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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1910)
IA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1910. ainiI Kara Jen t with the latest creations in the art of furniture making - the furniture that gives the home that exquisite touch of refinement and of finish ' ' ' ' - . 6 - ' . , ...... . . , v u yl . naf -Ji if -Pig: - IvNft '-yO-i - l -l Nothing iii appr oaching furniture lihe;dmli:m';6t('s TTie Holidays aie and what could be racer than anlegant furnishirig for the home ? j HEMlY r - High Grade Furniture at Reasonable Prices i-aaies ana uenis r j wwww A1U1 - lUriifa by the county health author- idea was not that women should lm-: ' ,i i &noe 5nine manors "UM, Ittt BOOTBLACK" HAS MOVED to 1 1 18 Adams Ave., where he will serve all custom ers, new and old Franklin Would Have Been Amazed If his vision could, hare extend ed far enough into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of incandesarit electric lighting' the GENERAL ELEC- , TRIC MADZA LAMP. . The sage old phtosopher flew his kite during athunder storm, nd by means of a ley attracted . nd diacoTei-ed electricity, but trolutloii decreed that modern inventive genius should discover Bn incaixkscant lamp nat is MvolBttoBUinji tirtiflcial light ' . . THE : GENKRAL . ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP glrs nearly mree tisMt Of Bght of the or 7 earboD lnc&Bdescant u more to operate, In lo this tt gives light of , Wty superior qalIty- w unite light like the sun's WTwfctre people are having feewM wired for electrk boui the Invention ef the JUUX, ELBCTRJO MADZA mp. It kas mmU electiieMy u a ooayement. nj in for a moment today and IS Krer In mtr mHm u. ctioii that tiwre is no longer " poBSJDie excuse for yon to k man the greatest of onsehoil Me Hgtt. 'The Time, the Place and the Girl" Filled With Thrilling Moments. L. R. Wlllard will ' present at the Steward next Wednesday a comedy with music entitled "The Time, the Place and the Girl." During a run of vocal approval by the theatregoers 463 consecutive nights in Chicago this piece was received with such unequl of that city that it not only ran this length of time but exceeded in point of attendance any play that has ever appeared there. The reasons for thfc unusual success are ascribed by the management to the fact that, the auth ors, struck a new idea 'in musical plays and developed it with unusual skill. It is a comedy with unique characters and unique situations as rigid ad those used by the best-known writers of plays without music. It would be Interesting if there was not a song in- tt. But with a pleasant ac companiment of attractive music, vi vacious dances and nrettv eirls in troduced .legitimately, it has all the attractive features ' of both muBical ar-' Intimate comedies.;'"" - -Briefly. ; the story is that of i "leasant, whole-souled young "gam Her" square as a die and on the level with everybody but himself and with the descriptive nam nf "TTarmv .,'. - ' . - wf kf Johnnr, Hicks." He and his pal,' Tom Cunningham, son of a rich man.' get Into trouble through a fight which Cunningham has in a gambling house and are forced to flee' to a sanitar ium In the mountains to escane ar rest 'Here they both meet their fate Hicks in the person of a 'pretty trained nurse and ' Cunningham In that of the charming daughter of a thrifty farmer. AH of these charac ters, and many others almost as In teresting, are quarantined in the san itation by the county health author ities and the complications ensuing are original and amusing to an extra ordinary degree. The production is staged by New Weyburn, a master of his craft.' "N'l: idea was not that women should im mediately seek political honors, but that tfiey- should support honorable, capable men for such positions.", Household furniture for sale. Din-1 numerous other articles. Call 'vrikU ing room table, chairs, bookcase aid j at 1308 Pennsylvania. Phone Red 4llT MOON LAKE IMPROVED. Wealthy Men of Spokane Plan Exten sire Improvements to Sites. aw-. V 't'f an conveniences elec- EASTERNS OREGON 3tacd Poiver l Cssiiih IMOy I New Transfer Line M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Drayingofallldcds C C Chapman, secretary-treasurer of .the Oregon Development league, and publicity expert," who will take an active part In the league conven tion which meets at Salem, Novembef 28, 29 and SO, r , TfOMEH DISCUSS THEIB VOTE. Wasmlngton Women Not to Seek Offici Under Equal Suffrage Law. f Spokane, Wash., Nov. 25 (Specialj "Women voters should remember that they are like the . boys casting f their first vote and are not capable) of holding offices at the present timaL ! and I would not think of voting fof a woman for commissioner In' mi the commission form of ' government is adopted," said May Arkwrlght Huti ton Of Snokane. niA1i1eii nt Washington political Equality League in sneaking of onestinna that ha.i arisen since the right-to-vote fran chise has been, given to women of this state, adding: "Women mnst not abuse their privileges. . Any right minded woman will reallie that she la in the class with' a boy of 21 who is casting his first vote, and the first thing to do is to study condi Wons and gain information, which will take much time." When asked if she would favor a woman commis sioner under any conditions, Mrs. Hutton said: "Absolutely not At m. time. I was for votes for American women. The questions In such an of-1 Spokane, Wash., Nov. 25 (Special) The Loon Lake Outing club, made up of men prominent In business cir cles of Spokane and the Inland Em pire, composed ( of 150,000 square miles, has consumated a deal for the purchase of 76 acres of land for summer home sites, golf links, ten nis courts and other features, on the shores of Loon lake, northeast of Spokane. An option has also been se cured on an additional 15 . acres, where the new organization contem plates the erection of a splendid club house. An expenditure of $20,000 is Involved In the purchase of the 76 acres of ground and when the. op tion on the remaining 15 acres Is tak en up an additional outlay of $20,000 will be entailed. Lota havln a frnn tage of "ifee't 'on the lake and a depth of 125 feet are to be deeded to shareholders in the company. About 40 acres of the land will be reserv ed for, future development as a big field for summer ports of 'all kinds. spring water is to be piped under pressure to each of the building lots Co Wo Genei al Contractor of Cnieht Work i hiain an4 Re-enf orceu Joncretd THE SIDEWALKS DARLEY MAKES STA.VC? wE WEAR Tin ; aviators eoDldn-t fl ... me weauer." Now I know wJturt is meant vj tarn axnontua nr tKa. ui.ti.. mn. uujfBKwa xaiegrasi. oan mora mu. Mitt Wm world tb beat ua r you wus lnt .-. ' . -ASlaau CanaUtaMoq . cngiana-wtaft do yoo S f?. -aur. much yen get! - ooum-wno are youj JH (BO Wt-What m-m f J4U 'WU WnSt do ran nAn Km "Bpeaklng onto othara mm m .a m-A hi .. . 1""'" tnm w speak to yoi.-Ptt8k. L-.A.J..., ....-, .. JM , f. aa. Wh' 7n slngf "Bt,ycu never do" "No." Why not?" "If I were to do o ii 1 r STEWARD'S WEDNESDAY, NOV, 30 L R. WILLARD PRESENTS THE Fcnious Musical Novelty The the arid the By HOUGH, ADAMS and HOWARD at teen for 465 Performances in Chicago Most Excellent Company, with GEO I EBNER as HAPPY JOHNNY HICKS j and embracing Sixty Pennant Winning 1 Beauty Models. j PRICES: 50c-75c41.00.$1.50. SEATS ON SALE MONDAY, NOV. 28. Tim "Girl lice would be new to the women. My ers would be silenced.!. i-t.