V VK GRXKDS EVENING OBSERVER. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910. PAGE THREE Soo- Spokane Route THE v SHORT LINE TO v i ' Minneapolis, St.Paul AJTD ALL POINTS EAST EQUIPMENT t Electric-lighted Observation Cars and Standard Sleepers, the moat up-to-date . Tourist Cars and through din ers. .' .'. Through tickets to all ponts east are mi Bale by your local, agent at lowest current fares. Details Berths Literature 0. M. Jackson, Geo. A. Walton, Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane. f Terra Cotta - . . Well Casing Call- or write for Estimates and Prices v John Melville , lWa Adams Ave. LA GRANDE, - -ORE THE LA GRANDE INVESTMENT COMPANY t - ' . SEE - ' I s I H. PERRE ! LA CRANDES LEADING JEWELER 2 When In need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, a cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried a by a first class jewelry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of secnrlnp g first quality goods. . " x If your eyes trouble you, have them fitted by an op'l i .. c. 4 Opposite the r. S.. Land Notice. Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the improvement of Sixth Street in front of lot 5 In Block 60, and lots 8 and 9 In Block 102, In Chaplin's Ad dition to La Grande. Notice is hereby given, that the as sessment roll for the improvement of Sixth street,' In front of Lot 5 In Block 0, and lots 8 and 9, in Block 102, Chaplin's Addition to La Grande, by buiimng a cement sidewalk thereou. being in improvement district No. 16, in theCity of La Grande, Oregon, un der the provision of Ordinance No. 488 Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordinance declaring the cost of improving 6th j street along lot 5 in Block 60, and lots j 8 and 9 in Block 102, In Chaplin's Ad dition to La Grande, assesing the prop erty benefited thereby, declaring such assessment, directing the entry of the same on the docket of City Liens, au thorizing the Issuance of Improvement Ponds to pay for said improvement, and declaring an emergency, "the same being In Improvement District No. 16 in sal(J City, is now in my hands .for collection, and that any as sessment therein may be paid to me at any time within 60 days from No vember 14th, 1910, which is the date of the flrstjpubllcation of this notice, without penalty. Interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby noti fied that on application to the. under o'sueii, wunin ten days from Novem ber 14th, 1910, which Is the first pub lication of this notice, he will he al lowed to pay such assessment In ten annual Installments the first install ment therefore due and payabye on or before the 14th day of January, 1911. If application Is not made as above provided the whole amount will be come due and payable at the expira tion of said sixty days. All property owners interested are hereby notified to appear at my office in the City Hall and pay same. .' , y Following is assessment roll: Block 60, lot 5, Chaplin's Addition M Rosenbaum, $125.70. Block 101, lot 8. Chaplin's Addition, Baptist Church, $28.35. Block 102! lot 9, Chaplin's Addition. Baptist Church, $39.40. Baiar and Cooked Food. For all sorts of "aprons and every thing good to eat tall at the Masonic lulldlng, loom formerly occupied ny the Van Du Cc, Sstuvdey, Novem 1 ;er 19 at 13 . m. Ladies of the Mac- j eabees of .c Id. Office, Adams Art m fiioiin OF G R EAT IPKII HOT LAKE SETEN YEARS AGO AND HOT LAKE TODAY SHOWS . TRANSFORMATION. Sick From Middle West and East are to be Seen la the Institution's Lobby. Beginning with improvement of the promenade at Hot Lake Sanator ium doubtless a campaign of re-arrangement and addition has been started that will reach far into next season and enlarge that great insti tution sufficiently to care for the con stantly ncreaslng business. When it Is considered what was at Hot Lake seven years ago and what Is there today one can but wonder at the marvelous transformation. Sev en years ago the sanatorium building would only accomodate in a manner Mty patients. There was but one nurse who also acted In capacity of housekeeper. The water for domestic purposes was hauled in barrels on a sled. Grocery and supplies were de livered to the sanatorium In a spring wagon that proved adequate for the demands of transportation. A total number of twelve employes consti tuted the fort at the- Lake. Laun dry was shipped out to La Grande. There was 'no telephone connection with the outside world, The bath bouse would only take care of ten to twelve patients, while the doctor's of fice and treatment room was one and the same. No steward, no bookkeeper, no checking clerks, no bell boys, in fact one man the clerk &T& It all. A 15-horse gasoline engine furnished electric current fcr the institution, and in fact Hot Lake was' only a small speck either on the map or In the minds of the people. ' But what is that institution today? None its equal in the northwest and very few in the United States. Today the building accommodates 250 pat ients with the moBt modern apart ments possible for the skilled archl tecta to build. Twenty-two nurses are regularly employed. Water for domestic purposes is brought to the Institution in a private water plant which consists of a cement reservoir of 130,000 gallons capacity. It' is dis tributed over the large building through mains perfectly plumbed and scientifically arranged. The electric current used from the main power line amoifnts to 125 horse power each 24 hours. It-is interesting to know' what an important part the electricity performs there. Besides being used for lighting and for running the ele vators, It does the cooking In the diet kitchen, runs the machine shop and wxd working department where all Institution furniture is manufactured, runs the'laundry where each week 20, 000 pieces of linen are laundered, sweeps the floors and rugs, peels the potatoes, grinds the coffee, washes the dishes and Is extensively used In the electric massage department of the bath house. Where seven years ago the spring wagon carried the groceries from La Grande to Hot Lake now a commis sary Is established In the Institution that carries a stock of $20,000. Tne sanatorium Is one of the largest car load shippers on the O. R. & N. out side of .Portland and at the present time a carload of canned goods Is be ing unloaded