La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 12, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Notice to Trespassers.
PoBltlvely no hunting allowed onjsion. Blockland Bros.
v When in heed of anything in watches, clocks. Jewelry,
cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried
by a first class Jewelry store, Investigate our prices before
buying and yon will save money, and be sure of securing
first quality goods. ''-'' V, ' v;'-.;V'f
It your eyes trouble yon, haw them fitted by an opt
Opposite the T. ft. Land
llusf Meceived jlfewj
S R-6x1 0-6 Axminsters: Dams-i
jfrysj Air iv56j3i
land Union Arf Sare; 9x9
Size 6aipef Rugs if $3l75
land exceptional vaues af 1
::.V.:'.o":'-'v:'-::. 00 ens
'f . .:'';.'...;' - ffceeV K
SSavfc $5 Here on
f our premises. Do not ask tor permls-
Office! Adame An. !
. -.a
Your Rugs
Ordinance No. 432, Series 1910.
' An Ordinance declaring the cost of
Improving Depot street, from the eaBt
curb line of Fourth street to the south
curb line of Jefferson avenue, assess
ing the property benefitted thereby,
declaring such assessment, and di
recting the entry of the, same in the-
docket of City Liens, authorizing the
issuance ot improvement ponaa to pay
for said Improvement, and declaring
an emergency. "
The City of La Grande Does Ordain
as Follows:
Section 1. That the Council has
considered the proposed assessment
for improving Depot street from the
east curb line of Fourth street to the
south curb line of Jefferson avenue,
and all objections made thereto, and
hereby ascertains, determines and de
clares the whole cost of said Improve
ment in the manner provided by reso
lution duly passed by the Council on
the 2nd day of February, 1910 to be
the sum of $15,112.56, and that the
special and peculiar benefits accruing
to each lot, or part thereof or parcel
of land within said assessment dis
trict by reason of said Improvement
and in Just proportion to such bene
fits are in the respective amounts set
opposite the number or description of
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land in the annexed assessment roll,
and said assessment roll, which is
numbered 5 is hereby adopted and ap
proved as the assessment for said im
provement and the Recorder of the
City of La Grande is directed to enter
a statement of. the assessment hereby
mude In the docket of City Liens, and
cause notice thereof to be published
as rrovldfd bv cbr s "'
That said sum of money hereby lev
ied as set out in said assessment roll,
annexed hereto, being assessment
roll numbered 5 shall be and become
due and payable at the. expiration of
60 days from the date this Ordinance
takes eflect; Provided, however, that
all persons whose property Is affected
by this assessment, may, upon appli
cation to the Recorder of the City of
La Grande, be. allowed to make fiay
ment of the respective amounta as
sessed ;against their property as
shown "by said assessment roll, in ten
equal annual installments, under and
by virtue of the Statutes of the State
of : Oregon in such cases made and
provided,' and of the Charter of the
City of La Grande, deferred payments
to bear interest at 6 per cent per an
num. If such application be not made
as above set out, then the assess
ments shall be and become wholly
due and payable at the expiration -of
said sixty days.
- Section 2. That there shall 'be is-:
sued and negotiated Improvement
bonds in the sum of $15112.56, bearing
interest at the rate of 6 per' cent per
annum to run for a period of ten
.years, for the purpose of paying for
said improvement. .
' Section 3. Inasmuch as the im
provement herein mentioned Is com
pleted, and it Is necessary and exped
ient that payment, be., made. thereto
at once, now therefore, in order to
preserve the credit of the city and Its
health, peace and safety, an emerg
ency Is declared to exist, and this or
dinance shall be In force arid take ef
fect after its approval by the Mayor,
and its publication for one Issue in
the La Grande Evening Observer on
the 12th day of November, 1910.
Passed the Counctl on the 9th day
of November. 1910, by seven members
voting therefor.
' Approved this 11th day of Novem
ber, 1910.- '
, ... Mayor. '
Attest":' : ., ' " ,;:
D. E. COX,
Recorder. , ' . ;
Assessment Roll Numbered 5.
