LA C3S2 ETZIKQ C22 TUESDAY, OVI.:iBEa 22, 1311. 7.1' v .' ' v. Soo-Spokane Route THE SHORT LINE TO- . - Llianeapolis, St.Paul AM) ALL PQI5T3 EAST . EQUIPJIENTt Electric-lighted Observation Can and Standard Sleepers, the most up-to-date Tourist Cars and through din ers. Through tickets to all ponts east are on sale by your local ,f agent at lowest current fares. Details Berths Literature .mmmr . Jackson, Geo A. Walton, : Tra Pass. Agt- 1 Gen. Agt. . , .14 TTall St,' Spokane. .-.- Well Casing Call or writ1 ' for Estimates and Prices John Melville W8 Adzms Ave LA GRANDE, 1 ORE LA filliUiPE mVEttMEilT compMy j:wpeme LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER "t wnenn neea ol anyuuag 1a wuiuubb, i;ilh;b., jowii j, -' cut glass, "Band painted China, .or any other article carried - by a Iirsi Class ewiry suiro, mveiugai uur nricc ucluiv buying and you Till save money, and be sure of securing ' first quality goods. . ; . , .. '.'.If your eyes trouble yon, haw them fitted by an o;4 ; Opposite tte C. R. Lad OfKoe, Asb An. , After District Attorneyship, Taking It for granted that District Attorney Phe'ps i to be named as cir cuit judge, Homer I. Watts and S. F. Wilson Journeyed to Portland this af ternoon to Interview Governor Ben son. Each would like to succeed At torney Phelps. Attorney C. S. Notson, mayor of Heppner, Is alao a candi date. Pendleton, East Oregonlan. Care of Thanks. ' We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neigh bors who so kindly assisted us dur ing the Illness and death of our wife and mother. WM. ANDERSON AND SON. Perry, Oregon. :j' Etta M. Anderson was the wife of William Anderson of Perry, and she leaves one son, two years old. Her for mer home was In Bay City, Wash. She came here last June to make her home at Perry and boarded and roomed at the hotel "there." Her slBters at Bay City, a brothers and a brother-n-law, attended the funeral.'. . . .-. Is Being Spent by J, . ' SUNSET MAGAZINE "' on the greatest feature ever attempted by a fifteen-cent Magazine. A series of lNpage articles, describing and pictur ing the wonderful attractions of the Pacific Coast ceuntry. PRINTED IN FOUR COLORS. , ' , The series berinsjn ' uVember Oregon "Where Rolls tbe ...".Oregon" 4 , December j San Francisco "The City - vThat Ia.",Yf M,' v'-4 January t Los Angeles "Homeland." Many other strong 'features Includ ing a' fascinating serial novel of Cali fornia. "The Spell," by C. N. and A M, Williamson, authors of "The Light ning Conductor, etc., will contribute to make SUNSET, MAGAZINE....thabest value of the year. ' ' T " " " " ' Try It Three Months. SUNSET MAGAZINE 813 Battery St San Francisco, Calif. Please send me "Sunset'' for three months In accordance with your spec ial offer. " ' . , v ;':".; )i ' Enclosed , find twenty-fly cents, (Stamps or Coin.) - Name ... . Vi , . . , . . , . . . . ; , j. . . Address . , , ..', ... i. Slate .1 Town r'Xr 4 first mm CdOlllS GCLLIYEES ARE STAR ATTRAC TIO AT JiEW THEATRE. , ' . .' Many People Turned Away From ew Show House Last 'Evening.' ' . . ...... i ,- . , With the Gullivers, .midgets,- 'the feature act of a long 'program, the yiucuoi lueuiie opeutu itg soora ana sent Its Initial, program'1;. the stage last evening before' 700 (eople,. a number 'greater ' than the. seating ca pacity and still they were iurned away at the door. It was a, signal opening ran and the program. Is worth the price of admission. Expressions of de light at the newness and up-to-dateness of the building were heard on ev ery:hand.;, ' -f . ;y ' ' The Gullivers stay two nights more and then take their departure. These midgets are not the only ofieVon the boards however jfor all theactf are Bond mnA --s:CiiUiwr wajrs the smfle that wont come off today,' be-i cause of his goo program,' a good, new and modern hduse, and afflne op enlng'run crowd. w House for Switchmen. ' ' The 0. R. & N. company, 'many years Is fitting up a house in the lo cal yards for the use of