La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 15, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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F. J. HOLMES, Tlcf-Prn.
F. I.
United States jDepository;
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00
W. Li 3U5H0LTS
gkorci riuzza
F. J.
n itb ecr. ample rsree snd facilities we can render you efficient
sealc sad iuj!i jtsr tsrlResii 10 oar "i lire ssUsfacrioit.
Xotice. '
. Notice of the Reclrder of the City
. of La Grande Oregon of assessment of
Adams Avenue from the east curb line
Hemlock street.
Notice Is hereby given, that the as
sessment roll for the Improvement of
Adams avenue from the east curb line
' of Fourth street to the east curb line
of Hemlock street, being In Improve
ment District No. 1, In the city ot
La Grande, Oregon, under the provis
ions of Ordinance No. 480 Series 1910,
entitled, "An Orldnance declaring the
. ccst of Improving Adams avenue from
the' east line of Fourth street to the
east' curb line of Hemlock Btreet, as
sessing the property benefitted them
by, declaring such assessment and
directing the entry of the same In
the docket of City .Liens, authorizing
the issuance of Improvement bonds
to pay for said improvement and de
clarlng an emergency, the same be
ing in Improvement District No. li in
said City, is now In my hands, for
, collection, and that any assessment
therein may be paid to me at any
time within sixty days from the date
of the first publication of this notice
without penalty, Interest or cost; and
each property owner is hereby notified
that on application to the undersign
ed, within ten days fram November
11. 1910. which is the first pub
Ikatiou of this notice he will be allow.
ed to pay such assessment in ten annu
al installments, the first Installment
thereof being duo and payable on or
before the 10th day of January. 1911.
If application Is not made as above
provided the whole amount will be,
and become due and payable at the
expiration of said sixty days.
All property owners interested are
hereby notified to appear at my of
fice In the City Hall and pay . the
The assessment roll follows this no
. tlce.
By order of the Council, November
2nd, 1910.
D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Following Is the assessment roll:
Block 115, Lot 2.'!. Chaplin's Addi
tion. S. O. Swackhamer, Jllo.10.
Block 115. Lot 22. Chaplin's Addi
tion, S. O. Swackhamer, $173.34.
' Block 115, Lot 21. Chaplin's Addi
tion, A. W. Rynearson. Est.. $253.19.
Block 115. Lot 20. .Chaplin's Addi
tion. A. W. rtynearson Est, $236.0S.
Block 115. Lot 19. C-ml Addi
tion, A. W. Rynearson Est., C J : 0.80.
Block 115, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addl
tt". Magglo D. Mahaffey, $200.36.
Block 115, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Maggie D. Mahaffey, $221. 51.
Blork 115, Lot 16, Chaplln'B Addi
tion. George Sutherland, $263.89.
Block 115, Lot 15. Chaplin's Addi
tion, George Sutherland, $299.18.
Block 115. Lot 14. Chaplin's Addi
tion. J. E. Foley, $309.60.
Block 114. Lot 22, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley. $324.15.
Block 114, Lot 21. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley. $271.00.
Block 114. Lot 20. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley. $235.S9.
Block 114. Lot 19. Chnnlin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley. $2.'5.:G.
Block 114. Lot 18. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. E. Foley. 522G.IT.
Block 111. Lot 17. Chaplin's Addi
tion. J. E. Foley, $213.00.
Block 114. Lot 16, Chaniiu'a Addi
tion. Julius Uoesch. $227.73.
Block 114. west 20 ft. Lot 15. Chap
' lin's Addition. John MiKenna. $203.38.
tV.'L. BBE-MIOLTS, AiL Csnh.
EARL ZC5DEL, ii Asst Cah
WKTERS, Cashier.
. - 'OJsiTES
Block 114, 4x62 ft. Lot 15,, Chap
lin's Addition, Bertha Sommer- Est,
$31.29. . .'
Block 114, 4x20 ft. Lot 15, Chaplin's
Addition, S. A. Gardinler, $19.52.
Block 114. 4x22 ft. Lot 15. Chanlln's
Addition; Block 114, 22 1-2 ft. Lot 14.
Chaplin's Addition; Block 114, 22 1-2
ft. Lot 13, Chaplin's Addition; Block
114, 22 1-2 ft. Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Rothchild Bros.. $74.45.
Block 114, 67 ft. Lot 14, Chaplin's
Addition; Block 114. 67 ft Lot J3,
Chaplin's Addition; Block. 114, 67 ft
Lot 12, Chaplin's Addition, Bertha
Sommer Est, sf684.6C.
Block 114. 20 ft. Lot 14, Chaplin's
Addition; Block 114, 20 ft. Lot 13,
Chaplin's Addition; Block 114, 20 ft.
