LA G1LLSDK KmttNOr QZZ&tXSZL MONDAY NOVEMBER 14, 1S10. T . FEOTESSI951L nSZCTCn. FBTsidiss snunsos. J. vMOUTOR. M. a tylel aa Sargeoa. Corner Adam Ave. a Depot street Office, Mala W; Reel dence 69. C. H. BPTON, Hl Q. U. UwfkyBictoo and surgeon. Special attention w Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat Offioe la La Graade'National Bank BtriK- lng. Phones: Offlce Mala 2, Resl ' dene Mala 34. A. L. RiCHARBSON Pfcysldaa aad . , surgeoa. Offioe Heart: J 5 p. at. except Sunday. ' Sunday by apfart - meats, 'ffdepteaes: ' Offlce," Bla 1363; lad. 8&S; residence', Mala W; lad. 3U GEO. ' W.v " "ZTMMERMXN OMeeijato ijhyslcian. .'Beaner 'Bldg., RtH 7, 8, 9 and 1. . Fheoea: Heew 1382, Pacific, Mara W, Residence gfroaa, Black Ml. Successor tc Jftr.sC.:fe Meore. ' v 'r - ' . DR. M. P. MESWaioHN ecter. ? Optics. . Saectadea aad Bye abases Fitted and atada to order. AH er rera of ReftmctleaJtaGfected. 1196 Graaie, Oregea' ' DR. H. L. fNOTRTJOOP and DR. DORA J. tNXfERWOOO C3le er OTrigtt Drug store. Special at , teatlon fit Ao diseases aad surgery of the eye. ... Phones OfloeMata M; reside, Mala 781. J. C. PRICE, D. II. D. CeoMit. Itoea 23, 'La Oraade Natioaal Bank Build lag. Phone Mack 8W. 5 " DR: R. R. LINCOLN. DBNTIBT first class service jrjven, Office over Lil ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 1131 . DR.- P. A. CHARLTON .Vetiwlaarr Bur geon. Offlce at Hill's : Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red ,701; Offlce pheae. Black 1381; Inde pendent pheae 63; both phones at residence. " ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . COCHRAN ft COOHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Oraade National Baak Bldg., La Graade, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In al lthe courts of the State and Ualted States. Office la La Grande National Bank Bldg., La - Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. LENA McREYNOLDS Teacher of Pi ano and Voice Culture. At 1426 Washington Avenue on Wednesday and Saturday. Telephone, on these dates to Red-11M. C. C. WILSON Teacher of Violin. Call any time at 801 Malt" ave nue. THE PARIS HAIR STOBE 209 f IB ST. f HBSE UA1H 731 Treatment of the Scalp and Hair. Full Line of Hair Goods Mrs. I. A. Palmer (Prop. Ilfhy pay Rent TWe Ion y$u money to build and you pay us isj you would rent I P. OUVER. New Transfer Line M. L Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Draying of all kinds Xotice ef Street Improvement. To whom it may concern: Notice it hereby glTen that In pursuance of e resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande Oregon on the 9th day of November, 1910, creating Improvement District No. 28, and designating Lake avenue, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 2nd day of November, 1910, whereby said Council deten mined and declared its intention to improve all that, portion tf Lake avenue, in said improvement dis trict as hereinafter described, by lay ing thereon macadam pavement, the council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property, affected and benefit ted by such improvement, order thai said above described improvement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Lake avenue from the west curb line of North Second strt to the west line of N. Cedar street Notice is herby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and bene fitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improve ment. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $3698.00. That the Council will on the 23rd day cf NCTcnLr, 12S, lueei, i, iiie Coun cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment . La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON, ... ' By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. ' ' Nov. 12-10t Dysentery U a dangerous diieatfl but cu be cored. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. 