LA GILLS DL IZViLNO UJ TUESDAYNOVEMBER 15, 1910. I - J .v" . THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S PBOGMM An Indian Girl's Love. (Essan- ay) ;' .' On her DoorBtep-MVltagraph)' ' Betty Is Stiill at Her Old Tricks -(Pathe) ' , . Song When the Bell Rings Mary. ;' ' Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. Sea dis , play In lobby. -tMISSIOH 11c- 4 i il rr-n uijie 1' ' n 1 LOCALS 4 ' . Cold weather' ' coming. "Want ' an accurate , thermometer so you can watch the mercury drop? We've a big Block of the accurate kind. You can quote their figures and know you're right 25c to $2.50. Newlin Drug CV : p mm cnin LI1ULLUUII11 am V- I III! II III DOCTOR OF OPTICS. AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING Black Australian Lynx sets of bean? tlful Russian shawl, with magnificent rug muff elegantly trimmed with beau and tails; lined with shirred satin; worn a few times on stage by theatri cal team now leaving on Southern tour; practically new; cost $80.00 p set: sail for $20.00 per , set; will send C. O. D. allowing examination U owner's expense.' Address their man ager, Manray, 25 East 14 el. New York City, . v 0. PERSONALS. - : Ton take great risk when you trust your eye-sight to those without exper- of whose competence yau have no guarantee. ' . , HOJiEST WORK calls tor exparl ence, skill, knowledge of the power of, light, knowledge of the' anr.tcic; of the eye, knowledge of the dU vises of the eyej knowledge of every mue cle connected with the sight, know ledge of the physique of persons whose eyes 'are examined. This knowledge cannot be acquired In a few months bat by hard study and years an1 years of practical' experience. Over 29 years' of practical expcr ienceIN FITTIXG GLASSES, the com pleteness of "our equipment, the im mense stock we carry, the satisfac tion we have given others and the high moral and professional purpose of our business Is our guarantee to you that we have ALL these quail 4- " cations.-.: Dr. Mendelsohn is Indorsed by all the leading occullsts of the Pacific coast and by all the physicians of La Grande. J -, .'. ' . ' All broken glasses replaced while yon wait OFFICE HOURS 9:00 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to S p. m.. J. A. Peyton of Portland Is a Som mer hotel guest today. Samuel Lawrence of Baker City Is a guest at the Sommer today., ".. ' ' . .. Tnr-nttr - OHvr. thw ttnri In Enterprise today looking after legal matters. ,' ; V D. Sommers and L. B. Denham, well known Elgin people, stopped at the Sommer last night while visiting in La Grande..' - . . Mrs. Cohn of Kellogg, Idaho, who has teen" visiting her sister, Mr?.: R. W. Ldgan, went to Hot Lake tfc's af ternoon to take treatments. Carl Dilsheimer, one of the prince merchants of Baker City, was a guest at Hot Lake yesterday: He had been In Portland 'buying goods and stop ped off at the Lake to rest for a few days. : . i '. -pan. Marx came up from Portland today to look after his business prop erty in La Grande. He is one of the large property owners here and is de lighted with the advancement the city Is making. . Senator Walter L. Pierce has re turned to Hot Lake where he will re ,maln for several days while his leg Is looked after by Dr. Phy. The Sena tor Is having a rather serious time with the old fracture which refuses to become firm again. OUR REGULAR P?CES MEAl in all our departments with our 5 per cent trade discount good in our un basement . A few of our regular prices in all departments DRY GOODS DEPT. Cbildrens Wool Coats good values . . . . ;. . . . .$100 Childrens Wool Coat3 good values . . ...... $3.00 Large line Ladies'.Hats good values . . . . . .$4.00 Ladies' Hose, good line, pair . . . . ..... . 12 l-2c Ladies' Hose, good line, pair . . .... ... . : . . . . . . 15c Lace Curtains in white, pair . . .. . . . ;. v . ;'. .85a Lace Curtains in white, pair . : .95c Lace Curtains in white and Ecru, pair .'. . .....$1.20 Lou Spread, regular size, each . . . . . . . , ! ,.$1.00 Table Damask in colors, yard . .'