La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 21, 1910, Image 1

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H Mk !:
t u is uiu u
nth Annual Convention of Eastern
Oregon Teachers Called 'Together
jhls Morning by President Bragg.
Program Carried Out as Planned
Educators From Illinois, California
and Oregon to Take Fart.
Pedagogues, educators of highest
eminence of the Pacific coast, prln
palB. superintendents and the rank
jd file of .that commendable profes
on which moulds the destinies of
te coming generation, are In ' La
rande today attending the tenth an
sa! convention of the Eastern Or-
6n division of the State Teachers'
jssociatlon. The advance guard of the
Isltors reached here yesterday, de-
tyed trains up until noon today ad-
2ng to the list of guests by the
scores. For the next three days the
ilty will be entirely in the hands of
,he guests, for private homes have
been thrown open and though there
as some Inconvenience last night on
irrival of the late trains, this will be
Overcome th!s evening When the list
of available rooms will be taken up J
ly teachers who at present are wlth-
Iut accommodations.
President E. E. Bragg gaveled for
nler at the appointed hour thte ttiorn
ig in jhe L. D. S. tabernacle and
from that hour until the closing num-
on the nros-ram Wednesdav even-
the greatest amount of good will
5e crowded into every minute.
I Reception This Evening.
I One of the most Important eventso'
lie convention, from a public, stand-
xtlnt,'' will be the public reception
n honor of the teachers at the Elk's
all tonight to which the city's peo
ple are invited to, meet the teachers.
In Informal program includir- an
ddress of welcome, response by pro
bably State Superintendent Ackeiv
lan, vocal solos by Mrs. T. J. Scrog-
1n and Jliss . Henrietta Foley, short
esponses by several prominent edu-
.fContlone oa page Bight)
Yasnaya Polina, Russia, Nov. 21'
1th. pomp and ceremony the body
Count lieo Tolstoi, who died early
nday morning was brought home
lay. The burial tomorrow will be at
a foot of Poverty street where his
asants have congregated, awaiting
i service. No church ceremony is
mltted. High officials of the Greek
irch in Russia are prepared to ex
id Balutatlon before death, but said
' 3 count was induced by the anti
' urch advisors to reject the proffer.
Military orders will cortlah the cost
casket, ostensibly as a mark of re
ect to the deceased, but It Is said in
IT' Sil iSoGB
uuy io preserve order should the j to nave culminated in nis aetermttm
isants become indignant over the tion to tawe a Journey which culmi
lure of the church to rescind the nated in his death. -
s Mexico city, Not. 21 Mexican mo. j
lutionlsts, according to despatches in
TC ocLkctL oMuia cruz.
There are no details.
EI Paso, Not. 81 The fifth batalllon
of the federal troops at Tepic, under
orders to go to San Bias, are retained
at Teplc to suppress a reported dem
onstration by students against Ameri
cans there. ; ...
. ,E1 Paso, Texas, Nov. 21 According
to advices from Zacateres where the
military fired on, and killed revolu
tionaries, who were making incendiary
speeches semblance of order is. re
stored. The bodies' of the killed were
buried In unmarked trenches to re
main unmarked, at the inspiration of
the government officials. Owing to the
censorship the exact number of dead
unknown, but reports agree that
at least 100 were killed. Some declare
BOO. Other estimates vary between 200
and 300. Many private dispatches
which - escaped the censor reached El
Paso. These declare soldiers fired vol
1?' after volley at the retreating rev-
olutlonlsts, and after a half ; hourB'
fighting many were dead. According to
meager advices, rioting at Alniege re-
suited In the death of several. Reports
confirm the report that the battle
at Del Rio between Americans :, and
Mexicans was successful up to nopn.
It is learned the Mexican government
is sending troops to the border to as
sist the American rangers In patrol
ling the Rio Grande, and In keeping
I - At .
aown e wiesa Danas or armea Mex
lng in the states where the revolution
is Inclpieht. Francisco Madero, the
revolutionary leaders, Is a fugitive in
the mountains and Is surrounded by a
few lieutenants. He is expected to give
battle before he surrenders. - .
Mexico. City, Ncv. 21 Mexico is to
day on the verge of a great revolu
tion, according to present Indications.
Even the .censored dispatches from
the interior fail to hide the gravity of
the situation and eo looked upon by
Diaz and his advisors. The revolt Is
spreading . throughout the country,
Revolutionary bands are (gathering
edict of excommunication after his
death. v ' . ' ' '. '
Before the body was removed the
Countess Tolstoi sat beside it, kissins
repeatedly the brow walling, "the
light of the world has gone out," and
fewooned when informed that no re
quim mass is to be sung. .",.
: The eyes of Tolstoi had hardly elos
ed before a wrangle over the own'T;
ship of his literary works began. Le
gal complication between his family."
In 1893 Tolstoi renounced all his
property rights to copyrights and hU
lands and money. His family object
ed. The quarrel that followed is said
V7V7 C
and only awaiting for the signal to
start " , 1 .
