V '4 FAGS r 3 EX GRiOTE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1910. . Mrs.RobertPattison agent for ' - i -' -V i .. .t. GOSSARD CORSETS ; ' PRICES ; $3,50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or Black 1481 Soo -Spokane Route THE , SHORT LINE Minneapolis, St.Paul ' (ASD AIL POINTS EAST EQUIPMENT Eloci-ric-lighted Observation Cars and Standard' : Sleepers,, the most up-to-date Tourist Cars am through' din ers.; ; Through tickets to all ponts east are on sale by your local agent at lowest current fares, Details Berths Literature 0. M. Jackson, Geo. A. Walton, Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt 11 Wall St, Spokane. When the digestion hall right, the action of the bowels regular, there Is a imtwrftl crtv ills' and rplit.li fir fond. IVIion l.!o ia l.V. lug ynu mnr know thnt yon need a dose of A II 1 1 ' . II. t - . ... v unmuenaui s eionmcii and Liver 1 ablets. Tbey strengthen the digestive organs, im prove the appetite and egulate the bowels. Tailored suits and Pattern hats are strongly featured during this one week. Special sale at the G. R. Co. Beautiful new goods. Nothing out of style. , . . . . Xotlce. . , Notice of the Reclrder of the City of La Grande Oregon of assessment of Adams Avenue from the east curb line of Fourth street to the East line of Hemlock street. Notice is hereby given, that the as sessment roll for the Improvement of a Hem. . l .- Adams avenue from the east curb line Of Fourth Rirppt. tn tha on at .iirh Una of Fourth street to the east curb line oi nemiocK street, peing in Improve- ment District No. 1, In the city off La Grande, Oregon, under the provis ions of Ordinance No. 4S0 Series 1910, entitled. "An Oridnance declaring the ccst of Improving Adams avenue from the east line of Fourth street to the east curb line of Hemlock street, as sessing the property benefitted, there by, declaring such assessment and directing the entry of the same In the docket of City Liens, authorizing the issuance of Improving bonds to rav for said Imnrnvemei,. . t.H Ha. clarlng aa .emergency, the same be . lrg In Inipiovement District No. 1 In said .City, Is now In my hands. for j collection, and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time within sixty, days from the dat of the first publication of this notice without penalty, Interest or cost; and each property owner is hereby notified that on application to the undersign u iQi.fi11 ,7, f8! f'am Novt,mber ; kV.h , iv 7. .. v .,, V. 1 ,"UUM "ocK iuf), 5 rt. ixt ll, cnapnn a Ad llcatlon of this notice he will be allow-' duion, Oregon Land Co.. $38.86. ed to pay such assessment In ten annu-' Block 105. 24 ft. Lot 11, Chaplin's al Installments the first installment ; Addition. M. II. Hassett. $1S6.55. Sothdu; anf rble AddU S ZZy le,10nth, day .f Ja?uarjr' I911- . Block 105, 1 ft.,Lot 11. Chaplin's If application la not. made as above . Addition. George Ackles. $7.77. provided the whole amount will be. Block 105, Lot 13. Chaplin's Addi and become due and payable at the t'o. Maggie S. Ackles. $250.50. expiration of said sirty days. , ., BlocTk l05- n' Addl- i ' tr r . tlon, Joseph Palmer, $257.4L AU Pr.opert3f wn78 rested are Block 105, 15 Chaplin's Addl- 'rr.mlti.i' if Tokay Grapes Navel Oranges Cauliflower hereby notified to appear at my of fice In the City Hall and pay the same. The assessment roll follows this na nce. . ' " : ' ". . By order of the Council, November 2nd, 1910. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Following Is the assessment roll: Block 115. Lot 23, Chaplin's Addi tion, S. 0. Swackhamer. $115.10. f Block 115, Lot 22. Chaplin's Addi tion, S. 0. Swackhamer, $175.34. Block 115, Lot 21, Chaplin's Addi tion, A. W. Rynearson, Est, $253.19. Block 115, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion, A. W. Rynearson Est., $236.08. Block 115, Lot 19, Chaplin's Addi tion, A. W. Rynearson Est., $210.80. Block 115, Lot-18, Chaplin's Addi tion, Maggie D. Mahaffey, $200.36. Block 115, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion, Maggie v. Mananey, $221. 