r- - -' 11 CI 7-QUART GRANITE PRESERVE ICETTLE 70c value, while thev last . : . . .. 39c - -H,- - - " Wl fl Great Bargains in . Blankets;' 1T VU1 i iusici y SA!lIA,oCLAUS wiU soon arrive with the greatest lint! of TOYS and XMAS GIFTS ever brought to this city! WatchOTr Show Windows and the Newspapers for Bargains!! 1 lo iniey & Adams Ave, and Fir St; LA GRANDETOI fcaBaaMMsawiaaMMslsiaMSMaMaM i I Ln n m i