Block 114. Lot 11, Chaplin's Addition
E. C. Jorgenson, $415.75.
Block 114. : 22 1-2 feet of Lot 12,
Chaplin's Addition, Rothschild Bros.,
$77.62. ' '
Block 114, 20 1-2 feet of Lot 12,
Chaplin's Addition, S. A, Gardlnler,
$70.72. ' '
Block 114, 67 feet of Lot 12, Chap
lin's Addition, Bertha Somers, Est,
$231.10. , 1 '
, Block 105, Lot 18,. Chaplin's Addi
tion. Thomas Loftus. $213.62. "
s" Block 105k 65 feet Lot 19, Chaplin's
The Up'Buildiny j
of This Bank !!
' Is due to the fact that we have
ample capital, and that we iave, Z
adhered to a policy wnun ha
) been, conservative, yet alo-tf
d progressive lmes. we . oner to
our customers modern facilities
T -' for the prompt and proper tran
saction ot their financial affairs;
I ' ample vault and safe room for X
storing and safe-guarding of T
their money, notes, Insurance
policies and other valuable pap- , ,
era and such liberality of treat-.
ment as la consistent with pru-. j ;
aent banking. .
i TOUR account Is cordially soli
cited.. ' - ', .
J The United States
National Bank,
Addition, W. J. Saodgraas Est, $155.41.
Block 105; 55 feet of Lot 19, Chap
lin's Addition, Eird F. Lewis. $155.41.
Block 104, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addi
tion. B. P O. E., $517.04. '
Block 104. Lot 10. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Magle D. Mahaffey. $497.81.
Block 104, Lot 13, ChapVna, Addi
tion, Maggie D. Mahay, '14i?.23."
Block 194, UD ik Ciaal'n'a" Addi
tion. Mrs. N. S. Kelly. $357.52. ,
Clock 104. Lot 15, Chapltn'8 Addl
Uon, Mrs. N- S. Kelly, $307.53. :
Block 104. Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Wm. Allln8on. $558.80. -
Block 103, Lot 1, Chapltn'a 'Addi
tion, Mrs. Mary Rumelhart, $1531.05.
Block 103. Lot 2,. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Mrs. Mary Rumelhart, $372.24.
Block 103, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi
tion. H. W. Stoner. $299.0,6.
uiock iu3. Lai 4. unapitn s Aaai
tion, M. H. Kirtley, $51.31.
..Block 102, Lot 19, Chaplin's ! Addi
tion, Christian Church. $394.59.
. Block 102, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Christian Church, $479.22.
' Block 106, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addi
tion. U. S. Nat. Bank, $449.78. . "
Block 106, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Oregon Land Co., $630.78.' -
Block 113, Lot 1. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Dan Mane, $508.47.
Block 113, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $463.83.
Block 104. Lot 8. Chaplin's Addi
tion, B. P. O. E., $354.81.
Block 104, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Anna Honan, $256.22.
Block 104. Lot 6. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Anna Honan, $94.61.
Block 104, Lot 5, Chaplin's Addi-
Itlon. linn Clvn . ',
Block 02, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Llchtenthaler est, $297.71.
Block 102, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Llchtenthaler, Est., $160.46.
Block 102,. Lot 16. Chaplin's Addi
tion, M. H. Kirtley, $126.76. ,
31ock 102, Lot. 15, 'Chaplin's Addi
tion, W. B. Sargent, $103.58.
Block 106, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Oregon Land Co.i $292.81. . .
Block , 106, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Oregon Land Co., $175.97.
Block 106, Lot 13 Chaplin's Addi
tion, Oregon Land Co., $117.14.
Block 106, Lot 2. ChapMn's Addi
tion, Jay Brooks, $202.59. ! , '
Block 106, Lot 3, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Jay Brooks; $121.04.
Block 106, 29 feet of Lot 4, Chaplin's
Addition. Jay Brooks,. $76.34.
Block 106, 1 foot of Lot 4, Chaplin's
Addition, J. C Gardner, $2.70.
Block 105, Lot 20; Chaplin's Addi
tion. Snodgrasa Est, $114.77,
Block '105, Lot 21,-Chaplin's Addi
tion, Snodgrasa EsU $103.71.
Block 105, Lot 20, Chaplin's Add!
tion, Bird F. Lewis, $114.77. , .
Block 105, Lot 21, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Bird F, Lewis, $103.71.
, Block 105, Lot 22, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Bird F: Lewis,' $180.70. .'
Block 105, Lot 23, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Bird F. Lewis,' $143.82.
