La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 22, 1910, Image 1

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    " 'J 2.
n fi -
A A ft. .
; f ;'M i j. M .
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'7S. N--r
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n sni
; Iff ' S
- i - , vrvni'ii n i
KORTHWEST in grip "of wind
-r- . . r ,
Sliljii 'ilu.liarllors, Fearing to Ten.
tare Out Where 1 Storm Is Raging
- l?;yrXf.&Qfi$:-'t, lite ; : Imported But
' L. Shipping' iS'Taroaed0refrtir and
, ' ' Washington Llnc'lti TVo'ijwt ''fctretttf
I ;'. "iuJoVstwriw'V 'i,
, vPojtlatd, Nov. hWltS ,rvers In
I th Interior and'aktBg tlx. Oregon and
' . 'i Washington ;.coast. Bwollen. and. some
flooding various localities, trains
lelayed ; and shipping crippled porta
of the northwest are today .taking a'
reap7 preparing -for ; another galff
believed coming from the north.
The. weather bureau has predict
ed a stonn and signals will" be' tils
player. JIJ j aftef noon.'. ij) weiern
W81i4gto&.;-.!ohtan8; . and' Ulahb
trains are delayed by a, number, V'
washouts due to .heavy rains. Thei
worst damage swas yesterday' tfhen
the wind at sea attained 70, miles an
hour. No loss of life Is Reported, how
ever. : v: " V" - -v -; '' ' r:- "'
the 24 iiburs ending , last
nigh..77 inches' oj rjln fell in thja5.
city.- Weather reports from theP6rt
land bureau today predict still njore
rain' and wind. : X
X llt Llhthoda an) ll Befog
Trpatc by'Tatner and locjl IKctor,
What was first, reported "its an acute
icase of Infantile paralysis but later
as diphtheria, has seized
th 8-y(earjol(f son of Dr. Gar
" Iibler, wirohasj 'brought 1
meron of
?the ; little
fellow to La Grande for treatment. Drv
Upton was cailei ln'(cpnsultalion and
it was agreed that the diseasfe was not
Infantile paralysis as first believed. -
Smallpox Quarantine Lifted. 1
. Smallpox In the home ot S. F. Rich
ardson has held that place und,er Iquar
ahtine for some UmeVbut on Orders
from the attending physician, Drt Mol
Itor, the quarantine was lifted today.
The victim waa the son of Mr Rich
ardson who i bias been,. Jn. Jdalo fqr
some time, and returned to La Grande
on being taken HI. JIe did jnolj know
the nature 'bC-fets' disease until he
reached here. ' t
, . 4 ,? .
O. 3. Kellam of Imbler, was operat
ed upon at the Grande Jlohd Hos
pital last Saturday evening by Drs.
N. Jtolltor and C. T. 'Sacon. He is re
covering rapidly and 'Will aoone able
to leave the eBtabll
j TlljlXGiyiSG.AYr
Contest Will be Snappy and Ucatcd
Alumni Strcn(rthe Their J-Iae.
Things are shaping themselves for
8 Splendid gam . Of footbajl next
t ' - . .
murnuay uiernoon wnen ub mgn
Bcnuw iea win wing up us season
"with the. alumni of the high school.
The old timers JvreJ-erfruIting a strong
I line t0jaldth yeiily.backlr ai?d whlle
vTneymay not.ue as. well posted Wthl
nner points ot me revised earae. rtH
shment .
they have all had a taste of "new
looiuau; ana tney will .pnt U a
scrappy exhlbitloa against the lighter
jtbut more versatlfe youngsters ntfw in
, the high school The game starts right
od the stroke of 3 o'clock that the'eon-
test may be brer In' time for late, tur
key pinners, and lat enough for) the
yoou mealSf Interest is keen and the
cfowd'wlU evidently be ilarge.The
lpcaj high school is keepng in shape
during the week with, light practices,
bo that wen';the ,whlsjtle blows for
the first klckoff. there wjll be twp ag
gregations that ar well tra'ned and
tuned for the.'. fray. i
' A. Bean and Tom Williams are some
,br the. .latest additions to the linei of
;the.nlumpi suad.' . ,. ;' . .'
Oi $
s Chicago,' Rov'i S2 Reduc-
4? "Hon 1n prices tt-beef, pork
A.'V nd...mJtton wa"s announced V
& ' ,to i A?. C.Icago packers1!'
