La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 19, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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'T y j y
Bruc e Denni s,
Edittr and Owner.
Entered at the postofflce at La Grande
as second-class "matter.
"Pu'bitthed Pally Except Sunday.
Dally, single copy 5c
Dally, per week 15c
jj Dally, per month
This paper will nor putdlsh au ar-
cle appearing over a nom de pnme.
Signed articles will be revised nub
,;ect to the discretion of the editor.
' Please sign your articles and save
INESS.' , Many other cities In Oregon 'have
had a strong Inning at pushing real
estate and In most places they have
raised the values higher than busi
ness Justifies, but La Grande is just
now coming Into her own.
There Is nothing In the shape of a
boom In this city, nor has there been.
But there is that steady, onward
, growth which makes things perman
ent and permits no unnatural stimu
lus on any one article. Lad' prices
are too low, but' If' "fctt?r; tt?r
should be too low than too high. City
real estate has-been under valued
until now when paving, new sidewalks
and other Improvements have caused
property owners to consistently raise
the price on most real estate.
The increasing business . In La
Grande is something phenomenal.
Each month shows an advancement
over the one preceding, and when the
fiscal year will have closed the most
sanguine citizen of this community
will be happily surprised at the ex
; hlblt sheet. .-.
The moral to this editorial is: If
you want In on a good thing invest in
La Grande property before the price
go higher.
After all Is Bald and done, and all
explanations that can be offered are
made, the fact remains that the
"rough house'.' raised at Corvallis at
the close of. the .football game be
tween the teams of the University of
Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural
college was a disgrace to the parti-
the tick of.-the.
watch -
on time,
wMch lis
We can
Stand it.
i .
TOMER who Duys r-r.oM us ajd is jvot
cipants, except as they acted upon the
defensive. " . .
. The rough-and-tumble fight' of a
district school on the frontier, led by
bullies, is a gentleman's game by
comparison with this fight It should
settle for some years, at least until
the personnel of the the two state
schools change, the question of in-t
tercollegiate sports between the Uni
versity and the College. Not until
students can be game losers and mag
nanimous winners In a contest upon
an athletic field, are they fit to enter
such contests.
What has become of the time-hon
ored maxim that the glorious game.
of football teaches self-restraint and
manliness. Oregonian.
Portland is worrying over mun'ci
pal ownership of docks. This much is
certain: So long as you can get good
men to handle municipal plants of
all kinds the people get the benefit.
I The only reason why failure has been
made of some municipal ventures is
because politics entered the manage
ment to a large extent
Frank Benson has again retired
from the governor's office and our old
friend, Jay, Bowerman, has taken
charge. When the legislature meets
Jay would be too busy to attend to
the governor' duties, anyway so it
is probably Just as well that the state
chose Oswald West for that Job
Ordinance No. 493, Series 1910.
An Ordinance declaring the cost of
Improving Fir Bueei irom the North
curb line of Washington Avenue to
the south curb line of Monroe Avenue,
assessing the property benefitted
thereby, declaring such assessment,
directing the entry of the same In the
Docket of City Liens, authorizing the
issuance and sale of Improvement
bonds to pay for said Improvement and
declaring an emergency. '
The City of La Grande does ordain
ai follows. '"' . 1 ""
Section , 1. That the . Council has
considered the proposed assessment
for Improving Fir street from the
north curb line of Washington Avenue
to the Bouth curb line of Monroe Ave
nue, and all objections made thereto,
and hereby ascertains, determines and
declares the whole cost of said im
provement in the manner provided by
resolution duly passed by the Council
on the 27th day of April, 1910. to be
the sum of $18095.64. and that the spe
cial and peculiar benefits accruing to
each lot or part thereof or narcel of
land within said assessment district
by reason of said improvement and In
just proportion to such benefits are in
the respective amounts set opposite
the number or description of each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land in the
annexed assessment roll and said as
sessment roll which Is numbered 8, is
hereby adopted and approved as the
assesment for said improvement and
the Recorder of the City of La Grando
is directed to enter a statement of the
JP. V -T A.
