La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 19, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Soo- Spokane Route
Minneapolis, St.Paul
EQUI PMENT Elect-ic-llghted '
Observation Cars and Standard
Sleepers, the most up-to-date
Tourist Cars and through din
ers. Through tickets to all ponts
east are on sale by your local
agent at lowest carrent fares.
Details Berths Literature
0. M. Jackson, Geo. A. Walton,
Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt.
11 Wall St, Spokane.
Terra Cotta
Well Casing
Call or write
for Estimates
and Prices
John Melville
, M28 Adams An,
-When in need of anvthing in watches, clocks. Jewelry,
cut glass, hand painted CLlua, or any other article carried
by a first class jewelry Btore, investigate our prices before
buying and you will save money, and be sure of securing
first quality goods. ' -r ,
' If 'your eyes trouble yovs, lav them fitted by an opM
- ' '. V'
Opposite the C. & Land
Ordinance No. 491, Series 1910. I
An Ordinance declaring the cost of
Improving Chestnut Street, from the
north curb line of Adams Avenue to
the south curb line of Jefferson Ave
nue, assessing the property benefited
thereby, declaring such assessment
and directing the entry of the same
in the Docket of City Liens, author
izing the issuance and sale of bonds
to pay for said Improvement and de
claring an emergency. ,
The C?ty of La Grande does oida'.n
as follows: -
Section" 1. That the Council has
considered the proposed assessment
for improving Chestnut Street from
the north curb line of Adams Avenue
to the Bouth curb line of Jefferson
Avenue and all objections made there
to, and hereby ascertains, determines
and declares the 'whole cost of said
Improvement in the manner provided
by resolution duly passed by the
Council on the 17th day oC August,,
1910, to be the sum of $3478.23, and
that the special and peculiar benefits
accruing to each lot, or part thereof
or parrel of land within the assess
ment district, by reason of said Im
provement and in Just proportion to
such benefits?" are in the respective
amounts set opposite the number or
description of each,lot or parcel there
of or parcel of land In' the annexed
assessment roll, and said assessment
roll, which is numbered six, is hereby
adopted and approved as the assess
ment for said . improvement and the
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon, is directed to enter a state
ment of the assessment hereby made
in the Docket of City Liens, and cause
notice thereof to be nuhllshod jw
viaed by Charter. That said assess
ments shall be' and become due and
payable within sixty days from the
date of the passage of this Ordinance:
provided, however that any and all
persons whose property is affected by
this assessment may, upon application
to the Recorder of the City, pay sa'd
assessments in ten equal annual In
stallments, commencing at the expira
tion of sixty days from the date this
Ordinance goes into effect, deferred
payments to bear interest at the rate
of six per cent per annum; but if such
application be not made as above set
out then the whole amount of each
and all of the amounts mentioned in
said assessment roll, shall be and be
come due and payable at the expira
tion or said sixty days.
Section 2. That there shall be is
sued and! sold by the City, improve-1
ment bonds in the said sum of $3478.23
due and payable In ten years after
date, bearing interest at the rate of 6
per cent per annum, and the proceeds
of the sale of said bonds shall be ap
plied In payment for said improve
ment. '
Section 3. Inasmuch as the work
mentioned in this Ordinance has been
completed and it is necessary and ex
pedient that the same be paid for at
once, row, therefore In order to pre
serve the peace, health and safety of
the City, and to protect Its credit, an
Office Adam Ah
emergency la hereby declared to exist
and this Ordinance shall take effect
after it approval by the Mayor, and
1U publication in one issue of the La !
Grande Evening Observer from and
after the 19th day of November. 1910.
Passed the Council on the 16th day
of November 1910, by seven members
voting therefor.
Approved this 18th day of November,
D. E. COX. ,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Block 114. Lot 1. Chaplin's Addition,
J. E. Foley. $329.05. - '
Block 114. Lot 2. Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, $230.59.
Itlock 114, Lot 3. Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roftich. $138.fB.
Fleck 114, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, S92.40.
.Block 114, Lot 5. Chaplin's Addition.
Julius Roesch, $92.40.
Block 114, Lot 6. Chaplin's Addition,
Julius Roesch, $45.54.
Block 114, Lot 22, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley, $277.93.
Block 114. Lot 21. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley, $194.60.
Block 114,. Lot 20. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley, $116.84.
Block 114, Lot 19, Chaplin's Addi
t'on, J. E. Foley, $77.70.
Block U4, Lot 18. Chaplin's Addi
tion. J. E. Foley, $77.70. .
Block 114. Lot 17. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley, $39.08.
