U Srr acdi !0- 1ft QKAKOifi iSVKNANU OiWKKV Eli. . ; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. U, 1910. JfoUee. Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the Improvement of Depot street from the east, curb line of Fourth street to the south curb line of Jeffer son avenue.' . Notice Is hereby given, that the as sessment roll of tha .improvement c Depot street, from the east curb line c: Fourth Etreet to the south curb line of Jefferson avenue, being in Improve ment district No. C. in he City of La Grande, Oregon, under the provisions J of Ordinance No. 4S2, Series 1910, en titled "An Ordinance' declaring the cost of lmroving Depot street, from tb.e enst curb line of Fourth street to the f-uth'curb line of Jefferson avenue, assessing the property benefited there by, declaring such assessment, and directing the ?ntry of the same hi the docket, of City Liens, authorizing the issuance of improvement bonds tc pay for tdid luiprovt-ment and ist br ing an emergency,'' the same being in .improvement district No. 6, In sfvki City. !s now in my hands for collection, and that any assessment therein may be pnid to me at any time within sixty days from November 14th, 1910, which Is the date of tho first'pnblicatlon of this notice' without pnlty, intciTV. or cost; and each property owner la hereby not'fipd .' that on 'hplicat'on tr November llth.tatO, which is the. f? ,...vjf.fltlrin (,f ,js fmiipp he u' ill be allowed to pay suet, msessmciit in in. piinual Installment the lint ln?.t:'' mmt thereof being due and payahli on er before the 14th day c J.vnin A. D. 13U. If appIicrion Is not ms 1 83 abjve provided the; .whole" amour' will income due and payable at Vr,i ex piration of said sixty days. AH Pre p erty owners Interested are hereby no tified to appear at my office in the City Hall and pay same. , . , VscisT!(nt Roll Xnuhorci! 5, Following Is the assessment roll: Block in, Lot 11. Chapllns Addition E. C. Jorgenson, $415.75. . Block 114. 22 1-2 feet of Lot 12, Chaplin's Addition, Rothschild Bros., $77.C2. Block 114, 20 1-2 feet of Lot 12, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $70.72. Block 114. C7 foet of Lot 12, Chap lin's Addition, Bertha Somers, Est., $231.10. . Block 103, Lot 1?,-Chaplin's Addi tion. Thoma3 Loftus, ? 21 3.02. Flock 105, 05 feet Lot 19, Chaplin's Addition, W. J. Enodgiass E3t f 153.41. BlcVk 10H, 55 feet of Lot 19, Chap lin's Addition, Bird F. Lewis. $153.41. Block 104, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addi tion, B. P. O. E $517.04. Block 104, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi tion, Magie D. Mahaffey, $497.81. Block" 104, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi tion. Mass'e D. Mahaffey, $427.23. Block 104, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion. Mrs. "N. S. Kelly. $157.55. . Block 104, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mrs. N. S. Kelly, $307.53. - Block 104, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Wm. Allinson, $558.80. Block 103, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mrs. Mary Rumelhart, $1531.05. Block 103, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mrs. Mary Rumelhart, $372.24. Block 103. Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi tion, H. W. Stoner, $299.06. Block 103,. Lot' 4, Chaplin's Addi tion. M. H. Kirtley, $51.31. v Block 102, Lot 19, Chaplin'B Addi tion, Christian Church, $394.59. Block 102, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion, Christian Church, $479.22. Block 106. Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, U. S. Nat. Bank, $449.78. Block 106, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $630.78. Block 113, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, Dan Marx, $508.47. Block 113, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion. Julius Roesch, $463.83. Block 104, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addi tion. B. P. O. E., $354.81. Block 104, Lot '7. Chaplin's Addi tion, Anna Honan, $256.22. Block 104, Lot 6. Chaplin's Addi tion.' Anna" Honan $94.61,) '. Block 104, Lot 6,-Chapln's Addi tion, Lou Olvins, $25.47. . Block 102, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi tion, Lichtenthaler est, $297.71. Block 102, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion, Lichtenthaler, Est, $160.46. Block 102, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, M. H. Kirtley, $126.76. Block 102, Lot IS, Chaplin's Addi tion, W. B. Sargent, $103.58. Block 106. Lot 15, Chaplin's Add!-! tlon, Oregon Land Co., $292.81. Block 106. Lot 14. Chaplin's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $175.97. Block 106. Lot J 3. Chaplin's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $117.14. Block 106, Lot 2. Chaplin's Addi tion, Jay Brooks, $202.69. Block 106, Lot 8. Chaplin's Addi tion, Jay Brooks, $121.04. Block 106, 29 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, Jay Brooks, $76.34. Block 106, 1 foot of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, J. C Gardner. $2.70. Block 105. Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion. Snodgrass Est, $114.77. Block 105, Lot 21, Chaplin's Addi tion. Snodgrass Est, $103.71. Block 105, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion, Bird F. Lewis, $114.77. Block 105, Lot ;i, Chaplin's Addl-i tlon, Bird P. LowIb, $103.71. Block 105. Lot 22, Chaplin's Addi tion, Bird P. Lewis. $180.70. Block 105, Lot 23, Chaplin's Addi tion. Bird P. Levis. 1143.82. Block 105, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addl-! tlon, Tho8. Loftus. iir.n7 Block 105, Lot 16. Chaplin's Addi tion. Johanna GanglofT, $134.40 , $CS.81, Block 105, Lot 23. Chaplin's Addi tion, Bl. Mt, Creamery, $$3.93. - Block 105, Let 13, Chains Ac tion, G. R. Meat Co., $117.01. Block 105. Lot 14, Chapliu'o Alui lien Jos. Palmer, $91. C2. 27.60. Block 105, 21 1-3 feet of Lot 21 -Ihaplin's Addition, Bl. Mt. Creamery' Block 105, 8 2-3 feet of Lot 2i' Chaplin's Addition, Bird F. -LW Block 103, Lot 13. Chaplin's. Addi tion, Magie Ackles, $75.02. ' Block 105, Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi !icn. Geo. Ackles, $50.93. , Block 105, 1 foot, Lot 11, ChaplVs Addition,. Geo. Ackles, $1.15. .' Block 103. 24 feet of Lot 11, Chap lin's Addition, Wm. Seigrlst, $27X0. Block 105, 5 feet of Lot 11, Chap lin's Addition, Oregon Land Co., $3.75. Block 105, Lot .10, Chaplin's .-ulur tlon, Oregon Land Co., $18.30. b'iork m, (i7 feet of Lot 13. Chap-''ii-,'s' Addition, Bertha, Somers K-r.. $127.30. ; ' . ; ' ; . Block 114. (17 feet of Lot 14, Chs';) Addition, Bertha Somers Est., ?76.28. Block 114, 4 feet of Lot 13, Chan Hn's Addition, Bertha Scmers EpI, ?6.83. Block 114, 20 1-2 feet of Lot 13. Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $38.95. ' . IBock 114. 20 1-2 feet of Lot 14, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardra'ar y-M..'!7. ' lllock lll. 1 feet of Lot 15, Cha ".... Aiiai.j(ju, . a. uu-rcunier, $2.10. . lot!; 111, 22 1-2 feet of Lot B!. ..htMdhi's Addition, Rothschild lrc-, .J 11.75. . . r.!-;ck' 11!, 2 1-2 feet of L"t 1? O'urdin's Ad:'"t!o;u .Rothschild Bits . ?2.7.fir.; Biock' 114, 4 feet of Lot 15, Chapl'n's :V.hM';n. .Rothschild Bros., J?:.2x. Flock 114.. 5 feet of Let 15, Chnp '''n't A!(l::icn. John M- ..K.iiiiia. $2M, Block ,114, Lot 16, Chaplin's Ad.li lior., Julius Roesch. $(;7.C'J. Block 114. Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foiey, ?16.S2. .: : '.Clock 114, Let 10, Chaplin's Addi ikn, E. C. .Torgenspn, $232.03. Block li t. Lot 9, Chaplin's Addi tion. Blricli Lottes, J92.5S. Block 114, West 10 feet of Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition. E. Thorson, $40.29. Block 114, West 20 feet of Lot 8. Chaplin's Addition, Ulrich Loiter,. $61.98. . .Block 111. East 10 feet of Chaplin's Addition, E. TliorBon, $30.99. , . Block 114, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addi tion, U. Lottes; $74.55. ' Block 114, Lot 6, Chaulin's Addi tion, Julius Koesch. $1S.6S. ' ' Block 113, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi tion, Palmer & P.osch. $209.04. Block 113, Ix;t 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, Palmer & Poesch, $125.81. Block ,113, 'Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi tion, Dave Steward, $S3.88. Elock 113, Lot 2, Chaplin's Add;-, tion, Dan Marx, $231.99. Block 113. west 20 feet nf Bit 3. Chaplin's Addition, Dan Marx,$92.7S. Block 113, east 10 feet of Lot 3, Chaplin's Addition, I. C. M. & M. Co., $16.40. Elock 113, 21 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin'3 AiMIMon, Julius Roesch. $63.00. Block 113, 9 foet of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition. I. C. M. &. M. Co.. $27.82. B y order of the, Council Novemher 9th, 1910. " D. E. COX, Recorder 'of tho CU" of La Grande. Xotice of Street Improvement. To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, on tho 9th day of November, 1910, creating Improvement District No. 27 and designating N. 2nd street a? such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 2nd day of November 1910, whereby said council determined and declared its intention to Improve all that portion of N. 2nd street, in aid Improvement district as herein after described, by laying thereon ma cadam pavement, the Council, will ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property af fected and benefitted by such improve ment, order that said above describ ed improvement be made; that boun daries of said district to be so im proved are as follows: All that por tion of North Second street from the O. R. & N. side of the R. R. track to the center of Lake avenue. Notice is horeby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and benefit ted by such Improvement for the pur pose of paying for such Improvement That the estimated cost of such im provement 1s the sum of $13,600.00. That the Council will on the 23rd day of November, 1910, meet at the Coun cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy, of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such as sessment. " - . , La Grande, Oregon, Nor. 11, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDE, OREGON. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. ' Nor. lMOt GOOD ROADS MEET DECEMBER 12. State Association Wil Send Out en Extrusive Imitation List.' Every county ron,niK?'o0'- th; s.rpte, cither enfer'i! or r'rir fpo:r effce, . every .'road, siirr'y'sr. er'" county Judge, every member of t '...' Oregon Legislature I:i both hous every member of the flare Threshers essoc'ation, and every vice preside, t or a'l the county automobile associa tions, is to be invited by tno Oregon Good Roads' Association to come to Portland, December 12 to' attend a great good roads convention wLI. h. was called at the meeting neld Inst evening, says the Portland Tclegrat.1. ' Thi3 conventlojv i3 to formulate tlv bill or bills which the legislature' will be asked to enact into law In t'.i:; greater good read's prograurae tbit Is openlns?. Every man who U Ir.tercs'.f.l In the work, and who can aid In r.V vancing It. will bo urgently Invltod to attend.. If the convention carr.nt agree upon one bill, more than o'ue will be prepared, embodying the bet views .o all the workers. Judge L. R. Wehster, manager vcf the good road3 work. spoKe Tor . an hour on the plnns which ncem to him most feasible. He wants to sea t a;v puiuitiii hu Bonor.'i.ry ftigtnvay cow mission, to serve 'witfcon; '.sabry, P:! docs the State Medical Door. This commission, the Judge would havo empowered w'th authority to' name a highway com'tnissfor.er tor the. cnU.