f' V r r ? . : j i . ' 1 -rrr- )L.XIV. L AGRANDE, UNION COTJiJTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1910. - NUMBER 230 4 MIENll UP; MORE IWS FROM INTERIOR THAT BANDS OF ENTRYMEN ARE ' .COMING, HASTENS IT. Liil'JG fJEXT MDfiDM interest in Coming Land Office Op ening Next - Monday : Quickens as Seventeen form JnLIne at Laad .Ofllce This 'Morning Crowds Cora iBK From John" Dy "and win r.. ' D.t.1 Jl. IHna 'I' ll f o L'.Aiilni Js Belief. ;. . : : f v " - -J-'.'(. . . ...... . . ' Telephone messages from ..the In terior of Oregon that two bands of timber and stone entrymen Intent on filing on land eliminated by presi dential proclamation , and . to be filed on at the La Grande' land office next a -, tm Monday at' 9 o'clock, are headed for La Grande and will probably reach .here 'this evening. tu;Id?nly precipi tated a lineup of seventeen timber : and stone men this morning and they 1 are now holding their respective po- altions awaiting the opening of the '.'Cbor. The proverbial lineup of home- steaders is eliminated this year V through the rulings of the depart ment -that the man who settles on ; his prospective tract for. thirty days ending next Monday : morning, has ! thirty days in which to file. However, the t.lmher and atone entrvmen are different and the lineup which will ' become materially enlarged when the John Day delegations reach here, who wjll be entirely lumbermen. . The men and boys now holding X down positions, were in La Crande 4 for several days and when, this morn ing, news of the invasion of La Grande ? by Jolt a Day delegations under two , different cruisers, the line was has ' tlly formed and it is supposed the tardy ones will drop in behind to i night or tomorrow morning. A fow In .line now seek Wallowa land, but the majority are after Grant county tracts. , Race Will Probably be Monday. vr Tf in Tipnhohlo that anmn tall rap- j lng will take place immediately af '. ter Sunday at midnight. If there are two entrymen seeking ..tl)e i'same i piece of land and both have lived on it during the thirty days as ulred both have equal 'chance fW title, and : the one filine'first Is feccEnlzfedr.':Surch ! being, the aqe .It., ip believed, .that ,:i there will be some-lively. hustling ', from Grant, Baker and Wallowa coun I ties ' Monday. Where only one man Iff 1; settled W i tract,- he has thirty days THE NEW RULES COMFORT - ' THE' GAME MUCH.t f l&tv : ' ' ' - " ? ,,: 7,1 c,::; , "r i A . KTWrm. ' I they've mofe foot- : r. 1 .-.s , 1 Lv " . Fox in Chicago Post. ' . ' : . - ' . In which to reach tbe land office to file. , . ; ' 'vv;. The men now la the lineup here are under the crulsershlp of D. C. Br& schoux .who Is looking' after their personal interests in the way of keeping them as comfortable as possible. PEA RE'S NEW FIXTURES. Making Ideal Palace of His Jewelry Establishment' , ' , J. H. Peare Is ttoday 'Installing d number of new show cases and other fixtures In his Jewelry establishment that makes H very palatial In appear ance. He has also added one of the new Keratometer for the testing of eyes which is found In a room espec ially prepared for the work. The In terior of the room is black and no light is obtainable except what comes from the machines and is under per fect control: Mr. J Peare has worked for some time on5 this arrangement .Z no um ii couipietea. E BUT ENDS IS DEFINITELY AXXOUXCED THAT COOT WILL DIE S00. Czar and Procurator Consult as to the Withdrawing Excommunication. St. Petersburg, Nov. 19-Czar Nicholas and the procurator of the Holy Synod of the Greek church are in consultation today over the ques tion of withdrawing the edict of ex communication against Count Tol stoi without awaiting the consent of the novelist who is still alive though near death. ' Count's Physician have kept con stantly a communication wth the, pal ace. The last message Btate dthe .writ ers death Is a matter of only a mat ter of a few hours that his heart ac tlon is so low and he is unconsci ous frequently. Oxygen is being used to prolong life. ' ' MRS. FRENCH IMPROVED. t'ndersroes Successful Operation at Hot Lake This Week Improving, Word comes from Hot Lake that Mrs. Will French has withstood the recent operation performed by Doctor Phy this wetk and is' much better. The operation, was a very delicate one and Mrs. French was In a critical con- diUon earfier in the week, bu Is on he,way to .full recovery now. - TT i," . ) ' jsier.Here. " Union Minis ' Rev. J. S.J Youell of Union, passed through the city today on hla-way to Miltonr 't .