I .A OUANMK EVKNIXtt OtfSKttYJblU. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1910 P. THE OBSERVER Bruce Dennis, Editor and Owner. J ear and are operative for 12 months. Each applicant for a liquor license, retail, wholesale,' bottlers, brewers or distillers, files his. application with the county clerk not later than 21 days before the matter is to be heard. loon business. In no state in the Lnlou Is there an Insistence by the courts upon their original rights and upoi the proper maintenance ; of, and re spect for, their dignity. Pennsylvania haB found Its present system a gooc solution of the liquor question, and Xater4 at the postofflce at La Grande ' aa aecond-clata matter. 1!! PnlUsbed DaBy Except Sunday. The names of the applicants and thel? proposed location are published ,at ?tiii tatement i based by the write: it least three times before the court uuon i616 years- residence in m sits to hear the' application. ' ' I ond largest town in the state, The residents of the ward, or d!s- ?,tjr where P"tlean politics runs a i SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I PAGE FOTJfc .. . - S- -7 V V alngle copy.... i Dally, per week ; Sally,' per month.; 6c 15c 65c h This paper will not publish au ar ) cle appearing oyer a nom de pi line. ,v Elgned articles will be revised ub j ect to the discretion of the editor. ' fleas sign your articles and save Usappolntmeni. , XA CiBAJIDE A5D HIGH GB1DE EN j. . TEBTAINMEXT. . It la decidedly refreshing to notice the large patronage this city haB accorded that remarkable lady, Ellen Beach Yaw; lasC, evening and, causes one to be proud of the community. Not particularly because the people turn ed out to hear this one Individual but it proves beyond question that La Grande and community appreciates the better grades' of entertainment. Grand opera would draw large at tendance here this winter, Judging concert, and when grand opera draws 'in a smaller city it is a safe guess that the people are right and are cul tured to the point of appreciating the best in the musical world. ... , We are glad that Manager Steward succeeded in getting Miss Yaw and delighted that the people have shown by their patronage they want more : of the same high grade entertaln- meat. THE TENXSYIYAMA SYSTEM. t In view of the fact that the Home 4Jule association will endeavor to di- force 'the liquor, business from poll - tics by depriving the city councils of the right to grant licenses and give such power to the courts, the follow ing editorial on this system, which Is used in Pennsylvania, is herewith giv en from the Desert News: In the Keystone state, liquor 11 i. censes of all kinds are, .Issued by the common pleas courtsof , the state which are similar in their workings to the district, courts of Utah. These . licenses are granted in March of each MrsiRobertPattison , ' ...( ( . " - f agent for G0SSHRD CORSETS J ...' )) PRICES $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or Black 481 I The Up-Building I I of This Bank I Is du) to the fact that we have ample capital and that we iive adhered to a policy wnu.a has been conservative, yet aloj progresslve lineB. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for storing and safe-guarding of their money, notes. Insurance policies and other valuable pap ers and.such liberality of treat ment as Is consistent with pru dent banking. YOUR account Is cordially soli cited. J The United States! National Hank, i .1 :?.A' OREGON t posed saloon is to be located are thus notified, and If they wish to protest they may do so. All sorts of evidence may be introduced against an appe lant The proposed saloonlst may be attacked because he mistreats his family, or because he once served a term in prison, or because his reputa tion for morality is not good. No man who drinks liquor noticeably, can get a liquor HcenBe in Pennsylvania. Inasmuch as the law there recog nizes that saloons are a necessity, the proposed license, may be attacked on the ground that a saloon at that par ticular place is not necessary. The Anti-Saloon league of Pennsylvania employs attorneys by the year, and has a detective service in operation all the time watching he saloons for evi dence of the violation of the law, and they present these at i the annual li cense court Or they may present this evidence at any time, and the luckless saloonlst in whose place a murder or saloon brawl has