-'-' stat... who should serve ror .about 51 ,000 a year, and should have charge of pll Ptnt rond work, tmri act in an advisory capacity for count; work. Then tho Judge would-have a mei? ure of state aid given for much of the county road work, to lnnre- pla'clns the work under the direction of the stfite commissioner, so ns tt br'ni forth uniform results mm get .best returns from all road expenditures. At the meeting last evening many suggestions were offered -for ' cham pionship before the coming stafe con vention. Some of the local enthu siasts want to champion me.or more through highways, noi'h-south, east west. Others want efforts now centered upon county improvement first," Some want the matter of road work left en tirely to the counties, acting Indiv idually and separately. Others want the state to name a commission, whh shall select a highway commission, which shall select a highway commis sioner and to have the state render a certain percentake of state aid to county -work, tc give It form and symmetry. Out of all the various sug gestions, lfc is Intended to draft some measures which will serve all parts of the state best, and to get all In terests of the state together, the big convention .has been called for Dec ember 12. EVERGREENS IX DE3IASD. Call Comes From Idaho for Bine Monnttin Shrubbery for Xrnas. A new use has been found for the young forests in the Blue mountains Just east of Pendleton. They are to provide Christmas trees for the young sters in the home of Twin Falls, Buhl and other southern Idaho towns, and they are also to provide evergreen shade for lawns at city and farm homes, says a Pendleton paper. S. A. Dickey, a nurseryman of Buhl, Idaho, arrived in Pendleton last ev ening for the purpose of securing a large shipment of young fir and hem lock tree The young trees will be transferred to the Idaho towns by the car loads. . . Mr. Dickey first alms to supply the Christmas trade and after that Is done be will stock Ms nursery with the young evergreen trees so that they can be supplied to the city resi dents and ftrmers as they are want ed. He thinks it will require several carloads to supply Christmas trees. - The Farmer Folk of Porta gnL The peasant and 8mallv farmer has had practically no active part in the present revolution which was carried through by one wing of the army and the Republicans of Lisbon. He Is not Interested in politics, ana would not care to be bothered with political dis cussion. He is always ready to "let well enough alone," and does not see why his compatriots In the city do not feel the same way. "The country people are contented. Most of them own their small farms, in fact. In northern Portugal it Is ar that a laborer does not own a plot of soil on which to grow his Tegetables and also a few ow the bright colored flow ers which so delight his eye. The Christian Herald. TIL TO)!... c -r ; ' , it; me. Bi taae i now m , ; TT2 TfT??TTr? n X Mm M Us : M & & LZ5 ttx& OO. . . . .. f "ziv-'' : i. s :StaFtieg : ecpesday at 6:30 a. ;:in; and continuing 30 DAYS, we will sell our immense stock of Fall and Winter Goods which we liiave just received N A A. Not a single price misrepresented . Every ' thing to be sold at .wholesale prices regard- y : . . less of ' freight. , ' W. ' ; We want to show the people A REAL SALE Gome in and see our goods -'windows ook at OUF.'.dlS plav & . $30.00 Suits $18.00 $5.00 Corsets $3.75 . , $15.00 Suits $9.00 $ .75 Corsets $ .40 $5.00 Children's Coats $3.00 $1.25 Union Suits $ .80 $12.00 VoUe Skirts $7.00 $2.50 Union Suits $1.55 $5.00 SilkWaiste $2.85 $ .60 Children's Underwear $ .35 $7.00 Silk Waists $3.85 $ .35 Hose $ .20 $3.00 Shirt Waists $1.85 $ .35 Towels $ .20 $2.50 Shirt Waists $1.55 $ .12 1-2 Muslins $ .07 $1.50 Shirt Waists '$ .80 $ .12 1-2 Ginghams $ .08 $3.00 Ail-ever Lace $25 Calicos $ .05 EXTRA-The Finest and Largest Stock of Stylish Fall and Winter Millinery at Actual Cost. Some thing You Can't Miss! These are but a FEW of our prices--call and see the rest IE Ben Note a few of our prices quoted and j DECIDE FOR YOURSELF . pi , it u 1 ! ' i'