- t 'TTTT MOTHER IF THEY DON'T , HELP : i d VE GovernbrHasprces Invasion Washington Officials Be lievc Gigaiitic Has ' Been Uncovered Mexico City In Great Danger. Washington, November... 19 KnowT ledge . of a- gigantic conspiracy to start a revolution in Mexico is caus ing the, state department much worrjf today. From authorltive sources it is fearn'ed t6day"that evidence of a plot has been discovered in four bordej" states and so far had the plans pro gresse dthat the revolutionists ; wer ready : to . start for Mexico CUy to capture it. The revolutionary leaders are in Virginia, xvew Mexico,. Arizona and Texas but are under surveillance. One official declared todayi Ibat the United States is determined not to al- low any infraction of the neutrality laws.' He. said, Anti government for ces In Mexico have been working sec retly for a long-time to.-overthrow1 Diaz. Their, plan is to ; gather thejr forces on this, side -of, the border; and then march across. Mexico to Mex ico City. While Texas is ostensibly - i, New Haven, Nov. 19 With all the odds and dope against tbem, Yale this afternoon succeededj in holding down i i the heavy Harvard foot ball team to a score of nothing to nothin. It was one - - - - - - i i I 4 i : i i , o fthe most spectacular games of the season.! :i ' ?. f. m--. . ' Evem in this Harvard was ftfr- linate for as the following records show', it is; "rare ' occurrence when -f. - . , ( t ;i897Yai'e.' 6: 1 HAfvarA 1898-arvard, hi; Vafe 03 1 l'8sl9 Yale! ' 0: 'HiJvird- fi 1900 Yale; 28;r Hai'vard? 0, -1901-ilarvard 2?;, Yale, 0. J902r-Yale, 23; Harvard,. 0. Two fire alarms fa' 'rapid succes sion this afternoon; kept the fire de partment on the run. "An alarm turn ed in . at, 3:30 when 'fire, was report ed in an old .building owned by 'J. E. Foley pear the Roesch Ice iiousej The department returned to quarterii be fore reaching the'' place becaus'the alarm had been annulled. Later It was found" that the"place was really afire and the department responded the' second , time. ' The lasf alarm proved to b.? a iabr alarm. 5 SHIP REMAINS TO PORTLAND Pioneer's Body Sent to Portlnntl Last Night for Interment Today. :. Under charge of rlativr the re mains of the late H. S. ,;'eu were TO NOTHING TD NOTHING SCORE 1: SENSATIONAL CONTEST : TWO IFIBEJiyRMS IN SUCCESSION KEEPS DEPARTMENT ON IS Ready to Repulse Revolutionary Plot the home of the revolution it wa learned today that New Mexico an Arizona were equally . populated b Mexicans. At a signal from the: lead ers, it is said, thousands of men' froi the - United SUtes-sldaataskjl thousand from northern Mexican tow'na ar ready, to tafye' the eld.1"' Campbell Is Precautious." Austin, Texas, Nov. 19 Governor Campbell today ordered the entire force of Texas rangers' to proceed to the Mexican border' and to break up armed bands of Mexicans forming, It Is believed, to revolt In Mexico. Governor Campbell announced he would patrol ever section of the bor der between Texas and Mexico. The order followed the receipt - of con firmed information that armed bands of Mexicans were 'gathering' and that Americans ' feared an !naslon. Ac cording to advices received, about 100 1903 Yale, 16; Harvard; 0. : , 1901 Yale, 12; Harvard 0. 1905 Yale, 6; Harvard, 0. , 1906 Yale, 6; Harvard, 0. . ' 1907 Yale, 12; Harvard, 0. 