La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 16, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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O O O O C 0: O
N. MOUTOR, M. D. Fnystcian and
Surgeon. Corner " Adams Ave. and
Depot street Office, Mala ; Resi
dence 69. . T .
C IL UPTON. Ph. G. M. t.--Physictan "
and Burgeon. Special attention toj
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office'
in La Grande'Natlunal Bank Build
ing.' Phones: Office Mala 2, Resi
dence Mala 32. - '
h. L. R1C11ARDSON rnysician ana
" surgeon.. Office Hours: 2 t 6 p. m.
except Sunday. Sunday by appoint
ments. Telephones: Office, Black
1362; Ind. 851; residence, Mala 65;
Ind. 311
GEO. W. ZfMJrERMAN Osteopath
Physician. Semmer Bldg., ISeoms 7,
8. 9 and 10. Phones: Heme 13G2,
Pacific. Mala 3. T.esidence pfcmw.
Black 95L Successor to Br. C Z.
.' Moore,
DR. M. P. lZZZ&Z-.'J 2etor of
Optica. ' E?ctaclea sad Cy Clares
' FlUc-d and is&Je to order. . All r-
Adams rai T4blletel 15123? " t
Graada, Oreim.
DR. n. L.., Ei'&.a?-ooa and EX
er'Wrlsia Drni store. Special at
tentlaa pa!4 to diseases aad surgery
' of the eye;".;..;'!'.!'1:"";'' "''' -'Vs
Phone COc Mara 22; Tesideaee,
Mala 722. ' ;'x "-''.'''-.;
JC. PRICE, &1L JX OeaUot Koraa
23, La Grande Katiosal Bank Build
Ing. Phone Black 339. -
class services giren. Office over Lil
ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 11S1
DR. E. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur
geon.' -Office at Hill's Drug Stere,
La Grande. Residence phone, Red
701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde
pendent phene 53; both phones at
residence. ' '
COCHRAN & COqiRAN Atfephieyi
v jnas. js. uoenran ana a.iv
w n . ' tt.ti - . It:
ran. La Grande National
Bldg., La Grande, Oregoa.
T. H. CRAWFORD Attprney at .Law.
Practices In al lthe courts of the
State and United States.. Office in
La Grande National Bank Bldg., La
Grande, Oregon.
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer.
Baker City, Oregon. V
ano and Voice , Culture. At 1426
Washington Avenue on Wednesday
and Saturday. Telephone, on these
dates to Red-1122. '
Total votes cast for the initiative
and referendum measures which to
talled in all, thirty-two, were given
an unprejudiced vote In Union cor.
ty apparently, for the totals for this
county are about in unleon with tb.
way the state as a whole voted.
- The totals as compiled by the oS
-clal counters, the canvaBHing boar;',
follow, -.
Eranch .asylum bill: Yes 1527.. N
740. . , ' " ';
Constitutional convention; Yes 596;
No 1348.
, Redisricting of legislative territory;
Yes ..20; No 1270. .
Tax amendment; Xe 765; No 924.
State ownership of railroads: Yes
650; No 999.
Urilform rufe of taxation: Y"es 641;
No, 919. ' '. ;
Increasing Balary Baker county
Judge: Yes 211; No. 1910.
Nesmlth county: Yes 424; No 1397.
Monmouth Normal school: Yes 832;
No 1252. '
4 County of Otis: YeB 424; No 1360.
- Annexation of Clackamas: Yes 362;
No 1505. , .;'; . ' r' '
County of Williams. Yes S67; No
1346. .; --. '
County regulation of taxes: To come.
- PmaImmm' ViUHMfev an. Va 99-
No 817. . ; t .
' Orchard county: yes 419; No 1317.
Clark county: Yea '385; No. 1311.
: Weston Normal: Yes 939; No 1111.
Annexation of Washington 4 county :
Tes 233; No 1489. ' :
Ashland Normal: Tfas72; No 1275.