61. Block 115, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addl tlon, George Sutherland, $263.89. Block 115, Lot . 15. Chaplin's Addl ticn, George Sutherland, $299.18. Block 115, Lot 14. Chaplin's Add! tlon. J. E. Foley, $309.60. Block 114. Lot 22, Chaplin's Addl tlon. J. E. FnlfiV. 8224.15. Block 114; Lot 21. Cbap'.In'B Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $2.1.09. Block 114. Lot 20. Chaplin's Addi tion: J. E. Foley, $235.89. Block 114, Lot 19. Chaplin's Addi tion. J. E. Foley, $235.36. Block 114. Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $228.27. Block 114. Lot 17. Chaplin's Addi tion. J. E. Foley, $213.09. Block 114.' Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Julius Roesch, $227.73. Block 114, west 26 ft. Lot 13. Chap lin's -Addition, John McKenna. $203.38. Block 114. 4xC2 ft. Lot 13, Chap ljn's Addition, . Bertha Sommer Est., $31.29. Block 114. 4x20 ft. Lot 13. Chanlln's Addition, S. A. Gardlnler, $19.52. Block 114. 4x22 ft. Lot 15, Chaplin's Addition: Work 114. 22 1-2 ft. i.ot 14. Ji;napiin s Aaaiiion uiock in, n i-z i ft 13. Chaplin's Addition; Block m oo i o T . io m. aaai Chaplin's Addition; Elock 114, 22 1-2 114. 22 1-2 ft. Lot 12, Chaplin's Addl ucn, Koincnua Bros., 74.4& Blofk 114. 67 ft. Lot 14. Chanlin's Addition; Block 114, 67 ft. Lot 13, Chaplin's Addition; Block 114. 67 ft. Lot; 12, Chaplin's Addltiou. Bertha Sommer Est, $684.6C. Block 114. 20 ft. Lot 14, Chaplln'i Addition) Block 114. 20 ft. Let 'A Chaplin's Addition; Block 111, 20 ft. Lot 12. Chaplin's Addition, S. A. O:fd Inler, $100.01. Block 105, Lot 1. Chaplin's Addition, U. S., $493. 77. - Block 105. Lot 2, Chaplin's Addition, U. 8., $264.54. Block 105, Let 3, Chaplin's Addition, U. 9.. $261.03 i 1,1 1 . a T 1 . f 1 1 P . . 1 1 t . I mucn luo. ljoi , vaapnu b Auuaion, tL S.: t237.R4 i Block 105, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addition. U. S $254.04. Block 105. Lot 6. Chanlin's' Addition. Johanna Gangloff. $235.53. ; ' Block 105. Lot 7, Chaplin's Addition, Johanna Gangloff. $232.08. ' Block-103. Lot 8. Chaplin's Addition, J. B. Fisher, $234.07. Black 105, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition, 1. O. O. P.. $237.82. Block 105, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addl- tlon. Oregon Land Company, $228.77 Grande RondeCashCo PHONE, MAIN 6 Jersey Cranberries Ripe Bananas Sweet Potatoes vmssQwcery tlon, Grande Ronde Meat Co., $267.81. Block 105, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion. Johanna Gangloff, $27C.2' Block 105, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion. Thnmt lj Block 105, Lot 18,' Chaplin's Addi tion,, Thomas Loftus, $293.56. - Block 113, Lot 9 Chaplin's Addi tion. La Grande National Bank, $469.17. Block 113, Lot 10, Chaplia'j Addi tion, La Grande National Bank, $275.57.' - . , Block 113, Lot 11, Chaplin's Addi tion. David Steward, 257.08. Bhxk 113, Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi tion, David Steward, $239.12. Block 113, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi tion. David Steward, $238.28. v Blxk 113, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, Julius Roesch, $255.59. Block, 113, Lot 15. Chaplin's Addi tion. Julius Kbesch. $290.20. Block 113, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, Julius Roesch, $376.77. ' Block 106, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi tion, U. S. National Bank, $378.27. Block 106, Lot 2. Chaplin's Addi tion, J. Brooks, $290.20. " Block 106, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi tion. J. Brooks, 2255.59. Block 106, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. Brooks. $230.34. Block 106, 1 ft. Lot 4, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. C. Gardner, $7.94. Block 106,V Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi tion, j. u. uardner, $242.12. Block 106, Lot 6. Chaplin's Addi tion, Gust Benglo3dorf. $257.08. Block 106, Lot 7, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mrs. E. M. Anson, $277.57. Block 106. Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition, Mrs. E. M. Anson, $471.17. Block 112, Lot 10, Chaplin's AMt tlon, J. C. Henry, $344.44. B'odi 112. Let 11. Chaplin's 'Addi tion. .J. C. Henry, $307.60. Block 112. Lot 12, Chaplin's Addi tion. William Erlcson, $273.96.. Block 112. Lot 13, Chr.plin's Addi tion, Lydia Erlcson, $232.93. ' Block 112, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion. C. G. Bunte, $219.51. Block 112, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi tion. C. G. Bunte. $233.69. 'Block 112. Lot IB film nl !ne ' A '.H. tlon. A. F. & A. M., $277.46. Block 112. Part of I.nt 17 r"1:nHVs Addition, A. F. & A. M., $208.63. JJiocK 112, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi tion, Genevieve Bohnenkamp, $354.93i BiDck 112, Part of Lot 17, Chaplin's Addition, Genevieve BohnenkanNi, $104.32. hrry 107. Lf 1 f l i' i Aiiitin - w ' - ...... w UUtt,IV4 Tt.r !! Oliver. $;;,... . . , Hto.; 107. 1 2. Crrinl.n's Addi i p. T-nrner Clh tr. i ';2.f'."i. ; ti'.-Lli. ItlT. Lot ... Til.. A1l. tlon J. D. Heidenroich, $277.:r. n!r: k 107, Lot 4, Chap, .- Addi tion. A. C. Huntington, $233.69. Block 107., Lot 5. Chaplln'3 Addl tlon, A. C. Huntington. $219 51. Block 107, Lot 6, Chaplin's Addi tion. A. C. Hunthigton, $232.93. Block 107. Lot 7, Chnnlin'n Addi tion, O. F. CoolidbO, $273.96. Block 107, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addi tion. Mrs. S. R. Haworth, $307.60. -v ElOCk 107. Lot 9. rhanlln'n ArtrtlHr.n Mrs. Kate E. McWhirter, $344,437 mock m, Lot 18, Chaplin's. Addi tion. S. Kuhn Est., $334.34. . Block in. '- t 19, Chaplin's Addi tion; S. Kuhu lr., "271.07. - Block 111. Lot 20. Chaplin's Addi tion, Leah Paul, $2."" rr Block 111, Lot 21, Chii"'.n's Addi tion. Leah Paul. $236.01. ' Block 111. Lot 22, .Chaplin's Addi tion. A. C. Huntington. $228.94. Block 111. . Lot 23, Chaplin's Addi tion, A. C. Huntington, $225.47. Block 111. Lot 24, Chaplin's Addi tion. S. C. Zuber. $218.45. t Block 111. Lot 25. Chaplin's Addi tion. Mary E. Noble. $214.94. Block 111. Lot 26. Chaplin's Addi tion. Mary Noble, $207.95. Block 111. Lot 27, Chaplin's Addi tion, Mary Noble. $214.60. Block ill. Lot 28. Chaplin's Addi tion. J. L. Mars. $218. 03. Block 111. Lot '29. Chaplin's Addi tion. J. L; Mars. $224.88. Block 111. Lot 30. Chaplin's Addl won. C E. Hackman. $228.28. Block 111. part of Lot 31, Chaplin'e Addition; Block 111. part of Lot 32 Chapllas AddUIon; Block 111. part or Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition; Block 111 part of Lot 34. Chaplin's Addition! Charles Blndir, $106.02. Block 111. part of Lot 31. Chaplin's Action: Block ill, part or uoi 32, Chaplin's Addition; Block Hi, part of Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition; Block U. part of Lot 34, Chaplla's Addition, , Elizabeth Burke, $212.03. Block ill, part of lot 31, Chaplla's Addition; Block 111. part of Lot 32. Chaplin's Addition ; Block 111, part of Lot 33, Chaplin's Addition; Block 111. part of Lot 34, Chaplla's Addition, W. H. Ferguson, $742.05. ' ; Block 108. Lot 1. Chaplin's Add!-' tlon, Julias Roesch, $304.99. Block 108, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addi tion, Julius Roesch, $269.29. Block 108. Lot S, Chaplin's Addi tion, Julius Roesoh, $252.21. . Block 108, -Lot 4, Chaplin's Addi tion. A. A. Fisher Est, $235.11. Block 108. Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi tion. Ella White, $228.28. . Block 108. Lot 6, Chaplla's Addi tion, Pauline Miller, $2248. . Block 108, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addi tion, Pauline Miller, $218.03. Block 108, Lot 8, ChaplL.'s Addi tion. Pauline Miller. $214.60. Block 108, Lot 9, ChaplLVs Addi tion, David Bay. $207.96. Block. 108. Lot 10, Chaplla's Addi tion. David Bay. $214, 93. Block 108, Lot 11. Chaplin's Addi tion, C. L. Mackey, $218.43. . - Block 108. Lot 12. Chaplin's Addi tion. C. L. Mackey, $225.48. - ' Block 108, Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi tion, C. L: Mackey1, $228.94. . Block 108, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, J hn Melville, $236.00. - Block 108, Lot 15. Chaplin's Addi tion. John Melville, $253.56. Block 108, Lot 16. ChapMn's Addi tion. Zora E. Patty, $271.07. - Block 108, Lo.t 17. Chaplin's Addl tlon, Zora E. Patty, $333.46. Block 110, Lot . 