' 1 ! j . 1 j : ' 1 u 'PAGE TWO LA ?IUN"riK E KSyt X!i ' H FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1910. This Store has been closed since Wednes day Night. Op en s Saturday, 9 a.m. sharp THE : FAIR STORE - . . -, t- vj . Thw m to advise and command every man, wo man and child, all throughout the entire conn iy to make preparation for this 'monumental merchandise massacre. The big doors will flv 2?3i ? SaturdAay mniing at 9 o'clock shar p, rain or shine. With unbounded hospitality XLZ T?U?ulhe Pdwerful mark-down sale ever, known in the entire state of orn Mmao Aii the most wonderful crowd-producing and real money-saving sale of mod SStifT whirl.wind selling that will dazzle, baffle and deUght you. The grand est duplay of merchandise that human eyes ever gazed upon. Just a peep at the Irand SSfTiSI gl0ri0US carnival of mendise is a treat to Joy-lSd 4fmos bewildemg sight and scene ever spread before the buying public; : - - Prices that Beggar Description and Staler Belief Come, .People, C me ... I RM mm . " iSS2fSg SP bargain giver of the world is knocking at your door, telling golden opportunities at silver nrirw awiiiti'vw,,,!,..' "Ti , you nave been to sales: now mnst nncUivoTw io n tt.'j.-i you sales dollar to the biggest load it ever pulled. Allow nothing to keep you away; wait only for the big doors to fly open for it is going to sweep thecoultrvlike awhirlS' 7 going to sweep the country like a whirlwind. (Gfflinnic eairly WARM FROM, the HEART Men and Boys tailor made Suits will go in a 71 .9 n. Come People, Come A Stupendous THE FAIR DF Over fifty thousand dollars worth of dr y goods, notior garments. Most wonderful mrchandise sell ing in all histc known in the walls of this county before. Thi s stupendous t ceeded in securing the services of the most f amous sale pr Francisco to conduct this m'arvelous sale. Never before i sale ever undertaken by mortal man. It is a Godsend to the been notified. People will come from every di rection. There ' , prices. Our prices being cut to smitherins, pulled down and hurry TELL YOUR FATHER TELL YOUR HUSBAND TELL YOUR BROTHER TELL YOUR SWEETHEART TELL EVERYBODY Take a Hand in It SOMETHING NEW Take Hand in It! One Ticket with every one dollar purchase. Prizes valued from' 50c to $46.50 dOME EARLY and SEE AU, "" ''I. 1 !i mil, mini , v. ,;!-: ' The first 25 ladies making a purchase of $2.00 or To the first 20 men choice of $15.00 and $18.00 Suits for $6.50 To the first 20 men choice of $5.00 Shoes for $2.50 To the first 20 men choice of $3.50 Hats for $1.50 No. No. No. No. No. No. No.. No. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -7. 8. 9. I Ladies' $2.50 Sweater. 1 Pair of Ladies' $5.00 Shoes. 1 Pair of Ladies' Fine Silk Gloves. 1 $7.50 Black Woolen Dress Pattern. 1 Pair of Ladies' $1.00 Hose. 1 Beautiful $1.00 Corset Cover. V 1 Ladies' $1.50 Umbrella. 1 $1.00 Union Suit. I Pair Pure Gum Rubbers. the f ollowicr 1 Beautif, Ladies' $ Fancy $ I$1.25C $1.50 m Pair$l. 1 Ladies IBlackE; 2 Pairs I No. 17 No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16 No. 18. 'J MARVELOUS OFFER Make your list out and start early. To the first person making a $25 j The flood gates of happiness will be thrown open to you'Saturday morning, rainj 50 School Girls Wanted Be in front of store promptly at concnflnnn 1 QII VFD COQjlJ First time ever seen in La Grande rui L i I u u u 2 1J Zr I LA GRAh r-