the yard switchmen. Heretofore the. switchmen have had no place to goto change their, clothing, and no glace to go In out of the wet when It raInsvThe new house Is equipped with a stovff and with lockers. Pendleton , East Ore- gonlan Humor and PWlbsophy r VVtCAt M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS; , TyilEN the weather man bands us I vui Buiue buuj wuiu wcuuier leii over from last season we wish we hud Oot been so charitable as to giveaway Sl our last season's cioth4ng. . .' If there were,, no fools' In the world what would the superior rest of 6a dc' for amusement? ' v. ; Vi'' ?' " ' ;.v'" " -:- ' . Some men are good because the dev il has found no use for them. ' ' Let not the sun go down on your wrath. Take It out of the other fel low while yon are in the mood. ' 'Don't get a new suit that closely re sembles your old one, for obvious reasons.--' ."-'v.- : ..' We think we know our affairs best, but It is hard to bring; our friends to agree with aaa V, ...!-:.l4v Many .a good thing has been 'boosted too high. .,' . . v-V, : 2 , Mother splits the kindling' now be cause football practice makes Johnnie 0 tired. -. -Natdod Protection. That pretty stenographer winked at me." "What are you going to do about Itr "What would you do?" : ? . ' . "Call the police," v . , i . Inherited Talent ' "Your son has made a great record la college." , V "'- " -: "" -Yes; he gets past a Greek terb oc- ca8lofifllly and can call the baggage smashers names in Latin." x .'.; "But hef is the best pitcher on college team." "Some pitcher.' eh?" ' ; "lie I nil of that."; "Wfll. he conies by It honestly. the Uls dnd before him could pitch more hay than any two men In these parts." Commercialized. ' -Tho muse wai very kind to him. -He was an advertising bard. His flights tie never had to trim. Hut rrlci on pms bjr he yard. With nubliDtitirs lie took no chance; His tirm. wer always In advance. Evsrv S-ck of Suowdritt ,T "mES coo Psrev, better ciscmrs s-; hour ,s (i jaiwfecd YOUR TIIMKSGIU1UG UFdllll '- 4 ELGIX ORCH AUDS GROW. Government Employe Sets Out Fifty :- Acres to Winter Tarletlcs. J. A. Bliss, who "Is" connected with the government ReclamatlopSevice, purchased a 60-acre orchard tract yust outsldeof, .Elgin '.last ' spring, and has how returned from Boise. Ida ho, leaving orders with local nursery men to set his entire tract to Winter Bananas, Rome . Beauties, Spitzen bergs and Jonathans will be set. This will make almost GOO . acres set to Winter apples this year about Elgin. We do all kinds of carpet and fur niture work. Clean house with a vac uum cleaner. Call L. p. Ellllcger, Phonss Red 582, Ked-141. ' 7' " Xotlce. : ''.'".'': Notice of the Recorder" of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the Improvement of -Fir street, from the north curb line .of Washing ton Avenue to the south curb line of Monroe Avenue. ; i" ). Notice Is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the Improvement of Fir street from the north curb line of Washington Avenue to the south curb line of Monroe Avenue, being in Improvement District No. 14, in the ,City of La Grande, Oregon, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 493, Ser ies 1910. entitled "An Ordinance de claring vthe ooBt of Improving Fir street from the north, curb line of Washington Avenue, to the south curb line of Monroe Avenue, assessing the property benefitted thereby,' declaring such , assessment and directing the entry of the same on the Docket of City Liens, authorizing, the issuance of improvement bonds to pay for said Improvement and declaring an emerg ency," the same being In Improve ment District No. 14, In said City, Is now in my hands for collection and that anv assessment therein mav be ' paid to me at any .time within sixty days from the 21st day of N -yember, 1910, which Is the first date of the publication of this notice, with out penalty. Interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby notified