ike J' 1 . 'i ' V. . . v M ,i '.IT '. J.'.". ... ' v .. - .. . . . . - LA UlvAxNUJL L jSlOlicSEUVKlt. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910. f ' s t' v i id I ' .- KM ! I .; .... , I ' ' T ' f : r, ?. .4 hi. . . i v i i .' nTTrnT'ii niri Prize'mthe State of ! Oregil Their Representative Honored by Heath & Milligan Company, of Chicago .' err'- h 0 .;.. ' W9t tttft Tlr4 a fJM tht yaw bltb ft KlUlfBUI .1. . hfv tea Mil tha mum ihonii mt tka Itata of .m jrtt 1 Atom btitrttt arlo. nml Vy tir-iut to CMmi4 M Moli tarAii- ak thai m ftWMIIllliin -. irnniitt to to 1 Chii M k, antiMX lo, Utb, tX tut tU W nMOMtry for U M tar. ' L . vr th bim riratUli to tb nt nA ( . ; ' i . foit ttj oho olU ooo tiwt jo OOpplloe lJk fMM . ', ' txif tiaWt m mU M KUmq rMorrotiHW " ' 4 j iolnr tlnt 4prtooBt too omo oM Lookloo J -. ' h roj'to.ol7n ftnw ffroo6tUW o tko VNTBiat f , , va4of, o null A.' " . ' : . -Put 11 Uit VNfcU1(NC; in Vour Homo.1 .. L 13 ..). I.A. r. t t . . g ill ' " 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 tf' .'i. f flC MM.R0AB COMPANY. : ,! J.; rTOwWMiii.Mi i'i?yp.-n.'T rm U "' ' : I . .. r.' v v : V M1t . ' .. ...) ill-.-'.11 1 J fa ". i'nTiMi'iMimown. trnw on tMrho tUM MWOW M t 1 "M .WMt W'WMMNI.PMONMa I ( r kJaiMWfttM.. aiauM moo fty ma m bMk fioroaf, ' S3. f. ' ,. , .... . T--t-T f ',Vb 1 1 - tl -. . '. : i M . . " r:i"-" ; 'ri-r.'. . . ..-I. i ,'.r 7 r .. 'f t i, i i r j; -o. ' " ' t ! r..., ' ;j . ,- . ?;;t.:i.. ; t , - The above photo engraving shows the photograph of Mr. Andrewi fac simile of the letter from Heath & Milligan of Chicago and also fac Blmlle of the trip ticket eo courteously sent t'ho Golden Rule Company by the paint manufacturers. 0 La Grande's leading store has proven to be the leading store of the state of Oregon in the sale of paints. This verdict was reached by the great Heath & Milligan Company of Chicago when it presented .... a free trip ticket to the Golden Rule Company's representative, Mr, Andrew, entitling him to visit' Chi cago and to be the guest of Heath & Milligan. i.T. v::'inli..!-.M:. The basis of this contest was the best showing made by any store in the state on paint sales, and the Golden Rule Company of La Grande outclassed any other dealer in the entire state of Oregon. The per-, iod of sales was for one year beginning November 1, 1909, and 'closing Nov; 1, 1910. ' ' Following its usual business methods the Golden Rule Company of, La Grande scarcely thought until , a few days before the contest closed about its eligibility. But the large concern in Chicago, after care fully canvassing the showing made by the La Grande store, found it was entitled to recognition ; , .Besides the Golden Rule Company's well earned popularity as the people's store in airlines, the fact1 - that Heath & Milligan makes the best paint on the market' had a great deal to do witfi tiis 'wonderful . ' record made.. The house and barn paint manufactured by them is staple throughout the land,' as is also their roof paints, inside finish, varnishes and the fain oris "Sunshine" 'line of finishes.' When the laws of Dakota said to all paint makers,, "put your formula on the can," Heath & Milligan went the law one better and not only put its formula on the paint entering that state, but put it xm every can of paint made and therein lies one of the strong factors of success, fori peopltt-'knowwhatthey-are buying when they purchase Heath &Milligan goods: 3( ' ..u'--7 7 HrTAndrewf of the Golden Rule Company, is now in Chicago', the guest of tiepats'makers,''a!ng, '"rv" with 'one' representative from each state in the Union for the company gave every state the same recogni- v tion that it gave to Oregon.- t&i&fe;: ; r The name of La Grande goes out to every come r of the nation far having taken the state honors, and , , eyery representative in Chicago goes home with the full knowledge of this city's prominence in the business world, of the splendid record made by the Golden Rule Company, as well as carrying home the : ) message of great development and opportunity offered by the Grande Ronde Valley which is freely given out by the Golden Rule Company's representative while he is in Chicago. LA GRANDE, OREGON - -v 1 ' V. 1 r f . i ki" f4 . i j n- ( i -j- ' " ' vim-:.'; '- 'k'. ,.tl,... i- 'ii: iS'li'I). " ' J f t .1.1 5 . ') i ''.: i , 1 : 1 mi. 1 - f c 3 I'.l- 1 ' li'C. ' J It f.f.-,