Prohibltnig manufacture of liquor:
Yes 996; No 1584.
Employers' Indemnity; Yea 779; No
1184.J ".;:':.?, ;n - r'-": f-y'
Rogue river fish law; Tes 1209; No
695. 1 r,;;. :'r :
:, Deshutes county. Yea 465; No 1257.
Creating towns, counties and dis
tricts:. Yes 732; . No 1002. r f -
County Indebtedness bill: Yes 1026;
No 930. ' VV:;n . ;,;;; ;
Increasing power;of direct pri
mary: Yes 993; No 982. ' . ; ,
Board of People's Inspector bill; Yes
700; No 1221.
. Increasing initiative, referendum
and recall powers: Yes 806; No 1093.
Two-thirds Jury verdict bill: Yes,
. Xcllee to Contractors. J
iNoiice i3 nereoy given ipai Besita
bids will be "received at tiia office ,ot
:he City Recorder for the construc
tion of 5380 square feet of cement
side" walk to be constructed on Ad
ams avenue between First street and
p'ourth street on both sides; the W
salk to be constructed according t
he specifications on file in this o--c
' All bids must be In by 8 of.
i. m."November 16th, 1910 and mus
be accompanied by a check of Uvt
per cent of the amount of the bid. The
Council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.' , '
By order of the City Council Nov
ember 9th, 1910. f
. '.J ! D. E. COX,.
Nov. 10-16. r ' Recorder.
L0f47: No 971.
C. C. 5 WILSON Teacher o -Violin.
Call any . time at 801 ! Mair. ave
nue. - '.'!'..'.: ' .';'''- ;.. ',,,'
2C3 F1R STV FB0EtlAlN73i;
A Urge line of hair switches from
18, 20, 22 and 80 Inches In length all
go at a very low price while they last
Tnone Kaln 131, 209 Fir street
.' v, - V., MES. L A. PALKEB.
Mrs. I. A. Palmer ' Prop.
I n.fcy pay Rent ?2 iMnyw
money to build? and , you
pay us ast you would rettV
Fast BeJng Realized by La Grande
.;.';.-. .'. People. :: (:;5.
A little backache at first ;
Daily increasing till the back is lame
and weak, .,:-..;;.;: .. -y. '.';; '!..'
Urinary disorder! quickly follow;
Diabetes and Anally Bright's Disease.
This is the downward course of
kidney ills. '''';'-';' '';.-.
Don't take this course. La Grande
residents should profit by the follow
ing experience. , " ".
Mrs.,W. M. Giles, of Sumpter, Ore.,
says: "I was bothered for about two
yekrs by kidney complaint and the
doctors could not help me to ahyex
tent. There was a constant dull pain
across my loins and this was accom
panied by a soreness over my kidneys.
My back -ached so intensely that I
could hardly sleep and I had trouble
with the kidney secretions. When
saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised
h was induced to try them and itre
quired the contents of only one box
to effect a cure. I value Doan's Kid
ney PiUs highly.- ; -;.
For sale by "all dealers. Price 60
cents. Fostep-Milbnrn ? Co., - Buffalo,
New York, sole" agents for the United
States.:; '-.-'' f i . ...-
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. : '
New Transfer
M. L. Leader
RED 3762
Drayiag of all kinds
European Plan Only
Rooms 60c to $1.50;
First class -Throughout
;-' ,r:fi.:.
"la Grande, Otegon
" Xotlce to Trespassers.
Positively no hunting allowed or
our premises. Do not ask for permis
sion. Blockland Bros. . '
Notice of Street Improvement 1
' To whom )t may concern: Notice is
hereby" given that in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande,
Oregon on tie 9tb. day of November,
1.910, creating Improvement District
No. 28, and designating Lake avenue,
wtvit iuhiHiin ui pm W IIW 0t
a resolution adopted by said Common
Council on th.2nd day of Kovember,
1910, whereby said CounciS deteiv
mined and declared its intention to
improve all "that ;tortlon cjf Lake
avenue, In said Improvement dis
trict as hereinafter described, oy lay
ing thereon macadam pavement, the
council will, ten days after the ser
vice orthis notice upon the owners
of the property affected and benefit
ted by suck improvement, order that
said above described improvement be
made; that boundaries' of ss id district
to be so improved are as follows: All
that portion of Lake avenue from the
west curb line of North Second str
to the west line of N. Cedar street.
