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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2.T 1910. V H I onSeasonable Merchandise fp SUITS .:::- , : -HATS.; . (feifc if --M 'v"--a:IS--"-;:.':; ; . 150 'Jf .j. feL : - High Oais Udie Tailored Suit. 3l! Special. From Our Immense Line ' '0-, 7 j .''V- .'v.' : at HALF PRICE . ' . . ffJflvV . at HALF PRICE ' V" .X""0 . " '. ' E'OO v.: . ; . v - 6.00 7: I' ' :w . . .'.'-:. r 3.62 V..-'' ' ; . bS;; . .".25. ;4 ;.';"v' :::r-4,oo;,;:MfcMi. 1' IK W - .. nor. ' ' " 11 OC ":' '" II l Cft " ' Q OC It k i If It: 'IC I I .o ta .-, fl iir . . : . ' : , ' I I '.- 1 ' v. . r U 1 l'W'J . ' ' 11 1 MaMMHWMMMMHMH 19V y Opening; Friday. Morning at 9 o'clccli 500 PIECES,- staple -colors, heavy al! silk-' ribbons at ?5ivt!iari factory ' cost 4i ii 'OA V.I ir. ' g v., I V-f TCI 7 V i. : i i.ii i Ti i mrMnrw mi 3.r km J f:' J li 1 ., 2 - in i Z. To Reduce Our Stock we will of fer 150 Pieces Silks, Waistings, etq. at less than they can be man ufactured for.v " Not a yard wi!11;e soM at 'sale 'price, before time specified, 9' oVeck Friday morning. 38 .to '40 k Grocles Waistings antll China'Silks 50 to 60 Grades Waistirigs and Other Silks 65 to 75 Grades Silk tWMWnWriWlWWM -,-,- ,,, ', , i , li It,'. i i u a. 7: 3 - n m m y ? VH v-1 M t ; o 4 O. I'EHSOXALS. D. M. Clark was over from Cove today. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. R. Gordon ot' Salt ; Cv this weok the guest$ of Miss 1 he week. ' Lake, are guests at the Foley.-' j Bonnie Seivers. ' j. Mrs.' C. P. Ferrin who was operated F. A. Gaylord, of Joseph, is at the j Miss Lulu Dawson Is In P.'aila Wal- . uron for appendicitis a few 'days ago TdtJ. Bt t a butcher of that tows.-; la spending Thanksgiving week wjth is recovering slowly, her condition be . S&$ Atderson,' a promin'tii friends there. . . . ing reported favorably today.' - A.' M. Desplain, qf., Pendleton, is- Charles Watson ,one of the first stopping at the' 'Foley today while' traveling men to ever niaka this ter transacting busiuess in the city. . , ritory is In' the city today. Mr. Wat- A. V. Andrews, the clothier, leaves f0n ls looking after the hay' interest .tonight for Portland, where he will Albers Bros. Milling Co. of Port- 'lmaua. Is registered at the Foley Mnj Neil and Nellie Pickens are In that the move will be a beneficial. one to himself , we wish hira well where e er he may locate, Medford, Okla., Star. ' Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn DOCTOR OF OPTICS 29 years of Practical Experience ' V" M i 1 Makes Dr. Mendelsohn the Most Reliable Oculist in the City 1105 Adams Ave., Foley Hotel Bldg. meet Spring goods men. II. S. Young and wife are at the Fo ley today. Mr. Young represents a well-known plate glass maker. ' Mrs. Ray W. Logan. and daughter, are in Hot Lake today visiting her sister, who is convalescent there. Rev. J. M. Cornelison returned last evening from La Grande, where he had been to occupy the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday. Pendleton East Ore gonlan. Walter M. Pierce went to Hot Lake this morning to take treatments for his troublesome knee, but will re turn tomorrow If possible. Frank Stnrgin of Baker City is stopping at the 8ommer today. Hon. Jerry Rusk and wife were Sommer hotel guests last evening. R. C. Applegate and R, O. Apple gate, Jr., both of Boise are Sommer i hotel guests. i Mrs. Ellen Campbell of Salt Lake is j guest tn the city, staying at the ( Sommer. ' , J. W. McCormmach, Pendfeton au to dealer Is staying at the Sommer today. Mrs. Colon R. Eberhard and daugh ter are visiting friends la Joseph for land. W. H. White is here from 'st. Paul stopping at the Foley. . E. B. Combs of Ontario is a guest at thf Foley today. A. F. "Wilson of Imbler, spent last night at the Foley. Dan Hynes, the Heinz pickle man is here on his regular trip and is vis iting with friends, incidentally. . . Jack Eliis of Pilot Rock is in the city. Mr. Ellis is interested In stock raising and farming. . E. D. ResBler, the .well known in structor at 6. A. C. is at the Foley while attending the teachers' conven tion here. An Important business meeting will be h6ld by the Eastern Star this ev ening and all members are urged to attend. M. S. Clark and family will leave Friday morning for La Grande, Ore., where they will probably locate per manently. Mr. Clark and family have been residents of Medford for a num ber of years past and are nnmbered among our most prominent citizens. Their removal from our midst will be greatly regretted by their many friends here but as Mr. Clark figures "After all, you U;,nw, there is room for boili men and .m mt'ii in ihi worUt, Men have their i-k lit do, iind wom en have theirs. t Is tin woman's work to provide for tin- Inner man. and it 'is the man'N to provide forhu outer woman." St. Lmiia Globe-Democrat .'"."''. , heard 'the ' expression ... -unseemly haste?'" - ' . ' . .' 'WbV'ftrtaltil.vr'. '' '; : ! V ''. ' '":1Y'If.' 'nil liiHte' looks that ''way tc him."-i:;if!)Iii,;i?uin Age-UeraUL Her hobble skirt she wore today. Alas, the trlppwi:" I turned my hatl the other way When HomethliiK ripped. Detroit Free Free. "Couductorr . "Yes,, lnndnm.', "Let uie off at that pretty cloud." Woman's Home Compoulon. The horseny tat st the side of the road And watched the a-tos go whizzing by. Be disapproved of the modern mode, And "Stung!" was the cry of the equine fly. For a horseless fly's like a wireless wire. And there's not much lood In the tireless Ure. -Cleveland Leader. "Scotch mixtures will be popular this fall," observed the dressy man.' To wear or to drink r asked the man with the Impressionistic nose. Philadelphia Record. When you'd grow powerful or rich Remember as you stray Some one may write his memoirs, which Will give you dead away. Washington Btar. "Is he lazyr "I .would hardly say that You've Moud Multr stil Upon the porch. Ami watched taoh automobile scqrch; The jurist nen't by just Pise a shot, , But she--hf i epo-nizf d him not. All kinds or .pump juid show to her : .Was.. wearisome, She could not etlr.' Time was-wlitMi she was poor, but now A queenly .calm was on hor brow. And jude or any wealthy Jay She n!mrly spumed them every day. Maud's father a a farmer who' Knew Just exictly what to do. Ho wasn't or the old third rate, But was alive and up to date. Mo cut his crop of hay and sold " It for almost Its weight In gold. And that ls why Maud was so proud And felt above the country crowd. Boston Herald. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va.f says: ?I firmly believe Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the beet preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all egree with nie.", For sale by all dealers. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big doge of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe your feet In hot water before going to bed, and you are al most certain to ward off a severe cold. For ale by all dealers. "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the beet physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me, writes Thoe. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured . me." For sale by all dealers, . - : I' J i I .