La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 09, 1910, Image 1

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fiiiRFRiTflRim nunc in mm . s-sssss ' wWF
UUULIIIUllUlliriL IIMUL I I Ul LUU 1 north of thla city. In many places In
' ' . wni.wwiij V that belt of territory, there had not -
DCOIII TP IM niiAMV nnim HTRTrn sar--
Portland, Not. 9 Scattering re
turns obtainable this afternoon gave
Bowerman-11,888 and West 13,756. In
Multnomah county Bowerman has as
far as counted 2721 andJYest 2509.
Portland, Ore., Nor. 9 Save for the
governorship Oregon went Republi
can and elected Lafferty and Hawley
to consrresR. Th Fub!ic;2 cc-tril
committee has conceded the election
of West, Pemocratic candidate for
governor, over Bowerman by a major
ity of four thousand. Bowerman- is
leading slightly in Multnomah coun
ty and is breaking even in Eastern
Oregon, but West is far in the lead in
Southern Oregon.
Indications are that the state' will
remain -wet by a large majority.
Iowa Has Democratic Governor. .
Des Moines, ia., Nov. 9 Claude
Porter, a Democrat, was elected gov
ernor of the state of Iowa.
Brady May Lose Idaho.
Boise, Nov. 9 Returns from south
eastern Idaho has cast doubt as to
the victory of Governor Brady for re-r
election. Democrats are claiming that
Hawley is elected. Brady made prohi
bition the issue of this election and
it means a dry state if he wins. Fre
roont county gave Hawley a majority
of ., Hl .fdiBjnnock will probably
give him a majority of 500. Brady car
ried Canyon, Elmore and Boise. The
legislature is aafely ' Republican.
French, the Republican congressional
nominee was elected by a big major
ity. Poindextcr's Fntare Assured.
Seattle, Nov. 9 Puget Sound went
Republican overwhelmingly to Con
gressman Hawley who is re-elected, it
In e8timaed b ya plurality of 3,000 In
the first district. Wardburden and
Lafelet win In the second and third
by almost two to one, according to
returns so far. The Democrats didn't
make the legislative gains expected
and so the election of Pplndexter to
the United State Senate is assured.
Kansas Ii Doubt
Topeka, Kans., Nov. 9 If Governor
Stubbs, Republican is re-elected he
will win, by a small plurality only.
With several precincts to hear from it
is believed eight Republican congress
men are elected with three districts
Dalham Is Defeated Likely.
Omaha, Nov. 9 Aldrich, the Re
publican is leading In the governor
ship race against Dalhman by a plu
rality of nine thousand.
Republicans Sweep Montana.
Helena, Nor. 9 Returns, incomt
plete, today apparently removes a
doubt that the Republicans have swept
Be-Elcted Secretary f SUte.
f : ' " a
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iiluulio w u nrn n rn zrn,
the state and the congressional of
fices also, are sure that Senator Car
ter -will be 're-elected. On' the face
of today's returns Congressman Pray
Is re-elected by at least a majority
of 4,000. Athey for the supreme court
and . Clerk Morley for railroad com
missioner was elected by 2500. Both
me itepubitcans. The latest returns
indicate the Republicans elected
eight" of the twelve state representa
tives from Silver Bow.
1 ' Kahn Ee-EIected.
San Francisco, Nov. 9 Julius
Kahn is probbaly re-elected to con
gress by about a thousand votes. He
Is a Republican. .
' North Dakota In Doubt.
Bismark, N. D., Nov. 9 Incomplete
Whose Race Is Undecided Yet.
returns today leaves the gubernator
ial contest in dqgbt
Oklahoma Hrt a Democrat, Too.
Oklahoma, Nov. 9 Lee Gruice, a
Democrat, was elected governor of
this state by a plurality of 30,000.
Utah Takes One.
Salt Lake, Nov 9 Joseph Howell,
a Republican, was elected to con
gress. Lower House is Loxt.
Washington, . Nov. 9 Careful esti
mates of the nation today show a Re
publican loss of 44 members of the
lower house of congress which makes
it positive that the Democrats will
have perfect control of the house in
the next congress.
Colorado Both Claim.
Denver,' Nov. 9 Both Republicans
and Democrats claim the governor
in this state and it may require the
official vote to determine it. Fully
seventy per cent of the ballots were
scratched. The congressional fight is
also close.