'Beef ribs rVormrt, An A
Q J jo
-'.s' " ., j'.;.
Sister iofui Wiirire'SoIIci'ted for Co.
bieratfon' In the Campaign. -
Appointment' of new,, commlwep
from the ranks of leaders in the tno e
ment'tb bring the new EasterfljOreg n
asylum to Union, was one of fru ts
of the Besston last evening between a
(delegation of Union boosters .and La
Grande men in the local commercial
ub. A commltee to comnilq data with
rhlch ,to prepare a,riuments . fcr
rldKlria: the institiftlon tb Union whfen
thecroclil Jiour tomesi was namid,
and the men selected are, M. P. Dav-'
Is, George Benson and Robert, Wltl y
combe, all' of Unlott.. A revision con
mittee, to go over the data compil ed
conB'Jsts of District Attorney Ivan-
hoe, Senator OHver and Cruow Dennis
A resolutfcn l was passed, sollcltng
the co-QfSerajldp. ot Elgin, Enterprise,'
Wallowa, Joseph and Cove ln-i the
movement. . J
M. F. Davis was chosen chalrnjan
of the committeeand a reat dealt of
work was transacted, much of which
.was preliminary and tentative.
men who attended were those nai
by the La Grande and .Union com
clal'clubs. :,r "
. ' "" " '
9 f A Real, -Lke -Comedy.
The scene 6f "The Time, The Pi ico
and-Tae- Glrl.l; wfcicn pomes to :ti
Steward on Novv 30, is laid in the1
mountains of Virginia at a "rest cure"
whither Happy Johnny Hicks and his
pay, Tom Cunningham hve fled fi om
the result of anescapada of CunnI og
ham's In a gambling house In Bos on.
The cpmplexltles. ,of j ttfje plot be ?.xxr
while the "rest' cure" is In a stat of
quarantine with jail the? servants ab
sent. The guests "ere forced to do
the work themselves aondltlon i hat
Inspirestnatlnf among jome of h am.
them. Of course, there is, a pretty : ove
istory. TK.prJduetIoa Jsninusually ar
tistic and the chorus is the liveliest
and prettiest crowd, of.gJrls that i ver
were gathered Intti one ctompany. I es
srs. Adams and Hough are the. apth
ors of the pky; nd thetmuslc Id by
Joseph E. Howard and Ned Weyturn
.produced the twelve musical numbers.
The most sensational of the dajices
la vTtie. Dixie' number, wMclf in oin
hlpatlpn with fe.'Unle-'Sm's i Best
Girl" Is the finale of the play. S .
' Ten real sonir hits .will'tro4
dured during' the . action of the Alay,
Among them are "Thuiday Is My Jo.
nah Drfy", "Dlxte: I Love You,Mi'The
, Wiininir TTnnPvmrnn " "rfnnt Vnn Toll "
1 i : " i ' - -(-.
i Don't Like Tour Ftmny" and "Blow
the Smoke Away
; - .
- ; ' ; v Birth Record. i
Bbnr.inJ ft
Clty;Npvenlher. 21 to
IteT Spsflsef . a djiugh-
VBDOSIlTuw .Yan vuiv VUn& m
f iu p rnnrn Tn t r
UI1IIT0J bUurtODG ID lllil
i i
London, England, November 22.-
c )x. I
Crippsn made a? complete sconfes
slon of the murder f h't wife at
cbrding io the Londftn Hmea today.
The Times sayB the confession ia a
thrilling i human document; replete
Vtth told, callous dotalls of the crime
whith will be expiated . on the gal
lows tomorrow. -t , ', ,.,
v ' f Confession Rrnefita
i According to thei Times, j Crippen
confessed with the understanding that,
the Times pay Eeneve a certain sum
of ; money for? her andf he' unborn
child. "Crippen it Is said,- insists lieh
eve did not know anything of the' mur-.
'der JTThet Times says Crippen poison
ed his wjf e aCten a number f quar
'rels..: : . ' 'v-..-v. 4 1
) In January. th Crlppens tquarreled
and Um: Crippen said she toteiuied
to cotnplalnito the authorltiea regaril-
Ingithe relations between Lonele and
Crippen. As a result of this and know
ledge that his? wife would not 'divorce
Monclova, Mexlcp,.' No'vv?,22 After
fighting in thre Mexican towas. the
government troops, surrendered to he
Insurgents today.' Severe losses are
reported on both iides. ToTreona'do
mez, Palachlo and Lerido.jwilh a to
tal "population of. 75,000.' are In the
hands of revolutionists ...and 'accord
ing to railroad news they are still ar
riving there. The heaviest: .fighting r
was at Torreon where millions ,of
American capital Is Invested in smetT
ters and the intercontinental Rubber
company factory is located. No Amer
lcansiare reported killed but the fac-J
torles were damaged by artillery fire.
