III flf 1 llf Tl ' (1 F7 Hi wfp-f ifli n ?! LS tI VOL. XIV. , iliiiS MONMOUTH NORMAL" SCHOOL ' WILL BE KEVIYED ACCORDING . TO LATE RETURNS. LOST IN fiirtctr'tt riiflllp In Mnninnrt" nra ttlfm ) Franklin Wins tlie Election of Treasurer . In Enterprise Weston Normal Killed. Ashland Normal Has a Cliance The Woman Snftv" ! 'jf Effiectually Killed.' ; i. 'turns todav Indicated th Home 1 liquor amendment carried by a pro-' I table majority of a thousand. In com- Jleto returns show the Jlonmoutfi ? fhfl Weston Normal lost. ThA Anhlanrf Normal has a chance. Woman suffrage was defeated two to one. Complete returns from 14 counties and incomplete from the rest Eive iWest a lead of 6.034. In theVfiU: I;nw- ! frman has 43,693 an:M7t 49,727. In Multnomah county west has 14,809 and Bowerman 13,608. : FrunklIn Wins" Treasureshlp. Enterprise, Nov. 11. (Special) Posl s.wely the closest political race In Wal lowa county " was determined today JR hen a Judge ot election In one of the j fiountain precincts phoned in the to als on the treasurer race from his . precinct. G. W. Franklin of Enterprise one or the two cripples running for the office, wins by fourteen votes. The rce has been extremely close and a uotn men were splendid reuows, tne f csmnalKn was not marked hv "dirt." ipe missing precinct win. not reach litre until tonight and at that time the exact outcome in Wallowa county can be determined on the other men. I HAWLEY MAY LEAD IDAHO. Democrats Crawl Up Rapidly, Bradv y, Seems to he Defeated. Boise, j'ov. 11 Democrats, today lla'med :awley's election by a plur- irlty ot'.cnn over Brady, the present nouni': ?" cpiiblicans 'say Brady is lected rr.t basing the estimate on heaei thv.l 73 precincts, approximate ng :5C0 voles, are unreported. The n'tPO'e '"'" corta'n sixteen new laces.-There will be ten Republicans and Thirteen Democrats. Unless the Dj?niocrat3 assist it will be impossible itoff amend the constitution for state fv.jde prohibition. Carter's Fate Unknown. I. I Helena, Mont., Nov. ll The out come of the election Is still doubtfulAi Ifarly today five counties' returns, are Will Incomplete, and upon them de ponds whether the leglslat(i",' "oes strong enough Republican to r" elect LUtoottbandMnyl ISennv-r MMM.MM Senator Carter or fie - Democrats choose his succe: ' or Wthout disput ed seats the DemucTa.3 have CO votes ron a joint, billot wniie Jtepuoucans have 47. It taT.es 52 to;elect a senator. t CANVASSING VOTES TODAY. r ected that Work Will ho Complet- ed Sometime Tomorrow. ' ' Official count of votes cast nit the T 'pp'.iy election is being made today ht.'ttlie court h6uBe by County Clerk tj. Wr'ght. Justices of th Peace A. FJ'v? of Upon prd A. C. Will- t or t.i Cr ir.c' U la supt-o-.i th h-f J:.-,-';i 'la Cais'jt'l bv toruorrnw.byt It- indnPnite. . y h c work could not commence un- oripv b-oause of the fct that oi't- ")ir ir?t 'nets fUil .:!,- t, l;c?:C3 ti'ltil y not :- nil ia their ;r.t.r:iy even'ug. SCHOOLS WILL PROSPER fpTT L'flir Mentis Nearly Two Thoiis- jnnd More Money Annually Here. , tF'inv realize the splend'd benefits ) te derived from the county high jlijjol law which was passed in l n- oit county by a fine vote, in dollars J( cents the system stands for con- dirable, and in addition It will l'ft te standard of the high schools all 'er the county. After January nrBt a of red tape will have been car idf out which will mean that ifirever the school reaches a stan- r which the state superintendent Ml prescribe, a certain amount of iiey will be appronrltaed for the fning expenses of the school. Ati present time, all students outside I hhe district' are charged tult'on. len the new law Is declared effeo ( there will be no tuition any- BUM L AGRAXDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. where in the county, At the present tirr.e rach pupil in a bona fide high school gets ?8.30. Under the new sys tem, the first twenty In the school will get $40 apiece or ?Soo for the entire twenty. The next thirtv ge.s ?20 apiece and the balance $12.30. All this meanB that with 200 students La Grande will receive $1600 more than it does now and students can attend without tuition. County Superintendent E. E. Brage believes that Union, Cove and Elg'ii will Immediately raise the standard of their schools to reach the- - re quirements and this will signify that the schools of the county will