La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 19, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    m auAKJiiti jiVKNiNo ojjskizve& Saturday, November 19,1910.
N MOLITOR. M. D. Physician an.
Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. an';
Depot street. Office. Main 68; Resi
dence 69.
H. UPTON, Ph. G. IL D. Physician
- and surgeon. Special attention 10
. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office
in La Oraade'Natlunal Bank Bulk!
ing. Phones: Office Mala I, Resi
dence Mala 32.
A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and
surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m
except Sunday. Sunday by appoint
mentB. Telephones: Office, Blaci.
1362; Ind. 351; residence, Main 55,
Ind. 312. - ' . . . '
Physician. Sommer Bldg.J Rooms 7.
8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332.
Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone,
Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E
Moore. -
DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor o?
Optics. . Spectacles and Eye Glasses
Fitted and made to order. All er
rors of Refraction Corrected. r .1105
Adams Av flYiipy" h??? B!; Is.
Grande.. Oregon.
- er Wright Drug store. Special at
tention paid to diseases and surgery
of the eye.
Phones Office Main 22;. residence,
Main 728.
J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room
23, La Grande National Bank Build
ing. Phone Black 399.
class services given. Office over lol
ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 1121
DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur
' geon. , Office at Hill's Drug Store,
La Grande. Residence phone, Red
701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde
pendent phone 53; both phones at
residence. . . , .
, Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran. I a Grande National Bank
Bldg., La Grande, Oregon.
C T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law.
Practices in al Ithe courts of the
State and United States. Office in
, La Grande National Bank Bldg., La
Grande, Oregon.
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer
Baker City, Oregon.
1JENA McREYNOLDS Teacher of Pl
' ano and Voice Culture. At 1426
Washington Avenue on Wednesday
and Saturday. Telephone, on these
dates to Red-1122.
C. C. WILSON Teacher of Violin.
Call any time at 801 Male ave
A large line of hair switches from
18, 20, 22 and 80 Inches in length, all
fro at a Tery low price while they last.
Phone Main 131, 209 Fir street .
Mrs. L A. Palmer Prop.
i&mhy pay Rent?, IVe loan you
money to build, and you
pay us as) you would rent.
1. R. OLIVER. .
To the ladles of La Grande.
Mrs. C. H. Whitney, face specialist
of Baker City will be in La Grande for
a few days ind will call upon the
ladies with a complete line of toilet
article of net own manufacture. She
removes molel and other facial blem
ishes with elictrlc needlefl She may
be found at 1W7 T. avenue for a few
days. Phone Hack 591.
Ladits and Gents ,
Shoe Shine Parlors "
to 1 1 18 Ad ,ms 'Ave., where
'- he will s vc all custom ;
ers, raw and old
Treasurer's Call for City Warrants.
Notice la hereby given that there
are now funds on hand to pay all out
standing -warrants issued on General
Fund of La Grande City, up to and In
cluding, No. 8311, endorsed May 19,
Interest on all warrants on General
Fund from No. 8175 to No. 8311 in
clusive, ceases from this date. -RAY
City Treasurer.
Cleaning and Pressing. '
Ladies and Gen's Clothing cleaned,
tressed and repaired with satisfac
tion. Ladies' work a specialty. 1704
East Adams avenue, W. R. Baxter,
European Plan Only;
Rooms 50c to $1.50 4
First class Throughout
mm .
Proprietor. .
, .' La Grande, Oregon
i New Transfer
M. L. Leader
RED 3762
Dray ing of all kinds
Franklin Would
H ave Been
if his vision could have extend
ed far enough into the haze of
evolution to foresee the ultimate
triumph of incandesant electric
lighting the GENERAL ELEC
The sage old phlosopher flew
his kite during a thunder storm,
and by means of a key attracted
and discovered electricity, but
evolution decreed that modern
inventive genius should discover
an incandescant lamp that is
revolutionizing, artificial light.
MADZA LAMP gives nearly
three times the light of the or
dinary carbon Incandescant
arid costs no more to operate. In
addition to this it gives light of
a vastly superior quality a
clear white light like the sun's
Everywhere people are having
their houses wired for electric
light, since the invention of the
LAMP. It has made electricity
as cheap as it is convenient
Come in for a moment today and
let us prove to your entire sat
isfaction that there is no longer
a possible excuse for you to be
without the greatest of all
household conveniences elec
tric light "
Light and Power
(Continued from page 2)
Northwest and his chances for the ali
Northwest this year are excellent
All this talk about Washingtcn
claiming the championship of the
Northwest 1 he defeats O. A. C. mou
than 12 to 0 today is tommyrot If
Washington Is going to claim any
thing why not come to Portland and
take a twist at Oregon. Then ev
erybody can talk with some reason
able basis.