. . .'v. . . ,50c Linen Toweling, good values) yard ; . . '. . . .. . . 12 l-2c Outings in all shades, good weight, yard . ) . ;. . . . .10c Flannelette in colors, good values, yard . rf . ... :10c Turkish towels, large size each . . . ... . . ... . .25c Ladies House Dresses, large line . . ; . . . . . . . . .$1.25 Ladies House Dresses, good values ... . ;t4. . .'$1.65 Ladies Hous Dresses good values . ... . , . ,$1.75-$3.00 Ladies Outing Gowns, good weight .$1.25 Ladies Outing, Gowns, good values . . .l, . ; $1.75 Ladies Outing Gowns, good values . . ; . . , . . $2.00 CEC f 'NOT AT OUR CLOTHES. KI MR. SWELL 11tESSEH- yOU WILL fOT KICK A.T THE CLOTHES VOU Hly FTtOM US, "BECAUSE THEV WILL TLEA.SE yOU-R EVE. A.JVD BECAUSE OUH JA TTE "RftS AM) STALES A.HE UP TO THE LAST TICK OF THE WATCH. OU-R CLO THES WILL TLEASE yO U. SEC A USE THEV FIT.' ; 013 CLOTHES AHE ffOT SLUfC TOGETHER HUT ARE HAfiT) SCISSOHEV Afi"D HAJf1 TAIL O'RE'D. . ., l- ' ' WE SATISFy OUH CUSTOMERS AJTD LOOK TO MAKE MOH.E THAff OiE SUIT FOH THEM, WE H.EMEMHEH yOU AHE HEALTHy AJ1 HAVE MAiy SUITS TO -BUy. sfaBros. Clothiers and Furnishers HARDWARE DEPT. Mrs. Potts Sad Irons, set . ...... ..... ..... .$1.23 Wire Coat Hooks, dozen . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . ,10c No. 8 Nickle Tea Kettle for ....... . .. . . . . . $1.20 No. 9 Nickle Tea Kettle for ; . 7. . . : . .... . .$1.35 .6,000 Red Tip Matches . . . ....... . . ... . . . . ... 43c savory Koaster . . ...... . . . . ... . . .. . . .... . . $1.13 No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern .'. . . . . ...... . . . . . . ; .95c wo. l Good Butcher Knife . . . , .35c no. 1 Alarm Clock ...........98c Perfection Oil Heater ............. . . . . . . ... $5.50 : MEN'S FURNISHING DEPT. Men's Wool Suit good values . I . . . . . . . . .$10.00 Men's Worsted Suit good values ......... . $12.50 , Men's Heavy Fleeced line Underwear, each ... .50c Men's Heavy Ribbed Fleeced, good values ..... .50c Men's Heavy Wool socks good values, pair . . . . 25c Men's extra wool socks, good values, pair . . .". 50c Men's lined mitts, heavy, good values, pair ... ,45c . H?s'2 lined rtts, memum ucavy, good values, pr C5c Men's Fur lined caps, all sizes, good values, each $1 Men's silk neck ties, extra good values, each . . , .25c Men's heavy wool shirts, good values, each . ... $1.25 Men's heavy, cotton rhirts, good valuea, each $1.00 Children's wool sweater, cood weierht. each ... . . 65c Cotton blankets, 10-4 size, flannel weight, pair . . 58c Cotton Blankets 10-4 size medium weight, pair 85c Cotton Blankets, 10-4 size heavy weight, pair $1.00 Wool Blankets, good size, dark colors, pair . . . . $4.00 Wool Blankets, medium size, med. colors, pair $4.75 Wool Blankets, large size, medium colors, pair $5.50 ,Wool Blankets, extra large size, med. colors, pr $7.00 ; u a: 8. k it SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies Rubbers 2 Ladies Rubbers 2 1-2 to 8, plain, pair ... .. ..Y.VTOc Ladies Rubbers, 2 1-2 to 8, rolled edge, pair ... .75c Children's Arctics, pair . . . . . ... . . . 7. 75c Men's 1-Buckle Arctics, pair ... . ... ..... .,$1.65 Men's 4-Buckle Arctics, pair . . .. . . . . .$2.C0 Ladies 1-Buckle Arctics, pair . ; .. .a... ...$1.15 Youth's good School Shoes, 9 to 12, pair .vA . .$1.50 Boy's good School Shoes 2 l-2to 6, pair . . .. ..$2.00 Ladies shoes, good values, pair ... . . . . . . . . .$1.75 Babies Shoes in Hard Soles, pair . . . . . , . . . . , . 