1908 Harvard, 4; Yale, 0, . (, , 1909 Yale, 8; Harvard, 6. . , . . The Yale blue and Harvard Crim son was: the color in the Elm. City today. Harvard is touted as having the strongest team f the east while, Yale has the weakest team !it has. turned out in years. Odds and weight.i'were against Yale, but It Ib sure it-won't be a walkover even if Harvard does win. This afternoon the deal is ideal, cold and clear and it is .predicted that i 35,000 will witness the struggle. ; shipped to Portland last night and in terment is to take place today. Mr. Allen was for twenty years clerk of the Portland school board and was a prominent character in the' metropo lis. He moved to 1a Grande about a year ago and lived on a farm a short distance from the city. ' ' ' COMIC OPERA COMING. , "Time Place and the Girl" Coiiiin to . La Grande November 13. W. A. Junker, business manager for "The Time, Place and the Girl." is in La Grande today making arrange ments for the coming of his company to this city.The show will be pres ented at the Steward, November 30. Mexicans are encamped In small bands along the Rio Grande. According to advices received from Eagle Pass and Del Rio. the Mexi cans 'began a concentrated movement across .the river and Americans has tily spread the alarm and soon th? ranchmen nd cowboys were gather ed awaiting a hostile move. ' ' Instead of marching into the Amer ican towns the Mexicans are reported to have began , a " concentration 'on the Mexican side, possibly prepara tory to the revolutions. ' FUXERAL SERVICES TOMORROW. Remains of Gladys Myers to be", In- ' terred Tomorrow Afternoon. At 1:30 (fclock tomorrow afternpon the' body -,-of Gladys- Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mr'a: Harry ti.' Myers, will be laid away from the Methodist Epi3- ' ' 1 5 ... i i . t . ' copai cnurcp. Dr. J. D. Gillllatf Mill jes'entay evening. SENSATIONAL CONTEST GOES T.O "WOLVERINES. Ann Arbor Contest Definitely Set ties Championship -Question. Ann Arbor, Nov.' 19 Michigan's Wolverines this afternoon effectually clinched the championship of the mid dle west by. trimming the Minnesotta eleven in a six to 0 score on the Ann Arbor field. The game, fraught with great sensation, was a surprise to football circles Minnesota was, pick ed to win and the defeat df the stur dy men'from Dr. William's town .was a distinct reversal of the dope eheet. Deciding Western Cliiiniitloiishlp.' , Ann Arbor, Mich, Nov. 19. It Is pre dicted th'rty thousand will witness the game this afternoon between Minne sota and Michigan universities to de termine the western football cham pionship. " ' McMastcrs Visits , La Grande. Jesse McMasters of Union is here today transacting business matters. The EnglNh JIjiIoh V- M iH f, V.lltf Tlirouf'i siosltllllrs m .,:' ' ' ' 'y --r i mini i S!.H TO 0 M -wv; ' Am TWOSUBJECTSUP FOR 111 M i BUSINESSMEN 'TO 3 t, MEETIXC CALLED FOR TOMORROW AT 10 O CLQCK WHEN TlltV J -.i WILL BE DIStlSSED,,..5 ... " ,(-;,; ' 'J- - -';;( u ) ; ( '. in 4 Eerie' Coming to La Grande Next 4 Monday, to Go Into Final' Action jtgards fflovm? oi the Jsugar rac tory From La Grande George Stbd. ' dard Anxious to1 Cotistilt "WIth Uie Bnsinesi Men Before Eccle8 Ar- ;:rivai.;;:J::;: 1 J '' - ,: v .;; 1; JO o' " ;'--- 'v -i ; Lvr- ,As a preliminary to the 'coming nent Monday of Da14 Epcleg "tjoldf fnlteTy ancl flffally decide on the pro poped plan of moving Anialga'mat- ' 1 - -'it it -it ed Sugar factory, from this, city ( a business "meh'8 meeting will he held at ftha Commercial club ,tqmorrpw at 10 o'clock at which .time George .Stod dard will represent the i factory . In terests In 'a 'discussion of what will be done. The meetihg- is' an Import ant 'one -as It' Bhouldi be- held: nrior to the arrival -of ' the sugar i king rom Ogden; No definite plan of procedure has been outlined but Mr. Stoddard1 la anxious 9 feave 'the proposition dis- ' cussed jVith the businessmen' of the ; oity and ,w;hen ; tte president' of the company , reaches . here , Monday, Mr. Stoddard will be: in a position to dis cuss the situation with Mr. Eccles. President Collier and - Secretary Church . urge 'a .large attendance promptly at 10, o'clock tomorrow. , Another Matter VU ' ' In addition to this subject,the mat ter of making a concerted ,effort to brlrig the proposed i Eastern Oregon Insane asylum to Union will be com menced at this tfmel Other 'towns, Pendleton .and Baker-City, - are' up end doing and it behooves' La Grande to do something towards, seeing 'that the most logical plaqe fa Eastern Ore gon is selected, namely the state alte ac Union. ;ThIs .subject will be gone over In some detail and fqr this ad ded reason a large attendaaca of business men Is essential. - - I I i,U U Uh rnnnlrv's Government the Commons.-' PROPOSITIONS WMIT s