that on application to the undersigned, within ten days from the 2lBt day of November, 1910, which is the first date of the publication of this notice he will be allowed to pay such assess ment In ten annual installments, the first Installment . thereof being due and payable on or before the 21st day of January, 1911. If application is not made as above nrovldod the whnln ampunt will be due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property 1 owners interested are hera by notified to apnear at mv office In tho City Hall and pay the same. t 1 . . . . . : 1 16th, 1910. v- - . - :. . d. e. cox, Recorder , of the City of La Grande. Following the assessment roll No. Block 107. Lot 9. ChaDlIn's Addltlori. S. H. Dalton, $447.03. ' . Block 107, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi tion;!, H. Chllds. 1492.77. . . , , Block 107. Lot, 11, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. H. Childs. $269.34. ' :" Block 107. Lot 11. Chanlln'a Addi tion, J. H. Childs," $269.84 w - : Block 107. Lot 12. Chaplin's Addi tion. Wm. Miller, $179.50. '. Block 107 Lot 13. Chaplin's 'Addi tion, Wm. Miller, $71.63. " ' ' h Block 107, Lot 14, Chaplin's. Addi tion, E. 0. L. k Power Co., $17.83. Block 107. Lnt . Chanlln'a 'Addi tion, Mrs. S. E. Haworth, $243.01. ' Block 107. Lot 7: ChaDlln'i Addi tion. O. F. Coolldge, $161.91i - . Block 107. Lot 6'- Chaplin's Addi tion. A. C. Huntington $64.61. - Block 107, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi tion, A. C. Huntington, $116.10. Block 108, Lot ' 1, Chaplin's Addi Uon, Julius Roesch, $265.07., . ; Block 108. Lot 2 Chaolln's Addition. Julius Roesch, $161.91. . Block 108. Lot 3. Chaolln's Addition. Julius Roesch, $121.53. "t Block 108, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, A. A. Fisher. Est.. SRA.73. Block 108, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition, may n uiiv, f gi.iii,., Block 108. Lot 6. Chaolln's Addition. Yakima Val. Imp. Co., $56.68: Block 108, Lot 7; Chaplin's Addition, Yakima Val. Imp, Co.. $40.46. Block 108, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition, Yakima Val. Tmn fin:. J32.40. Block 108. Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition, David Bay, $7.96. Block 108. Lot 26. Chanlln's Addition. Mary Noble, $8.17. ' ? Block 108, Lot 27, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mary Noble, $33.33. Hlock 108, Lot 28,' Chaplin's Addi tion, May White. $41.61. Block 108, Lot 29, Chaplin's Addi tion C L. Mackey $58.31.. . Block 108 Lot 30 Chaplin's Addition" May White, $GG.46. Block 108, Lot 31, Chaplin's Addition, S. R. Haworth, $83.03. - Block 108, Lot 31. Chaplin's Addi tion. S. R. Haworth, $125-00. Block 108 Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition, S..R. Haworth, $166.57. Block 108, Lot 34. Chaplin's Addition, S. K. HaWft. tn, 1389.03. 4.4r I. re.. a HACK AND AMBULANCE Block '112i Lot 9. ChapHn'B Addition J. H. Slater Eat. $495.82. : . ' Block It2,-It 8, Chaplin's Addition, J, H. Slater Est, $355.51. J. Block 112. Lot 7.'s Addition; Jr H. Slater, Est, $230,98. ' : ; Block 112, Lot 6. Chaplin's Addition J. H. Slater, Est, $34.47. Block 112, Lot 5, ChapllnVAdditlon! Alice Ladd, $23.46. i Block 112, Lot 10. Chaplin's Addi tion, J. C. Henry, $348.91. , Block 112, Lot U.. Chnlin' - vrZZ, . nenry $245.44.' " Block 112, Lot. 12. Chaplin's Addi tion, Wm. EricksoH, $163.53. ' ,' ' ' 1 Block 112, Lot 13, Chaplin's. Addi tion, Lydla Erickson. $65.26. ... .. . Block 112, Lot 14,-Chaplin's Addi tion, C. G. Bunte, $16.24. ' Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1; Chap lin's Addition, Julius Roesch. $108.89. ' Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap lin's Addition, Julius Roesch," $71:75."' , I Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3, Chapj tin's Addition. Julius Roesch, $51.56. '' Block 111; 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4f Chap lin's Addditlon, Julius Roesch, $34.40. I Block 111, 55 feet of Lot 1, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $165.95. t Block 111, 65 Teet of Lot 2. Chap lin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler,: $95.59. Block 111. 