! P2GB TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OEdlttVER. SATURDAY, NOVEMBEB.12, 1910. Q TBOFESSIOXIL DIRECTORY. oooooooooo PHTSiaUS ASD SUEGE05S. MOUTOR, M. ,D. tTiysiclan and Snrgeon. - Corner Adams Ave. anl - Depot street Office, Main 68; Resi dence 69. C H. UPTON, Pa. Q. IL uPhyslclan and surgeon. Special attention 10 Eye. Ear, Not and Throat. Office in La Graade'NaUunal Bank Build lug. Phones: Office Main 2, Resl- - dence'Mala 22. . TiZ RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. OSoe Hours: 2 te 6 p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence. Main 55; Ind. 812. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath r Physician: Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7. r t, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E. , Moore. , . DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses - Fitted and Bride to order. , All er . rors of Refraction Corrected. ,1105 Adams Are. Foley" Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon. DR. H. L, UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office er Wright Drug stars. -Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery - of the eye. ;'."' Phones OSes Main 22; residence, Main 728. 1. C PRICE, . M. D. Dentist, Room , 23, La Grande National Bank' Build lng. Phone Black 899.' DR. R. R. 1JNCOLN, DENTIST First class services given'. Office over LU 1 - ly's Hardware store. Phone Red 1131 DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 70); Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones at residence. . ', ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN k COCHRAN Attorneys i Cbas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon.. . T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al Ithe courts of the State and United States.. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande," Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City, Oregon. itr,jA ;wciir.i.uL.UB xeacner oi n ano and Voice Culture. At 1426 Washington Avenue on Wedneeday and Saturday. Telephone, on these dates to Red-1122. C.C. WILSON Teacher "of " Violin. Call any time at 801 Malt, ave nue. ' V , , THF PARiq MIR QTflRP i in. iiiiiiu iinui uiuiil .209 FIRST. PHONE MAIN 731 Treatment of the Scalp and Hair. , Full Line of Hair Goods Mrs. I. A. Palmer Prop. i flyhy pay Rent ?, Vie loan you money to build,, and you pay us as you would rent. ' J. R. OLIVER, j New Transfer Line M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR PHONE RED 3762 Draying of all lands church noiicis . Baptist ('aorta. Sunday School ...... ......9:45 a.r Freaching by Rev. H. Gibson, 11 t m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting 6:30 p. e 3L E. (birth, Soatk. . Sunday School '.9:45 a. in Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. ie. J. B. Ball," Pastor St Peter's Chirr a. Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion ....t a. o Sunday school ..10 a.m. Morning serrice .-. . . 11 a. m Evening Service 5 p. m. Upton H. Gibbs, Rector. Presbyterian Church. . Owing to the absence of Dr. See man from the city Rev. C. C. Bab bldge, S. S. Missionary of the Grande Ronde Presbytery will preach both morning and evening at the Presby terian church. - Methodist Church. Dr. Gillilan will speak on "Some Ob servations on the Recent Election" at the Methodist church tomorrow. Christian Church. C. F. Swanders of Portlandwill fill the pulpit tomorrow morning. He rep resents the Oregon Christian Mission ary Society. Rev. Phlpps of the Union Sundry school association will address a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. .The minister will speak Sun day evening on the subject, "What of the Recent Election?" A Cold Settled In His Kidneys. This was the experience of Mr. J. T. Pendleton, Effingham, 111. "My kidneys and bladder bothered me for some time. Had severe backache, felt all tired out, saw specks floating be fore my" eyes, and my bladder caused me much misery. Finally I caught cold, that settled in my kidneys and I was pretty sick. At that time Foley Kidney Pills were suggested, ' and I commenced taking them. A few weeks treatment put me back on my feet, stopped the backache and dispelled the bladder misery. The tired feeling left me and my vision cleared. Since then I have recommended Foley Kid ney Pills to many of my friends." Hill's Drug Store. Notice to Contractors. Notice 1b hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder for the construc tion of 5380 square feet of cement side walk to be constructed on Ad ams avenue between Frst street and Fourth street on both sides, the said walk tobe constructed according to the specifications on file in this office. All bids must be in by 8 o'clock p. m. November 16th, 1910 and must be accompanied by a check of five per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council No ember 9th, 1910. D. E. COX, Nov. 10-16. Recorder. If your doctor does not recom inent your bringing his prescription to us it's because he doesn't want to appear partial. He knows, however, that better prescription service than ours Is unobtainable. He will be glad if you do come here. Newlln Drug Co. ,. Want-ads pay. one cent a word. European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.60 First class Throughout. D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONt BLOCK FROM OtPOl ' La Grande, Oie'gon SAVOY HOTEL o o o o o o 1 i . AXTSE3IESTS. . The principal musical eent of-, tl year here , will take place at Stev sid's Opera House.: November , IT hen Miss Ellen Beach Taw, the dl tlsguished Soprano, will be heart' with her associate artists in a pro gram replete with Interesting an' well arranged selections. The cathology of Miss Yaw's pro gram is what makes it remarkable One of the greatest classical inter preters now living, she