'Runwd Ima Iimii nw.fnll teed in nine epidemics of dysentery. It ha nerer venn Known 10 uu. 1 1 in eauaily val uable Yorchildrfu and mlults, nnrl when re ir.ced with water a'nl sweeter.ed. u plcsr nt to taJ;- 1 ' N . A Cold Settled la His Kidneys. This was the experience of Mr. J. T. Pendleton, Effingham, 111. "My kidneys and bladder bothered me for some time. Had severe backache, felt all tired out, saw specks floating be fore my eyes, and my bladder caused me much mlBery. Finally I caught cold, that settled in my kidneys and I was pretty sick. At that time Foley Kidney Pills were suggested, and I commenced taking them. A few weeks treatment put me back on my feet, stopped the backache and dispelled the bladder misery. The tired feeling left me and my . vision cleared. Since then I have recommended Foley Kid ney Pills to many of my friends." Hill's Drug Store. TSotfee to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder for the construc tion of 6380 square feet of cement side walk to be, constructed on Ad ams avenue between First street and Fourth street on botbrsldes, the said walk to be constructed according to the specifications on. file in this office. '"All bids must be- in by 8 o'clock p. m. November 16th, 1910 and must be accompanied by a check of five per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council Nov ember 9th, 1910. D. B. COX, Nov. 10-16. - Recorder. European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout MO1 1U D. C. DRIGHOUX, Proprietor. I ONE BLOCK FROM DLPOt La Grande, Oiegon SAVOY ..The Cknrca ef God) The Body of : ' Christ It has become nowadays quite pop ular to organise man-made so-called churches. '"Thank God! 'there Is one that is pure and without blameless,'' Acts 20:28. 1 Cor. 1:10 "Now. 1 be- Beech you, brethren, by the name of' our Lord, Jesus 'Christ, that 'ye all speak the same thing, and that there b no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly Joined together in the same mind and in the same Judgment The Methodist, the Baptist, the Pres byterian, the Episcopal, and not only these few names I have mentioned to you, but there are now over "six hun dred, three score and : six, (Rev. 12:28) and they all have divided over organ or slavery, etc;, etc. You see in the above that the word of God con demns all divisions, and be not carried away with every wind of doctrine, (Jude 1:19) where they lie in wait to deceive and hirelings and preachers etc., etc. John 17:11, sajs: "Not I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are." Please also read John 17:21, 22, 23. Loqlk to day. God's sheep are scattered and divided up with different names and creeds of men. May God awake you all up to these facts. ' Keep through thy name, let' the people of God flock together as one man for God. .'God Is not the author . of confusion but of peace, so says the word' of God.. Sect making, has hidden' the true Cburch, but thank. God, ' She ' now 'reppaiii again and she's founded on the rock, Christ Jesus. She is but one, 'thank God, and' there shall be no unclean thing pass over this holy wiy.' There are no sinners in it; there are no hyp ocrites, but they are, formed, into the "Church pf God." I am the door by me, if any man enter in he shall be saved so all that go through this door, Jesus, shall be saved, and "The Church of God" consists of only people who have been purchased with his . own blood. Amen. t MRS. PEARL CARPENTER. DOWNWARD COURSE. Fast Being Realised by La Grande ' People. V' j A little backache at first Daily increasing till the back is lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow; Diabetes and finally Brlght's Disease. ' This is the downward course of kidney ills. Don't take this course. La Grande residents should profit by the follow ing experience. Mrs. W. Id. Giles, of Sumpter, Ore., says : "I was bothered for about two years by kidney complaint and the doctors could not help me to any ex tent. There was a constant, dull pain across my loins and this was accom panied by a Boreness over my kidneys. My back ached so intensely that I could hardly sleep and I had trouble with the kidney secretions. When I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised I was induced to try them and it re quired the contents of only one box to .effect a cure. I value