LA GiiANDj EVilN'lNG OBSKKVEK. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910. RULES LESSEN TACKLES' InMiial Dslsnss Against I.!3ss Play Is Passing. CHAK3E IS THREE YEARS LATE PAGE TWO ' BURDEfl .ms - "j Should Have Bhu Instituted at Far Back aa 1907 In Former Seasons Dutiaa of Tackles War Overwhelm ing and Strain Too Great. The new football rote bar played the good Samaritan to the tackles. By the elimination of Interlocked In terference and pushing and pulling the ball the mass play oa the tackle baa been deprived of one-half Its worth. No longer are these men called upon to Btand the terrific bauertug which : attained Its lenith last year. This has brought about one of the most welcome changes in football, for acci dents to tackles were frequent In 1909. The death of Cadet Byrne of the Army Is recalled. Should Have Mada Changs In 1907. These rules lessening the burden of the tackles should have been institut ed back in 1907. the second year of the forward pass. When the defense did not hare to figure on the ball shoot ing over their heads it was in the riirht nrrlw of thirds to Zo plays on the tackles. It was the tackle's function to break up these plays. Ills duty ended there. The defensive half back, playing a yard to his outside, tackled the runner. Occasionally a star tackle threw the man with the ball himself, but that was secondary. Ills duty ended with spilling the play, giving the halfback the opportunity for a clean tackle. Tackle Wn Left Unsupported. But with the development of the forward pass the halfback Inherited other duties. lie had to play farther , back; and Intercept such pasaes or else block the man who was running to make the catch. This left the tackle unsupported. Ills duties became over whelming; the physical exactions were too great Not only did he have to pile tip all smashes at his position, but charge with his head back, watching for a short forward pass. , As a result offense crashed into him like a great battering ram. lie had to meet it alone. The halfback was watching for a forward pass. And the fact that the tackle hud to keep his head raised to watch for a short forward pass made him sus ceptible to a broken neck. ,. Tho odds were four, sometimes five, to one against him. This year, however, tho , rules are giving signs of lessening this mass play burden of the tackle. It is a most welcome reform. fx 'v (k 1 l Sv In spite of the talk about extravagance, in spite villi : tm if -vx -v vx nr tnn nennra nnmir rnfl me oi inn auiomnn o. num. riPHB tho man with ft car toes sninnlne and w1nntno Numbering Football Players. In England football players are numbered, ine Innovation Is bound to be adopted in this country. It's only fair to spectators that some sys , tcm whereby contestants can be easily Identified should be enforced. The only objection to the scheme Is that opponents could Identify opposing play ers. The advantages and disadvan tages of this system would be counter balanced, ns both teams could use the Information. Johnnie McGovern, the Minnesota quarterback, who not only Is another Eckersall, but is a big moose. His line plunging his his big stunt and he is unquestionably the best quarter in the United States today. . ' BIG GAME SEARING. Alamnl.HIgh School Kickfest Next Thursday Important Event With the- big hlgh-echool-alumni game but a few days off. both sides are making strenuous efforts to take on a winning color. The alumni or "haBbeens" as they are oftentimes called, are practicing diligently and will spring some good plays on the stalwarts. The game will be called at such an hour as not to interfere with turkey day meals, and it is conced ed that a large audieuce will be on hand, for both aggregations have hosts of friends who will be on band to yell. There has been practically no change in the alumni lineup as first announced, and the team from the high school will be changed but little, if any. Baseball Has 8,000 Players. According to records kept by John E. Bruce, secretary of the national base ball commission, there were 8.000 play era In organized baseball this season. Of this number only 000 have been drafted from minor to major leagues. Vy i t r 7 IiIBBT, nmiAXS' GREAT KICXKB, WHOSH TOK IS MUCH IX XTIIK5Ca THIS BXASOH. expense. The direct result of ath letics will be that not only one but all such schools will have more male Btudents, consequently more men to pick teams irom and lastly a better representation all around. Nothing in recent years has so tended to uplift and perfect athletics in high schools in the state, as the passage of this system here. Thanks are due to