Block 105, 8 2-3 feet of Lot.. 24.
Chaplin's Addition, Bird F. Lewis,
$27.6o. -.- .;. v : " '-"'
Block 105, 21 1-3 feet of Lot 24.
Chaplin's Addition, Bl. Mt. Creamery.
IC8.81. i;-
Block 105, Ix)t 25, Chaplin's Addi
tlr.n, Bl. Mt Creamery. $83.93.
Block 105, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addl
tirn, Thos. Loftus, $150.76
Block 105, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Johanna Gangloff, $134.40. ;
Block 105, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi
tion. G. R. Meat Co., $117.01. -
Block 105. Lot 14. Chaplin's Addi
tion Jos.' Palmer, $91. 62. ;
Block 105, Lot 13,liaplin's Addi
tion. Magle Ackles, $75.02.
Block 105, Lot 12. Chaplin's Addi
tion, Geo. '.Ackles,. $50.93.
Block 105, 1 foot, Lot 11, Chaplin's
Addition, Geo. Ackles, $1.15.
. Block 105, 24 feet of Lot 11. Chap
lin's Addition, Wm. Selgrlst,-$27.60.
Block 105, 5 feet of Lot 11, Chap
lin's Addition, Oregon Land Co., $5.75.
Block 105, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Oregon Land Co., $18.36.
Block 114, 67 feet of Lot 13. Chap
lin's Addition, Bertha Somers Est,
$127.30. -'
Block 114, 67 feet of Lot 14, Chap-
Jin's Addition, Bertha Somers Est,
$76.28., '
Block 114. 4 feet of Lot 15, Chap
lin's Addition, Bertha Somers Eat.,
$6.83. '' '' ''
Block 114. 20 1-2 feet of Lot 13,
Chaplin's Addition, S.. A. Gardlnler,
$38.95. . ' '
lBock 114, 20 1-2 feet of Lot 14.
Chaplin's Addition, 8. A. Gardlnler,
$23.37. ' ? : ." . -,V:
Block 114. 4 feet of Lot 15, Chap
lin's Addition, S. A. Gardlnler, $2.10.
Block 114, 22 1-2 feet of Lot 13,
Chanlln'g Addition, Rothschild Bros.,
$43.75. , V , ' . :
Block 114, 22 1-2 feet of Ixt 14,
Chaplin's Addition. Rothschild Bros.,
$25.65. " -.''.V.- '
' Block 114, 4 feet or ix)t lo, unapiin b
Addition, Rothschild Bros., $2.28.
Block 114, 26 feet of Lot 15, Chap
lin's Addition, John Mc Kenna, $72.88.
Block 114, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $67.39.
Block 114. Lot 17, Chaplln'B" Addi
tion, J. E. Foley, $16.82. '
Block 114, Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi
tion. E. C Jorgenson. $232.03. ... -
Block 114, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Ulrlch Lottes, $92.58.
Block 114. West 10 feet of Lot 9,
Chaplin's Addition. E. Thorson, $16.29.
Block 114, West 20 feet of Lot 8,
Chaplin's Addition, Ulrlch Lottes,
Block 114. East 10 feet of Chaplin's
Addition, E. Thorson, $30.99. - :
Block 114, Lot 7. Chaplin's Addi
tion, U. Lottes, $74.55. , . ,
Block 114, Lot 6, ChaDlln'a Addi
tion, Julius Roesch, $18.65.'
Block 113. Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi
tion. Palmer & Pxech, $125.81.
Block 113. Lot 13, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Dave Steward, 4S38.
Block 113. Lot 2, Chaplin's Addi
tion, Dan Marx. $231.99..
Block 113, west 20 feet of Lot 3,
Chaplin's Addition, Dan Marx,$92.78.
Block 113, east 10 feet of Lot 3,
ChaplIn's Addltioa, I. C. M. & M. Co.,
v Block 113. 21 feet of Lot 4. Chaplin's
Addition. Julius Roesch, $65.00.
Block 113, 9 feet of Lot 4. Chaplin's
Addition, I. C. M. &. M: Co.. $27.82.
Etery Woman fen Have it Br Tains
Parisian Sage Guaranteed by
the ewlln Drn Co,
There is a reason foi the phenom
enal Bale of Parisian Sage in the
United States since it was first in
troduced into America, and the sales
this year are breaking all records.