Clothiers and
. ..I, - I - r...-. ,,,4,. -
assessment hereby made in IK lioi'AU
of City Liens and cause notice theif o
to be published as provided by Chaitor
That said assessment shall be and be
come due and payable within sixt:
days from the date of the passage o.
this Ordinance, provided, however,
that any and all persons whose prop
erty is affected by this assessment mr.
upon application to the Recorder o'
the City, pay Bald assessments in
equal annual installments, commrrc
lng at the expiration of sixty dai
from the date this Ordinance goes
effect; deferred payments to bear !n
terest at the rate of 6 per cent per an
num. But if such application Is ri:;
made as above set out then the whcl ;
amount of each and all of the amoun's
mentioned In said assessment roil
shall be and become due and payable
at the expiration of said sixty days.
Section 2. That there shall be is
sued and sold by the City Improvement
bends in the said amount of $18,695.64,
due and payable ton years after date
bearing interest at the rate of six per
cent per annum, the proceeds of the
sale of said bonds to be applied in
payment for said improvement . , '
'Section's. - Inasmuch as the work
mentioned In this Ordinance has been
completed and it is necessary and ex
pedient that the same be paid for at
once, now; therefore, in order to pre
serve the peace, health and safety of
the City and to protect its credit, an
emergency is hereby declared to exist
and this Ordinance' shall take effect
after Its approval by the Mayor and its
publication in one issue of the La
Grande Evening Observer from and
after the 19th day of November, 1910.
Passed the Council on the 16th day
of November, .1910, by seven members
voting therefor.
Approved this 18th day of November
mo,.-,,, ,.:
' " ; F. L. MEYERS,
' Mayor. :
- D. E. COX.
Recorder of the City of LA Grande,
Oregon. . ,
Block 107, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition,
S. H. Dalton, $447.03.
Block 107. Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi
tion. J. H. Childs, $492.77.
Block 107, Lot 11, ChaDlIn'a Addi
tion, J. H. Childs, $269.34. '
Block 107, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. H. Childa, $269.34., . ;
Block 107, Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi
tion, wm. Miller, $179.50.
Block 107 Lot 13, Chaplin's Add!
tion, Wm. Miller, $71.63.
Block 107, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addl
tion, E. O. L. & Power Co., $17.83.
Block 107, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addl
tion, Mrs. S. R. Haworth, $243.01.
Block 107, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addi
tion, O. F. Coolidge, $161.91.
Block 107, Lot 6' Chaplin's Addi
tion, A. C. Huntington $64.61.
Block 107, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi
tion, A. C. Huntington. $16.10.
i Block 108, Lot 1, Chaplin's Add!
tion, Julius Roesch, $265.07.
Block 108, Lot 2 Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, $161.91,
Block 108, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, $121.53.
Block 108, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition,
A. A. Fisher, Est, $80.73.
Block 108, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition,
May White, $64.61.
Block 108, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition,
Yakima val. Imp. Co., $56.68.
Block 108, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition,
Yakima Val. Imp. Co.. $40.46.
Block 108, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
Yakima Val. Imp Co., $32.40.
Block 108. Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
David Bay. $7.96.
Block 108, Lot 26, Chaplin's Addition,
Mary Noble. $8.17.
Block 108, Lot 27, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Mary Noble, $33.33.
Block 108, Lot 28,. Chaplin's Addi
tion. May White, $41.61.
Block 108, Lot 29, Chaplin's Addi
tion C. L. Mackey $58.31.
Block 108 Lot 30 Chaplin's Addition
May White, $66.46.
Block 108, Lot 31, Chaplin's Addition,
S. R. Haworth, $83.03.
Block 108. Lot 31, Chaplin's Addi
tion, S. R. Haworth, $125.00. " 1 ' "
. Block 108 Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition.
S. R. Haworth, $166.57.
Block 108, Lot 34, Chaplin's Addition,
S. R. Haworth, $389.93. . .
Block 112, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition
J. H. Slater Est. $495.82. '
Block 112, Lot 8, Chaplin'B Addition,
J. H. Slater Est., $355.51.
Block 112, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition,
J. H. Slater, Est, $236.98.
Block 112, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition,
J. H. Slater, Est, $94.47.
Block 112, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition,
Alice Ladd. $23.46.