be brought to a standard not attained anywhere in the state. ' ( . EXPRESS DRIVERS RETURN. Express Strike In New York Is Ended an J Men Will Return. New YorJ-., Nov. 11 The express drivers strike is practically ended hd men will return to work Monday. New York teamsters today accepted the terms offered". The express companies agreed to take back the strikers and consult with representatives of the employees (regarding wages , and hour JEFFRIES DENIES RUMOR. Says He Has Quit the Fighting Ganie . -And Men Whl Return. Los Angeles, Nov. 11 Jim Jeffries denied today that he had received an offer from a Denver promoter to meek Johnson for another championship bat tle. Furthermore Jeffries reiterated his declaration that he had quit fight ing.' LOCAL OPTION EFFECTIVE SOON ' AND OTHERS JAN. FIRST. Men Elected to Office Last Tuesday, to Take Oath Janaary First. v Iniative and referendum measures which have passed a t the recent elec tion will become effective within nine ty days, the "exact date to be named by the governor when he has made , a proclamation to that effect. The local option measure, will become effective as soon as the county court makes the proclamation and the county high school system becomes effective Jan uary( first. The new officers elected take office on January 1st. THE HOME RULE BILL. Governor Wl!5 Iclre the Law in Ef fect Within Ninety Days' TlmeT If it Is true that the Home Rule bill lias been adopted and it Is practi cally certain that it has the governor will declare the Ir" "ffective within ninety days. The wording of the bill is: . ...... "Section 2 of Article XL of the Con stitution of the State of .Oregon shall bo and hereby is, amended to read as follows: v Article XI. , Section 2. Corporations may be formed .under general laws, but shall r.ot be created by the Legislative As gcmbly by .special laws. The Legisla tive Assembly shall pot enact, amend or repeal any charter or act of incor poration for any municipalitycity or town. The legal voters of every city and town are hereby granted power to enact and - amend their municipal charter, subject to the Constitution tnd criminal laws of Hhe state 'of Oregon, and the exclusive power to license, regulate, control or to sup pless or prohibit, the sale of intoxi cating liquors therein is vested in such municipality; but such municipality shall within Its limits be subject to the provisions of the local option law of the State of Oregon." AMERICAN OFFICER RELEASED. Wus Imprisoned at Toklo for Using Camera Where lie Was Forbidden.., Toklo, Nov. 11 After three days spent In 'a Japanese prison at MoJI, charged with using a camera within the prescribed district, Captain Frank J. Miller, of the U. S. army station In the Philippines, was. released today. STUDENTS LEAD MERICANS IN MEXICO CITY TER RORIZED BY ATTACKS OF . RIOTING MEXICANS. TROOPS PATROL STREETS Authorities Fear Another Serious At tack on-American Consulate Mobs Headed by Students Terrorize Big Sertbm v.5 ; c;icr Mm Against Consulate Communication With Capital Brief. San Antonio, Tex Not. II This af. ternoon It Is reported the American consulate, at Culdad, Porflro, Diaz, Mexico, was wrecked by a mob. Consul Luther Ellsworth escaped through the rear door while the mob stoned the front He was uninjured. Guadalajara, Mexico, Nov. 11 Mexi can troops are patrolling the Ameri can quarter today, every soldier In the military district has been ordered un der arms, ready for instant duty if the! out breaks become more serious. Au thorities fear' an attack on the United States consulate. ' ':. The night was marked by disorders and anti-American rioting. The situa tion Is improved today! , General Vilasenor Is In personal charge ot the troops. Mobs headed by students last night terrorised the American quarter' and stoned houses and beat np some. Many rioters last night were bovg but men led the mobs that threatened the American consulate. Disturbances followed street harrangues in which the people urged, to seek vengeance for the lynching of Antonio Rodrlgues in Texas. Communications with Mex ico City today Is censored, but they are reassuring, though-lacking in de tails. . '... ' Conditions Generally Improved. Washington, Nov. 11 Today's dis patches to the state department from Ambassador Wilson say the situation in Mexico City is Improved. Rurales and federal troops, are