And the reason is plain to all. Par
isian Sage does Just what it Is ad
vertised to do.
Ask the Newlin Drug, Co. about it.
Thcv will tell von that thpv rteldlv
Market Qwotatioiis.
SUGAJt Cash Price Su r $6.40;
beet sugar $6.20. '
uuj4aouiu New Cry onions.
4c lb; green onions three
bunches for 10 c tomatoes 10c. lb.;
cabbage 4c; green peppers15c IB.
FRUIT Orange, 60a per dosea;
JiSmons 40o per dozen; bananas 40c
per doi; . ' - ' U.
Cantaloupe, lOc and 15c; peaches 85c
pet doz; peaches 85c per box.
plums 2c lb. "
Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. '
MEAT8 Hogs, lire weight, well
finished. $9 cwt; $ows. S l-l to 4c;
veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 6; chick
ens, 12c: fries, 7c. - v ; ;
BARLEVpiiai, hrwin.
$2b. Wheat, f 30 per tov
: MILLSTUFFS Bran $23.60; shorts.
$25.50; mill feed, $24.50. ' .
That's What
1 1
It's Good ForWhat Ails ou
H APIf - Uptown office. Main 720 ;
nVav:. JIHU , ; Residence phone Main 25
AMBULANCE - . L bussey
Room and board, heat and bath fur
nished. Inquire 1325 T.'Ave. ' ' .
r'1 ---
Pure Cocoanut
i y a
Better than my
other fat
More Digestible.'
Try it.
4 . -r.'.. XI
Royal Grocery
guarantee It to cure dandruff, err
falling hair or itching sraln !n two
weeks, or money back.
There is no reason whatever why
any man or woman sbould fail to take
advantage of the above generous of
fer. - -
But one thng that has made Paris
ian Sage so famous Is its peculiar
power to turn the harsh, unattractive
hair that many women possess Into
luxuriant and radiant hair In a short'
time. Women of refinement the coun
try over are using it and It never dls-'
Sold by leading druggists every-
where and in La Grande by the New
lin Drug Co., for 50 cents a large bot- -tie.
The girl with Auburn hair is on
every, package; mail orders filled,
charges prepaid, by the American
makers, Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo. N.
To the Public.
My wife, Mrs. Laura Owens, having
left my bed and board. I will not be.
responsible for any debts contracted
by her after Nov. 12, 1910.
HAY-Alfalfa. baled. $16; timothy,
baled, $20; mixed lt. ,
-'" L6Un, mgn patent, $5.40; family
patent, $5.00; stralghu$4.60,
Portland Markets.
BUTTER Extra creamery, S5c;
store 22 1-2024 1-2.
BUTTER FAT Delliver t 4. b. at
Portland ew cream 12 1-1; soar 29.
EGGS Lcral. candled, 80fJ29.
POULTRY Mix chickens I6c8c;
fancy .19 cents; : turkeys, alive
20 k 21; pigeons squans, $3.50; dres
sed chickens, 1 to 2 hiher thaj alive.
BARLEY Producers price,; 1110;,
Feed 23.60; rolled 25.S026.80. brew
ing 25. A , : '-
WHEAT Nominal track, club,
81 and 88; blueetem 96; William Val
ley 90. Valley 97. V
MILL8TUFFB Selling pncorBran
$22; mldltng. SO; shorts, $24. chop 19
025,' .. '. '
FLOUR Old crop . patents, S5.ll
They -All Say
... . - - -
If you ar not a customer of
Cherry's New Laundry we'urge
-you to give us a trial. We guar
antee all work to be satisfac
tory and will re-laundry any
artfele not so found or cheerful-
ly refund your money. r
We want to build up a home
laundry employing American
labor, which will be a credit to
' the town. We merely ask j a
chance to prove thet we can sat
isfy you. Can't you grant' that
much? -. ' - ' .
t -' All work called for and
promptly' delivered. ;
;There is enough laundry work
In La Grande to keep a. good
.sized force busy and keep, the
.'money at home. Are you a
booster for home industry?
We . are ) now '. comfortably
housed In our new building, Just,
a few steps from Fir si We ari '
'safe' from duet and dirt and are
aslly fcuhd, it you want , td,
'carry a bundle' down town. But'
we'll , gladly call In our wagon.
Cherry's New Laundry!!