Block 115, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion. W. J. Church. $329.05.
RlnrV 11 tot !2. ChaplInV Aadi
tfrn, W. J. Church. $230,60.
Block 115. Lot '11, Chaplin's Addi
ttcn, W. J. Church, $138.76.
Elock 115, Lot 10. Chaplin's Addi
tion, W. J. Church, $92.40.
Block 115, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition,
W. J. Church. $92.40. -
Block 115. Lot 8. Chaplin's Addition,
W. J. Church. $15.84.
Bloclt 115. Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley, $296.55.
Block 115Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Georee Sutherland, $207.45. .-
Flock 115, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi
tion. George Sutherland. $124.76.
Block 115, Lot 17, Chaplin's .Addi
tion. Maggie D. Mahaffey, $83.05.
Block 115, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Maegie D. Mahaffey, $83.05.
- Elock 115, Lot 19, Chaplin's Addl
tlon, A. W. Rynearson, Est., $41.43.
No. 20 Hewrt of the Condition of
at Cove, in the -State of Oregon, at
the close of business, November 10,
1910. ...
Resources, , ,
Loans and discounts .... $41,237.09
Overdraftssecured and un
secured .... ........ .... 68.22
Bonds, securities, etc 544.80
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures 2,075.00
Due from banks (not reserve
banks ........ . . ...... f ,672.32
Due from approved reserve '
banks .... .. ... 4,851.16
Cash on hand 2,437.80
Total .... ..... $52,886.39
Capital stock paid In .. . ...$15,000.00
Surplus fund .... .... . . ' , 350.00
Undivided profits, less ex- '
penses and taxes paid . . 657.35
Dividends unpaid '.. . . 4.00
Individual deposits, Bubject
to check''..;. .. 26,435.96
Demand certificates' of de
Posit 5,605.52
Time certificates of de
posit .... .... .. ...... 6,878.56
Bills payable, including cer
tificates of deposit for mon
ey borrowed 3,000.00
Total..;,.. $52,886.39
State of Oregon, County of Union, ss:
I, G. A. Stock, Cashier of the above
named bank, do Bolemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
G. A. STOCK, Cashier.
Correct Attest:
M. J. DUFFEY,, .
Both Speedy and Effective.
This Indicates the action of Foley
Kidney Piles as S. Parsons, Battle
Creek, Mich., illustrates: "I have
been afflicted with a severe case of
kidney and bladder trouble for which
I found no relief until I used Foley
Kidney Pills. I was troubled with
backaches and severe shooting pains
In the sides with annoying urinary
Irregularities and a sense of incom
pleteness In the act. The steady use
or Fpjey Kidney Bills rid me entirely
of all my troubles. They have my
Mffhcst recommendation." mi's Dru?
otlce to Trespassers.
Positively no hunting allowed on
our premises. Do not ask for permis
sion. Blocklnnd Bros.
Satisfaction or money back Newlln
Drug O. . . ' .'"T'fl
Every SacJc of Snowdrift ir. wakes good pastry, bettir eiscurs m
FniiK Jc r.r,,r,ntA 6ST BmD tm m R SACK f-OR
Hour Guarantied yo(R TMllKSGMUG BMIUG
Sold By VJater-Stanehfield Produce Co.
1425 htferson Avenue
Ordinance No. 494, Series 1910. .
An Ordinance authorizing the isann
of the sewer bonds of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, to the amount nf tin..
000.00. . , .
The City Of La Granrta 1nPB nrtfntn
as follows: 4
Section 1. That fnr
building sewers there 8 re hereby au
thorized Jo be issued the bonds of the
City of La Grande, Oregon, to the
amount of Forty Thousand Dollars
(, .which said bonds shall
be datpfl tllB first riav nf Vi.
1910,, and be in the denomination of
One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) each,
and shall be known as Sewer Bonds,
and shall be numbered from one (1)
lo rorty (40), both inclusive. Said
bonds shall be signed by the Mayor
and countersigned bv the Recorder.
Said bonds shall become due twenty
UU) years after date and be redeem-1
able at any time after tendftt vears.
and shall bear Interest evidenced by
coupons, at the rate of five (5) per
centum per annum, payable semi-annually,
and botte-princlpal and Interest
of said bonds shall be mail nnyM
tt me omce of the City Treasurer,
La Grande, Oregon, or at the Bank
ing House of E. II. RolllnB & Sons,
in the City of Boston, Massachusetts,
at the option of the holder.