patrolling the streets. The embassy and consulate are amply protected. Governor Campbell of Texas assured Secretary Knox that the state was making a rigid investi gation of the Rodrlgues lynching. WIRE TROUBLES TODAY. ' Wires Down In Both Directions and Telegrams are Piled up Here. Commercial . and news telepraph matter was stalled' during'the fore noon and much of the afternoon to day by breaks and grounded Western Union wires at points west of Umatil la. During the forenoon wires were down east, and consequently United Press telegraph matter was blocked in Portland., The usual habitwhen wire trouble occurs west of here is to re lay to Butte, Boise and La Gfande, but since the wires are down East, this too was prevented. , WEDDING AT THE SOMMER. Cove Couple United In Marriage und Public Weddinir Is Revived. Union county's fair wedding was re vived this afternoon when Orln Rob inson, a brother of Clyde r.obinson, who 'was publicly married during the fair h?re,' was united in ranrrlaRa to Miss Rose Hoatppn. Both are of Cove. Rev. W. II. Cikon 'officiated, ' the wedding 'taking place at the Soimuer hotel parlors at 2:30 o'clock. Both are popular Cove people. ' ' ' NEW MANAGER HERE. Portland Telephone Mnn Conies to Take Management of Local 0iice. D. G. Iluyett, a Portland telephone man, Is here today and th'.n 'morning assumed the management of the local Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany office to succeed C. B. Clarke, re signed Mrs. Huyett is here also and th.ey will make La Grande their fu ture home. ' . NEW PASTOR HERE. Methodist Church Sontli Now Supplied With Regular Tastor. Rev. J. B. Ball, formerly of Walla Walla, has been permanently assign ed to the local pastorate of the M. E. church. Southland h haa moved here to make his home. Mr. Ball comes highly recommended from Walla Wal la, and la a young energetic man ?'ho is well pleased with his new location. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, id-. IILIIS FOUR KNOWN TO BE DEAD AND MANY SEKIOUSLY INJURED BY EXPLOSION. EIGHTY III ANOTHER FIE Explosion In Illinois Town Today Jepbrdlzed Lives of Scleral Hund dred, Gave Grounds .for 'Tina tteren are Mlsslug and Jlany Serlonsly Injured Total Dead u Colorado Disaster About 80. Hillsboro, 111., Nov. 11 Four min ers are killed and eleven Injured, sev eial fatally and four hundred imper iled by an explosion which wrecked the tunnel of the Shoal Creek com pany's coal mine near here today. The bodies were-recovered. The cause, is unknown. - v ' It is reported this afternoon that eleven more are missing and possibly they perished in the mine. ; SIXTY-NINE BODIES RECOVERED. Evident That Total Death list In Mine , .Disaster will be SO. Trinidad," Colo.. Nov. 11 With sixty nine bodies reeovV&d from the mine at Delagua, the total deatfh list Is ex pected to reach' eighty; Mine officials admit eleven miners are still mlss.ng. Inquests w.ill be held as soon as the rescue work is completed. Inspector Jones Issued a statement declaring smoke combustion , resulting from short irritation of the ventilating fan, caused the ' explosion, which was a small one.Jhe men died from gas. TACOMA STADIUM WRECKED. . 'r'j...;.l,,:r- Sodded Hill Slides Down 'on Oue T'er of Seats, Doing: Damngo. - . Tacoma, Nov; 11 Tacoma's great stadium which seats thirty-five thous an was considerably damaged today by slides following heavy rains. A large section of the sodded slide gave way covering the whole en tier of seats. Several trains were delayed yes terday and .last night by washouts due to floods. RUNNING FIGHT I'ATAL. Robbers Figure In Gun Fight With Po. Ilcenient In Chicago, Chicago, Nov. 11 Or.e man is dying aud five others are seriously woundeo and two probably fatally, following the early morning battle between the po lite and hold-up men In a little sub urb of Cicero. Three highwaymen en tered the saloon of Louis Belmont, two patrons, Fred Kop and Miles Kohler. They rifled the till secured a small amount and started down the street. Patrolmen Kalownaky and Kane saw them and started a running fight. One robber Is mortally wounded and another shot but escaped. Katie is wounded badly. Two robbers with the coin are at large. . . ' . LUMBERMAN INJURED. Perry Resident Brought to La Gnmde ' Hospital, Snfforlngr With Injury. Nathan Caldwell, a resident of Per ry, where "he Is employed by the