60c BARGAIN BASEMENT Glass fruit dish, set of 6, 39c Semiporcelain covered dish, 43c Glass horseshoe tumbler, 40c doz. Semiporcelain butter dish, 23c THE .GOLDEN RULE COMPANY OUR REGULAR PRICES WATCH OUR WINDOWS Their Nesting Plaoe. "I have Just got hold of a rare old book." "What Is in It?" - . i ? "The story of the crusades." ' "That and microbes." In Prospect. We're all (rowing- crazy, the doctors de clare. . And won't It be fine as a fiddle T No person will have either trouble or care, Ana in wui no more be a riddle. To sit in the aunshln. and ur foollab things ' Will just b our sole occupation. And life will glide on like a racer on wings, One long and untroubled vacation. TfiH think we are Louis the Pint, er perhaps Napoleon in all of bis glory. Or one ot those booted and blustering chaps Tou find in some wild western story. Or maybe the man who invented green cheeae. Or one who was born In a castle And has to do nothing but sit at his ease, With every one else as a vassal. We'll think we own railroads and tele graph lines And ships that can cross the equator And come home with cargoes of olives and wines And sahnon and live alllntor. ' WeTl fancy our lands an extensive and wide Dominion, well paying and ample: That we for a day could their boundaries ride. And that would be only a sample. That we are the ones who are running the state WUI never be (felled Into question; That we can make congress or presidents wait Until we can drop a suggestion. It is not as easy as that when we're sane. The outlook looks doubtful and hasy. By the change that is coming Just see what we'll gain! Oh, won't It be great to be crasyf A Scattered Family. i-mn a little orrtiun. VVJio. mid. neKun to cry: "I'm iett without relations In little old .v . v "Ma fiiiHtled to Nrvariit. It who th piuie, nam she. Where infio me in Ktno Vould a perun tree. -. "My brothM to Ohio . Picked un nls heel and went He thinks It is the method To be president. , "In haste to reach the border My pa Is making tracks. Be goes to Minnesota, The state without a tax" -Judge. An Unplesssnt 8usplolon, "Robert, I must remind yon not to Oncer in the ball when I have a few business associates to dinner." MI was only keeping an eye on the hats and coats, sir." "Eh! Why. you didn't do that at your former place, did you?" "No, sir. My former master's guests were quite a different sort, sir." Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Difference. '. . I know a human dynamo Who does some careful dressing. At ten he'll to his offlce go When golfing Isn't pressing. Be sits up In bis office neat While other folks are broiling And there emits a constant bleat About the Joy of tolling. I know a' lot of smaller fry. A lot of leiaer fellows. Some make the dirt In ditches fly. Some run a forge or bellows. Some drive a wagon or a dray, Borne earn their bread by clerking. But none of these has much to say About the joy ot working. Louisville Courier-Journal. Want ads pay. one cent a word. To the ladles of la Grande, v TT44Tl4'iH4'MM"tM4frfc Mrs. C. H. Whitney, face specialist of Baker City arill be in La Grande fofvf a few days and will call upon the. I ladles with a complete line of toilet articles of her own manufacture.' She removes moles and other facial blem ishes with electric needlefl She may be found at 1407 T. avenue for a few days. Phone Black 691. Attend the Ball. All who want to enjoy themselves should attend the concert band dance at the Elk's hall Wednesday night. A Notable Cure. Justls Warner, L&Fayette, Tnrf.. was completely cured after two years of suffering. "My kidneys and bladder bothered me severely for two years making me Buffer intensely. My kid neys were weak and sluggish while In my bladder there was constant mis ery. I was run down, tired very easily and appetite poor. Four bottles or Fo ley Kidney Pills cured me completely. My appetltle is restored, I sleep rest fully and feel stronger and health ier than ever before. I gladly rrcoin men Foley Kdney Pills." HiU's Drug store. The Up'Buildiny j of This Bank I is due to the fact that we bare ample capital and that we iive adhered to a policy has' been cpnaej-TatlTe, yet alo-g progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for storing and aafe-guardlng of their money, notes, Insurance policies and other valuable pap. erg and inch liberality of treat ment aa Is consistent with pru dent banking. TOUR acconnt is cordially soli cited. - iThe United States National Bank, LA tiPMPB, OR EG0N A HACK" ANn Uptown office Main 720 VnWw ti Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . lbussey it it