Lot 12, Chaplin's Addition, S. A. Gard
inler, $100.01.
Block 105, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addition,
U. S., $495. 77. ,
Block 105, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addition,
l S., $264.64.
Block 105, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addition.
U. S.. $261.03.
Block 105, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition,
U. S.. $257.54.
Block 105, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition,
Block 105, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addition
Johanna Ganzloff. $235.53. .
Block 105, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition.
Johanna GanzlofT. S232.0S
V Block 105, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
j. Li. Eisner,
Block 105, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition,
I. U. O. F., $237.82. '
Block 105. Lot 10. Chanlln's Add!
tlon. Oregon" Land Company, $228.77.
iiiocK aui), o rt iai ii, unapun's Aa
dition. Oregon Land Co.. S38.86.
Block 103, 24 ft Lot 11. Chaplin's
Addition, M. H. Ilassett, $186.55.
Block 103. Lot 12, Chaplain's "Addi
tion, uoorga AcKieB, 5210.10.
Block 105, 1 ft. Lot 11, Chaplin's
Addition, George Ackles, $7.77.
Block 105. Lot 13. Chanlln'a Addi
tion. Maggie S. Ackles, $250.50.
Block 105, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Joseph Palmer, $257.41.
Block 105. Lot 15. Chanlln'a Addi
tion. Grande Ronde Met Co., $267.80.
Uiock 105, Lot 1C, Chaplin's Addi
tion Johanna Ganelofr. J27S.22.
Block 105. LoV 17. Chanlln'a Addi
tion, Thomas Loftus, $281,615.
Block 105, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Thomas Loftus, $293.56.
Block 113. Lot 9. Chanlln's Addi
tion. La Grande National Bank,
Block 113, Lot 10, Chaplin'd Addi
tion, La Grande National Bank,
Eljck 113, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, David Steward. 257.08. i
Bloc 113, Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi
tion. David Steward, $239,12.
Block 113. Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion, David Steward, $238.28.
BlJck 113, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Julius Roesch. $255.59.
Block 113. Lot 15. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $290.20.
Block t113. Lot 16. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $376.77. .
Block 106. Lot . 1,- Chaplla's Addi
tion, U. S. National Bank, $378.27.
..Block 106, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. Brooks, $290.20.
B'.ock 106, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. Brooks. $255.59.
Block 106. Lot 4. . Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. Brooks, $230.34.
Block 106. 1 ft Lot 4. Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. C. Gardner, $7.94.
Block 106. .Lot 6. Chaplla's Addi
tion. J. C. Gardner, $242.12.
Block 106. Lot 6, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Gust Benglesdorf. $257.08.
Block 106, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addi
tion. Mrs. E. M. Anson, $277.67.
Block 106, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition,
Mrs. E. M. Anson, $471.17.
Block 112. Lot 10. Chaplla's Aldl
tion. J. C. Henry. $344.44.
B'ot k 112. Let 11. Chaplln'B Addi
tion. J. C. Henry, $307.60.
Block 112. Lot 12. Chaplin'B Addi
tion. William Erlcson, $273.96.
Block 112. Lot 13, Chr.plin's Addi
tion Lydla Erlcson. $232.93.
Grande Ronde Cash Co
Block 112. Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi
tion, C. O. Bunte, $219.51.
Block 112. Lot 15, Chaplla's Addi
tion, C. G. Bunte, $233.69.
Block 112, Lot 16, Chaplln'a A'.dl
'ion. A. F. h. A. M- $277.46.
Block 112. Part of Lot 17. Chaplin's
Addition, A. F. t A. M.. $208.63.
Block 112. Lot IS, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Genevieve Boiinenkamp, $354.93.
Buck 112. Prt of Lot 17. Chaplin's
Addition Genevieve Bohnenkanp
Block 107. Lot 1. Chaplla's Additio-.
Turner Oliver. 5348.93.
Block 107. Lot 2, Chaplla's Addi
tion, Turner Oliver. $312.95.
Block 107, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi
tion. J. D. Heidenrclch. $277.46.
Blo-k 107. Lot 4. Chapl- .'3 Addi
tion, A. C. Huntington, $233.69. ,
Block 107, Lot 5, Chaplln'a Add!
tion, A. C. Huntington, $219 CI.
vBlock 107. Lot 6, Chaplla's Addi
tion. A. C. Hunti-igton, $232.93.
Block 407. . Lot 7, Chaplin's Add'
tlon. O. F. CoolldfeC. $273.96.
Block 107, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Mrs. S. R. Haworth, $307.60.
Plock 107. Lt o, Chaplin's Addition
Mrs. Kate E. McWhirter, $344.43.