. , .r aimix is Alarmed. ."."
Washington, Nov. 21 Secretary
Knox will ask' the war department to
order . troop:; to preserve the "neu
trality treaty, with Mexico. It was an
nounced today. The state department
is alarmed at the reports' of the gath
ering of Mexicans on American soil
with the intention of invading Mex
ico. Advices from Ambassador Wilson
confirming the reports of the out
breaks at Juarez and Puebp are re-
Revolutionaries Cross the Rio Grande
Into Mexico to Take City.
Laredo, Mexico, Texas., Nov. 21
Three hundred armed Mexicans cross
ed the Rio Grande early today and
are marching toward San Carlos,
where the revolutionaries are report
ed mobilizing 3,000 strong. They plan
to attack Chihuahua and make that
city their capital In the insurrection1
against the power of Diaz. f
It is estimated that during the night
and today t'o thousand Mexicans
crossed into Mexico. Thoy were un
der formation, properly officered, and
are hastening toward the' towns of
Aladama, Jajall and San Carlos, from
whence will march In three divisions
to the neighborhood of Chihuahua
city where they will unite and attack.
Many old soldiers . and cowboys are
said to be among the number. .
Ethics of land office ' lineups were
again supreme again today when the
lineup formed at the La' Grande land
office Saturday morning, was ushered
through the land office doors this
morning commencing on the stroke
of 9 o'clock. Dr. C. H. Upton of this
city was first in and consequently his
timber claim will likely In the end
stand approved. Women In numbers
occupied places in the line and with a
fine show of grit bravely faced ihe
storm which swept the pavement , at
the hour of the opeaing, that tlley too
might share 'in the profits.
Filing Done Rapidly.
Each applicant as he or she made
the signatures required, posted $10
and when, later on, the claim Is al
lowed,' they must pay the required
amounts In the neighborhood of $100.
LesB than a minute was required to
handle each applicant; for tha receiv
er, register and chief clerk had their
plans well arranged., V y
Filing Not Over In a Day. .
Due to the provision that home
steaders, who have lived on their
claims for a period of -'thirty. cViyp.
ending Sunday at mignight, have .30
days in which to file, the rush the
land office is not congested tut' will
extend over a period of se.veral days.
Those who undlsputedly lived on their
claims and will make affidavit o tne
fact, can come to the land olfice at'
their leisure.
Sufferings Intense. ;
Unfortunately for the twenty cr ro
IE 0
2000 11121
Deaths and Serious Injuries Follow
ReTlston of the Old Game. .
Chicago Nov. 21, With Thanksgiv
ing games yet to be played, there have
been 22 deaths and scores of serious
injuries in football bo far this, sea
son under the revised rules. The num
ber of, deaths are eight less than the
total of last year with the chances
that it will be aurpas'sed as several
of those in the hospitals, may die.
Among the minor injured are sixty
iQve broken collar bones, 10 legs, 37
noses 30 ribs, 20 ankles, 17 wrists,
17 fingers and .13 broken shoulders.
' Try Mrs. Schenk In December.
Wheeling, W. Va., ; Nov. 21 Mrs.
Schenk, charged with the attempt, to
poison her millionaire - husband, ap
peared ,ln criminal court for arraign'
ment. Attorneys asked for a contin
unacrf until they could argue on five
separate pleas for dismissal of the
indictments. The woman was undis
turbed and was returned to jail. Prose
tutor Handlan1 said the trial will conir
menceprobabl December 10.
Brooklns Loses Heart
Kansas City, Nov. 21 Walter Brook
ins, considered as one of tne most
promising of the Wright pupils will
never fly again as the result of the
death in Denver of Johnstone, Brook
in's chum. ' ;
In the lineup, the weather has been
extremely uncomfortable and the wind
and rain has made life miserable on
the sidewalks ever since the-, line
was hastily formed Saturday morning
on a repor,t from John Day that a par.
ty was headed this way; Tho party
never made its appearance as a line
up, but on finding their original plans
foiled, quartered themselves in ho
tels. r ' :
Among those who made entries this
morning, are: . . '
i Timber and Stone Entry men.
Emll C. Burnett. Lewelle Burnett.
C. E. Cummings, Jennie E. Cummlngs,
Charles Desmond, Dr. C. H. Upton,
Mason W. Bullard, Nellie B. Bullard,
of La Grande; Jennie Hall. Elizabeth
Hall, Wm; Hall, Myretta Hall,. Joseph
PIfer.John Shields, Hazel B. Sullln,
C. C. Lemon of Hood River; . J. ' P.
Brothers and William Beatty of Knox,
?a.; Paul Weaver, C. M. Perry, Lot
tie E. Bullls, Richard E. C. Emory, A.
B. Rey of Dayvllle, Ore.; James W.
Church of Condon, Ore., Clarence E,
Grout of Dnyvllle, Ore.,' AB. Con
verse of Spokane. Wash.
,' Ilomestead Entrymen.
r' Kenneth E. Smullin, C, C. Lemon, J.