is at the same time equally at home in the field of music-drama- whose various diver sions are collectively grouped under the one head opera. '. . Her lists of numbers therefore in clude the masteralassics, operatic gems, and the old songs dear to the hearts of every man and woman, whether they know or do not know If Wagner or Verdi wrote "II Trovatore." More than usual interest attaches to this program, since Miss Yaw will present two exquisite new composi tions of her own "Cradle Song," "RoBe Child," and, "Love's Lament," pronounced by competent S Judges perfect bits of song composition. Miss Yaw is responsible for both verse and melody. " ; , V.zz Til? not properly be called an American prlma-donna any, longer. She Is a world prlma-donna and has inade senaationa ltriumphs in opera in Italy, France and Germany! and, has as well enthralled ' concert audiences in Spain and England, be sides enrapturing the coldly critical folks who filled the boxes of New York's Metropolitan Opera House with a blaze of diamonds , and glowing shoulders. "My first duty,? says Miss Yaw, "Is to my own country and my own peo ple." Hence she has turned down fab uIoub offers of European engagements to make the "grand tour" of North America upon which she is Just em barking. -This is to be followed, as all readers of the daily papers know, by a tour of the world, which has ex cited wide anticipatory comment In every quarter. "CAJflLE" APPRECIATED. Large Audience Pleased "Green Eyed , Monster" Last Attraction. A crowded house witnessed the per formance of Camlle by the Winston players last night and were . more than ..repaid. There were many who were sceptical as to the status of MIbs WInBton as an exponent of the role but at the end of the performance they were obliged to admit that she was all that could be desired. Her ren dition of the consumptive fighting off the dread monster and at the same time appearing to the worfd as one of its most ardent devottes of gaiety was artistic to a degree and her death scene was a piece of acting that will live In the memory of the theatre go ers of La Grande for many a day. The supporters cast all did no good work but W. S. Van Dyke and Erba Robe son are worthy of special, mention, their work standing out above all others. Tonight the laughable com edy from the pen of William Gillette the man who wrote "Held by the Enemy," "Secret Service," and many others entitled "The Green Eyed Mon ster" will be the offering and those who have witnessed the performan ces of thla clever company are anx iously awaiting its production . anc) everything indicates the banner house of the engagement. -'Absoluts!? ra Tho onfy baking powtfor mate from FZzyz! ?ra;?2 Crosm of Tzrios mmm tfo Ata, Mo L!rr.Q Phosphate. Setlee ef Estray. ; ' v There was brought to the Farmer's Feed Barn, one Black mare and red ?tared buggy without a top. Te Care a Cold 1st One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c Well Casing V. Call or write for- Estimates and "Prices 'V: J; John Melville 1128 Adams An. : in CRnhUt, ' - i ORE Snowdrift Sold By Mlaior.QixnrhtiaM , jJiiMsiE Remember that we have the largest line . of Tables, both round and square, from $8.00 to $60. ; : Buffets, in all finishes, in genuine qnarter ed Oak, from V . $18 to $75 China Closets, from Also many patterns in Dining Chairs, in finishes to match any furniture you may now have, or that we carry in stock . -in this line you will find the best values for the least money teat have ever been shown in La Grande. ' Remember keeping line, HENRY j Directory of the . of La Grande, Oregon A. F. & A. M. La Grande lodge No .41. A. F. ft A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m- - JOHN 8. HODGIN. W. M." A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. O. E. La' Grande Lodge No. 433 - meets each Thursday evening at 6 'clock In Elk's clnb. corner of De pot street and Washington avenue Visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. ' r " DR. 6: Lt DIGGERS. Ex Rul. HT7CH McCALL. Ree. See. J " ' : ; WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Ls Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 1 O. W meets every second and fourth Turs day in the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES. C. C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. M. W. Aw La Grande Camp No., 7703 meets every Monday la the month at the U O. 6. F.. hall. All visiting . aeishbors " ar wJuiw' lz?.i Ui .attend. .J l . ikpp J :,JV:':. . VK SNOOK. C ' . D. E. COX. Clerk, i ClamBoulUon .T1, " Tomato Flip NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, The Money back if unsatisfactory 1425 Jefferson Avenue Floiit WHEN IN NEED Rooitf EiiFoitare that we carry, a complete house in prices that fit all pocketbooks COMPLETE HOUSE-FURNISHERS Fraternal Orders t i RE2EKAHS Crystal Lodge No. U .meets every evening in the L O. C .F; halL ; AM visiting members art- ' Invited to attend, v i MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, K O w MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sec, V KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cross Lodge . No. 27 meets every Monday Bight in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall) A Pythian welcome to all visiUn -Knights. ; 4 " ""''-..' -"JESS PACL.C.VX?:" R- L. UNCOLN, M. of R. ft a O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, a E. C. holds stated communications the ' second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec . -PAULINE EDERLES, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grand t Ronde Circle No. 47 nueti .tttn first and third . Thmrsdar etuitMt in ine month at the I. O. O. F. hall All visitiag ntsmbers are welcoma. CHLOE ROBINSON, O. M. ' UZZIB ELLSWORTH, Clerk. Best to be had it any Price. Main 705 Ind. 1213 OF $18 to $75 9 r, r