Ohio Has a Democrat
Columbus, O., Nov. 9 Harmon Is
safely elected governor over Hard
ing, the Republican candidate.
More Democrats In Congress.
Chicago, Nov. 9 The Democrats
gained four congressmen in Illinois
by the recent election.
Republicans Take One.
San Francisco, Nov. 9 Indications
are today that Johnson, Republican
candidate for governor, has won over
Bell in California. .
West Leads Baker County.
' Baker City, Nov. 9 West Is S00
ahead of Bowerman here this after
noon and Indications are the men
will finish in the same ratio. The wets
carried the county by a safe major
ity. Carey Is Elected.
Cheyenne, Nov. 9 The new legis
lature will be about evenly divided
politically. Oarey, for congress, has
been elected. Mondell was re-elected
by four thousand.
'r . J. , j
. " - - " - w mm w i i
Pendleton, Nov. 9-Tbe rain for
which the farmers of Umatilla county
and the whole of eastern Oregon have
been clamoring for many weeks start
ed to fall yesterdav ftprno v--been
coming down more or less- per
sistently since that time. The warm
weather which has accompanied -the
precipitation is also welcome and it
is estimated that the result will be
beneficial to the financial welfare of
the county by several hundred thous
and dollars. ' - ( ;
According1 reports received from
different sections the rain has been
Washington, Nov. 9 Not on! will
the Democrats control the Sixty-second
congress but they will ua' O a sub
stantial working majority m.l w'll
elect their own speaker and enernl
ly control the house. They gained for
ty seats In congress, wile the lie
publicans gained three, giving the
Democrats a net gain of 37. It wa a
Democratic landslide.
Clark Wants Speakership,
St Louis, Nov. 9 Champ Clark, the
congressman from Missouri, who was
the minority leader declared he had
been re-elected today and said he
would be a -candidate for speaker of
the next congress. Clark Bald the
Democratic house will attempt to re
duce the tariff.
Chicago, Nov. 9 JuBt after receiv
ing telephonic congratulations early
today from Chairman MJcKlnley of the
Republican congressional commiMee
Chairman Lloyd issued a statement
on the Democratic victory which fol
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A. W. LAFFERTT, the New Conre s slonal RepreseatatiTe.
O. A. C Men Act as Pall Bearers at
Wills Funeral Today.
Brief funeral services, conducted by
Dr. J. D. Ginilan, were held this
morning over the 'remains of Reuben
F. Wills who died this-week and
whose body was shipped to Corvallls
Um ttueruoon tor Interment tomorrow
afternoon. The deceased mother, Mrs.
Phebe Wills, arrived last night ac
companied by th Widow and F. H.
Green, returned to her home In Cor
vallls this afternoon.
. Local members , of the O. A. C.
fraternity acted as pall bearers, they
being, Ralph and Jay Reynolds, For
est Ivanhoe, Hugh McCall, L. E. Bil
lings and Jerry McKennon.
lows In part: "The present indica
tions are that the next congress will
be Democratic by a majority of 35.
The causes which led up to the re
sults are well known. It Is a serious
rebuke to the Republican party for
its failure to reduce the tariff as prom
ised. The high cost of protected man
ufactured articles which has resulted
greatly in Increasing the cost of liv
ing, had much to do toward produc
ing the result. .
"There Is general' dissatisfaction
with existing political conditions and
with present Republican administra
tion." Republican Victory In 1912.
Chicago, Nov. 9 Blaming the Re
publican party to bitterness , within
the. Republican ranks but predict
ing a success In 1913. William McKin
ley, chairman of the Republican na
tional congressional committee ls-
(Continuef' on page ElKht.1
Coping successfully with that ter
rific Democratic .landslide which
struck United States last night, the
contour of which includes a vast por
tion of the country, Union county
yesterday maintained a well-nlgh
perfect front against 'the Democratic
onslaught and but for one exception,
was left unpunctured or urtcrumbled
by the wave, which, thouarh predat
ed In a measure, overtopped the
most sanguine expectations held out
for it Union county showed its Re
publican colors. - , - ,
Judge Henry, the person oh whom
the greatest local fight was centered,
came out of the conflict with satis
factory counts. Prohibition, given a
trial for two years was repudiated J
with an overwhelming vote, in con
sideration of the 676 votes which was
placed for It last time. The county
Re-Elected as Trosecntor.
is wet and so is the state, and, re
markably enough, and much to the
Surprise of everyone, the dry dis
trict in the Willamette valley will
probably be saturated with plenty of
wet voteB. The outcome in Wallowa
indicates a dryness there as usual,
and as far as can be learned, she will
be the only county in the state to
stay in the dry column. Pendleton
Rate the wets a 20 to 1 vote..