F. Plfer of Hood River, Ore.; Clarence
E, Grout, Paul Weaver, C M. Perry,
R. E. C. Emory, A. B. Rey, C. O. Har
ils and Lottie E. Eullta of Dayvllle,
Ore.; James W. Church of Coinjon,'
Ore.. John Shlleds of Hood River,' Ore.
J. P. Brothers, Knox, Pa.
Brought Iwit Girls to Portland From
California as "Shues."
Portland, Ore.) Nov. 21 3eorge
Kavalin, a graduate of the university
of Athens, Greece, was sentenced to 8
years yearsf and Jim Takos, to six
years in the penitentiary today by
United States District Judge Wolver-
ton, for trafflcing In white slaves. Thev
are tne nrst to be convicted under
the federal statute, recently passed.
The men brought two girls from Cali
fornia to this city. . .
Cattlemen and Indians' In Warfare oh
'. Montana Ranges. ,
.Helena, Mont, , Nov. ' 21-r-It Is - re
ported today two Indians were killed
and two were wouiided in a fight with
cattlemen on a reservation. A sheriff's
posse Is . enroute to investigate the
charges that the Indians fired from
ambush. It is asserted that the tattle'
men were really the aggressors and
arrests of well known stoeknien are
expected. The fight was over the usu
Musicians of University Will Have
Girls In Glee Club Organization.
: University of Oregon, Eugent, Ore
Nca'. 21 (Special) At the regular
weekly assembly Wednesday morning,
the Girls Glee club made its initial
bow to the student body, and the num
bers were well received. The olub
consists of thirtyflve young ladle3
of the musical department, under tLe
direction of Miss Rowland and the
leadership of Miss Lolah Prosser.
The Boy's club of University has
been a feature -for the-last fifteen
years, but only one or two attempts'
have been made in that time to torn
a girl's club. The "Treble Cleff'V a la
dies' chorus was In existence about
six years ago, but since then the boys
have had the field to themselves.
' It Is the intention of the young la
dies to give a concert in the spring,
probably of an operatic nature, and
in the meantime the students will be
given an opportunity to listen to the
co-eds at an occasional student body
meeting. Practice Is held twice
week and from the headway made so
far. The ladles will give a first diss
performance in) the spring.
London, Nov'. 21 Doctor Crippen
wlll be hanged November 23 for the
murder of his wife. Secretary of Home
Affairs Churchill announced today
there will be no further intervention
on his part, The last hope of Crippen
to be reprieved, or -commutation of the
death sentence, vanished this refusal
to Interfere. When Crippen was In
formed of Churchill's decision he col
lapsed and wept bitterly. .
He said sobbingly, "My poverty was
all that prevented acquittal. If I could
number sai.
Archbishop Glennon Stirs Delegates at
St. Lonls When He Addresses Them
on the Harm of Socialism Social
Jstlc ' Philosophy Brew , Over Beer,
and Wine Says the Dignitary In His
Speech at St. Lonls Sunday,
y5-V;V. ,
St. Louis, Nov. 21 Labor delegates
who heard Archbishop Glennon's de
nunciation of socialism are speculat
ing today upon the possible effect on
the ranks of the American Federation
of labor in which socialism is said to
be growing rapidly, h . ' 1 '
. Recalling Pope Leo's utterances re
garding socialism, the Archbishop de
clared the. late pontiff was the most
Bane thinker of his time on labor
problems. Continuing he said:. "There
are some who believed that because '
the laboring man has so little and no
Interest worth whiie to preserve what
be has, they spend If ardthus ar
unable to create homes for -tem-.
-jjejyeg, unen, maiyiaui;y ne joiva
proletariat In a saloon; whera over
the fumes of beer and wine, created
e philosophy that, turns him, into a
full fledged revolutionist."
He also' warned, the ; delegates
against Christian science. ; i "
Evidently Actuated by Robber y M.
tires, Marauders . Shoot. , '
Barnard, Montana, v Nov. 21 Four
bodies,. found in the charred ruins of
the Hubbel home neer here today
were identified as those of Ora. Hub
bell, aged 40 his wife and children,
Jessie, aged 6, and Welton, aged 4.
They had been shot and the buildings
burned to conceal the crime. , Mrs.
Hubbel had been shot at the telephone
and Hubbel In the kitchen. Blood
hounds and a posse are trailing the
murderers. No motive save robbery la
ascribed. . ' :
, Washington, Nov. 21 The popula
tion of Kansas is 1,690,949, an increase
of 240,454. s
The increase entitles Kansas to
another congressman.
J have secured proper medical testl-
mony I could have shown that the
body found in my home was not that
of my wife. I am ready for the end. I
shall die firmly convinced that even
tually proof of my Innocence will
come to light." ' '.' .
In a statement to the press Sun
day Crippen said, "Until the court of
appeals refused to grant me a new
trial I had hopes of getting clear and
building up a new home with Ethel
Leneve, without whom life is not
worth living" .-.'
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