Per ry sawmill company, sustained a broken arm last evening. The left arm was broken between the wrist amt elbow and'he is now attho hospital. Dr. Molitor set the break. First Witness Culled. Los Angeles, Nov. 11 With the wafting room crowded with witnesses, Antone Johnnnsen, the first' witness was called .before the Times dyna miting grand jury today. He remained in. the jury room an hour and was fol lowed by II. G. Morton of San Fran cisco. Portugal Is Recognizee. ' Lisbon, Nov. 11 Gerpian, following the example of France. Spain and England today recognized the repub lic of Portugal. Recovery Is DonbtfnL Mr. Ross, the aged veteran stricken with aparlysls a few days ago is still the same. While there Is a yery slight chance for recovery, the general be lief la that he Is beyond complete recovery. MillilK I RECORDED 1910. , WILL ENTERTAIN TEACHER i Fiie Hundred 'Gitet" lu-tlie City lYlii be'Taken ( are of. . Entertainment of the iuO teachi.s coming from all parts of -.Eastern Oregon a week from Monday to nt ttiud the. annual convention of East ern Oregon teachers,. Is .now. absorb lng considerable attention. County Superintendent Bragg and the com mercial -club ae working out a campaign of entertainment for t'. t visitors which hi the rough include a public reception Monday evening. It will be necessary to have automo biles to carry the guests to their places of entertainment, and the sub ject is no small ones. Several import ant committee meetings will be held during the week to make the enter tainment complete.;..,. , At Peridleton the teachers, were loyally entertained last year;1 fifty five automobiles were at tVj'". ser vices., -."..' ' BOGUS CHURCH IN TROl RLE Money Collected Mast Be Returned to v the Doiiators .Says. Court. Evcrr-U, ICui -ay a decls'on of Judge W. W. Black, the "Church Ot the Living God" must.dissolve and $14,500 held by "Prophetess" Weiss, the churh leader who recently departed fcr Cali fornia, tc start a similar church must return the coin to those who contri buted It W. A. Allaway, treasurer, through a guardian appointed by -him months ago when relatives alleged he was mentally Incompetent, brought suit for recovery of money. Allaway refused to go on the stand to testify against the woman whom he insists is a prophetess. -. SOCIETY WANTS iSECiuil: OF MORALITY AND SOCIAL LAWS DISREGARD WITH BOLDNESS. Story Brought Out In Justice' Court," - Wors 1'ier Heard In La Grande. Social and moral degredatluu that outstrips the customs of darkest Af rica, disregard for the home that is shocking In its horridness and - re volting in a family home in a highly civilized state and nation, were brought to light yesterday during the trial of Mrs. A. M.1 Walker, charged by her husband with illicit cohabita tion with a man named C. W. John son.. C. N. Walker, husband of the woman, told a story that has never been heard before in this city, and it is doubtful if police records of the nation are blotched and grimmed with aa "dirty" a story of gross violations of family bonds and vows as was the admission and .evidence of Walker. Without showing the slightest Bigns of discomfort when grilled and burn ed by the attorney , for the defense, Walker related ami reiterated points of his evidence so frequently and so often that there would be no possible chance for , misunderstood questions. That ho permitted Johnson to occu py the same bedroom with his wife lor a period of twenty-five consecu the nights, while he occupied a rooni up stairs where their two daughters, aged tight and eleven v.nra bpr, and thai Walker combed his hair hi a room occupied r.t the time by his wife and Johnson in the morning be fore going to work and did not move a hand to prevent r the shameful practice, were only a few of the as tojniiling revelations brought to light. YVtkei did admit' that 'he spoke to bis wife ocrui ionally about the mat ter. . .When the case comes to trial In cue circu.t . court for Mrs. Walker was bound -over it will bg shown no doubt, h"t the promise of John son to buy a farm in Washington for Walker and his wife, was direct pay for the Illicit practice goloj on In the a me r nome, lor joanson paid mon ey and donated presents to Mis. Walk er to pay ffcr hia board. Tho farm deal fell through, or was at least ta booed by Walker when ho learned, a few days ago, that his wife would not stop the habit . of living with Johnson In Walker's house, Walker told of how the arrest was made. It was only after his broth ers demanded that something be done that he took . action. His brothers went to the police and had them make the arrests, and they accom panied the officers to the bedroom on the evening of the seventh. Mrs, Wal ker and , Johnson were at that time occupying the same rooiw. ' The shameful status of affairs did not bother. Mrs. Walker much. She waa neatly dressed and has the ap pearance of a woman of thirty year, number P23 SUGAR KIM RAIN DOES NOT,INJURE THE DIG GING AND SFi.vON HAS BEEN"' TR( o IE. .7 tit Rainfall Shi 3 County Js j, . ei V Are to WILL CLOSE SHORTLY Hi DDIE Monday lu This , lies Wh. ,?tii; ";k" ly Beneutted Both ' .Tiere and bled A ret . town County Don "heat In Wallowa (Ountr This A. After one of the most successful ' runs in its history made possible by , additional acreage, from Wallowa county and a splendid crop on dlmin shed acreage in this valley the Amal- . gamated Sugar factory la anticipating a close down for the year within the present week. It Is possible the run . will extend over into next week, but ' the -end of the cut Is in sight. 1 Fortunately for all concerned, the ' -present rain storm did not injure any beets in this valley. The crop had been dug and hauled before the rainy sea- I son commenced, and there haa been 2 no losses anywhere during the fall months. , While beets have been harvested in time to prevent loss, the wheat grow era are now to be blessed with a thor ough rain. The fields needed It, and ; with 1.38 inches of rainfall from Mon day until this afternoon the wheat ' area has had a wonderfully valuable benjeflt through sufficient moisture tj " start the grain thoroughly. ', Wallowa Wheat Area Doubled. Enterprise, Nov. ll (Special) Rain, , falling In true Williamette valley fash- ; ion is soaking Wallowa county, soli : wonderfully and the doubled fall wheat ' acreage is thriving beautifully since . ' last Monday, For some reason the" wheat acreage in this county is mors than- doubled ink. year.. Men a close touch; with the total area of 'winter ; wheat sown say that, acreage more .. than doubles former records, and the present rains were timely indeed for ' the results were manifested in a few days. Last Monday the crop was stunt ed in growth and those who had dou bled their area were discouraged. To day, they are rejoicing for the won derful rainfall has insured them oth er elements being favorable of a crop of wheat next year that will bo at least twice as much as Wallowa, nor mally stockraishj ccrntry, has put out In one season, , Few Beets Undtig. fortunately; there are only a few beets undug but it is doubtful If what little remain In the field will be event ually hawested at any material pro-, Is as intelligent as the average pcr Bon, and carried herself with dig- ' nity on the streets, yet during the rehearsal of the awful conditions In her home she neither colored wlta tl.at blush of shame which should race over the countenance of a civ-"' illzed I woman, nor showed the slight- est trace of mental disturbance. To her. the trial was apparently a' -natter of fact Incident In her ilfe t5'." th- ' ?f, , the "Ppei'most thought. That l i-rt aml home, for dependent child. :. ? cul a human request. To Deri-' oi ' nui-iiu jaws ond home Action ti f v,nvs ;w P'eposterouI l M Jove them front euch 1 1 ,i i V ho,l,i? ; ''ces should bo 1 Mon acc01'(1ins to public op- . iht' tth? n'3W3 of awfulness of ; the affair haa spread the citizens are ! d.nandlng the prosecution ot Walk-, I v j.r m.t-uuary is tne place for' rial "it would do much in favor of lidding La Grande of such characters; find the sooner the . entire trio are on their way to the Salem prison, tho win-r .f1' Boc1 laws in La Grande." bil.i tho nauieaf.ng case is tempor arily ended, It will of course come -, up in the circuit court. Johnson, la apparently, doomed to a prison seiK tence, Jor on the testimony of Walker he is apparently convicted. ' Tho de fense did not make any efforts in Jus tee court to deny the story told by Walker. Walker himself is not accus ed at this time but there will be a ' blot on civilization that needs ei pounglng if be la not summarily trie and iffound guilty of what he says and punished to the full extent of the statutes. - t 6 5 t- in i r ; i r1 I V