In the state of Durango flghtiog still
continues buY the1 government is te
pbkedjn 'control. 'J -i 'l v
EevolntlobJsti' Lose1 Too; ' 1 ; ..
L El, Paso, ,qv; ,22-After; aftl, night
fighting near Parral, scares of revo
lutionlsts were defeated by troops ac
cording to the unofficial Aews (re
ceived here. The insurgents are flee
ing. Losses were alight
Stirring, addressed b State ,?upe
intendent J. H. " Ackerman who '
peared on 1 today' program of the
Eastern1 Oregon Teacher's conventlofn
here In the place of H. A. Adrlan-ad
phn W. Cpok, , the Illinois 1 educa
tor were th principal featu'res pf
the -flecond day,, Sectional work' was
carried as, per program, a, nd Adrian'
appears tomorrow in Adman's plate
orf the prbgram. Ackermafli and Stajte
Superintendent-Elect 'Alderman haye
Just returne'd "from Salt Lake whejre
the states west of' th,e'' ssIbsIp)1
were represented by. school ajaperte
tendents. As a suppleme'nta'ry feature
to hia regular address he reposed the
essence of that conventioh..The three
prlnclpai resolutions of that qody was
standardization of colleges and nor
mals, requiring four , ypors of high
ichbol ' 'ork for 1 entrance r'eoulre-
Hut rwled- off poem by
With riubllKheri he tooK ho
Hl were always in
. ..-f ,.).' i . i :
jj . jj , ' (l ' .. ' , r "' ' ' -1 -
' '-.' .'!;.-: .'Li-f -if' - ' ' .. ','. .';.t ' . ' ; '" ' .
' t -
him ' so
marry the typist,
Crippen, polsbned'herj buried the body
and Btarted the rumor that she died
Ih Ainerica. ' ; 1 ' ... ' ; r ,
The Two Say Farewell
PentonvHle Ptlson, London, Nov.) 22
Crippen and ' Leneve finally said
farewell today, at was a sorrowful (af
fair. Both embraced frequtntlji in the
tCumuou mauV ceil, it iastert "twep
ty'mlnutea and was hjsterical andial
kos't fainting the woman wis led from
the celi. Crippen's request for a' pri
vate Interview " was refusedJ ' T ' '
Resigned to' his fate but' protesting
bis innocence,' Dr.' Crippen i spent (his
last , day on' earth in tKe condemned
room ; of ."PentonvHle prln today,
UnVess something unforeseen occurs
he hangs tomorrow morning. He de
iledr emphatically that he) had Coi
fcesed ltd murderlngl his wife. 'John
Ellis, ' assistant I executioner today
tested the roipe and prepared the gal
waaero' symnathlzers received ci
pher dispatches' Indicating that revo
lutionists are masslngUo attack Chihi
'uahua? They predict" that Puebla Vlll
fdll. It is reported the insurgents cap
tured Torreon,' Gomez and Pallco! 1 ,
It Is reported the Yaqullndlans are
preparing tp'aid. the rebels.' '
Lai'edo, Texas Nov. 22--ReD'orts to-
A&j of ,the bAttle at Acam'abco Guana-
juiiw, BLaie or wexico say twenty-seven
revolutionists- were killed and sev
eral loyalists were wounded. This was
.tbi first fight of the re'volutiofa.. Three
bunjared revolutionists- were put 1 to
flight . after .pillagirfg the 'town and
holding it. fo'r lx 'hours' against In
fantry; V--1 . ' v ' ;.'!'':, '.-vf '.
