. i An Indian Girl's Love.(Es3au- ay) ; . . ' - ' On her Doorstep tVitagfaph)''-' Betty Is Stiill at ller Old Tricks (Pathe) -'.' ';! Song When the Bell -'.Rings Mary, ."'.'.;' " '' ,:, Beautiful dishes 'given ta lady patrons of the tna;iue. See da ' play' iiTlobb'y. '"" I"-''"; V -MiSSlOP lie- dealer of North Powder is regfster ed at th&-Sommer. y-, Eil. HayV of' Pendleton passed though the city' thls.morriing on his way to "'Elgin to viBlt friends. C. B. Ramsey wfth the. John Ball man company .t San Francisco Is In tS?.$!tystJppin gat .tins Sommer.' '' j. C. F. Hamijtcii of Walla Walla '.: ': -at the Somme?. Mr. Hamilton is hay;- lly Interested In the rubber busfte 1 Jn Mexico. - ' ; Thomas Duncan of Pendleton spent t Sunday at the Sommer. Mr Duncan j- represents the Diamond W. Sted Or ,' coffee people. . "- . . . ; AVR. .Eumons' of Enterprise is In the city today. Mr.. Eumens' said 'that business, ' in his town was satisfac tory to .everyone. , , " -j Mr. and "Mrs. "H. J. poohmad" of , Joseph are at the Sommer.' Mr. Book ,maa is la. the pajnting and, .paer hanging business. i Tom Nye representing the Amerl- r"" " .. . '' ' ; ';- " ', can T.obacco people is in the city. Mr. dOd066i6AA 'Nye is one of the best amateur car- and friends'of the two families are la-;'.' .vlte'd to' attend;.-: ' ' ' '- ' ' . j '. Mrs.'M. Flesser of Elgin.was. ,atJ z ' ;Flejr. ovar Sunday. . , f'. ' i , , - Fred -Olsea of St. Faul. repre ss n-. i Jngrte 'largest hirt Arm' lathe l'n!-i; 'ed, Stal&sj'ls fire showing hVgo-Ms. . ; . D. Taylor, 'of" Baker. CUr," -fco is f. auditor ct; the E.btern- Oregou -t,!u & Power company U &z fhe F.olc:-.Jl-; layior :s oa a, tour op Jnectioa f,: the company offices. ' ; " ; ' W. C. HartiiB, Portland salesmana.2 ef for the Northwest Auro cothp6:y- Harris' 8rn- con-' Ail- person jack rabbit machines and '4 nY.king ageiKy contracts for lSlt, speaking' of the "outiook he sa'd he ha ordered 600 . Jleos and' lOo -Appero:i cars for spring shipments. is in, the city. Mr, trols the'Btate on the .Reo and 1 LOCALS :t tooiiist on the coast. ';...''.' - V. E.' Baker, Representing Ellen lach. Yaw. the talented songstress, who comes here November 17, is In the city today making arrangements for the sta's appearance. ' ''.' .v G. E. Kennedy one of the expert pi ano tuners of the Northwest, will be t fj ;"rat?- mm Kennedy' formerly 'Vawroom tuner fof John W'ahamaker at Phila- . Cold weather's coiiTing. Waat :v accurate thermoraeter so yoa ;m watch tfn mercury drop? We've a I'.g bl. quote their, figures and know you're right. 25c to ?2.50. -Newlln Drug' Co, WHfJE Satisfaction or money back -New I in Diug Co. -: , . ; ' ' -. Mrs. M. Fleser of Elgin was' at the 1 Foley over Sunday. Z. E. Cherry a prominent Insurance man of Milton is at tly? Sommer.' Wallace Childers returns- to. the 0 R. & N. tomorrow as a brakeman. S. B.' Hammond of Chicago, with a line of dry goods Is at the Fojey to day. Doctor J. D. Glllllan spetft the day In Elgin transacting business mat ters. -; , '". . : ;' ' . :' ;- Mr. Scott, the music dealer left tb.18 morning for Ontario on a ten day visit. " , Music by the. entire band character lzeg the band dance next Wednesday delphla., ; , , , ' ' : - '.', ; Harry W. DoiUlendort fornjorly a railroad employe here but more rec ently special agent : for he Conti nental Casulty ' company of Chjcago with Tiadriiiarters. at Portland, has returned and will assume a brakes man's run out of here once more. J A. Schmiedt of The Dalles has ar rived in the city to take the position as cashier of the Warren Construc tion company, made 'vacant by the transfer of Sammy Cooper to Twfhn Falls to take the cashiership at that f point under Superintendent White. Rev. Q. L. Ellott who so success fully conducted the special revival meeting at Summervllle Imbler, All-, eel and Cove, has been secured for the Methodist church here. The first of the series' will be held Thursday evening of this week and continues Indefinitely. ... :j , - ' ;! A 'reception will be. held this even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Oliver from 8 until 10 o'clock in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brenholts fwho leave shortly for California. All evening. ' . - ,. C. H. Brown 11 a prominent lumber members of the Presbyterian church ' .... K I C EC f v NOT