the untiring effort of E. E. Bragg and the good, substantial common sense of the voters. Michigan and Minnesota fought it out at Ann Arbor today, and what a game it must have been. The Wolver ines are the weaker according to the dope sheet, but the way Hurry Up Fielding Yost's men can tear into the Gophers is something scandal ous, and while Minnesota should win with as much ease as Harvard should win against Yale, the outcome may be a surprise. There are plenty of supporters of all these four teams right here in La Grande and Joys and sorrows will percolate through many a sportive vein when the returns get in tonight One of the best stunts pulled oft locally was the donation of ten boxes of Elgin-grown apples to the vie- ! torious Portland baseball tossers. Un fortunately the apples .were lost in . transit and though the Benders' heartn were in the right place the players may never taste the delicious fruit The donators were- live baseball "bugs" at Elgin, and their plan was both original and unique. The tracer sent out after the fruit has net Gustave LJungstrom, world's mar- brought results yet athoner who came to America after more coin and honors during the coin ing winter. FEW (MANGES THIS YEAR. V Bataaa Boy's Basket Ball Kules Do Not Changed Materially by ew Laws. The basketball rules for buys do not make any material changes over the 1909-1910 rules except in one in stance, and it will be a radical one to old timers. The rule shortens the distance that may be covered by the player with the ball. When a player, standing, receives a pass, he may take one step in any direction but must have delivered the ball before his other foot again touches the floor. This does not prevent a man throw- . lug at the basket both in play and at the basket while on the run, pro viding the play is pulled off rapidly. The same rule applies to a plater throwing for a basket. This is a fraction of one step less than the dib tance allowed last year, but does not reduce the speed of the game, rather tending to quicken it. Last year cer tain kinds of rules provided for two steps and then delivery of the ball. , which made the time consumed in passing the Nball longer If ncccssurv or desired. Practically uo other changes of moment have been made. It is expected the new rule books will be in La Grande shortly. TWO BIG GAMES SCHEDULED. M. I. A. Ha Two Game for Its Barn storming Tour Alrendy. Manager Waldo Geddes, tutor of the M. I. A. quintet has received de finite word from Walla Walia posi tively and Milton, very probably, and the proposed barnstorming tour will likely become a reality. Another team which Is wanted for the trip is Pen dleton and then, with three bis earnes scheduled, the manager will feel safe ! Sun ,akes a fal1 at tne school board- in undertaking the trip. Locally sentiment is divided as t the causes of the trouble at Cor vallls last Saturday evening. The least said about the trifling matter the better for everyone concerned, for as far as the writer can ascer tain, it was a case of carrying college pranks a little too far. Aftermttn of big eastern games where rivalry is more Intense because greater num bers are interested, makes the fracas at Corvalli8 appear like a tiny item on after-game history. e , Wallowa town's high school has been sadly handicapped this year be cause of lack of trainers and coaches in the teaching staff. The Wallowa A HERE AND THERE. A o One of the direct results of the passage of the county h'gh school system in Union county will be the betterment of athletics in all schools. Farmer boys, unable to pay their way ! at the Corvallis game, brands h!n: a will now be able to attend any ac- a notable in fonta?.!! ann.ils of tV Justly for not providing at least one man on the teaching staff who can handle athletics. Lostine even, wal loped the Wallowitps, principally be cause the gateway players had not the least conception of the real sam;. Ben Grout, the La Grande husk playing with the Oregon 'varsity is conceded to be one of tha itrnirst men on the vktorinus eleven at Ku gene. fcroufs terrific line nlunrrine credited school in the county at little (Continued on Page Seven.) A GOOD MOTOR CAR EARNS ITS KEEP Yes, and a good car pays a high rate of interest on the original lnvestement, too. Nearly all the cars you see bearing pleasure parties at night have been working all day. They have earned their way. If the automobile did not earn its way, it wouldn't last Does the average business man keep on putting his money into unprofitable things? Have you ever known a man who once owned a car willing to give up ownership? The