there. The office force which formerly con sisted of the one clerk, now. includes the day and night clerks,' bell boys, bookkeepers, stenographers, checking clerks, and information man who Is always at the service of the guests. The doctor's office, formerly com bined with the treatment room, now consists of a suite of nine ro)ms. Also there are labratqry, treatment and X Ray rooms. The surgery room is por celain lined, hermetically sealed and cannot be surpassed by any other In stitution. During the -past year over 600 major operations have been per formed at the Hot Lake sanatorium. The merit of this place heretofore more or less confined to the northwest is now reaching into the middle and extreme eastern states, and where the register formerly showed people from nearby states now can be seen many of" the prominent people of the east and middle west. H 11 ts M The mysterious iower possessed by this wonderful modlnm has. caused a sensation In La Grande. Hundreds of our citizens have consulted this remarkable woman and all are mystified at the strange and wonderful power possessed by her, which enables her to read the past, present and future life of her cajl ers as from an open book. She cures disease when all other methods fa!L Call and see testimonials made In your own city. .; Madame Delmar Is the first licensed registered clairvoyant to 1 sit La Grande and stands at the hood of her profession. What she tells yon can be relied upon. She guarantees to reveal every Incident of your life, past, present and future r charge you nothing. This Is fair, Is i t not 1 Prices reasonable and within reach of all. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. , , 1423 Adams Avenue, next to Keifer Snowdrift Sold By nrai0v.ZlxnrhiiiM D . ,. Notice. Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments forVhe Improvement of Adams avenue from the east curb line of Hemlock street to the west curb line of Spruce street. "'..'- ' ; ' ', Notice is, hereby given, that the as sessment roll for theMmprovement of Adams avenue, from the west curb line of Hemlock street, to the west curb line of Spruce street, being in Improvement District No. 1, in thfc City of La Grande, Oregon, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 481 Series 1910, entitled "An Ordinance declaring the cost of Improving Adams avenue from the east curb line of Hemlock street to the west curb line of Spruce street, assessing the property bene fited thereby, declaring such assess ment, and directing the entry of the same on the docket of city liens, au thorizing the Issuance, of improve ment bonds to pay for said improve ment and declaring an emergency," the'Vsame being in Improvement Dis trict No. , in said City, is now in my hands for collection, and that any, ns sessment therein may be paid to me a any time within sixty days from No vember 14th, 1910. which is the date of the first publication of this notice, without penalty, Interest, or coBt; and each property owner is hereby noti fied that on ap'plicaMori to the under signed, within ten days from Novem ber 14th, 1910, which is the first pub lication of this notice, he will be al lowed to pay such assessment In ten annual Installments the first install ment thereof being due and payable on or before the 14th day of January A. Bv 1911. If application Is not made as above provided the whole amount will be and become" due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property owners Interested are hereby notified to appear at my of fice In the City Hall and pay the same. ' Assessment Roll Number 4. Following is assessment roll No. 4: Block 8, Lot 1, Coggln's Addition, S. C. Zuber, $915.21. Block 8. Lot 2. Coggln's Addition, J. G. Johnson, $811.86. . Block 8, Lot 3, Coggln's Addition, J. A. Woodell, $883.29. ' Block 8, Lot 4, Coggln's Addition, A. B. Conlcy. $1087.76. Block 4, Lot 8. Coggln's Addition, J. E. Reynolds, $875. 51. Block 4, Lot 7. Coggln's Addition, J. E. Reynolds, $811.86. Block 4, half of Lot 6, Coggln's Ad dition, Charles Norby, $441.65. Block 4, half of Lot 6, Coggln's Ad dition, Mary E. Noble, $441.65. Block 4, Lot 5, Coggln's Addition, E. P. Staples, $1088.56. Total amount of assessment, $7, 357.35. By order of the Council November, 9th, 1910. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of Lr. Grande. Notice to Trrtqiaer. Positively no hunting allowed on our premises. Do not ask for permis sion. Blockland Bros. To Injlng a cough medicine, Jon't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially recommended for coughs, col ds and whooping congh. HEALTH, WEALTH By Consulting the World Famous 01 WtLU.t- Flour The .Ifn nov harlr If tin r Hrtitnm.. 1425 Jefferson Avenue lil I Vm -D17ATU V AW PRIMA DONNA SOPRANO . (Coloratura) ' Assisted by ' MR. JAY PLOWE, Solo Flutist (Late of the Royal Opera, Berlin) . '. ' ' and :" - MARY NEWMAN, Pianist Will Appear at the t 1 OPERA T.H'U U NOVEMBER PRICES Boxes ............................ $2.50 and S2.C0 Orchestra ..................... . . . .... ..... $1.50 ft urcnesira uircie , . ?1.00 ) Dress Circle ................... ....... 75c I Balcony .............. " Room and board, heat and bath fur nished. Inquire 1325 T. Ave.; , 15 cents a quart Royal Grocery a Bakery Delicious Cran berries and HAPPINESS Clairvoyant and Healer I JLUsf WiiiLiiiiWiii Hotel, La Grande Best toJ)e had zt any race. Main 705 nd. 1213 HOUSE S D A 17, 1910, at 8 p. m. ... .... . . . , j 50c FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY WORK' If you are not a customer of Cherry's New Laundry we urge you to give us a trial. We guar antee all work to be satisfac tory and will re-laundry any article not so found or cheerful ly refund your money. We want to build up a home laundry employing - American labor, which will be a credit to. the town. We merely ask a chance to prove that we can sat isfy you. Can't you grant that much? All work called for and promptly delivered. . ' There Is enough laundry work In La, Grande to keep a good si&ed force busy and keep the money at home. Are you a .booster for home Industry? We , are now comfortably housed in our new building, just a few steps from Fir st. We ari safe from duot and dirt and are easily found If you want to carry a bundle down town. But well gladly call In out wagon. Cherry's New Laundry" BOTH PIIOXES. T nn7 n n? rx