Section 2. The bonds hereby au
thorized shall be in substantially the
following form:
No.-i . $1000.00
PRESENTS, That the City of La
Giande, In the County; of Union and
Slate of Oregon, acknowledges to owe
and for value received hereby prom
ises to pay to the bearer the Bum of
money of the United States of Amer
ica on the flrBt day of "November, Ai
D. 1930, together with interest on said
sum from the date hereof until paid
at the rate of five (5) per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually on the
first day of May and of November in
each year upon presentation and sur
render of the Interest coupons hereto
attached as they severally become due.
Both principal and Interest of this
bond are hereby made payable at the
office of the City Treasurer La Grande.
Oiegon, or at the Banking Houbo of
E. H. Rollins & Sons In the City of
Boston, Massachusetts, "at the option
of the holder; and for the
ment of this bond, both principal and
interest, the full fajth and credit of said
City of La Grande are hereby Irrevoc
ably pledged. This bond is redeema
ble at the option of the City of La
Grande at any time after November
1st.. 1920.
This bond Is one of a series of like
tenor and is issued for building sew
ers pursuant to and In full compliance
with the Charter of said City and un
der and in accordance with an ordin
ance of said Cltv duly nassed.
And it Is hereby certified and recited
that all acts, conditions and thintrs
required to be done precedent to and in
the issuing of this biid necessary to
make the same legal and valid have
been properly done, happened and
been performed in regular and due
form and time as required by law; and
that the total indebtedness of said City
of La Grande, including this bond,
does not exceed the statutory or con
stitutional limitations.
City Council of the City of La Grande,
Oregon, has caused this bond to be
sealed with the corporate seal, signed
by its Mayor and countersigned by its
Recorder, and caused the annexed In
terest coupons to be executed by the
fac-Blmlle signatures of said officers
this first day of November, 1910.
City Recorder.
On the first day of November and
May, 19, the City of La Grande,
in the State of Oregon, promises to pay
to bearer the sum of Twenty-five Dol
lars ($25.0P) lawful money of the
United States of America, at the of
fice of the City Treasurer, La Grande,
Oregon, or at the Banking House of
E. H. Rollins & Sons in the City of
Boston, Massachusetts, at the option
of the1 holder, for the semi-annual in
terest due that day on its Sewer Bond,
dated November 1st. 1910', No. .
City Recorder.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
In force from and after its passaee
and approval by the Mayor and its
publication In one issue of the La
Grande Evenin Observe., the l!)th
dav of November', 1910.
Passed the Council this ICth dav of
November, 1910, by seven members
voting therefor.
Approved this 19th day of November.
1910. , . .
D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
AMBULANCE .1. bussey
. Ordinance Jto. 480, Series 1910.
An ordinance providing for the pro
tection of Btreeta and alleys pr.vcd
with bitulithlc or othor hard surface '
pavement, regulating and com; nliijjs ;
traffic thereon, flx'ng tbs penalty lor ;
violation of the provision of this O- i
dinance and declaring an emergency.1
The City of La Grando doas crrfpin 1
as follows: ' j
Section 1. Tbat It shall be unlaw-1
ful for any person, f.nn or coropora-;
tlon to haul, propel or run over or i
upon any street or alley In the City of i
La Grande which is improved with J
bitulithlc or other hard surface pave-;
ment any steam , or, other engine or i
tccLtuo luuuiiig on wheels the tires :
of which have a rough or corrugated j
surface, or Buch .surface as would be
likely to Injure such pavement.
Section 2. That no person shall
cause or permit to be carried, hauled
or drawn on any truck, dray, wagon
or other vehicle belonging to him or
under his charge or control, if the
tires on such or any vehicle do not
exceed two 12) Inches in width,' over
or upon any paved street or alley, any
load exceeding 5000 pounds; provided,
that If the tires on such or any ve
hicle are 2 1-2 or more inches wide,
then a load not to exceed 8000 ppurids
may be carried on such or any vehicle.