County School Plan Passes.
Though the vote has come in much
foster than was anticipated, there is
still a chance for the county high
school movement to be killed., but the
general supposition is that It will
carry. The vote indicates that the
voter la following out the customary
"No" policy on all referendum nnd
Initiative measures, vote "no" on the
county high school plan because ,of
oversight. County Superintendent
Bragg who has followed the returns
closely today is firm In his belief
that it will carry. '
Those Conceded Elected.
The Republican ticket was treated
nicely. There Is a list of Republi
cans and one Democrat which Is
elected without further dispute and
they are: Church, by COO, approxi
mately; Henry, by U00; Chllders. by
a small majority; Snook, Frawlcy,
Bacon and Galloway by varying ma
jorities, ranging around r00 apiece.
The Cochran Situation.
George T. Cochran will carry Un
ion county for water commissioner by
t.bout 1.000 and as there wore 23,000
votes In his district in the last elec
tion, It Is taken for granted that
about 13,000 will give him a major
ity. This allowa for a normal Increase
In the district during the past two
The nail Tote.
Hall will go out of Union county
with about 200 to the good but In
Umatilla county will encounter a
counter vote of about 400, it is esti
mated, and Morrow county which is
counting slowly, will llkely glve Bar
ret a majority of a small proportion
1G 111
there. It la conceded that Barret has
the better of the situation . through
out and will probably be elected.
Iranhoe Elected.
While it looked dublus for a -big''
vote for District Attorney Ivanhoe late "'
returns Indicate his safe election to
the office. He goes put of Union county
with about 200 and reports from WaU. -iowa
county say that contrary to the
predictions, Ivanhoe will carry pre-
clncts in that county which were con
ceded to Hodglns. It is hardly poa- ,
slble that he can be defeated.
The Table cf Standing
. With complete returns from four-,'
teen nreclncta. nnmnlv. AIIpaI ' ',"'
Creek, Hllgard, Hot Lake.' Island City,
Imbler. Kamela, La Grande Number
One, Number Two and Five, North '
Powder,,' Perry, Union Number One
and Two; Incomplete returns from
La Grande Number Four and Three,.
Cove, Elgin Ons and Two and Sum
mervllle; and no returns whatever
from Antelope, Camp Carson and Star
key all of which will not totaj fif
ty votes a fair and Just lineup of
of the winners in the state, and county
tickets can be gained this afternoon,'
In some instances, like the third in
La. Grande for Instance, the? close
races are.up'untll 2:45 .-while other
totals' Include figured' f ronr-the- same y
precinct taken at 11 o'clock this
morning, Opponents in all Instances .
are kept together so . that notwith
standing the Inconsistencies between
candidates for different offices, the re
lations are right and correct The re
turns as compiled by The Observei
and which are practically official so
far as they go, are: ,
For Reprcsentatice In Congress:
Wm. A; Crawford ...... ..... .322
A. W. Lafferty .......... ...... 858
John Manning ..;..694
George B. Pratt ...116
For Governor!
Jay Bowerman ..913
A. E. Eaton 19C
W. S, Richards 137
Oswald West ...... 942
For Secretary of Stale t
F. W. BenBon .874 :
N. A. DaviB 161
Allen McDonald ............. ..17S'
Turner Oliver " ',. 651
For State Treasurer
Leslie Butler ....269
Thomas B. Kay 1147
Charles H. Otten .... 231
Justice Supreme Court (4 yearn)?
Henry J. Bean ......942,
C. J. Bright ..217
Thomas A. McBride 756
J. D. Myers .'. .14"
R. R, Ryan . ..119
Woodson T. Slater 55G
(Continued on Page Eight)
yUWrlct Senator.
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