AT OUR CLOTHES. (Contihued from page one) r Experts in many parts of, the norUi west are entered. - , '. ; ,. ' November ' 17Country Life day; David Brown, chairman; farmers from all over the Northwest have .promised to attend, to discuss plans for a Jiall in ' connection-, with . the .commuulty center plan, '. ' , - ; November 1 College Day; faculty! and ' student bodies In Washington, Oregon, Idaho tnd Montana to have charge. . .' " '" : ". :' November . . i9 Everybody's day, awarding of prizes, exhibits will re main intact until 10:30 o'clock at night when preparation will begin to repack six prize winning cars, 36 district ex hibits and all the prize-winning" com mercial displays for exhibition In the First Regiment armory, Chicago. Ren H. Rice, secretary and manager of the show, announced this morning that a special train of 14 decorated cars, accompanied "by 40 growers, trus tees of the apple show and five em ployees will leave the morning of Nov ember 21 for Chicago, where the Bhow will open on November 28 and con tinue until December 4. Bert E. Gregory assistant manager, writes that the Chicago Association of Com merce, will have a delegation of 1500 at the opening of the show. Hessage from Colon. At Colon today President Taft In a wireless room of the ' Tennessee touched the operator's key that re leased the message formally open lng the third national apple show here. The message was sent to Old Point Comfort relayed to Washing ton and flashed to Spokane this fore noon. Vra. SWELL yOlwiLL fiOT KICK. A.T THE CLOTHES yOU vy f-rom us, heqause thev will tlea.se VOVR EVE, A.Jt1 VECA USE OU'R TA TTE'RtS Af1 STVLES A HE UT TO THE LAST TICK OF THE WATCH. ' " OU'R CLOTHES WILL TLEASE yOU. BECAUSE thev fit. . OU'R CLOTHES A7KE fOT SLUfG TOGETHER XUTAHEHAft1SCISSO'RE1 AtV HAfD TAIL-OHE-D. .- - WE SATISFY1 OU'R CUSTOMERS AfD LOOK TO MAKE MORE THAf OtE SUIT FO-R THEM, we hememve'r you ahe healthv Ato HAVE MAfy SUITS TOBUy. Ash Brs. gsSgr": Another Logging Train Promised. It is Bald that a night logging train will be put on between here and Pal mer Junction after tomorrow. INDIGESTION GOES. The Kewlln Drag Co. Sells Best Pre scription on the Honey Back . Plan. 'Almost everybody knows that sick headache nervousness and dizziness, are caused by a disordered stomach. Upset stomach and indigestion, han pen Just because the food you eat does not digest but lies in the sto mach and ferments or, turns sour. Tou can stop fermentation and sto mach distress In five minutes by us lng MI-O-NA stomach tablets, a pre scription that has done more to cure indigestion and put, the stomach in line condition than all the specialists on earth.' A large 60 cent box of MI-O-NA sto mach tablets is all you need to get quick and lasting relief. The Newlln Drug Coguarantees them. Mrs. AMle Etson, of 93 Dun Road Battle Creel, Mich., used MI-O-NA and within two months ws In as good health as ever, and has a good strong stomach, and eats anything she likes. She attributes her good health to MI-O-NA. , If you have heartburn, belching of gas, heaviness or any stomach troi ble no matter how chronic, try MI-O-NA stomach tablets on money hack plan Sold by the Newlln Drug Co. and leading druggists everywhere. Black Australian Lynx sets of beau tiful Russian shawl, with magnificent rag muff elegantly trimmed with head and tails; lined with shirred satin; worn a few times on stage by theatri cal, team now leaving on Southern tow; .practically new; cost 80.00 p t set; sell for $20.00 per set; will send C. O. D. allowing examination at owner's expense. Address their man ager, Mauray LieKrs, 25 East 14 s.., New York City. . . " ' ' " " " 1 ':;:?g?T!'A-r-V, J "i... '"j ' ' ' ' '" " ' H mJ.m' l -. 5 - ,iv-r-7 . ".r.' "- rr' mWismmm i&:co: .1! ' ' '"- ' ' - ' - - : ' ' - ' ' ij r i 4'... "V".'' 'V ,' :" VV '' ' '. ' '" i- ..; '- ' : ' : . .:.- ' - ,'..... . -' .'-., ? ul-: '.' , - ' " -- : ' .-"'-. "; ; . ,. . i it . - t v - - , v. , . . I j I C ' . . . ' ' . The only exclusive Ladies Furnishing Establishment ". in the city v Seffcigj Ml fried in i' . AT A T7 -.'. COST Jf' This is done to make room for Spring Stock W n 31 MOW: Sale Commences Wedoes- orning at 6:30 a. ni aay M . . t ' ' : ..... ' , ' .' ' mmmmsmm i i in , iin. id, wmm mmm mmmm ' ' ' ' ' '"'"' I 1 " 1 ' 1 . . . 1 " " " " " """ "' -rzsrj t