Trie report tbat 'General Reyes is in
Mexico , secretly, directing the moVe-
inenis or .tne revolutionists 'has hot
been denied by 'tho'govlrnnieBt.1 Ffe4-
ports here aay lOl political prisoners
iutionisia. scores -or , refugees- are
ments, and that all certificates be ac-
cepted subject for subject In 11
wbdrejthe fcuetldns, have bfeet
parld and minulscrjptaVgraded
en pre-
state departments, no, subject to fall
peiow so per cent. This permits the
state to give them certificates without
a diploma. , ' . '' -
yregon is pernaps the old state
where the; normal schools take stud
ents, from tha eighth. grade and, this
will mark a new epoch in normal his
tory here, ,-
; , Ills. Regular Addresw U
Mr. Ackerman'a regular address to
the teachers was on the theme,."A
Vision of the Future." His extremely
Interesting speech hinged on nine im
portant' sub divisions of the topic,
which summarized, are: ,
Important Think to be; Secured.
l. A Reduction of the number -of
tie yard
. rTS::R.'Haw
: Block 108,
u ' I S. R. Haw
awoi '
Lot 34. Chaplin's
o-th, 1389.93.
pouring into this s city and tell
skirmishes at Isolated ton3. . ;
Pr&8ldent'D!az , today assumed' pe
s7ual 'command of th Mexican' foi
ces in the fields le-was summoned
:rom , the i heplth''1 resort at .Corrali,
following a Vumor'that Franclecb Mad
ero.. had, been aWn", headfn ' a , la'r-i
revolutionary partj'souti o;' puii''
Pofire Diaz. 4 . : ' (. .." j ,'t',;,.'; j ,
1 : AmcHcans Maintain 'Peace. S
i EaglV.. Pa'ss, ,Texas.. No. . 2t Tvc
troops -of (United States ravalrj-.arr'v-ed
here today: to enforce (neutrality
between the 'United .States and -Mexico,
Soldiers ;are under, Instructions
to break up -all gjather,lns3, of armed
men 'and if necessary,' to arrst any-
one .trying to enter' MexVo in vlola
tlon'o the'.Jne'u.trality, laws. . . ' 1 '
Washington, i Nor: 22 J. piefpoct
Morgan caiihe t'o this city today . trom
N. ,Y.,t 1 Is .believed (in 'comwttqii
M-iim tne Biovemen to; preserve, Auier
viw uM).rata m Mexico.? Morgan i ls
lea:Ily 'Interested. h Mexican' prou
er'tlea an4 his, firms i Wve g?an't'c con-.
cBsioi3 from Dlai. j' .
j'r --r - "i !. , ':
-i - , ? ', t-. .-
OfticluU .Should rachLrGr)iide To.
morrow Noonj According to Plan. '
';". "-.' i ::-'
'The annual Inspettlon of the O.' R. &
JC, Is now nhder way,'-and' tomorrow,
the highest omcials,. of the company
will vjBit ' this, cltx. The schedule Is
for the special train to pass, through
La' Grande eh route1 to Huntington and
tomorrow morningx,tne inspection
starts on the return trip!. Tomorrow
noon ''they are scheduled to reach the
c!ty,and then swing" off to the , Jos
eph branch , ' , ''., ':'J
In i.the party will be the general
manager. J. P. O Brlen, and Iim- 9orps
of assistants. TW exact personnel of
the party Is not, definitely known here.
The local shops , sent an engine to
Umatilla thla morning to bring the
special train ' which . will Include , 01
02 and 03. . !
school districts. ,
!., 'Tfie' consolidation of school dis
tricts bo that. there may be central
high schools at onvepient and' suit
abU pldces. in every county, in Or-
eon: the transnortatlon' of all child
ren, who reside too', far from the
central high school 1 to attend jppn
venlently. ;'---''' ' m .
3.' The' Improvement of -sohoo
houses and grounds sd that they may
may be modern, sanitary, comrortaoie
attractive, usuable and homelike, the
sooiai anti Educational" center of the
immunities. ' '', s '' f U ':,.
4. A practical provision for ex
pert medical inspection of school
tmlldrfen, .ta the end. Jhai thei i phy
sical ,, defects may be discovered and
treated, and their-physical welfare be
promoted. , " v 1 ' '" '
- 5. The establishment', and .malnte
nance of a fund for the support of
teachers? who have ; become hicapapl-
tated by reasons. otlong service In
the Bchool room. ' ' - r ""
,; 6., ; A 'method fat certification ; that
will Insure a high standard of schol
arshlp and skill in. teaching and en
clurage professional' spirit
1 7. ' A minimum salary I fo tench
eJ-s..ThV. best talent shuld bey e&
couraged by better renumeration to
choose -teaching as a life work.