' ' .
One of the college teams which are
making. wool fly this year Is Willa
mette "at Salem. The team has made
a remarkable showing and'Doctoi
Honan's men must hereafter' be con
sidered with the same light as Whit
man and other lesser colleges. '
. Union and Cove met on the grid
iron at Union last Saturday and
played a fine game, Cove proving the
winner by a score of 5 to 0. Union
is playing Baker City at Baker today.
- t
The Alumni foot ball team will
practice tomorrow at 2 o'clock at
the. half grounds. All members are re
quested to be out In suits. ;
The !. I. A, team will likely be
the one to usher in basketball. North
Powder is slated to come here Nov
ember' 28. Imbler Is to be hooked on
Boon after that.
Baker City high, unable to secure
an outside team for Thanksgiving,
has arranged a game with the alum
ni of the Baker school
The Bohnenkamp Co. has the agen
cy for the Apperson Jack Rabbit car,
having this week closed the deal.
Cove at present has no more games
for this year. She is not playing to
Elgin has no game today and the
season's end may not see any more
in that part of the country. '
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the undersigned Recorder of the City
of La Grande, until November 23rd
1910. at the hour of eight o'clock p
m. for the construction of 863 square
yards of bltulithlc pavement together
with the excavation, drainage and
curbing as shown by the plans and
specifications on file in this office, the
same to be constructed at the Inter
section of Monroe avenue, North Fir
and "S" streets, in the City of La
Grande, Oregon. Certified check of
5 per cent of the amount of the bid to
accompany each bid. Council' reserves
the right to reject any' and all bids
By the order of the City Council
November 16th, 1910.
D. B. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Nov. 19 -5t.
Ignorance of the Hair Causes Much
Baldness Among Men.
Early piety doesn't cause baldness,
neither does any kind of piety. Some
baldheaded men console themselves
with the idea that baldness is caused
by a superabundance of gray brain
matter, and would have the world be
lieve that a baldhead is a sign of
great intellect. ..
Suchj however, is not the case. Nlne-ty-tiine
times ic one hundred, baldness
is caused by dansruff germs which dig
down deep into the. roots of the hair
and destroy Its vitality and cause it to
fall out
All this may come gradually and
take time, but as an up-to-date humor
1st would say "what's time to a dand
ruff germ?"
If you have dansruff, the little in
visible, persistent devils called dand
ruffff germs are at work. Destroy
them at once or sooner or later they
will be compelled to take your place
In the baldheaded class.
In France baldheads are few be
cause men understand Jiow to care for
the hair. Parisian Sage Is a hair grow
er and lnvlgorater that is guarantees
by the Newlln Drug Co. to grow hair
If the hair root Is not already de
stroyed, to eradicate dandruff, stop
itching scalp and falling hair, or mon
ey back.
50 cents for a large bottle at the
Newlln Drug Co. and druggists every
where on money back plan.
Nov. 9-19-30. ,
Ordinance No. 492, Series 1910.
An Ordinance declaring the cost o!
Improving Adams 'Avenue from the
west curb line of Fourth street to the
east curb line of Third street, assess
ing the property benefited thereby, de
claring such assessment and direct'ng
the entry of the same In the Docket o
City Liens, authorizing the Issranct
and rale cf bonds to pay for said Im
provement and declaring an emerg
ency. The City of La Grande does ordain
as follows:
Section 1. That the Council has
considered the proposed assessment
for the Improving of Adams avenue
from the west curb line of Fourth
street to the east curb line of Third
street, and all .objections made there
to, and hereby ascertains, determines
and declares the whole cost of said
Improvement in the manner provided
by resolution duly passed by the
Council on the24th day of August.
1910. to be the sum of $3603.70, and
that the special and peculiar benefits
accruing to each lot, or part thereof
or parced of land within the assess
ment district, by reason of said Im
provement and in just proportion to
such benefits, are in ' the respective
amounts set opposite the number or
description of each lot or part thereof
or parcel of land in the annexed as
sessment roll, and said assessment
roll which is numbered sevenis here
by adopted and approved as the as
sessment for said improvement, and
the Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon, 1b directed to enter a state
ment of the assessment hereby made
in the Docket of City, Liens, and cause
notice thereof to be published bs trn-
viueu py cnarter. That said assess
ments shall be and become due and
payable within , sixty days from the
date of the passage of this Ordinance;
provided, however that any and all
persons property Is affected by this
assessment may. upon application to
the Recorder of the City, pay Bald as
sessments in ten equal, annual install
ments, commencing at the expiration
of sixty days from the date of this Or
dinance goes into effect, deferred pay
ments to bear interest at the rate of
6 per cent per annum. But if such ap
plication be not made as above set
out, then the whole amount of each
and all of the amounts mentioned in
said assessment roll, shall be and be'
come due and payable at the explra
tion of said sixty days. ,
Section 2. That there shall be is
sued and sold by the City, improve
ment bonds In the said sum of $3,'
603.70, due and payable In ten years,
after date, bearing Interest at the rate
of 6 per cent per annum, and the pro
ceeds of said bonds shall be applied
In payment for said improvement.