Block 112, Lot 10. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. C. Henry. $348.91.
Block 112. Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. C. Henry $245.44.
Block 112. Lot. 12, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Wm. Erickson. $163.53.
Block 112, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Lydla Erickson, $65.26. ' - '
Block 112, Lot 14. Chaplin's Addi
tion, C. G. Bunte, $16.24.'
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1. Chap
lin's Addition. Julius Roesch, $108.89.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2. Chap
lin's Addition. Julius Roesch, $71.75.,
Tllock 111. 27 1-7 feet of Lot 3. ChapT
lin'a Addition, Julius Roesch, $51.56.
Block 111. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4, Chap
lin's Adddltlon. Julius Roesch. $34.40.
Block 111. 55 feet of Lot 1. Chaplin's
Add'tion; S. A. C.ardlnler. $165.95.
Block 111. feet of Lot 2, Chap
lin's Addition.; S. A. Oardinler. $95.59.
Block 111. 55 fci-t of Lot 3. Chaplin's
Addition, f. A. 0:inlin!MY$77.73.
Flock lit. r.:, fret of Lot 4. Chaplin's
Addition. S. A. Cr.rdin'er, $50.C6.
' Wo. k 111. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 1. Chap
lin's Addition. J. A. russell. J9S.72.
Block 111. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 2. Chap
lin's Addition. J. A. Russell. $06.97.
Block 111. 27 1-2 feet of I-oi Chap
lin's Addition. J. A. Russell. $46.48.
Block 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4. Chap-
i.i, :i- i t : ': i.
Underwear FOR MEN
- " : All weights ;
" : All qualities
All sizes 1
Two-piece , garments
$1.25 to $3.50
. Union Suits
$2.50 to $6.00
Once a wearer always
, a booster.
Exclusive Agents for Dr. Deimel Lineii
Mesh Underwear for :Meri i
Cotton and Mixed Underwear in All Qualities
and Prices 7
i Nov'er Sale of Ladies Suits, Coats, Jackets GMsses Coats
lin'a Addition, J. A. Russell, $31.91.
Block 111, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods, $93,50.
Block 111, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods. $82.53.
Block 111, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods $58.57. '
Bock 111, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition,
Lucy C. Woods, $46.88.
Block 111, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition,
jonn wiibon, $11.37.
Block 111, Lot 26, Chaplin's Addl
tion, Mary Noble, $7.91. '
, Block 111, Lot 27. Chaplin's Addi
tion. Mary Noble, $32.73.
Block 111. Lot 28, Chaplin's Addl
tion, J. L. Mars, $40.87.
Block 111 Lot 29, Chaplm 8 Addi
tion, J. L. Mars, $57.24.
Block 111, Lot 30, Chaplin's Addi
tion, C. E. Hackman, $65.27.
Block 111, Lot 31, Chaplin'B Add!
tion, Elizabeth Burke, $20.39.
Block 111, Lot 32, Chaplin's Addl
tion, Elizabeth Burke, $30.69.
Block 111, Lot 33, Chaplin'B Addi
Hon, Elizabeth Burke. S40.88.
Block 111, Lot 31. Chaplin's Addi
tion, cnariea Binder, $20.38.
Block ill, Lot 32. Chaplin's Addition
varies innaer, $30.69.
Block 111. Lot 33, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Charles Binder, $40.89. .
Block. .111, , Lot, 31, ' Chaplin's
Addition, W. H. Fereuson. $40 7fi.
BiocK ill, Lot' 32, Chaplin's Addi-
xion, w. h. Ferguson. $61.36.
Block 111, Lot 33, Chaplin'B Addition, Ferguson, $81.76..
Block 111, 27 J-2 feet of Lot 34,
tjnapuns Addition. Charipn RinrW
Lot 111, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 34, Chap
lin's Addition, Elizabeth iBurke, $66.88
1 ' Block lit, 55 feet of Lot 34, Chap
lin's Addition, W. H., Ferguson, $133.76
uiock iibi'ii, i-z rt. of Lot 1, Chap
lin'B Addition, J,,M. Bull, $69.10.