8. Such a reorganization of , the
course of study as to Include agricul
lure, the domestic arts,5 and perhaps
other phases of the Industries In "all
i ' . i. . ....
our Bcnopiswitnoui omupng or on
securing the 'essentials or overbur
flenlng teachers or pupils. ,
-jit. . Such arrangements of. all the
work.iand such administration of the
schools' as to bring home and school
ciose togerner ana insure yie; prac
tical Information, symmetrical devel
opment and accurate training of the
child. ' ;.'.:. . ; .
'.',"; Mr. Cook's AddrrNN. ,
"Literature In the Seventh and
Addition, -rrea inittr.-Sov.5a.':
?L,r-k, 1Z1, 53 ,eet of 2 Chaplin's I
Addition, Fred Dutll, 120.25.
p" i nn
13 LUO
BILLliS Hi :
i ;'. 11 BROKERAGE FIR5T. !
s . .
.1 ,t
... )
iBanj Aresta',W)lillojr Tliitt of the
,Rurr Firm la Aey lorkPostcvis
; ter Cri .up- - - rj.:'
7 lug ' tiie' inveitkratIon aialntalaed
04 rme -Misy uuea y in jutht
Take p Get Klcli Qui rians
... t ', ! ...' . 'T-'" " r'V' ."' :i-
yiev ;fYork,.No:v:. 22 A. ' wickerljst.
bearing th'e names ot persons likely
to subscribe. to-anFcrt of a' get-HVk-scheme,
was the most Important, itfem
in the; Biirr Brokerage firm' files ac-
cording to (evidence of twenty "rlrlB
rifl'a dozea youths before the rind
j.ury toa.ay ln. tbe .lattest aHegotf fifty
million, dollar swindle'. . f ?
Pp'stmaste'r' 'General1 Hitchcock con
tinued to. handle thInyesflg-atlon per
sonally, n w: understood, that there
ill 'be "ai : number of other- arrests
made; In various parts of this country
before the Jury adjourns, 1 ' .'
The ; prosecution, would : give no
names but admitted' that warrants are
already1 but Eugene and Sheldon Burr
are stilled iaileh 'awaltfife hall''mnn-
fy on a charge of fraudulent use of
H1J U1UU. . .. , -: .- .
Eighth grades" .was the' fheme of Jno.
W. Cook's afternoon1 speech. The ad-'
dress wai filled ;wlth, valuable. leBsons
ior- tne teachers. "Literature Is an
etilsode 'of life Vin its conipleteness."
he said, "containing ultl'mately :tha '
element of compensation "- He show
ed how completely tragedy aud-r com
edy meets thla requirSment.'"The fol
lowing list of rclaBSlcs. fnsed ' in hi
normal s'choof, Js : the re$uit' of ,jnuch
inai ana experiments: For tno Sov
enth grade King. Arthur and.; His
Court, Willlarh Tell, Miles Standlsh,
Evangeline, Grandmbther's., Story of
junker IUU, John Burrow's' Birds and '
Bees, Land of Spng No. 2 and Crick
et on the Heafrthji FoK the Eighth,
grade-k Reader for HigheV .Grades
by Mtas Arnold! Latld of'Song No. 3,
Treasure Islan, Tom Buown'a school
days and tha Great 6tona Face.
A-He .ent Into foetalls as'tb why these
were Selected, add jilustfated-his ex
planation ' by ' brief readings from,
these classics. .v r ... .,,,..
' Reception Popularly Attended.
Weighty - ana Berioiis topics wera
eprgad to the wWds rwevetflng how-
cvl. Th publlflf reception at the E?lk's
hal in potior othe acting teachers
was largely attended and lasted until !
midnight, to those who desired to
Join the dancers on the floor 'at' the
conclusion of the program. Music and
vocal Boloa ..' by tfa orchestra and MIbs
Etta Foley, Prof. Bridges and Mri.
''; (Continuar' tin page Eight)
" V-:"'1
I'unerul Will be Jletd Tomorrow jat 2
Oyiockjfrom Raptlst" Church.
. Fjrnnk Huntley, a well known young
man. of hls city, died yesterday' even
ing ,at. 4:30 o'clx:k,: aged thlrty-two
years, Mr, Huntley leaves a wife, four
children, a mother, three "stater? and
three brothers. .The funeral V iU , be
held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the
Baptist church a,nd interment will tnUy
place-In the Masonic cemetery.
rctii raosr.3.'
It "
i i.
! 1
f :