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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1910)
LA GIIANPE EYEXING OBSERYER, TUESDAY, XOYEXREli S2, 1310. ment your bringing his nrescriDtlon to us It's because he doesn't want to appear partial. He knows, however, that better prescription service than I ours Is unobtainable. He will be glad i i i fj (T o ( C I If Wn At mm m W n -A XT 11 TV THE ISIS rTDSIEHJ'S FflOERAM Urban Eclipse. Scenes In Shanghai. A Corslcan Vendetta. A Jar of Cranberry Sauce Edison. Almost a Hero ine Banker's Daughter Bio graph. : Song Take Me Back to Kid land. . . ; .- . Beautiful dishes given to lady 'patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. ' - " WISIOI lie- f LO C A L S i It Cold weather's coming. Want an 'accurate tbennometer so you can watch the'mercury drop? We've a big;' t stock of. the accurate kind. You can quuit) tueir ugures ana Know you're right. 25c to $2.50. Newlin Drug Co.! ; II a prescription Is correctly writ ten we can fill It, no matter what drug . gists name Is on the blank. It will be' compounded correctly too and our price, will be right Wright Drug Co., Prescription Pharmacists. , Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. L. P., Billlnfert( phones Red 562 and Red 141. f will be the reproduction in colors of l tour drawings by Jessie wucox smith representing favorite children in Dick- ' ot'i nnvala anrh Tin Tim Tin rid VII IV . UV T V1H IV M V W WM V7 i Copnerfleld, Paul Dombey and Little Nell. . - , - WANTED Man that can ' furnish horse and wagon to contract. Good pay. Call on E. C. Henneger, Hot':l Sa voy. ' v;,v A special soap sale 1b now on at tye Wright Drug store. . The ladles of St. Peters' Guild will hold a. sale f fancy articles and cooked food Saturday, December 10. Full particulars will be announced later. . , v''--' If your doctor does not recom- --- - fADLERi" fMILWAXTKES MMi Bros. Co. ' Through a probable error last ev ening at the teacher's reception in the Elks hall some one took an over coat belonging to R. E. Chloupek. Whoever has that" coat please leave it at the Observer office at once. Sotlee to the Public I will not be responsible for any material used or for any Jabor ex pended on th,e building now'occupled by the Oregon Hotel: ' . IAGGIE D.' MAHAFFEY. . DOCTOR OP OPtlCS. AT 1105 ADAMS AVE ' FOLEY. HOTEL BDILDINO. ,9 No Extra Charge for Examination 29 years of practical experience : ' )- in fitting glasses is I Wur servjee and the prices are lower than elsewhere for the materia) and service you get of Dr. Mendelsohn. Dr. Mendelsohn is indorsed by all tbe leading occullsts of the Pajiflc coast and by all the physicians of Ia Grande. ..':'" SKILIi, REPUTATION AND HONESTY should be taken -into consideration to have your eyes rightly fitted. The satisfaction of those we'have served Is your guarantee that we will serve you satisfactorily., ;, All broken glasses replaced while yon wait. . . , . . ' t Office hours, 9:00 a. m. to li m. 1 p. m. to 6 p. tn. Evenings by appoint ment. A -. tflpinltHil4hitm-mr nm. Mi 000 '; MEN speak of our Overcoats In the highest terms, and they merit the comment They are beautifully design ed and elegantly tailored. Every man can find here an Overcoat that will seem to have been made especially for him. ! ? Overcoats In all the season's correct Models in Kerseys, Ox fords and Grays. Mixtures In all the iiirg that look well and wear "well and that Impart a pleasing personality. Silk or Serge lined, as yon prefer. - Orereoat making has reached a Tailoring, art-and there's hardly a Man that g!es to the exclusive Tailor' for his Over coat Always pleased to show I Clothiers and Furnishsra ILIiULLUI O PERSON A LS. r O o Walter ' ML Pierce returned today from a business visit In Portland. Miss EJna EHeson left thl3 morn ins for Boise where she will be the guest of friends during Thanksgiving. Attorney J. D.' Slater is transact ing business In Enterprise today, and Intends to return tomorrow, A L. Mitchell, . publicity manager for the Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co.. is here attending to business matters today.' , 1 '.