Block 111, Lot 18. Chaplin's Addi
tion, S. Kuhn Est. $334.34.
Block 111, Lot 19, Chaplin's Addi
tion, S. Kuhn Est, $271.07.
Block 111, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Leah Paul, $253.56.
' Block 111. Lot 21. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Leah Paul, $236.01.
Block 111, Lot 22, Chaplin's Addi
tion. A. C. Huntington, $228.94.
Block 111, Lot 23, Chaplin's Addi
tion, A. C. Huntington, $225.47.
Block 111, Lot 24, Chaplin's Addl
lion, S. C. Zuher. $218.45. .
Block ill, Lot 25, Chaplin's Addl
tion. Mary E.NobleT $214.94. . v
I Bl(Vlr 111 T.nt 9 narsUn'.
tion, Mary Noble, $207.95. v
Block 111, Lot 27, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Mary Noble, $214..60.
Block 111, Lot 28, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. L. Mars, $218.03.
Block 111, Lot 29, Chaplin's Addi
tion, J. L. Mars, $224.88.
Block ill.' Lot 30, Chaplin's .Addi
tion, C. E. Hackman, $228.28.
Block 111, part of Lot 31, Chaplin's
Addition; Block 111. part cf Lot 32,
Chaplin's Addition; Elock 111, part of
Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition; Block 111,
part of Lot 34. Chaplin's Addition,
Charles Binder, $106.02.
Block 111, part of Lot 31, Chaplin's
Atdtlon: Block 111, part of Lot 32,
Chaplin's Addition; plock 111, part of
Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition; Block li.
part of Lot 34, Chaplin's Addition,
Elizabeth Burke, $312.03.
Block 111, .part of lot 31, Chaplin's
Addition; Block 111, part of Lot 32,
Chaplin's Addition; Blochrlll. part of
Lot 33, Chaplln'B Addition; Block 111
part of Lot 34, Chaplin's Addition
W. H. Ferguson, $742.05.
Block. 108, Lot 1, Chaplin's 'Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $304.99.
Block 108, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addl
tion, Julius Roesch, $269.29.
Block 108. Lot 3, Chaplin's Add!
tion, Julius Roesch, $252.21.
Block 108, Lot 4, Chaplin's Add',
tion, A. A. Fisher Est, $235.11.
BlocH 108, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Ella White, $228.23.
Block 108, Lot 6, Chaplla's Addi
tion, Pauline Miller, $224.88.
Block 108, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Pauline Miller, $218.03.
' Block 108, Lot 8, Chapll-'s Addi
tion. Pauline Miller. $214.60.
Block 108, Lot 9, Chaplla's Addi
tion, David Bay, $207.96.
Block 108, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi
tion, David Bay, $214, 93.
Block 108. Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi
tion, C. L. Mackey, $218.45. -
Block 108. Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi
tion. C. L. Mackey. $225.48.
E'.ock 108. lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion, C. L. Mackey, $228.94.
Block, 108, Lot 14. Chaplin's Addl-
tlon. J hn Melville, $236.00.
Block 108. Lot 15. Chaplin s Addi
tion, John Melville, $253.56.
Block 108, Lot 16. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Zora E. Patty, $271.07.
Block 108, Lot 17. C!r plin's Add!
tlon. Zora E. Fan."
I lurk 110. Lot IS '-Klin's Addi
tion C. W. "r"c. $4S.". vi.
Llock 110. Let IT Chain's Addi
tion. vJ. V,'. Noycs, S".2u.C!.
Rlrvk 110. Lot 16. CVr'-i Add.-
tl n C. W. Noyet, $303.35.
Llk 110. Lot 15. Chaplin's Addi
tion. W. A. Wade, $274.45.
Block 110. Lot 14, Chaplin s Addi
tion, W. A. Wade. $249.83.
Block 110. Lot 13, Chaplin'u
tion. F. W. Bay, $236.22. .
Block 3 & 110, Chaplin's Addition.
C W.Noyes. $646.80.
Block 3 & 110. Chaplin's Addition.
Charles Barnell, $886.51.
Block 9 & 109, Chaplin's Addltita.
Kate E. McWhirter, $689.12.
Block 9 & 109, Chaplin's Addition.
Al Andrews. ?"rV03.
, Blxk 9. C. a""Vs Addition. F. S.
Bramwell, $968. U.
Block 9 & 109, Chain's Addition, E
Porter Day $223.02.
Block 9 & 109, ChapUiis Addition
Jesse A. King, $S96.11.
If ' your doctor does not recom
ment your bringing his prescription
to us it's because he doesn't want to
appear partial. He knows, however,
that better prescription service than
ours Is unobtainable. He will be glad
If you do come here. Newlln Drug
Co. - .