Notice is-kerby further given that the
Council will levy a special assessment
on all the property affscted and bene
fitted by such improvement for the
purpose of paying for such improve
ment That the estimated cost of such
lmprovementfis the sum of $3698.00.
That tlje Cbyunojl -will on, the 23rd day
of November, 1910, meet at the Coun
cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock
p, m. to consider s&d estimated cost,
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such assess
ment ' .-v.-. -. ,., ;...''.'
" La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1910.
. . By D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Nov. 12-10t
Notice of Street Improvement.
To whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande, Ore
gon, on the 9th day of November,
1910, creating Improvement District
No. 27 and designating N. 2nd street
a? such district, and in pursuance of
a resolution adopted by said Common
Council on the 2nd day of November
1910, whereby said council determined
and declared its Intention to improve
all that "portion of N. 2nd street, in
aid Improvement district as , herein
after described, by laying thereon ma
cadam pavement, the Council, will ten
days Tafter the service of this notice
upon the owners of the property ' at
fected and benefitted by such Improve
ment, order that said above describ
ed Improvement be made; that boun
darles of Bald district to be so im
proved are as follows: All that por
tlon of North Secona street from the
O. R. & N. side or the R. R. track : to
the center of Lake avenue. Notice is
hereby further given that the Council
will levy a special "assessment on
all the property affected and benefit
ted by Buch improvement for the pur
pose of paying .for 6uch Improvement.
That the estimated cost of such Im
provement is the sum of 13,500.00,
That the Council will on the 23rd day
of November, 1910, meet at the Coun
ell chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock
p. m., to, consider ;saW estimated cost.
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such as
La Grande. Oregon, Nov. 11, 1910.
. By D. E. COX, S
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Not. 12-10t
Iff" A U.
i i
? f' J
- li h
' ..... 4 y '
1 . I, .t . U r : h V '
t:-jJ Jl.'j, .-J OO
Ow n mi H i 7 h
i ' . : ' ,',
and continuing 30 DAYS, ve vill coll cur
C3 steel: cf Fall and Winter Gccds
ivi::vii- vtrc nave jusi. rctcivcu
(LUS ft
iwL 1 L.Lii"iiiz uric mir.renrcr.j'nif !si. r.v4.i"v
? " T" t. .
tlunj' to bsS cc!d at yholscala prices regard
of frcifiht. 5
We vant to show the people A REAL
Come in and see our good
i at our display windovs
Note a fey of our prices quoted and
$30.00 Suits $18.00 $5.00 Corsets $3.75
$15.00 Suits N $9.00 $ .75 Corseis "" $.40
$5.00 Children's Coats $3.00 $1.25 Union Suiti $ .80
$12.00 Voile Skirts $7.00 $2.5Q.Union Suits ' $1.55
$5.00 Silk Waista $2.85 $ X0 Children's Underwear $ .35
$7.00 Silk Waists $3.85 $ .35 Hosa . $ .20
$3.00 Shirt Waists $1.85 $ .35 Toweb $ .20
$2.50 Shirt Waist3 $1.55 $ .12 1-2 Muslins I $ .07
$1.50 Shirt -Waists $ .80 $ .12 1-2 Ginghams $ .03
" s
$3.00 All-over Lace , $2.05 Calicos - .05
.V' :',''.' 'i" '.'. j""-'. . t .v.:."
1 .... . t .
EXTRA-The Finest and Largest Stock of Stylish
Fall apd Cost. Some
thing You
These are but ?rFEW of bur prices-call and see the rest
Ju O i ii