u iU& y isVkVUiU'OJMiatVKtt, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1910. Only F our OF- juav 0 SI Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 16-1748-19 In order to wind up the season's business expediently and clear out ; ; - r- 1 ; : ; : all "Odds and Ends" so th&t we can start with everything bright, fresh and new, we will continue ,this sale until Saturday night o All Seasonable Merchandise at Prices that are Sure to Make Business Hi&n Only Four More Days! Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday November 16.17-18-19 A 4 I .xtxr ednesday IliursdaFriday Saturday, Nov. IS-17-18-I0 Genuine, Money Saving Event HATS Regular $3.00 values $2.45 All new Fall shapes. An honest, sincere sale, offering true genuine paving opportunities BOYS SHOES. $3.00 values $2.75 Values $2.50 values $2.25 values $2.00 $1.85 $1.65 $1.45 Everybody knows the kind of goods we carry, but nobody has known such prices on them as we are giving in this sale. ;prv '". , r v " Moderate prices being the keynote of our policy, we would not promise you so .much unless these bargains were extraordinary. THEY ARE. We have tried to prove this in type, but that is a difficult matter. The goods themselves will prove it conclu sively and more easily than anything we might say. We hope for the attendance of all our regular patrons. We invite also those who have not made our acquaintance to come and see for what little prices really good goods can be sold. : Vv-- -'" " - Remember that the quantities in most instances are small, but the prices are smaller still. So don't be late, come early. CZZZZZHSKw- " Remember we give a liberal discount on every thing except rubbers and overalls TONEY SUCCESSORS TO PENINGTON & CO. Actual Savings in dependable values MEN'S SHOES. $4.00 Florscheim shoes $3.85 $5.00 Florscheim shoes $4.25 $6.00 Florscheim shoes $5.10 Every value is ac tually as quoted. No exaggeration whatever ' " MEN'S HlATS, Odds and Ends. $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 values V ' Xotfce. Notice of the Recorder of the City or La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the Improvement of Depot street from the " east curb line of Fourth street to the south curb line of Jeffer son avenue. . Notice is hereby given, that the as sessment roll of the Improvement of Depot street, from the east curb line of Fourth street to the south curb line of Jefferson avenue; being In Improve ment district No. . In the City of La Grande,, Oregon, under the provisions of Ordinance"!; 482, Series 1910. en titled "An Ordinance declaring the cost of imrovlng Depot street, from th east curb line of Fourth street to the south curb line of Jefferson avenue, assessing the property benefited there by, declaring such assessment, and directing the entry of the same In the docket of City Liens, authorizing the nf imnrovement bonds to inauMuvv - w - - - wr for said Improvement and declar lnr an emergency," the same being in improvement district No.. 6, In sald City, is now In my hands for collection, and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within sixty davs from November 14th, 1910, which is the date of the first publication of thin notice without penalty, Interest or coat: and each property owner is hereby notified that on apllcation to the undersigned, within ten days from 'November" 14th, 1910, which is the first jubllcallon of this notice he will be allowed to pay such assessment m ten annual installment the first Install ment thereof being due and payable on or before the 14th day of January A. D. 1911. If application is not made as above provided the.,whole amount will become due and payable at the ex piration of said sixty days. All Prop erty owners interested are hereby no tified to appear at my office in the City Hall and pay same. . . Assessment Boll Numbered 8. f Following is the assessment roll: Block 114, Lot 11. Chaplin's Addition E. C. Jorgenson, $415.75. xivnv in 99. 1-2 feet of Lot 12.! Chaplin's Addition, Rothschild Bros., $77.62. tiv in 2ft 1-2 feet of Lot 12, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $70.72. Block 114, 67 feet of Lot 12. Chap lin's Addition, Bertha Somers, Est, 1231.10. . - . . Block 105, liOt 18, unapnn auui tlon, Thomas Loftus, $213.62. Block 105, 55 feet Lot 19. Chaplin's Addition, W. J. SnodgrasB Est, $155.41. mnoV ins. RS feet of Lot 19. Chan- lin's Addition, Bird F. Lewis, $155.41. Block -104, Lot 9, Chaplin's. Addi tion. B;:f. O. E., $517.04. --Block-rl04. Lot 10. Chaplin's Addl: Uon, Magie D. Mahaffey. $497.81. " Block 104, Lot. 13, vnapun-s Addi tion, Maggie D. Mahaffey. $427.23. Block 104, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion. Mrs. N. S. Kelly, $357.52. Block 104, Lot 15, cnapun s Addi tion Mrs. N. 8. Kelly. $307.53. Block 104, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, We. Alllnson, $558.80. Block 103, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mrs. Mary Rumelhar, $1631.05 Block 103, ixi 2, cnapuns Addi tion, Mrs. Mary Rumelhart, $372.24. Block 103, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi tion, H. W. Stoner, $299.06,- . Block 103, Lot .4. unapnn s Addi tion, M. H. Klrtley, $51.31. Block 102, Lot 19, Chaplin's Addl tlnn rhrlsHun Church. 