55 feet of Lot 3. Chaplin'? Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $77.78. .i Block 111, 55 feet.of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $50.66. 1 I Block 111. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1, Chap lin's Addition; J. A. Russell, $98 "3.- ' Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap-' lin's Addition, J. A. Russell, $66.97. ? Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3. Chap Jin's Addition, J. A. Russell, $46.48. .! Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4. Chap lin's Addition. J. A. Russell. I2t.91.. Block 111. Lot 5. Chaplin's Addition, Lucy C. Woods, $93.50. ' . ' Block 111, Lot 6. Chaplin's Addition, Lucy C. Woods. $82.53V . biock ill,- Lot 7; Chaplin's Addition, Lucy C. Woods $58.57. ': Block til, Lot 7 Chaplin's Addition, Lucy C. Woods.! $46.88. ' - ' 1 Block 111, Lot 9.' Chaplin's Ad-itlon, John Wilson, $11.37. v . ' f v ' Block 111, Lot. 26, v Chaplin's Addi tion, Mary Noble, $7.91. l'y 1 : Blbck 111, Lof 27. Chaplin's Addi tion. Mary Noble, $32.73. ' ... ' Block 111' Lot 28,-Chaplin's Addl jtlon, J. K Mars, $40.87. , . , : Block 111 Lot 29, Chapliu s Addi tion, J. L. Mars, $57.24. ' i Block lltvLot 30, Chaplin's 'Addi tion, C. E. HacRman, $65.27." - ' Block. 111,. Lot 31. Chaplin's. Addi tion, Elizabeth Burke, $20.39. - , Block 111, ' Lot 32, Chaplln't Addi tion, Elizabeth .Burke, $30.69. , ; , Block 111, Lot 33, Chaplin's Addic tion, Elizabeth. Burke. $40.88i ' ' Block 111, Lot 31i Chaplin's Addi tion, unanes Binder, $20.38. ' ' , Block ill. Lot 32, Chaplin's Addition Charles Binder, $30.69. . . 7 ; Block 111, Lot 23, Chaplin's Addl-: lion,' cnaries Binder, $40.89. Block 111, Lot, . 31, Chaplin's Addition, W. H. Ferguson, $40.76. Block 111. Lot 82. rhunlln'o tlon,-.W. H. Ferguson. $51.36. : ,? ,; moot in, Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition, W. H. Ferguson, $81.76. Block 111. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 34 Chanlin's Addition. rhaflM' ninHai $66.88. ' ' ''r-vt- - Lot 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 34, Chap lin's Addition, Elizabeth Burke, $66.88 1 ti Block?' llli 55' feet of'lte'H. hhan; lin's Addition, W-. H. Ferguson, $133.78 Block 116, 27 1-2,. ft, of , Lot 1, Chap lin's Addition, J. M.-Bull, $69.10. I- t - Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap Un's AddltlonJ.M. Roll, $44.12. Block HOI 14-2 -feet of JM 3, Chap lin's Addition. J. M. Bull, $31.79. " , Block 116. 27 1-2 feet of l)t 4, Chap lin's Addition, J. M. Bull, $21.14. lock 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1, Jul lus'Roesch, $99.60; -; . . Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2, Chap lin's Addition. Julius Roesch- sfiO.ftR. Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3, Chap lin's Addition, Julis Roesch, $47.04. . : Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4, Chap lin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $31.27. Block 116, 55 feet of Lot 1, Chaplin's Addition. Ella White, $168.70. ' Block 116. 55 feet of Lot 2, Chaplin's Addition. Ella white, $105.05. Block 116. 55 feet of Lot 3, Chaplin's Addition. Ella White, $78.83. - vBlock 116. 55 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, Ella White, $52.40. Block 116, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition, Ella White, $83.87.. ' Block 116. Lot 6. Chanlin's Addition Baker City Groc. Co., $73.58. Block 116, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addition, Baker City Gro. Co.. I52.54. Block 116, Lot 8. Chaplin's Addition! natter city Gro. Cb., $42.07. Block 116, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition, Baker City Gro. Co.. J10.1S. Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 1. Chaplin's Addition. G. T. Fleiiiing, $209.66. Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 1. Chaplin's Addition. Fred Dutli. S2R0 S2 - Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 2, Chaplin's Aucmion, ma Dutli, $120.25. i UIJ: Uptown effee Main 72Q'. Residence phone Main 2L E.LBUSSEV Block 121, 53 feet of Lot 2, Chaplin's ' Addition, Fred Dutli. $33.01.. ' " Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 3, ChtttfiitV Addition, G. T. Fleming, $59.84. Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 3. GLaMlifs Addition. Fred Dutli $90.16. Block 121, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, Louis Wright, $106.36. -t r Block 121, Lot 5. Chaplin's AddUion, John Palmer, $85.12. - 1 Block 121, 10 feet of LbtrR'lpi-vt lin's Addition, John. Pal -v xt, i reet of Lot 6, Cha.gVp.'f., - Addition, Chas. A.. Dunn. $13.78, , . . Chas. A. Dunn, $33.33. J1J " '? Block 121. Lot 8. ChanllnVAdJitirtn vr O. F. Coolidee. 112.69. ,r Block 121. Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition , O. F.' Coolldge, $10.33. ' Block 124, Lot 34. ChatffnAd&P7 tlcn, H. J. Young, $487.14.30'j Jtnfy tl0J?: y"v- ?2"-56t! rvi.vs ,r!v 1 oiock izi, Jbot 32. Chaplin's Addi tion, IT. J. Young. $171.03. w Block 124, Lot Sl. ChaJlfirk'AddNV Uon, Ralph Warner, $113.C3i -rol To.?-jt BIOCK 124. west 1-2 Lot .30. Chajilln.'a . Addition, Ralph Warner,, $45,51, . Dim n nt, taui j-s uoi ici, Afldition, S. V. Keltz. $45.5f; S Of LHi" Block 124. Lot 29. ChaflMnfatSw, tlon. S. V. Kelts, $79.77. ,j ,.S(TA Block 124, Lot 28, Cplli'a.Adl-, tlon, Lizzie Gulling,. $5p.90v;;w; A Block 124, Cot 27, Chaplln'a. Add) tlon. Lizzie Gulling, $45.54. ' " ' Block 124 west 1-2 'Lotofl'hSfii- Un's Addition', Lizzie GttIUngi$5.58.i&Ji Block 124. East 1-2 Lotf36,Chpnn'a Addition Wm.,M.,Dayr 45.E8.. t4 Block 124, Lot 1, ChapTlriAcll'lon.' Mrs. A M. Anthony, $4l4.Sbt''1'-iTl Block 124, Lot 2, ChaVlln'stAadUio.f . Mrs. A M. Anthony, .t7.93. j r iiotv n Block 124. Lot 3, ChM!ln8, Additlprv, ' ' S. C. Zuber. $134.59. ' ' ' n ' - Block 124. Lot 4, ChaphAddtobtir Ida Fisher, $89.64. iJo'r u to avv.s Block 124, Lot 5, Cbaplla'aTAdaitlcar Ida Fisher, $71.62. . ,: i,,i,smvr: Block 124, Lot 6. ChapljWa ddUn Frank Carpenter, $62.74. V " " f Block 124. Lot 7, CKatflla'tf AdaitloU Frank Carpenter, $44Jft a tx tirro Block 124,- Lot 8i ;Chaplia.'a AddJUon Frank Carpenter $&3..T, , .... " Block 124. Lot 9, ChkpffA's,AddlIloV -Helen M. Geddes, $i3.99." wn-u j.w Block 125, Lot lOiChapllnflsiAdddltodC Laura V. McClure,n$.G00,8&, rr,, Block 125, Lot lhapUn.AddJjlon, Laura V. McClure, MUM .'.)f-'fll J'. , Block 125, Lot. 12, tftaplth'81 Addi tion, Laura V. McClreVf227;6f.r Block 125. Lot ,!(djapl!hV(-Xaalit tlon, Laura V. McClu"re,'$90.?l2Ja ?jo". Block 125, LotfHn ChaplJn'fjAdfll tion. Mary Biggers Est., $23-76,, ... - Block 125. IXWplrnMWn? Rose Harris. $562! "J mT.a-j.T..V ' Block 112, Lotr8,tChapn&,8"AadItlfffl; ; Rose Harris, $2G.l 44 rratfjT nocft Block 125, Lot' 7, Chaplin's: Addition; Rose Harris. $17pj:;Win ,lf SiU,t !5BMe.W Block 125. Lot 5. !hIPTrnfs A'ddrtidn. S. A Weagle, $18.Bly''i 6uji Ja: rontage -netweenvjeTIefson: Aveffue ana fliaaison Atenua U. K. tC fi. t , Jlacadam 1 AimriStjL If you artj not customer of Cherry ISew'U'findFy-'w urge you to antee a pvF- tory amLjir artlcle nfit so found or cheerful ly refur3ao'il2JP. We want to bulld'up a home laundry ' employing American labor, " gbl' f jffV8 a credit to the tolyTnrelv ask a chance to prove lost we can sat- ! 8fy f0H' rant that muchf All ffork, CaKed tor and prom'ptlj dell4eVed. . " There, Is enoughJaundry work In La (randftcfkeep a good sized force- bttsynd keep ths m6ney at home. Are you a booster for hope, ionit We are now "'coatfortably housed In our new bulLUn&JuBt a few Stena f rnm l?fr "iT'TC'n ' Bafe from dust w'ddlr?re eassiy. xouna u you want to; crry a bundle doW town But A llr gladly Tcall! Ai q'r .wagon. ' Cherry's New L&uadryJ BOTH M0NES. IS : " ,-4" -i- i 1. 1 fvr- . 1. . v.