-.".''., vv ' " ; ' ,' ' ' .' George Herr. a . popular member of the high school is in Walla Walla, spending Thanksgiving week. He left this morning. s Rob Stanfleld, the founder of the new town by that name in Umatilla county passed through the city this morning on his way to Huntington and Welser. ' "Bill'' Parker the U. M. d and. Item iegton agent, Jim Spence, S.. N. Bol ton, Bert Hughes and Mr. Winder are among those attending the Tuttle shoot at Imbler today, from this place. . A C. Huntlngtonaccompanied by Via Amsm r " -.- - rey and Albert Currey, returned this morning from Hot Ek. wnere he haB been taking ' treatment for some time. He Is somewhat improved. C. G. ; OBbourne, jtbe Pacific, States company'- auditor wno .has been Spending several days' in the city, leaves this evening for his home in Portland,- where be will eat turkey with his family. ; ' ' 1 v ; Yaloable Necklace lost A valuable gord bead necklace, the property of Mrs'.' J. "TV Richardson, was lost laBt. evening either at the Elk's hall or between that building and the Richardson home, on Sixth street. The finder will kindly leave it at the home." . . 1 ' ' J C WANTED Woman or girl to do general housework. Phone Black-481. ' 1 Cupi"or Jvdgment. , , -"He'iH 1iimM1uj atiout bla su perlor, Judvuniirt."-.-. . ; , .' . "Brown Y", ; ' . , , "Yes." ' ' ' ; ''". .. : ' .,, "Superior judsmen.t,.notbipg; Why, his wife makes every decision in that famtlyr '4t-: J w ;.'; , -1 "Well, , Brown selected her, .didn't be?" ' ; : ': ,vt ' 8tronj Dtsirts. ;.',.; "There is only one person who de sires a thing more strongly than a fat woman- desires to: be thjn," , ., "Is that sor . ;V . "It Is," i" :r :'-: ' " "And who is that?': , . "The thin woman, who desires to be fat" -... , , Net Desirable. "There U human satare In all of us." . : - .. .,. . , "What a brilliant remaxkl., Here is one equally, brilliant:"! ; "Whattoitr u ; ' "Some of It seems so unnaturaL" J . Explained,. "What Is an emergency?" "An emergency?" . . "Yes." . . ;:: "It is coming to a place where yon either put. up or shut up." ' : ' Still Better. ' Mrs. Blase Have vou besrun vonr suit for divorce? ' . ; Mrs. nighupp-'No. but Pve benn the suit I'm going to wear when I get my divorce.-rPuck. K; ; Angelina 8ooree. ' When Edwin reached borne the other evening he was pained to find 1 An gelina with tears streaming down her face. In his mental vision be pic tured some great catastrophe. . Had tbe cook given notice? Or had tbe baby cut the wrong tooth? Or or whatever could it be? ' "My. love," be cried, "why are you weeping?" " "I am not weeping," she replied cheerily; "these tears are stimulated.'" ' "Ha, bar he laughed' In a superior manner; "You mean simulated, my dear simulated. . ' "No, I don't," she returned. "I mean stimulated. I've been peeling onions." Ideas. . . When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, balhe your feet in hot . L, f .-,11 m ) IRAS v -y-4: . 7.25 - - - 3.62 , itelfvPric;- 16.50 ... 6.2S l 'vUy v!W 18.50 - -: 9 25 " - I ' ... , " . -r... ......... 15.00 - . 7.50 r,:;,;;.;';;.:''.; 12.00 - 6.00 IS MOlS;I.:; 2250 1125 Tailored suits 250 '. . Hi r?- 28.50 - 1425 WHalf:-Pnce:k? 32.50 . . ia25 This is .T Not a yard H No; 80 1 I 4 in. vide Mm v uaaic owtttcu9 if u t-uui rnaay morning 1 jr on- ONABLE A T T T7 IT 'iT XTK AA I l . MB TMMMED an Excepoiial EEC: oaving Upp ortunity W 955dy 'MdSat 500 PIECES, staple colors, silk ribbons at less than factory cost- 1 No. -ippj 5 in. wide 0c will be sold at sale MSI , Kim Uf A It Money ONLY! 9 o'clock heaw 11 price before 5i in. wide water oeiore going 10 oea, ana you exe fcJ- mot r-"H in ward off a severe cold. For few ale h" - ' i.i. .