1394.59. Block 102, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion, Christian Church, $479.22.. Block 106, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, U. S. Nat Bank, $449.78. Block 106, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $630.78. Block 113, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, Dan Marx, $508.47. Bjock 113, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion. Jnllna Rnesch. 1463.83. Block 104, Lot 8, unapun s Addi tion, B. P. O. E., $354.81. Block 104. Lot 7, Chaplin's Addi tion, Anna Honan, $256.22. Block 104. Lot 6, Chaplin's Addi tion, Anna Honan, $94.61. Block 104, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addi tion, Lou Glvins, $25.47. Block 102, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi tion, Lichtenthaler est, $297.71. Block . 102. Lot 17, Chaplin's Addl-tion.'-JJchtenthaler, Est, $160.46. Block 102, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, M. H. Klrtley, $126.76. . Block 102, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi tion, W. B. Sargent, $103.58. Block 106. Lot 15, Chaplin's Addl tion, Oregon Land Co., $292.81. - Block 106, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $175.97. v Block 106, Lot 13. Chaplin's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $117.14. Block 106, Lot "2, Chaplin's Addi tion, ZsT Erocks, $202.53. . Block 1G6. Lot 3. Chaplin's Addi tion, Jay Brooks, $121.04. Block 106. 29 feet of Lot 4. cnapun s Addition, Jay Brooks, $76.34. Block 106, 1 foot of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, J. C Gardner, $2.70. Block 105, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion., Snodgrass Est, $114.77. Block 105; Lot 21, Chaplin's Addi tion, Snodgraes Est, J103,71. Block 105. Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion. Bird F. Lewis, $114.77. . Block 105, Lot :i, Chaplin's Addi tion. Bird F. Lewis, $103.71. Block 105, Lot 22, Chaplin's Addi tion. Bird F. Lewis, $180.70. Block -105, Lot 23, Chaplin's Addi tion. Bird: F. Lewis. $143.82. Block 105, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion, Thoa. Loftus. $160.76 Block 105, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Johanna Gangloff, $134.40. $68.81. Block 105, Lot 25, Chaplin's Addi tion, Bl. Mt Creamery, $83.93. Block 105, Lot 15, Chaplin's Add! tion, O. R. Meat Co., $117.01.' Block 105, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tlcn Jos. Palmer, $91. 62. $27.60. Block 105, 21 1-3 feet of Lot 24, Chaplin's Addition, Bl. Mt. Creamery, Block 105, 8 2-3 feet of Lot 24, Chaplin's Addition, Bird F. Lewis Block 105, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi tion, Magie Ackles, $75.02. Block 105, Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi tion, Geo. Ackles, $50.93. Block 105 1 foot, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addition, Geo. Ackles, $1.15. Block 105, 24 feet of Lot 11, Chap lin's Addition, Wm. Selgrist, $27.60. Block 105, 5 feet of Lot 11, Chap lin's Addition, Oregon Land Co., $5.75. Block 105, Lot 10, ChapHa's Addi tion, Oregon Land Co., $18.36. Block 114, 67 feet of Lot 13, Chap lin's Addition, Bertha Somers Est, $127.30. Block 114, 67 feet of Lot 14, Chap lin's Addition, Bertha Somers Est, $76.28. 4 Block 114, 4 feet of Lot 15, Chap lin's Addition, Bertha Somers' Est, $6.83. ' Block 114. 20 1-2 feet of Lot 13, Chaplin's Addition, 8. A- Gardinler, $38.95. IBock 114. 20 1-2 feet of Lot 14, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $23.37. Block 114, 4 feet of Lot 15, Chap lin's Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $2.10. Block 114, 22 1-2 feet of Lot 13, Chaplin's Addition, Rothschild Bros., $43.75. Block 114, 22 1-2 feet of Lot 14, Chaplin's Addition, Rothschild- Bros., $25.65. Block 114. 4 feet of Lot 15, Chaplin's Addition, Rothschild Bros., $2.28. Block 114, 26 feet of Lot 15. Chap lin's Addition, John Mc Kenna, $72.88. Block 114, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Julius Roeucb) $67.39. Block 114, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $16.82. Block 114. Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi tion, E. C. Jorgenson, $232.03. - Block 114, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addi tion, Ulrlch Lottes, $92.68. Block 114, West 10 feet of Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition. E. Thorson, $46.29. , Block 114, West 20 feet of Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition, Ulrlch Lottes, $61.98. Block 114, East 10 feet of Chaplin's Addition, E. Thorson, $30.99. Block 114. Lot 7, Chaplin's Addi tion, U. Lottes, $74.65. Block 114, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addi tion. Julius Roesch, 118.63. Block 113, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi tion, Palmer k Roesch, $209.64. Block 113, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, Palmer ft Roesch, $125.81. Block 113, Lot 13, Chaplin'B Addi tion, Dave Steward, $83.88. Block 113, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addi tion, Dan Marx, $231.99. Block 113, west 20 feet of Lot 3, Chaplin's Addition, Dan Marx,$92.78 Block 113, east 10 feet of Lot 3, Chaplin'B Addition, I. C. M. & M. Co., $46.40. Block 113, 21 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $65.00. Block 113, 9 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, I. C M. ft. M. Co., $27.82. B y order of the Council November 9th, 1910. D. E. COX. , Recorder of the Cit of La Grande. Kotlce. , Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Gran.de, Oregon, of assessments for the improvement of Sixth Street In front of lot 5 In Block 60, and lots 8 and 9 In Block 102, In Chaplin's Ad dition to La Grande. V. Notice is hereby given, tha the as sessment roll for the improvement of Sixth street, In front of Lot 5 in Block 60, and lots 8 and 9, in Block . 102, Chaplin's Addition to La Grande, by building a cement sidewalk thereon, being In improvement district No. 16, in the City of La Grande, Oregon, un der the provision of Ordinance No, 488 Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordinance declaring the cost of improving 6th street along lot 5 in Block 60, and lots 8 and 9 in $lock 102, in Chaplin's Ad dition to La Grande, asseslng the prop erty benefited thereby, declaring such assessment, directing the'entry of the same on the docket of City Liens, au thorizing the Issuance of Improvement Bonds to pay for said Improvement, and declaring an emergency, "the same' being In Improvement District No. 16 in said City, is now in my hands for collection, and that any as sessment therein may be paid to me at any time within 60 days from No vember l4th, 1910, which Is the date of the first publication of this notice, without penalty, interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby noti fled that on application to the under signed, within ten days from Novem ber 14th, 1910, which is the first pub lication of this notice, he will be al lowed to pay such assessment In ten annual Installments the first Install ment therefore due and payabye on or before the 14th day of January, 1911. If application is not made as above provided the whole amount will be come due and payable at the expira tion of said sixty days. All property owners interested are hereby notified to appear at my office In the City Hall and pay same. Following is assessment roll; Block 60, lot 6, Chaplin's Addition M Rosenbaum, $135.70. Block 102, lot 8, Chaplin's Addition, Baptist Church, $28.85. Block 102, lot 9. Chaplin's Addition. Baptist Church, $39.40. By order of council, November 2nd 1110.: D. E. COX. -1 "' V mmmmm . " Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of mo vie necuruer lor iaa construc tion of 27,515 square feet of cement : sidewalk on Washington avenue .be tween First street and Spruce street, said walk to be constructed according to the Specifications on file in this office.' :' .. ' " All bids must be In by 8 o'clock accompanied by a certified check of five per cent of the amount of the bid. ins vouncn reserves tne ngnt to re ject any or all bids. ; By order of the Council November 9th. 1910. : : '.y D. E. COX, " not. 10-16. Recorder. Notice to Contractors. , ' Notlen 1m herefrr riven that imIaA bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 8 o'clock p m. November 16th, 1910, tor the con struction of 600 lineal feet of five loot board side walk on Greenwood street between Jefferson avenue and Monro avente. Said walk to be constructed ac cording to the specifications on file in this office and all bids to be ac companied by a check of , five per cent of the amount of the bid. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Common Council, D. E. COX, Nov. 10-16. Recorder. Dysentery Is a dangerous diseitM but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy lius been . surcemfully used in nine epidemics cf dysentery. It has never been known to f )ii. It i eonally trI tinlilo fr thilrl'.vn P'ul '!, rivl wn re U;c' v.ith ret:, t. - J . ....... I, '.. 4 hitt t.. In' 1 .