LA EVNI0 OUSKKVKli. . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19lb. THE ISIS -tokieht's mm An Indian Girl's Love. (Essan ay) On her Doorstep (Yltagraph) Betty Is BUM at Her Old Tricks (Pathe) Song When the Bell Rings Mary. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play in lobby. -AMISSION 10c- BE NOT MISLEAD 9 i n r n i c LllILJ O 00040040000040 Cold weather's coming. Want an accurate thermometer so you can watch the mercury drop? We've a big stock of the accurate kind. You ran quote their figures and know you're right. 25c to $2.50. Newlin Drug Co. 4 o o o 4 o o T!hev l!(ii!ein) ' . OStufe (CdDoiUDaony (1 1 ; OUR REGULAR PRICES MEAfl ' A G ft Efl T Sl lfJ(r TO rot inall our departments with our 5 per cent trade discount good in our , ' ; bargain basement I it (f Black Australian Lynx sets of beau tiful Russian shawl, with magnlficeat rug muff elegantly trimmed with heau and tails; lined with whirred satin; worn a few times on stage by theatri cal team now leaving on Southern tour; practically new; cost $80.00 p set; sail for $20.00 per set; will send C O. D. allowing examination U owner's expanse. Address their man ager, Mauray Llebwrs, 25 East 14 s-, New York City. Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. L. F. BilUnfer, phones Red 562 and Red 141. If a prescription Is correctly writ ten we can fill It, no matter what drug gists name Is on the blank. It will be compounded correctly, too and our prices will be right. Wrlghtrug Co., Prescription Pharmacists. A feature of the Christmas Scribner will be the reproduction in colors of four drawings by Jessie Wilcox Smith representing favorite children in Dick en's novels, such as Tiny Tim, David Copperfleld, Paul Dombey and Little Nell. 4 o o o o o o o A Bpeclal soap sale is now on at the Wright Drug store. As there are no extra o charges for examination of O your eyes. One charge pays O for examination, frames and. O glasses. The services and ma- O terlals are far superior to any O in the county. Dr. Mendel-O Bohn carries the best stock O that can be purchased. O We have manj people come O to as after they have consult- . O ed eyesight specialists to be O fitted with glasses. O We do not claim to know; O everything, O We do not grind everything;. O We do not r"r rfrj- thing. 0 WHAT WE DO KNOW. v Is how to fit glasses prop- ' erly. Our 29 years practical experience enables us to guarantee results. Over 2200 people In Union and Wallowa J counties will testify to the permanent good we have ren- 4 dered them. f 4 O Wherever you see Dr. Men- O delsohn's name you can de- 4 O pend upon it that you are not O paying for hot air but that 4 O you will receive honest val- 4 O ue and skilled treatment. His 4 O word is as good, as his bond O Ask any business or profes- O slonal man in La Grande or 4 O any other city where the Doc- 4 O tor. Is known. 4 O All broken lenses replaced 4 O while yon wait' Charges are O reasonable. : O DR. 91. P. MENDELSOHN, O DOCTOR OF OPTICS O PERMANENTLY LOCATED O 1105 ADAMS AVENUE FO- O LEY HOTEL BUILDING. v O OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 n. '. O 1 to 5 p. m. O EVENINGS BY-APPOINT- 4 MENT. OOOOOOOO A few of our regular prices in all departments DEY GOODS: DEPT. the tick of the v&tch- our styles are on nme, watch us we can . Stand It. tHE son M'r.swell "duesseh- if you ahe a juvge of goot clothes yOU WILL HE VLEAl.SE x with the mate-rials, TATTE'RfS. CUT MAKE. FIflSH AfT ST&LE OF OUH GAUMEffTS. IF yOU A"RE fOT A JUVGE OF CLOTHES. T-RUST TO THE KfOWf HEPUTATIOf OF OUH STOKE. WE WISH OfLy VLEASEB TATROJfS WE MAKE COOT). Afi7 WE WILL GIVE Afiy CUS- , TOMETK WHO SUyS FH.OM US Af7 IS ffOT TLEASE-D. A ffEW SUIT. WE WAfiT TO XE TUGHT WITH EVEHWBOTy. Ash Bros. ?Srsand Ckildrens Wool Coats, good values ..... .... .