man who once had the Bervice of a car knows that without one he would feel as though he had lost a leg. The man without a car these days is at a distinct disadvantage in comparison with the man who has one. ' t The automobile is typical of his age the age of efficiency and rapid progress. Men have not made any other thing In all their history which will render so much genuine service in a given length of time as the automobile. The man with a good car only smiles to himself when he hears two men who never drove a car de bating how long the automobile business Is going to last He smiles again when his neighbor says: "I don't see how you can afford to keep up an automobile." He smiles because he BeeB his neighbor haa been taking the funny papers seriously, which is always a funny thing to do. Have you ever noticed those pictures in the funny papers about automobile troubles and expenses? Ever notice how the automobiles shown are of the models of ten years ago? That showB how old the Jokes are. In Bpite of the talk about extravagance, in spite of the debate about the life of the automobile business, in spite of the funny papers, the man with a car smiles, "start 'er up," and goes Bpihning and win ning on his way, well pleased with himself that he has so good and faithful a servant as his motor car. good round sum and then doeB he go back to the He uses it for two or three seasons, sells it for a horse and buggy and the Btreet car? Hardly. He gets "reckless" again and buys another motor car a better one. He 1b able to buy a better one for the same or less money than he spent before,, because the manufacturers from year to year learn how to Improve and refine their products. Thus are prices constantly lowered. You can buy more for the same price this year than you bought last. In fact, you can now buy all that any one needs in a five passenger car for as low a price as $1500 it is a quality car, too. In addition to the design, materials and workman Bhip necessary tc insure perfect performance this car has what many critics consider the most beauti ful lines of any outomoblle in the world; and further it has the refinements and .the finish to suit the raoBt fastidious taste. We have a catalog that many people profess to admire which tells all about this good $1500 car. After you have gone through this catalog, you'll probably be troubled with driver's itch until you gtt you hands on ihe wheel of a Chalmers. If you are willing to take a chance, writeus. ) Here's Just About All You Can Ask In a Motor Car. . : i In a Chalmer's "Forty," the car shown in the picture, you can go very far in a day. You can go with smoothness, with ease, with perfect comfort for driver and passangers 100, 200, 300 miles as fast as you please, over hill and plain, through city and val ley and forest. , This splendid car meets the motorist's maximum desire In every direction, It has as much room as any car made. It will carry seven and still have "room for one more." The 40 h. p. motor gives al lthe power you can use at any time tho power for mlle-a-minute speed, for bcampering over hills, for faultless pulling in mud or sand. It gives you smoothnesB and quietness of operation economy, too; many "Forty", users aver age fourteen miles to the gallon of gasoline. x CHALMERS "FORTY" haa beauty and finish that suits those who demand the utmost. Handbuffed leather or the finest quality is used in the upholstering. Dash, heel boards and door strips are of Circassian walnut. The painting of a "Forty" is done with extreme care. The extra long wheel base, the staunch double drop frame, the tilted seats and the long three-quarter el liptic springs, make this car as comfortable for the aged as for the vigorous. " A day's ride la some cars leaves your body feeling as though It had been beaten with a board. Remember, you are buying a car to ride In, not to put In the parlor for an ornament In this car you really get Just about all anyone can ask in a car reliability, carrying, comfort, beau ty, refinement And this "Forty" is a Chalmers car. That's some tnlng. The owner of a Stelnway piano, a Tiffany lamp, a Persian rug, a Roycroft de laze book has a certain pride m them, simply bcas they art whit th7 You would have the same pleasant feeling in owning a Chalmers "Forty." It keeps its chin up in any company. $2750, Including Bosch magneto, Prest-O.Lite tank and gas lamps. i Touring car, five or seven seats; Torpedo, four seats, Roadster, two, three or four seats. Let us demonstrate the new model for you. Bittebrandt A uto. LA GRANDE, ORE. 6 Sol e Agents for Union and Wallowa Counties