Block 116. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 9 riion
lln's Addition. J.' M. Bull, $44.12
Block 116, 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3, Chap
lin's Addition, J. M. Bull, $31.79
Block 116. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 4, Chap
lin'B Addition. J. M. Bull. $21.14.
Block 116. 27 1-2 fopt nf ti.t 1 Ti
ius Roesch. $99.60.
Block 116. 27 1-2 fept nf
lin's Addition, Julius Roesch $60.96.
Block 116. 27 1-2 feet of Lot 3. Chap
lin's Addition, Julis Roesch, $47.04.
BlOCk 116. 27 1-2 fppt nf Tt A
lln's Addition. Julius Roesch. $S1 ?7
Block 110. 55 fpet nf Tt 1 nh,u
Addition. Ella White, $168.70
Block 116. 55 feet of Lot 2, Chaplin's
Addition. Ella White. $103.05.
' Block 116. 55 fppt rf T.nt a runiu
Addition. Ella White. $78.83 '
Block 116. 53 feet of Lot 4. Chaplin's
Addition. Ella White. .v jn
Blork 116. Iot 5.
Ella White.
Bloe k 116. Lrtt R. Cb
BnkPr City Oroc. Co.. S7I? 58
ElHk 116. Lot 7. rhMi.lin-o AJ.1-.I,...
T-, , ,. ' ' -I'"" " fUU HUH,
Block 116. Ixt 8. Chaplin's Addition.
Baker CItr Geo. Co. W m i
Block 116. o. Chaplin's Addition.
Pnjcpritv Co.. $10.18.
f Iv r-5 foot of Lot 1, Chaplin's
Addition. G. T. Fleming, $209.66.
Our line of warm Woolen and Cotton Underwear ha
never been so complete before. We can please the
most particular buyer.
Perfect Fitting UnderwV
for Ladies and Children
Satisfactory in every way
you can't wash out a
2-Piece Garments
Union Suits
Recommended by mil
lions of satisfied Mun
singites. ; Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 1, Chaplin's
Addition, Fred Dutll, $250.32.
Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 2, Chaplin's
Addition. Fred Dutli. i?n
Rinv i9i r-. . : ,
A,,I21'i0 '"l of .Lot 2- Chaplin's
n' ...
. j rv, . ' OJ 1 01 U01 i VDipi n s
Addition, G. T. Fleming, $69.84.
Block 121, 55 feet of Lot 3, Cbapl.Vg
Addition, Fred Dutli $90.1C.
BlockJ21, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition,
Louis Wright, $106.36.
Block 121, Lot 5. Chaplin's Addition,
John Palmer, $85.12.
Block 12L 10 feet of Lot 6. Chap
lin s Addition. John Palmer, $24.90
Block 121, 20 feet of Lot 6. Chaplin'B
Addition, Chas. A. Dunn, $49.78.
Block 121, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition,
Chas. A. Dunn, $53.33.
Block 121. Lot 8. Chaplin's Addition,
0. F. Coolidge, $42.69.
n Bl?Cn k11 9' Chan's Addition,
O. F. Coolidge, $10.33.
Block 124, Lot 34, Chaplin's Addi
tion, H. J. Young, $487.14.'
Block 124. Lot 33. Chaplin's Addi
tion, H. J. Youn $227.56
tlflnl0u 2b 32. Chaplin's Addi
tion, H. J. Young, $171.03.
Block 124, Lot 31, Chaplin'B Addi
tion, Ralph Warner, $113.93
aSm k 12i ,WeSt W 1x31 30' Chaplin's
Addition, Ralph Warner, $45.51
.k 12o478t U2 L01 3. Chaplin'B
Addition, S. V. Keltz, $45.51.
Block 124. Lot 29. Chaplin's Addi
tion. S. V. Keltz, $79.77.