occurred, or who gets involved in polities In such a wnv as to bring him prominently before the people, may lose his license at any minute, as it is entirely within the discretion of the court The saloon business Is entirely within the regulation of the court. The court may order that no free lunch can be dispensed during the year, that no liquor may be sold where music is furnished, that no screens may be used, that no liquor shall be sold when women are present, that no saloon man shall do business on bor-t rowed capital, that no brewer can have an interest in a retail license, that no saloon man Bhall be a candidate'for any office, that no liquor may be sold at any public park. It is a fact that In Pennsylvania there are no beer gar dens and no parks sell liquor. In Pittsburg for instance,' the saloons close at 1:45 each night and open at 6 o'clock In, the morning. At one time, under a certain rule of the court, no chairs were permitted in saloons. It Is within the power of the court to or der, that no saloonlst permit one per son to buy another a drink in his place. Iq he, rural communities of the state it la often the case that no li cense will be granted unless it can be eKown that a hotel Is necessary tt.ere. In that case the applicant must show by evidence that he served a sufficient number of lodgers during the year past to entitle him to de clare "his place to be a hotel. The practical working out of this system has demonstrated that the liquor business is kept close to the people. The Judge may decide that he will permit no saloons in resi dence wards, and there is no appeal from his decision. It seems to take the Baloon question out of politics for good and all, and the isaloonlst who become's perniciously active In poll tics Is extremely likely to lose his license at the next license court if he is fortunate enqugh to slip through until that time." . The explanation of the working of the Pennsylvania syBtem 1b merely to satisfy the wishes of many people who have had Imperfect descriptions of it A great many people who have observed the handling of the liquor business In many states of the Un ion believe that the Pennsylvania system to be one of the best. When It was adopted in Pennsylvania the ob jection was made by the idealists that the saloon would drive the Judges into partisan politics. The reverse has been found to be true, and It has been found that the Judges have driv en the saloon out of pnrtlsan politics. Common pleas or district judees serve eight-year terms In Pennsyl vania, and the Justices of the state su preme court serve 21-year terms. At the present time there are two democratic judges on th bench in Alleghany county, Pennsylvania, in which Pittsburg is located, the sec ond most populous county In the state, both of whom have sat In that court for many years, and who are renom inated by republican conventions and elected by republican votes. The county Is strongly republican, and the democrats there never have a chance. The saloon business has not cor rupted the Judiciary In Pennsylvania, but the Judiciary has uplifted the sa- BIG ATTENDANCE PROMISED MANY POULTRIMEX WILL EXIIL BIT AT THE COXIXG SHOW. Good Up-Town Hall Secured In Which to Display Hens In December. ' ' With the second annual poultry how but a few weeks away, special stress is being laid by the promoters on securing a large display, of fowls and the officers of the. Grand Ronde Poultry association say,' the showing is going to be splendid. One of the most Important items in connection w)th the poultry show is that an up town hall has been secured for ' the show. The affair is to take place in a well lighted hall above the Heacock Jewelry store. ' The Judge who is to come here to make awards, Is conceded by the best .Mnn 4 .Va . .. - - the very best Judges in the United States and it is by mere chance that he can be secured to come here. His calling of poultry exhibits will not only insure correctness of awards but will serve as a school for the exhi bitors. Masons Notice. Work at the Masonic Temple next Saturday in the A. P. degree two can didates. All brethern are cordially re quested to attend, at 7:30 p. m. Nov' ember 19th. . BE NOT MISLEAD As there are no extra charges for examination of your eyes. One charge pays for examination, frames and glasses. The services and ma terials are far superior to any in the county; Dr. Mendel- sohn carries