18. Chaplin's Addl ilou, C. "w. noyes, $435.12. ' 1 ':' Block HO. Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion. C. W. Noyesi $320.81. ' Block 110. Lot 16. Chaplin's Adc. tlon. C. W. Noyes, $303.35. Block 110, Lot 15; Chaplin's Addi tion. W. A. Wade, $274.45. . - Block 110. Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, W. A. Wade, $249.83. Block 110, Lot 13. Chaplin's Add' tlon. F. W. Bay, $236.22. ' Block 3 & 110. Chaplin's Addition, C. W. Noyes, $646.80. t Block 3 & 110, Chaplin's Addition, Charles Barnell.. $886.51. Block 9 & 109. Chaplin's Addltlci. Kate E. McWhirter, $689.12. Block 9 & 109, Chaplin's Addition. Al Andrews. $581.03. Block 9, ChapHn's Addition, F. S. Bramwell, $968. 42. Block 9 & 109, Chaplin's Addition, E. Porter Day, $223.02. Block 9 &109, Chaplin's Addition, Jesse A. King, $896.11. 4 Ladies and Gents - Shoe Shine Parlors "TOM, THE BOOTBLACK" HAS MOVED to Ml 8 Adams Ave., where he will serve all custom ers, new and old Franklin Would Have Been Amazed If his vision could have extend ed far enough into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate , triumph Of incnr'.'ant electric . i ghtlng the GH?-r"" L "LEC TPIC MADZA LAMP. The sage old phlosopher flew his kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted ; and discovered electricity, but j evolution . decreed that modern ' Inventive genius should discover an . Incandescant lamp that is revolutionizing artificial light. THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA , LAMP gives nearly . three times the light of the or- ' dlnary carbon incandescant and costs no more to operate. In ' addition to this it gives light of , a ' "vastly superior quality a : : clear white light like the sun's ; rays.; ; ! Everywhere people are having - their houses wired for electric light, since the invention of the GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP." It has made electricity as cheap as It is convenient Come in for a moment today and let us prove to your entire sat-'' lsfaction that there is no longer! a possible excuse for you to be without . the greatest . 4f all household conveniences elec : trie light . EASTERN OREGON Light and Power any tomp V 27. U . Genci al Cur.tractor of Cement Work tiain and Re'cnf orceu Concrete THE SIDEWALKS DARLEY 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. street In front of property. City water on corner of property. Sewer of the city crosses full length of property, and liave a contract with city to tap sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost A splendid home and Investment Price $6300.00 a u-twum uiuuoiu unto. uuuo, tuia Maim ieei, nice snaae trees t fruit and lawn, barn, wood shed, etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring ? street for the remarkable low price 'ot $1800.00. Easy terms. This ( property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must hare money. 2 hence the great reduction In price. Let me show you. ' 5 : : ..; . : . . : ' - 5 A K WWM MA.AM VmI.U I...... A . . 1 AA . - 1 . . H C. J. KLACKlPe Real Estate Man 2 Complete equipment fori rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ' D. F.12QERALD, ProprW , ' ; ; . : Gmplete Machine Shoos and Foundry The George :Palmer:' ' ; RETAIL DEPARTMENT - We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening Feit, Building Paper, We are prepared to furnish and deliver materia"!, ' ; ; , ; promptly Phone Main 8. y -' f SHINING PARLORS Next Door to Electric Light Office -j- 1 . i. ; - ' J NOW IS THE TIME TO ' Look After Thiai EveTrdugh 4 Rainy weatK will set in pooh: We ' f have plumbing fixtures -of all-Jdnds. ' i .auouiiaing . IV CLEAH ANYTHING, HORSE BLANKET. toMxalted W 1- Elito Dying anf (Tf . . ' . . - . IDUnur Bas fey-; MAKES STA . iht VJEAR New 9-room brick house, mnradiim 1-2 cash, balance on terms. resetting and repairing ., ; , Special Apartment for ladies-Shoes dved . .. .. Depot street FROM A NECKTIE lo' A , Cleaning Vorks ' .. i A 4 .' ' I",