Section 3. Inasmuch as the work
mentioned In this Ordinance has been
completed, and It Is necessary and
expedient that the same be paid for
at once, now, therefore in order to pre
serve the peace, health, and safety
of the city, and to protect Its credit,
an emergency Is hereby declared to
exist, and this Ordinance shall take
effect -after its approval by the Mayor,
and its publication in one Issue of the
La Grande Evening Observer from
and, after the 19th day' of November,
Passed the Council on the 16th day
of November, 1910, by seven members
voting therefor.
Approved this 18th day' of November,
D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Block 2. 1-2 .Lot 7, Grandy's Addl
tion, A. W. Rynearson. Est., $231.95.
Block 2. 1-2 Lot 6, Grandy's Addi
tion, A. W. Rynearson. Est., $121.64
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 6, Grandy's Addi
tion, C. H. Finn. $121.64.
Block 2. 1-2 Lot 7, Grandy's Addi
tion. C. II. Finn, $231.95.
Block 2, Lot 5, Grandy's Addition,
Mrs. R. w. Laughlln, $121.52.
Block 2, Lot 4, Grandy's Addition
Martha J. Long, $40.72.
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 8, Grandy's Addi
tion, Sarah A- Smith, $256.07.
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 9, Grandy's Addi
tion, Sarah A. Smith, $131.83.
Block 2, 1-2 Lot 8, Grandy's Addi
tion, A. W. Rynearson, Est, $256.06
- Block 2, 1-2 Lot 9, Grandy's Addi
tion. A. W. Rynearson, Est, $131.83.
Block 2. Lot 10, Grandy's Addition,
William Johnson, $131.52.
Block 2, Lot 11. Grandy'B Addition,
Ernest Lewis, $44.15.
Block 3. Lot 1. Grandy's Addition,
B W. Grandy, $525.80.
Block 3, Lot 2. Grandy's Addition,
B. W. Grandy, $202.75.
Block 3, Lot 3, Grandy's Addition,
B. W. Grandy, $81.23.
Block 3, Lot 4. Grandy's Addition,
B. W. Grandy, $40.72. .
Block 3. east 75 feet of Lot 14,
Grandy's Addition. B. W. Grandy,
Block 3, east 75 feet of Lot 13,
Grandy's Addition, B. W. Grandy.
Block 3, west 60 feet Lot 14, Gran
dy's Addition. Sallle A. T. Palmer,
Block 3. west 60 feet Lot 13, Gran
dy's Addition, Sallie A. T. Palmer.
$97.80. . ,
Block 3, 60x15, S. W. cor. Lot 12.
Grandy's Addition. Sallie A. T. Palmer,
Block 3, balance Lot 12. Grandy's
Addition, B. W. Grandy, $73.30.
Block 3, Lot 11, Grandy's Addition,
B. W. Grandy, $44.13.
We do all kinds of carpet and fur
niture work. Clean house with a vac
uum cleaner. Call L. F. Blllinger,
150338 Red 562, Red-141.
A reception which stands as the
stellar social event of the week, was
the honors paid to Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bren
holts last Monday evening at the Tur
ner Oliver home. The event was a
farewell function in honor of the two
families who will, in a day or two,
be on their way to Los Angeles where
they will, make their future home.
About one hundred members 'of the
Presbyterian church ana friends of
the families, attended the reception.
Refreshments, presided over by Mrs.
N. Molltor and Mrs. F. L. Lilly, In
turn assisted by several young ladles
and gentlemen of the church, were
served as guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bren
holts, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, are influ
ential members of the . Presbyterian
church, while the gentlemen have
been intimately connected with the
business affairs of La Grande for sev
eral years. Mr. Brenholts has held
the position of assistant cashier for
the La Grande National bank for sev
eral years while Mr. Smith, formerly
with the N. K. West store, has of late
years been the senior member of the
Notice of Street Improvement
To whom It may concern: Notice is
hereby given that in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande,
Oregon on the 9th day of November,
1910, creating Improvement District
No. 28, and designating , Lake avenue,
as such district, and In pursuance of
a resolution adopted by said Common
Council on the 2nd day of November,
1910, whereby said Council deter
mined and declared its intention to
improve all that portion cjf Lake
avenue, in said improvement dis
trict as hereinafter described, by lay
ing thereon macadam pavement, the
council will, ten days after the ad
vice of this notice upon the owners
of the property affected and benefit
ted by such improvement, order that
Bald above described improvement be
made; that boundaries of said district
to be so improved are as follows: All
that portion of Lake avenue from the
west curb line of North Second strt
to the west" line of N. Cedar street.