Block 124, Lot 28, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Lizzie Gulling, $56.90.
tinl0TC!f ?4Lot 27' Chaplin's Addi
tion, Lizzie Gulling, $45.54.
Block 124 west 1-2 Lot 26 Chan
lin's Addition. Lizzie Gulling $5.58
?k 12i- East 1'2 L01 26. Chaplin'B
Addition, Wm. M. Day, $5.58.
m ? ,24,.Lvt ' Chaplin's Addition,
Mrs. A. M. Anthony, $414 29
Block 124. Tt 9 rhanii.ij
Mro A Kf a .u Auuuion,
MTB. A. M. Anthnnv tITOno
Block 124. ir yw:;?,z . , . .
S n v,,. i7'Z"av"u Auaiuon, .
Block 124. Lot 4 r'tiH-'.
Ida Fisher, $8.64; " 7 flUUluon'
Block 124. Lot k ri,orn'- ijj.x...
Ida Fisher. $71.62. ' AUUluon.
Block 124. lrtt ft o,oii. j.,..
ri. . v v,mpii Aaauion.
Frank Carpenter, $62.74.
Block 124. Lnr 7 rhoit-- t j jui .
n..,, ""V"U 9 Aumuon
Frank Carpenter, $44.73.
Pfr24, 8' Chaplin'B Addition.
Frank Carpenter, $35.83.
Block 124, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition
Helen M. Geddes, $8.99 '
Iaurfv m 10Chaplin'a Adddlton
l.aura V. McClnrp. ttlnn oo
Block 123, Lot 11. Chaplin's Addition
L-aura v. McClnrp Mil (i
Block 125. Lot is ri,ii.
tinn T ,,.. r ""I'-'ua AUQ1-
tion, Laura V. McClure. $227.55
Hon. I.a ura V. McClure. $90 9-
Block 125. Tt ii roiTJ..
fon. Mary BIpgers F: "o7B
Block 125. Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition
Rose Harris. $.-.0,1.62. .iun,
mock 112. Lot 8. rhanii
Rose Harris, $269 14...
Underwear - for Ladiei
PERFECTION describe!
this line of high grade
underwear perfectly.
2-Piece Garments
Union Suits ;.:
A new, line added thig
year for the benefit of
Hustomcr who desire
something betteT
Block 125, Lot 5. Chaplin's Additloi'
S. A. Weagle, $18.21. .
Frontage between JeffArufn i
auu iuson Avenue an
! o. R. '& N. Co. S3.69.i nn
and Madison Avenue and right of wa;f
Macadam on crossing; $217
fc !
FOR SALE Two choice tlit
claims In 4 north 41 east Wall,
county. Price $1500 each. Apply it
Haywood, Woodstock, Ore. Not $
WANTED Position by a man'
cook and wife as helper. Camp F,
ferred. Call at Observer office. i
WANTED Responsible part;
take the agency of Union and
counties for the Phelps Carbide
Acetylene Generator for Indiii
home lighting. I
For further particulars wriU Or i
on Acetylene TJehtlne Co.. Inu I
230 1-2 Yamhell st Portland. Oft
Oct 20-2L "
WANTED Woman to do W,
house work. Call Savoy hoteL HP,
Main 713. 1
WANTED Girl for housework.
quire of Mrs. T. J. Scroggln. w
ww per weeK-
. f
Limited number of roomen
boarders wanted. Apply corn
Sixth and O street.
FOR RENT Furnished four
house. Apply 1307 O avenue or i
"Still More than the Best
M. Otto Paul. Milwaukee,
says j?oiey b Money ana - i.i
have bo many calls for Foley' B't
. it w hd
auu Attr Luat i win ua.c w i
I lor some more. All uiuao " - -., m
. mmU
cclda thev swr hal and I think-.
still more than the best Our P
. . . . fcini
had a had cold ana it cureu
one day. Please accept thank t
Drug store.
- Every family Wfleed of SJff
liniment For pprains briu8W,.0,t?19
the muscles und rheumatic PR,'n'gt,ty
none better than uianwenmu-.. .
all dealer.
jiilv -- kz- 4.... i ti ....