Section 3. . That no person, firm or
corporatitii, either for hire or other
wise, shall carry, haul or transport
in any wagon, dray, truck or other
vehicle any dirt, sand, gravel or
crushed stone upon, over or across
any paved street or alley within the
City, provided, however that In caso
of necessity, such material may bo
carried or hauled on such paved straet
or alley for a distance of not 'more
than 400 feet. '
Section 4. It shall be.linlawful for
any person, firm or corporation, el;
ther by himself, agent or employee
to carry, convey or transport on over
or across any paved Btreet or alley
withln the city, any liquid product
of petroleum, acid, or any other sub
stance that will to the disintegration
of or Injury to, any pavement, unlpps
such substances are In perfectly tight
packages, vessels or tanks, or to al
low the same to leak, drip or spill oiv
any such pavement while in transit,
or when, loading or unloadingi the
same. .. - : -
Section 5. All wagons, tanks or
other vehicles used for the delivery of
coal oil, benzine, gasoline or similar
substances shall have securely fast
ened under the tape or faucets at
tached .thereto, an absolutely oil and
water tight metal box or tray; and
the filling of any vessel from any such
vehicle used for the' delivery of any
of the substances above named, or
similar substance; shall be so done
J,hat none of the liquid being delivered
shall be allowed to drop or spill upon
any hard surface pavement, nor shall
any vessel Into which said substance
Is deposited be allowed to stand upon
any pavement, or bo near It, that the
contents thereof. If from any caita it
be Bpilled, shall reach to such pave
ment or the adjoining gutter.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation to
cause or permit any fire to be kindled
on any hard surface pavement, or to
heat any roofing or other material
on or above the same. It shall be
unlawful for any one to deposit on
any such pavement any atone, brick,
lime, timber, wood, lumber, telegraph
telephone or other poles, or other ma
terial, except under a permit in writ
ing from the Street Superintendent,
or In his absence from the chairman
of the street committee, which permit
shall distinctly state that such de
posit of such material may be made
only when - the pavement 1b suitably
protected from injury by placing
thereon boards not less than one inch
thick, and that no heavy substance
Bhall be dropped on such pavement
or the covering thereof In such man
ner that would be likely to break or
injure such pavement; and no person
Bhall be allowed to throw any paper,
bottles, wood, tacks, nails, or other
like articles or any litter or trash of
any kind, on any paved street or alley-Section
7. No cutting, breaking or
tearing up of any pavement shall be
allowed under any circumstances, ex
cept by written permlfsinn of the
treet superintendent, or In his absence
the chairman of the street committee,
nor until the person desiring srh
permit shall furnish a good and suffic
ient bond In a sum to be fixed by the
Mayor and approved by him. condi
tioned that such person shall at his
own expense repair said pavement
and put the same in as good condition
as before the same was disturbed;
Provided, however, that if It is at any
tlmo necessary for the water super
intendent to break any pavement to
repair any main or pipe, the pavement
shfill ho rephtr-ed at tba e.itnens of
th City.
UPtown office Main 720
If you ar not a customer of
Cherry s New Laundry we uia
you to give us a trial. We guar
antee all work to be satisfac
tory and will re-laundry any
article not so found or cheerful
ly refund your money. .
We want to build up a home
laundry employing American
the town. We merely ask a
chance to prove tht we can Bat
iBfy you. Can't you gyant tbat
much? ; :'
All work ; called for and
promptly delivered. -,
Thei'e is enough laundry work
la La Grande' to keep a good
Blzed force busy and keep the
money at home. Are , you a
booster for home industry? '
We are now comfortably
housed In our new building, just
a few steps from Fir Bt, We arc
safe from dust and dirt and are
easily found If you want to
carry a bundle down town. But
we'll gladly call in our wagon,
, Cherry' New Laundry??
15 cents
a quart
Royal Grocery
; Section 8. No wagon, dray, truck,
carriage, buggy or other vehicle to
which is attached horses, mules or
other animals, shall be allowed to
stand on any paved street at any one
time for a longer period than one '
hour. All automobiles while being'
run or operated or left standing on
any paved street or alley, Bhall be
provided with a drip pan so as to
prevent the gasoline from dripping to '
the pavement; and no automobile,
wagon, carriage, buesrv. drav . trunk
or other vehicle shall be allowed to
Btand on any naved street, or niiv fnr
a longer period than 10 hours,
section 9. Any. person violating
any of the provisions of this ordin
ance Shall Unon ronvlrrinn rherenf ) i
punished by a fine of not less than
jo.uw nor more titan $50.00.
Section 10. Inasmuch na th
large amount of hnH
I '''' ' '
ment within the City, and-,the same '
nas cost tne property owners largo
sums of money and it is necessary and ;
expedient to m-ntpot bm
from Injury, now, therefore, in order" ,
lu vcocrve ma peace, neaitn and safe
ty vi me tiny, an ?merRuncy is hi'
by declared to exist, and this Ordln-
ance shall bo in force and take' effect
auer it3 approval by the Mavor and
its publication in one issue of the L,j
Grande Evening ntirv. t,-n iti ft ii.
after the 19th day of November. 1910 .
rassea me council on the 16th day
of November, 1910, seven member-"
voting therefor. Approved this Ht:t
day of November, 1910.
, F. L. M TvYERS.
. Mayor.
Attest: .
D. B. COX,
Recorder of the C;tv of La Gr"ri.