$4.00 Childfens Wool Coats good values . . . . . . . . $3.00 Lare line Ladies' Hats good values . :, . . .... $4.00 Ladies' Hose, good line, pair .... . . . .) . . 12 l-2c Ladies' Hose, good line, pair 15c Lace Curtains in white, pair.;. ....... . . ... .85c - Lace Curtains in white, pair . ... ...... ... . . ,95c Lace Curtains in white and Ecru. .... . . . .tl.20 Spread, regular size, each , . l .$1.00 Table Damask In colors, yard ........ . ... . . . 50c Linen Toweling, good values, yard ......... ,12 l-2c Outings in all shades, good weight, yard 10c Flannelette in colors, good values, yard ..... . . .10c Turkish towels, large size each ...... ....... .25c Ladies House Dresses, large line . . . . . ; . .... .$1.25 Ladies House Dresses, good values . . .... . .$1.65 Ladies House Dresses good values ... , . ; $1.75-$3.00 Ladie$ Outing Gowns, good weight . . . .$1.25 Ladies Outing Gowns, good values .... . . . .$1.75 Ladies Outing Gowns, good values .... ... .$2.00 HABDWARE DEPT. Mrs. Potts Sad Irons, set . . . .... . , . . ; . . . .... .$1.23 Wire Coat Hooks, dozen . . .... . . . ..... . . . .10c No. 8 Nickle Tea Kettle for , . ... .$1.20 wo. 9 Nickle Tea Kettle for . . . . . . .", ..... .:... ,$1.35 6,000 Red Tip Matches . . .v...........'.....: .43c Savory Roaster ....... . . .... . . . . . . . . ..... $1.13 No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern .95c No. 1 Good Butcher Knife 35c no. 1 Alarm Clock .98c Perfection Oil Heater .... ............. . . . . .$5.50 BARGAIN I Glass fruit dish, set of 6, 39c Glass horseshoe tumbler, 40c doz. V MEN'S FURNISHING DEPT. - Men's Wool Suit good values . ..... . . . . . .$10.00 Men's Worsted Suit good values . . . . . . ... .$12.50 Men's Heavy Fleeced line Underwear, each . . . .50c Men's Heavy Ribbed Fleeced, good values 50c Men's Heavy Wool socks good values, pair . ... 25c Men's extra wool socks, good values, pair .". . . 50c Men's lined mitts, heavy, eood vahiA p?ir . . . .15s: LIou's lined mitt?, medium heavy, good values, pr 65c Men's Fur lined caps, all sizes, good values, each $1 Men's silk neck ties, extra good values, each . . . .20c Men's heavy wool shirts, good values, each . . . .$1.25 Men's heavy cotton shirts, good values, each $1.00 Children's wool sweater, good weight, each .... 60c Cotton blankets, 10-4 size, flannel weight, pair . . 58c Cotton Blankets 10-4 size medium weight, pair 85c Cotton Blankets, 10-4 size heavy weight, pair $1.00 Wool Blankets, good size, dark colors, pair .... $4.00 Wool Blankets, medium size, med. colors, pair $4.75 Wool Blankets, large size, medium colors, pair $5.50t Wool Blankets, extra large size, med. colors, pr $7.00 SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies Rubbers 2 1-2 to 3, plain, pair 7. . . . .70c Ladies Rubbers, 2 1-2 to 8, rolled edge, pair r . . .75c Children's Arctics, pair ...... . :-. . . . , . 75c Men's 1-Buckle Arctics, pair , ; . .. . . ..... , .$1.65 Men's 4-Buckle Arctics, pair . . . . . . . . . .... .$2.60 Ladies J-Buckle Arctics, pair . . . ... . . . . . .$1.15 Youth's good School Shoes, 9 to 12, pair .... . .$1.50 Boy's good School Shoes 2 1-2 to 6, pair . , . . . .$2.00 Ladies shoes, good values, pair . . . . . . . . , . . .$1.75 Babies Shoes in Hard Soles, pair . . . . . . , . . . .60c 3SEIV1ENT Semiporcelain covered dish, 43c Semiporcelain butter dish, 23c it 15 i i 1 5 THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY OUR REGULAR PRICES WATCH OUR WINDOWS 4 PERSONALS. 4 day lo6klng after business matters. Mr. Lambert Is connected witn the Bylles bye "people, who own and operat9 rail- opinion that they will be disposed of at remarkable prices and he believes that some of them "Will Bell for more F. L.. Armstrong of Boise is stop ping at the Sommer today. A. H. Cleland is -in La Grande to day. He is stopping at the Sommer. P. O. Joy is here from Portland to day, stopping at the Sommer' hotel. W. P. Devine of Seattle is a gueBt at the Sommer today while looking after business matters. "Sprat" Montgomery or South La Grande, has been critically ill, but Is much better today. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. De Long expect to leave soon tor an extended visit In California. They go to Seattle first however. The ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry U. Myers is critically ill. Her condition is not encouraging i and it Is but a question of vitality. Senator C. C. McCulloch, the sena tor-elect from Baker City Is in the city today transacting business mat ters. Mr. McCulloch is on 3 of the youngest men in the state senate. Miss Ethel Redhead received word from her mother at Portland that the operation performed on Clarence Red head was successful and that the young man is recovering nicely. L. E. McNabb, the Yeoman organizer 1 lef this morning for Elgin where he will spend a few . weeks completing the organization of a new homestead there. J. L. Lambert of Eugene is here to- roads and power plants extensively than $1,000 each. tnrougnout the Northwest. y George Jacobs , the three-quarter centurian of South La Grande has been given an added pension for ser vices in the civil war. Since attaining the age of 75 years he has come under the catalogue of those receiving $20 per month from Uncle Sam. . Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, who has been in Portland for several days, returned heme yesterday. The doctor says Port land Is very lively at present time and evidence on all sides Indicates that an extensive business will be transacted there this year. The Oregon exhibit will be entered as a "breeder's young herd." They were all bred and raised by W. O. Minor on his Heppner farm and were sired by his famous butty Golden Goods. The show opens November 26 and will continue until December 3. I OREGON CATTLE ON EXPOSITION Heppner Cattle Will be Entered in In ternational LItc Stock Show. Seven head of bnorthorn cattle from the famous W. O. Minor herd at Hep pner, Morrow county, Oregon, pass ed through Pendleton yesterday on their way to Chicago, where they will be entered In the International Live Stock exhibition, the greatest livestock show in the world, says the Pendleton E. O. These seven head of young cat tle will be the only exhibit which Ore gon will have at the great exhibition. Following the show the cattle will be entered in the great Breeders' Short Horn "sale and all will be sold. Dr. S. W. McClure, chief of the bureau of animal industry In the northwest, who has seen the Minor cattle, is of the Advertised Letter. j List of letter remaining uncalled for in the La Grande post office for the week ending, November Uth, 1910. Ackley, Miss Lena; Craig, Mrs. Geo.; , Johnson, Mrs. Ralph; Taylor, Mrs. Lucy; Wilson, Mrs. G. H.; Barnett, Claude; Beecher, Mr. Geo.; Eckstein, Mrs. A. P.; Fershton, Mr. Theo.; Glen, Andrew; Holmes, R.; Ingalls, Mr. A. J.; Jones, Mr. A. Mi; Jeffries B.; Johnson, A. J.; Jones, Mr. J. S.; King man, Arthur; Mercer, Mr. Cleve; Phil lips, Mr. Ed.; Powell, G. C: Rice, L. M.; Tucker, Mr. E. B.; Wilson, Harry (2) ; Williams, Mr. J. F. When calling for the above please say "Advertised," same will be sent to the dead letter office on Nov. 25th, 1910. v O. M. RICHEY. T. M. 1 A TheUp-Buildinyli of This Bank 1: Is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we tave adhered to a policy wna ha been conservative, yet aloa progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for storing and safe-guarding of their money, notes, insurance policies and other valuable pap ers and such liberality of treat ment as Is consistent with pru dent banking. . v YOUR account Is cordially soli cited. ; iThe United States National Bank, LA GRMPE, OREGON HACK AND AMBULANCE Uptown office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 . L BUSSEY