To the Public.
My wife, Mrs. Laura Owens, having
left my bed and board, I will not be
responsible for any debts contracted
by her after Nov. 12. 1910. .
Want ads pay, one cent a word.
Ont Coupl of Matur Years Rcivd
a Pair of Coffins.
Ad Englishman extremely fond of
hunting received as a wedding gift
from an anonymous person a complete
set of false limbs a set of artificial
teeth and a conple of glass ryes, to
procure alt of which the snivastlc
donor must, ot course, have put him
self to. considerable expense. Accom
panying' these rirunge present was a
note wherein the hope was expressed
that by reason of the recipient's many
falls while following the houuds, some
or. all of these substitutes might ulti
mately prove of use. As the bride
groom had Incurred much enmity while
holding office under his government It
was supposed that these gifts came
from a disappointed office seeker.
A well known American writer re
ceived front ii rival man of letters s
scrap book wherpln were carefully
pasted and Indexed tnuuy hundreds of
ellpplngs containing adverse criticisms
touching the former's work, and n
popular was presented with a set
of elementary works upon self Instruc
tion In drawing aud painting.
Some years ago in the west an elder
ly, crusty merchant on espousing a
spinster of mature age was presented
by an undertaker with two coffins for
himself and wife, a letter which ac
companied these ghastly gifts stating
that they would, unlike most' of the
other offerings received, be sure to be
of,-" service. . . Naturally enough the
bridegroom resented this singular If ft ' and it trwr I1 tht tfftrtm
of mutual friends to prevent a breach
of the peace.
Like vexation, was no doubt felt by
an Infirm octogenarian In Ohio who
wedded a pleasure loving woman more
than fifty years his Junior. The pres
ent In this case was a large brass cage,
"intended." so the Inevitable accom
panying letter stated, "to restrain the
wayward flights of a giddy young wife
who has married a decrepit old fool
for his money." Chicago Record-Herald.
Had To.
Uncle Eben-Looks to me as if that
express train's goln' faster than usual
Uncle Ezra Course It Is! Squire Hos
kins sent a special delivery letter to
his son In New York this moruln',
and this was the train it was goln'
out on. Puck.
Ladies and Gents
v Shoe" Shine Parlors
to. 1118 Adams Ave., where
he will, serve all custom
ers, new and old
Franklin Would
Have Been
if his vision could have extend
ed far enough irfto the haze of
evolubn to foresee the ultimate
triumph of incandesant electric
lighting the GEMERAL ELEC
The sage old phioscpher flew
his kite during a thuueter Btorm,
and by means of a key attracted
and discovered electricity, but
evolution decreed that modern
inventive genius should discover
an incandescant lamp that Is
revolutionizing, artificial light
MADZA LAMP gives nearly
three times the light of the or- v
dlnary carbon Incandescant
and costs no more to operate. In
addition to this It gives light of
a vastly superior quality a
clear white, light like Uie sun's
Everywhere people are having
their houses wired for electric
light, since the invention of the
LAMP. It has made electricity
as cheap as It is convenient.
Come in for a moment today and
let us prove to your entire sat
isfaction that there is no longer
a possible excuse for you to be
without the greatest of all
household conveniences elec
tric light
Light and Power
Co ToP&aiPEm
Gcneidl extractor of Csment Work
Flain Re-enforceu
t - -j
A street In front of property. City water on corner oV property. Sewer 5
A of the city crosses fun length of property, and liav a contract with
A city to tap sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost. A splendid home A
A and lavestment. Price $6300.00 1-2 cash, balance on terms.
2 A 5-room modern brick house, 2 lots 124x120 feet, nice shade trees
2 fruit and lawn, barn, wood Bhed, etc.. on corner of 2nd and Spring 5
A Btreet for the remarkable low price of $1800.00. Easy terms. This 2
A t property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must have money. A
0 '. hence the great reduction in pr Ice. Let me show you. A
a ' . Wa
Gomplete equipment for
rubber buggy tires.
; D. filZGERALD, Proprietor ' , ;
Complete Machine Shops ad Foundrv
The George Palmer
We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubbroid Roofing
Deadening Felt, Building Paper.
We are prepared to furnish and deliver material,
- promptly. Phone Main 8.
Next Door to Electric Light Office
Look After That Eve Trough
4 Rainy weather will set in soon. We 4
Ofll C
u n i o
t vidnauey Dunaing .
7c Dvitia 3nd
have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. S
J - -
resetting andv repairing
: , - .
Special A partment
f or jadies-Shoes dyed
f lllnppi
Deoot street f
called for and delivered
f hxninn UfnrkK
III II tj w till'
MAIN i4 ' ;