the best stock that can be purchased. We have many people come to us after they have consult ed eyesight specialists to be fitted with glasses. We do not claim to know ; everything.' We do not grind everything. We do not repair every thing. WHAT WE DO KSOW. Is how to fit glasses prop erly. Our 29 years practical experience enables us to guarantee results. Over 2200 people in Union and Wallowa counties will testify to the permanent good we have ren dered them. Wherever you see Dr. Men delsohn's name you can de pend upon it that you are not paying for hot air but that you will receive honest val ue and skilled treatment His word is as good as his bond Ask any business or profes sional man In La Grande or any other city where the Doc tor is known. All broken lenses replaced while you wait Charges are reasonable. DR. M.V. 31E.M)ELS0H, DOCTOR OF OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED 11C5 AH VMS AVEr i: FO LEY HOTEL BUILDING. OFFICE HOITS 0 to 12 m. 1 to 5 p. m. EVENINGS PY APPOINT MENT. o Y fesvrtftl fey JIWJ BcnjainoGLjlfflwyork JJcnjanin (lotIes Thanksg ft In olden times the Puritans met, clad in their best homespuns, and devoted the day to sing ing praises and giving thanks. Jhanksg Today, instead of the homespuns, we have the perfection of fine tailoring in clothing from the world's great establishments right at our door. BENJAMIN CLOTHES FOR "MEN H The highest art tailoring. . $20 Pastures New. '.'!'. . The receiving teller was examining with a magnifying glass a suspicious looking bill that Just cume In. "I wonder what that fellow Is trying to do?" said one microbe on the bill. "Don't be alarmed." said an old mi crobe; "he's probably only one of those comic bug artists bunting for new sub-ects."-Sunday Illustrated Magazine. Fooling Her Husband. That there are more ways than one of "killing a cat" is a well known fact, but the newest of ways has been evolved from the fertile brain of a Germantowu woman who is blessed with a stingy husband. This husband is generous enough iu one sense of the word. His wife nmy have the best attire the stores afford charged to his account, but she may handle no money. Women, in this man's opinion, know nothing of the value of a dollar. On leaving for his ottlce In the morning he kisses her goodby aud thrusts a quarter's worth of trolley tickets into her hand. Now milady goes shopping, buys a few necessities and n fifty dollar wrap for which she has no use whatever. Next day she returns the latter, re ceives a credit slip for $.T0 and bet .ikes herself to the handkerchief countoi. where she spends jo cents, ro.eivini: ?1;'.."() change. IMaelng some small eitt'U'.v in !v" muse an I stowi-.ij: ro'l .-f ir.'icu: a. k in what she i--.s :'. M.er i. ' : ! I eavc. t:;c hop f.H.!i:i;; il.u :!n has 1 ! 't r.f a ha.". l-ara:a.-r: i I.vnnt Satisfaction cr money back Newlin 1 Drug Co. I Blanket Sale This Week N. Si, WESTjHt QUALITY SI ORE iving Customs Have iving Costumes in men's to $35 Cassiffed Z K t Advertising FOR SALE-Two choice timber! claims in 4 north 41 east Wallowa' county. Price $1500 each. Apply J. M. I Haywood, Woodstock, Ore. Nov 10-25 ' LOST Between Pattison'B and 1306 nne ave. a diamond stud. $20.00 ward. Grant Lincoln. re- WANTED Position by a man aa cook and wife as helper. Camp pre- ""i i uoserver omce. if WANTED Responsible party to take the agency of Union and TfiMcar counties for the Phelps. Carbldo Feed Acetylene Generator for Individual home lighting. For further particulars write Ore gon Acetylene Lighting Co., In... 230 1-2 Yamhell st. Portland. Ore Oct. 20-21. WANTED Woman to do K. house work. Call'Snvov hotel ' Main 713. WANTED Girl for housework. En quire of Mrs. T. J. Scroggln. Wages $5.00 per week. Limited number of roomers and boarders wanted. Apply corner of Sixth and O streeU. M A 4 are.Dif f erent WOOLTEX CLOTHING for LADIES and MISSES STRICTLY ALL WOOL. All prices Reduced on Ladies' Suits, Coats and Millinery. Light house keeping rooms. Inquire 1208 First street. Phone Red 1311. FOR RENT Furnished four-room house. Apply 1307 O avenue or phone Red-821. Our Vegetables I 1 Saturday ii will consist of the follow- t 4. zing: Hot House Lettuce Cauliflower Parsnips Turnips Rutabagas. Carrotts . . Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Cabbage Onions Water Cress Sweet Potatoes. t Pattison Bros. I Use either phone , 1 it it f. v- h i iu hi m in i in i , ! m