Doan's Kid ney Pills highly." ::- ' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foater-Mllburn Co., . Buffalo New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Jail Inmates Wield Fists. An alteration between two Inmates of the city Jail Friday evening re sulted disastrously to one of them, ac cording to a Baker City paper. AQ Irishman and an Italian were coDBned In the same cell and after a wordy battle over some difference of opinion, the former proceeded to at tack bis cell mate and beat him up badly before the disturbance attract ed attention. ' The belligerent son of Erin was made to play nurse to his Injured com panion all night, which he did under watchful, eyes, but yesterday afternoon the Italian was in a rather bad condi tion and it seemed necessary to take him to a hospital. , , . His face was badly rut up from the blows of his assailant and were caus ing him plenty of suffer in jr. but he sustained no seriois injuries.. The out come of the affair will depend on the condition of the Italian. Ttt ftnftnv AAna n&ifTttnA Ain't Via afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially recommended for coughs, colds and a hooping couh. ef Esrtray. There was brought to tha Farmer's ted Barn, one Black asare and red -tared buggy without top. Te Care a Coil la Cae Day. Take LAXATTVE BBOMQ Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money' If' it falls to cure.'E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each "box. 25c' - 1 Well Casing Call or write :...;ipr''Ec!Hatie3 end Prices ' jonnivie IW Aizns An. M tiMKDE, ; - I ORE (5 NEXT DOOR TO POST . Si Snowdrift Money back If unsatisfactory sold By WaterrStanchfield Produce Co. 1425 Jeffetson Avenue - m :in. Remember that we have the largest line of Tables, both round and square, from $8.00 to $60. . . Buffets, in all finish, iii genuine quarter ed Qak, from . . ': $18 lib pS Closets, from Also many finishes to now Jiave, -riri tin linis you firid the best Values ftr teat Kavo ever tcen shovrn in La Grande. Remember that we carry a complete house keeping line, in prices that f it all jpdeketbooks HENRY CARR t I I i Directory cf -the '-"'' ". i of La Gr&kis, Oreta ' A. F. ft A. M La Ora Lidse'riD. 41. A. F. ft A. M.lhold rokr'iseA ings first and third SakukUya "at 7:20 p. dv , '' -'... . "JOHN 8. HODGUtf, W. M. , A. C. WSLUASecreiary. ; ' B. P. O. E La. Graade tode No. 43 meets eaeh Thwsdas; tveniag'at I eclbbk la Elk's '''clah,. M Pfr - pot street aad WaahJssgtasj .aWtowie. VialUag brotheas "are! ooi?ialy In vltea 'to att'end.; . ! T '. " . DR. O. It, HIQG3Z3. EtEnt. HUCli JIJU Rwi. te. WOODMZIf OF. .TlIS W1?Ui-is Craade Lodge No. Xf W. O. . .W, neets every seoand attd trfli IToea dar to the atoqth, Afl ftetsteg sca bers weleosne. . .;..-MBBXiaacs.p.c.. . ! J. H. CBI?C?T. Cltfk. tf. W. ALa Graade Caaa, Mo. BMe'eVerf htaaday ai pm sitaaQi'srt tie I. oo. . B. jokK vfsttlag keigaWrs are' conBMr' tiivited'se attend. . '. (l .,; ;; .' ,; ..' D. H. COTX, Clerk. : - Pure Candies tyill U S) g Any kinci OFFICE cared for promptly. Flour The WHEN IN NEED patterns in Dining match any furniture or that we carry in COMPLETE HOUSE-FURNISHERS Fratcmzl Orders BCTSrS'AITfU-Cryatal Lwlge Jfa lo J saeets every evening in the L 0- 0. F. beiL AJI tlaltlag BMisaers art , Usiisi to attaad. r . I ANNA AIJCX ANDjra. N. O. MRS, JENNIE M. SMfTIL tec KKJQirrS OF PYTHIAS Bed Cross .Lodft No.' 27 meets every Uaaay SOgat ia Caatle hall, (old EUfe aalL) A Prtfciao welcome to al rteiUng faiighta.'' . .. V' -V '" JESS PAUL, a a S. L LUSCwLN, M. ot S. ft 8. 0.:H-'tDtp4 Chapter Nev iX O. E. ' C. kuU sked fommnsiaailaaa the , siosstd aad faurth Weiaasdays of eaah atoafa. Tsshiag asecaksaa cor- dia'towtasi. 'V Uixt A. WAJRNSTL Ceo. j 1 ' - i , . jfjrr' cixjRir-lni , Beads Ctrste Me. 47 aaaaas ' ; , t-at sasd Mad TharaAay wuasnga , ia tke sees at the L O. O. T. Hall. AH rlofefekg asiak4r'''aae ftiiaasae. . -v USS33'' TULBWOVtSX ''CSark. hdp to spend a pleasant you want Special orders Best to be had zt anv Price. OF $18 to $75 Chairs, in you may the least money IriffiMttiiife -71 4