Notice Is herby further given that the
Council will levy a special assessment
on all the property affected and bene
fitted by such" improvement for the
purpoBe of paying Tor such improve
ment. That the estimated cost of such
improvement is the sum of $3698 00,
That the Council will on the 23r4 day
of November, 1910, meet at the Coun
cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock
p. m. to consider said estimated cost,
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such assess
ment . .
La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1910.
By D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Nov. 12-10t
To Cure a Coli In One Day. .
Tablets. Druggists refund money if It
falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
Not a minute should be lost when a child
ihows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy given as soon as the child
becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy
cough appeain, will prevent the attnek.
Absolutely Pur&
Tho only bakSng pQwdcr
mado from Royal Grapo
Groam of Tartar
Hofcn, No LIr.D Phoschsfg
iS 7
' " lip :
firm of Smith & .Greene, prominent
shoe merchants. Socially, the famil
ies were prominent, hence churches,
society and ' business circles each
loses prominent characters by the
removal of these two families; They
go south on account of 111 health. Mr.
and Mrs. Brenholts. left today while
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and children leave '
In a day or two. ' '
Mrs. E. W. Rumble entertained the
Five Hundred club Thursday after
noon. Mrs. C P, Newlln won the
honors. " '
Miss Greta Jackson entertained
Thursday evening to a few intimate
friends, serving a baked bean lunch
eno of two courses. The guests were
Misses Lillian Baker,. Irma Alkine,
Anna Roesch and" Phillls Moore. Mes
srs. Frank Earls, Stanley Carpey, Joe
Ingle and "Bill" Bohnenkamp.
Miss Margaret Anson was hostess
Friday afternoon to the afternoon'
session of the Kaffee Klatch.
(Continued from page, eight)
The Newlln Drug Co. Sells Best Pre
scrip tion on the Money .Back
. .; Plan. . '
Almost everybody knows that stck -
headache nervousness and dizziness.
are caused by a disordered stomach. -Upset
stomach and Indigestion hap
pen just because the food you eat
does not rli.Ast hut lien In tha mtn.
mach and ferments or turns sour. '
You can stop fermentation and sto
mach distress in five minutes hv us
ing MI-O-NA stomach tablets, a pre
scription that has done mora to cure
indigestion and put the . stomach in
fiti a nrnl1t1nn f Vi Q all Vy nnattnllata
ou earth.-- ---.
A large 50 cent box ofMI-0-NA sto
mach tablets is all you need to get'
auick and lasting relief. The Newlln
Drug Col guarantees them.
Mrs. Artie Etson, of 93 'Dun Road,
Battle Creek, Mich., used MI-O-NA.
and within two months Was in as
good health as ever, and has a good
sirong Biomacn, ana ems anyiumg
she likes. She attributes her good
health to MI-O-NA.
If you havo heartburn, belching of
gas, heaviness or any stomach trou
ble no matter how chronic, try MI-O-NA
stomach tablets on money back
plan. Sold by the Newlln Drug Co.
and leading druggists everywhere.
iwuio ui jutri improvement..
To whom It may concern: Notice is
hereby given thaf In pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande, Ore
gon, on the 9th day of November,
3910, creating Improvement District
No.. 27 and designating N. 2nd Btreet
a? such district,, and In pursuance of
a resolution adopted by said Common
Council on the 2nd day of November
1910, whereby said council d a termini
- wum
and declared its intention to Improve
all that portion of N. 2nd street, in
aid Improvement district as herein
after described, by laying thereon ma
cadam pavement, the Council, will ten
days after the service of this notice
upon the owners of the property af
fected and benefitted by such Improve
ment order that nM dW.
wwv.v ucovuu-
ed Improvement be made; that boun
daries of said district to be so Im
proved are as follows: All that nor-
tion of North Secona street from the
O. R. ft N. side of the R. R. track to
the center of Lake avenue. NotieA la
hereby further given that the Council
will levy a special assessment on
all the property affected and benefit.
ted by such Improvement for the pur
pose of paying for such Imnrovement
That the estimated cost of such im
provement Is the sum of $13,500.00.
That the Council -will on the 23rd day
of November, 1910, meet at the Coun
cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock
p. m., to consider said estimated cost,
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to anv ner-
on reeling aggrieved by such as
La Grande, Oregon. Not. 11. 1910.
Br D. E. COX.
jcuruer oi ine taty or La Grande.
Not. lMtt ' '